Dear Family, A warm hello!  I am your brother Michael, writing to give you my love today.  In response to your questions... I bring you reassurance.  All is progressing irreversibly into the Light upon surface Earth! 
Together, we are accomplishing our mighty task of 
Resurrection, Restoration, Prosperity and Peace.  To that end, I, along with our Family in the Company of Heaven, continue to bring you many transmissions and messages from our channels here, along with many others from across the globe.  
To that purpose, I personally choose everything that goes in this paper, with the collaboration of Mother Father God and the COH.  Saint Germain oversees the selections for the coming Prosperity, including the true and relevant RV/GCR, NESARA, GESARA (and more!) news.  These are the practical and spiritual 
events of your day that are helping move Earth into her destined New Golden Age. 
We are with you...every breath!  Every Event!  We say to you, as you say to us:  
"Hold the Light!  Hold the Line!"  
Always by your side, I am your brother, Archangel Michael 
 (Channeled & Transcribed by Christine 2/18/16)
                                                                               Saturday, February 27, 2016 Edition #56                                                                                                        Subscription FREE or by Donation
by Sananda through Kathryn
Final Peace 
& Little Red Caboose
by Anonymous
Ushering in the New Golden Age...
Prosperity Gifting Letter Template
by Saint Germain through Christine
Events Are Still Moving at a Fast Pace
by Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self
Encephalographs Are Removed and Cleared
Update GaiaPortal 
RV/GCR Rumors & Intel
RV/INTEL Alert from Operation Disclosure for 27 February 2016
Bulletin Board
February Webinar: AFTER ABUNDANCE (Please Join!!) 
by Sheldan Nidle 
Surprise Blessings: Submissions from the Family
Be Joyful!  We Are Expanding Light! 
A New and Original Decree by Marcia and her Higher Team
Photo Credit: National Geographic
Our next LIVE Blogtalk Radio Show
featuring:  Kathryn, Meg, Christine
Hello, Family, it is me, your brother Michael.
Feel us close, as we are all gathered around you right now.  We are asking Kathryn, Christine and Meg to postpone today's live radio show; however, we kept Kathryn up late with the message for you from Sananda, and we got Christine up early to prepare the New Earth Times which is full of vital news, intel and guidance for this important moment.
We are so excited!  We ask that you address every issue with humor and Love, and trust us when we say that the time to begin the celebration is NOW!
Be sure and join us in spirit and/or on the webinar with Sheldon Nidle & PAO tomorrow, as we build the energy to a new crescendo.  
The Beginning!!!
With Lightfilled Love,
Your Archangel Michael 
Fly Free!  
by Sananda through Kathryn

Photo Art: Gilbert Williams


We are truly on the march, dear Brothers and Sisters.  The rollout has begun.  The operation Chinese Sunrise is under way, as surely as the sun is seen rising across the globe, and all the world will be awakening to a new era.  Whether you discover it gradually and quietly at first, as most of humankind will, or whether you are one of the intel followers who are awaiting "Redemption" as we have called it, all will feel its gentling warmth.  
The massive changes in your world are flowing gracefully and quietly, with all systems carefully synchronized and aligned.  There will be no massive breakdowns or disasters as the financial systems you were once familiar with, like the Federal Reserve and SWIFT systems for instance, will appear to simply change names, to AIIB, Wells Fargo, BRICS, CIPS, asset-backed currencies, rather than the old fiat system, and so on.  For as long as needed, the basic international and domestic trading functions they served will remain, but the systems will now be transparent, protected from cabal theft, and will not allow the fees, usurious rates and debt slavery of old.
The changes are not only about economics, though.  As most of you know, we are preparing for Disclosure and Landings, when your Galactic friends will walk among you.  Many are already here, but they look so much like you that you haven't yet realized who they are, and they have not been revealed for their own safety.  Your emergency broadcast systems have already been tested in preparation for our announcements, so you will soon be discovering much more about the next phases of changes that will unfold in quick succession. 
We have all been working to the limits of our capacity and beyond to prepare for this monumental planetary shift.  Be assured that we have not left out any consideration or detail.  You will be amazed when you learn just how intricate our plan has been and how carefully we have worked with each of your teams to take every single being on Earth into account.  This is a global event, but it is also a monumental event in each of your lives.  We understand deeply how it will effect you and your family, and we have carefully planned with your Higher Selves, your higher dimensional teams, and with our teams on the ground to make this a delight for every single person.
Now, the rest is up to you.  You can receive your blessings, whether in the area of finance, governance, healthcare or energy, with suspicion, anxiety, impatience and worry, or you can dance gracefully into your new life with the faith that this is truly a God-given right and will therefore benefit all - and that means YOU.  The more joy you bring to the adventure, the greater your gifts will be, as a matter of Universal energetic balance.  Holding your Light high will always brighten your own day as well as those around you.
We have long debated in the Councils about how to help everyone make the transition from Matrix-programmed thought patterns to higher dimensional attitudes and beliefs because we see that the hold-outs are not necessarily those you would identify as cabal, but rather belong to the great community of humankind who have been so steeped in the Matrix that it is nearly impossible for them to make the leap into believing there could really be such a thing as an easy transaction, or a truly pleasant day, or a life without suffering and pain. The most important question becomes - not what shall we do with the cabal - but where is the cabal within me?  
It is so ingrained after thousands of years and many lifetimes here on Earth to feel under constant attack that it has become "second nature" to live in a state of war - war with your spouse, your children, your friends, your community, your national government, other countries or religious sects, yourself and with God.  You are so used to it, you are probably laughing at the thought that everyday life is war, but we see it so clearly.  We feel the energy we know as defensive, or combative, or fearful, and our hearts go out to all of you, who are so used to being in a state of anxiety that you made up a word to describe it:  stress.
Can you now be ready to step through the doorway into a new world where there is no such thing as stress?  Can you truly accept that you are loved, deeply and constantly, by your Twin Flame, your soul family, and that you are inextricably, utterly connected with the heart of Mother and Father God?  Can you help your friends and family learn that there truly is no danger in life, because you are eternal beings, here in a human suit, and that you are in no danger because you cannot die?  Of course we prefer to fulfill the contracts and assignments we agreed to before we came, but if that should be cut short, we simply pick up where we left off in the far more expansive and delightful experience of Home, with Mother and Father God, our soul family and friends at our side.
Once we make that transition from the lower Earth plain the to higher dimensions, we do not leave our loved ones to fend for themselves.  We watch over them constantly, working with their Higher Selves and the Higher Selves of their incarnated soul mates, children, friends and associates to help them fulfill the missions they came here to complete.  You see, we are in a constant flow of life, from here to there and back again.  We are not different from you, as you are not different from us.
I will not kid you about the fact that it can be as wrenching for us as it is for you to see our loved ones in physical pain or watch them walking into danger, even if it is a part of their life contract.  We still hold our breaths in a way, as your Higher Self does, when we see you succumb to fear, or make a compromise that will affect your soul growth or slow your Ascension.  We know how hard that is because we have done it ourselves when we were there.  Every soul who has incarnated on Earth in this era knows the extreme danger that presses down on everyone, making it impossible to be always true to yourself, to be always the Light you promised yourself you would be, and to strive always to bring joy and harmony into your own life.
We ask only to join with you now, to reach for the freedom from darkness we have all yearned for so long.  Let us love you, Dear Brothers and Sisters.  Let us ease your passage and lift your spirits when you feel the temptation to fall back into planning, scheming, worrying, comparing and being anxiously "practical" about your life challenges and choices.  You are not alone, and you do not need to fall back on the strategies you learned to protect yourselves from mortal danger in a cabal-controlled world.  We have already built the springboard and prepared the soft landing for you to fly to the safety of higher Light.
Do you know the trust exercise where a person allows themselves to fall backward and be caught and safely cradled by others?  Even the dramatic gesture where a person flings themselves off a stage into a cheering crowd to be caught, safe and secure, by "strangers?"  This is your moment, Beloved Friends.  We are here, loving you, and we will not let you fall.  Allow yourself to hope and to dream, with all your hearts.  If you leap into a new kind of joy - the joy that comes from knowing we are free in Mother and Father's love, we will catch you.  It is our pledge, our pleasure and our deepest commitment. 
You have my promise.
I am your Sananda.

(Channeled & Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, 27 February 2016)
by Anonymous
Photo: chosen by Author
"Final Peace" - Intel SITREP
Anonymous Intel SITREP Thursday - 11:11:00 - 2.25.16

Gradual events over the past days, weeks, months, years and decades have lead up to this day.

The "final peace" of the puzzle will be put in place today between 6-8AM CST.  
(Sunrise in Beijing is 6:45PM or anytime between 5-7PM EST).  As all macro RV matters must be completed prior to the G20 Meetings beginning on March 1 per Galactic counsel. This includes redeeming the bulk of private groups via off site bank location centers which begins with public 800 appointment numbers being released. Everything has long been made ready at the 5,500 redemption locations and call centers. All bank branches will be brought on-line after the G20 meetings.
Yesterday's scheduled 6-8pm EST release was shut down due to severe weather conditions engulfing the entire midwest and east coast regions (40% of the US population was going to be negatively effected, as well as 30% of Canada (Ontario). So the PTB deferred the RV kick off to Thursday PM.
Be advised that this sudden weather pattern was artificially created by the Dark Nobility/Rothschild's as yet another delay to keep the RV from happening prior to the G20 meetings back wall.  Also, know that their last second "performance ping pull back" created a similar delay to disrupt RV/G20 timing.
Galactic negotiators calmly laid out new terms, and it went something like this:  "Either complete the agreement you have already made or lose all your central banks, as well as activate the removal of your bloodline from the face of the earth."  So in a moment of inspired enlightenment, the long-time dark nobles/cabal bankers signed off and allowed humanity forward."  Oh, thank you merciful dark ones.  The Light will take it from here thank you very much
Remember, either everyone or no one moves forward.  God or not God...all must decide to follow the mandate of Heaven or be excused from existence...this is to be done by free will per Universal exceptions, even for the darkest of dark hats.
It's well known inside government/intelligence circles that there are many other discussions and announcements to be had/made during the G20 meetings that go far beyond the scope of a global financial reset.
Extra terrestrial disclosure will be a major topic of discussion:  who, what, where, when and why will all be addressed (i.e. mass consciousness introduction).  Also land mass is to be reset or remapped such as ancient Babylong, plus the old Ottoman and Khazarian Empires.  Both boundaries and governments will be returned to a harmonious frequency, which will greatly affect Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine, Armenia, Iraq, Iran Yemen, Oman and Saudi Arabia.
NESARA will also be a big topic of discussion for world leaders.  Exactly how to inform the mass populous of this new debt free and abundant resource reality.  New technology release responsibilities, including science communication, manufacturing and press events, will also be handed out to different nations and leaders.  Historical disclosures will also be handed to different nations and leaders, as it's now time to find out what really happened on Pearl Harbor, 9/11, Usa, Inc., New Republic, Crown Temple Bar Association, the IRS, Homland Security and Patriot Act Fraud, Area 51, Genetic Alteration, Cloning, Black Military, Secret Space Program, Middle East Peace, The Vatican, dark energy portals such as Syria, Haiti, etc...
The truth is all going to come out after the other, after the other, after the other...and this is why the cabal fought so hard from allowing any piece of this massive truth puzzle to be put into they will ALL be fully exposed as humanity's enslavers...many who you have placed your absolute faith and trust in across a variety of cultural industries...hence why they earned the name "cabal" which literally means secret clique or faction.
Galactic advisers will be present, just as they have always been...and obviously now a little more accessible and open to all.  Remember, the universal tether of bondage has been anything that serves humanity's greatest good may now come into the light of day and on-line.  Expect many positivie changes rather rapidly now.
And for those skeptics reading this, please table your disbelief till after you redemption appointment.  As once you experience the full weight of the blessing bestowed on you/humanity via finance, you'll perhaps open your horizons to other macro changes planned and forthcoming in the coming days, weeks, months, years and decades.
As for currency rates, they're escalating by the hour.  Know that all participating banks must redeem all submitted it may be wise to look at this redemption experience as if you were walking up on a dinner buffet with the best tasting food on the planet...and while you initially want to eat everything because you're ravenously hungry (short-term), you know that eating too much will pain your body (long-term),
So maybe look at achieving a specific goal per se, one that creates optimal balance in your life versus getting the highest possible number or interest rate.  That said by all means put enough on your plate so that when you leave your appointment you feel full/content...and make sure you get a take home doggie bag for future generation :)
It should now be obvious to all paying attention that humanity and Earth (Urantia) are coming out of financial, physical, spiritual and energetic bondage/bankruptcy together and this is what the Galactics referred to years ago as "the hard way" versus slowly integrating each phase of the great transition over a much longer period of time, known as "the easy way."  So be it.
FYI:  Tetelestai translated from Latin means, "It is finished," was written on debt bills to show payment.  This is where we get the modern term "paid in full."
So enjoy your blessing.  Go slow.  And remember, attaining divine consciousness is always more valuable than attaining digital credits...because what is truly occuring today and everyday thereafter is part of a continuous, larger spiritual transition versus just a singular, unprecedented banking transaction.
Aloha Ke Akua (God is Love in Hawaiian or ancient Lemurian)
* Oh yeah, the truth abot two flood submerged continents, Atlantic (Atlantic Ocean) and Lemuria (Pacific Ocean) will be coming out as well :)
Little Red Caboose  
by Anonymous
Photo: chosen by Author

"Little Red Caboose"

Friday - 12:00:00 - 2.26.16
Anonymous Intel SITREP

Benevolent Advisors, Sovereign Elders, PROC &Russia Leadership, Pentagon and New Republic special forces 
completed Operation Sunrise architecture (RV) on Thursday 2.25.16.
The final AIIB/CIPS "performance ping" was sent and received worldwide just after 9 pm, after two failed attempts earlier that afternoon (SWIFT equivalent would be MT 760 ping).
Globally now, all CB, T1-T-5d banks and digital market platforms have been updated and synced with new rates as well as performing transfer coding.
All US call center and redemption location staff were alerted @ 3 PM EST Thursday, simultaneously with cabal "IQD live" announcement (Fox Business News), and prepared for private group conversions.
Thursday's "stand down" order came shortly after midnight - the reason is still unknown.
Hearing multiple conversion times are scattered across a weekend timeline because uncertainty is needed to protect military and civilian actors involved in the actual "go" event.
Appointment 800#'s have been tested with corresponding zip code assignment, as have all computer conversion/liquidity functions in all 5,500 redemption centers.
The world is simply waiting on China to fire its "shot gun" and begin another portion of their Master plan/process.
This source has also been told the actual RV moment will occur effortlessly, like a sunrise climbing over the horizon.  So do remain patient, but in a state of readiness in these final hours.
Also, descriptions of yesterday's event as "Little Red Caboose Day" were accurate (The Big Call), with anytime Friday or Saturday being the possible "All Aboard! DAy."
We shall see.
Tremendous Gratitude to: Dinar Chronicles  
Ushering in The New Golden Age: Announcements and Insights on Earth's Unfolding Freedom and Prosperity 
Submissions chosen by Archangel Michael on the following topics: RV/GCR, NESARA, GESARA, New Governances, The Announcements, Free Energy, New Healing Technologies, Disclosure, Mass Landings, Crystal Chambers and More!

Photo: Lady Quan Yin & Master Saint Germain, The Architects of Earth's Prosperity Program
Saint Germain: 
Are you READY??!!  We surely are!  As our very beloved Tony says, "You better be ready, so you don't have to get ready!"  Tony certainly is one of the many warriors of Light who has made this grand day possible.  Trust and know that it will all come out...every brave soul who has contributed will be honored.  That includes you.  

I have asked Christine to provide an updated version of the Prosperity Letter for you.  You may give this letter - or an appropriate to you version - if you like, when you gift Prosperity Funds on to others.  I encourage you all to be relaxed when you exchange.  You are safe. You have prepared well, so be kind and generous of spirit as you embrace prosperity.   Do not fear the process, the rates, your performance, the NDA.  As my brother Michael has told you, this is the Beginning, not the end.  

We are so excited to see your faces as you experience your exchange/redemption appointments.  Your steadfast faith and determination has resulted in our shared victory in this phase of the restoration of Earth.  The moment the Lightworkers of Dinarland hit the redemption centers for their exchanges is indeed one of the plateaus that elevates your reality towards lasting freedom for all.  
Every detail has been seen to, so enjoy!  We will be with you in your redemption appointments.  As Bruce, Joseph and your faithful Dinarland Intel Heroes have so appropriately suggested:  begin your celebration now.  It is all irreversibly in motion.    
I am your excited! beaming! & ready! ~ St Germain.

{The following letter is written as a template for you to use as you like for the gifting of Prosperity Funds.  You may make changes, as you deem appropriate.  Be sure to abide by your NDA and all legal and ethical boundaries of your country.  I, Saint Germain, along with Lady Quan Yin, have channeled the contents of this letter for you. ~ St. Germain 2/27/16 through Christine} 

A Gift of Prosperity for You
1.  This financial gift is given to you through me from God and the Company of Heaven.  At this time, Earth is changing, and they wanted you to understand that and to be a part of the Goodness that is now dawning.  The world may look chaotic and more dangerous than ever, yet the truth is that Earth and all upon her are in the throes of a tremendous healing.  Things are not what they seem to be.  Freedom Funds like these are being distributed throughout all of Earth.  It is the beginning of the reform of our corrupt world financial system into a brand new way of operating that ensures transparency, fairness, prosperity and freedom for ALL. 

However the dispersement of abundance reaches you, the funds are called, "The Prosperity (or Freedom) Funds," and they are part of a larger global project now unfolding called, "The Prosperity Program."  The funds are a gift from God and are distributed in the name of Saint Germain and Lady Quan Yin, the higher dimensional Ascended Masters who have been charged by God to carry this out.  Whether you are able to fully understand or believe this information at this time or not is ok.  What is important to remember at all times is that no matter how the journey looks from now on, this story ends in joy, peace, prosperity and glory for you and for all - forevermore! 
2.  In every area - financial, governmental, social - the entire world system is under quiet reform for the better.  In the coming months, we will get to see and to experience many exciting changes.  These changes are possible because of our participation in bringing them about and because God has directed us and the Company of Heaven to help Earth and all upon her to heal and rise with an unprecedented amount of loving assistance at this time.
Please note that it is understandable if you feel doubt or denial of this information.  Irrelevant of your current awareness, you are here at this time to help with this magnificent transition.  All the support you may need is already in place for you.  Any internet or media story, no matter how "legitimate" it seems, which brings confusion or disavowal of any of these grand and true events is designed to try to strike fear in your heart and to delay the inevitable emergence of the New Golden Age.
3.  Please do not ask me any questions about my acquisition of these funds because I am not able to discuss it.  I obtained these funds in a legal way that will never cause jeopardy to myself or to you.
4.  Please use your funds for Goodness's sake.  Do not use your funds in any way that causes harm to yourself or to others.  Do not use your funds for anything illegal, dangerous or damaging.  Please enjoy your gift in a way that spreads joy, kindness, delight and freedom to yourself and to others, including animals and our planet. 
5.  Please consider giving at lease 10-25% of your gift to others.  
6.  As needed, get independent legal and financial guidance. 
7.  According to all current state and federal laws, I have set this gift up in a way that most benefits all.  I am paying the taxes on your financial gift (unless you are receiving a trust that clearly states otherwise, and in that case you will receive assistance from my lawyer).  This means that the financial gift you are receiving is free and clear to you.  Of course, I am not a financial expert nor advisor, so I strongly encourage you to get independent, professional guidance and verification.
8.  Please do not speak about the amount of your financial gift to others.  I will assist you if you must verify the legal origins of these funds to a banker, legal advisor, etc. 
9.  Please do not give anyone my personal contact information without my permission.  Please do not give my private phone number to ANYONE ever.
10.  Please do not ask me for more money.  
11.  I encourage you to please take steps to secure your new Prosperity.  The bank Wells Fargo is now under the protection of the Ancient Families, who have been sustaining these glorious endeavors, including providing much of the gold and assets that now back the Prosperity Programs.  I use Wells Fargo as my bank because they are now Basel 3 and 4 compliant, which means they are asset backed - they no longer use fiat currency nor participate in illegal and unethical practices such as derivatives.  
12.  By accepting the gift of this money, you are agreeing to abide by the bolded statements in this letter which are as follows:
  • Please do not ask us any further questions about my acquisition of these funds.
  • Use your funds for Goodness's sake.
  • Please consider giving....   
  • Get independent legal and financial guidance.
  • Do not speak about the amount of your financial gift to others.
  • Do not give anyone my personal contact information without my permission.
  • Please do not ask me for more money.
  • Take all necessary steps to secure your new Prosperity. 
Thank you for being in my life.  I love you very much and am honored that I can bring you this precious gift that is so especially for you and begins the jubilee of everlasting prosperity, peace and freedom on Earth.
God Bless,
Sign your Name

(Channeled & Transcribed by Christine Burk, 27 February 2016)
Community Corner
Events Are Still Moving at a Fast Pace
by Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self
26 February 2016

Events are still moving on at a fast pace, and the possibility of interference is becoming much less as the power of the dark Ones is being diminished. Much depends upon their ability to continue funding their needs, and it is slowly becoming more difficult as their activities are being affected by the lack of funds.  The higher powers will continue to restrict their activities as they have done for many years. Now however, their options are becoming more limited and they struggle to keep their projects moving.  Many times they have tried to get round the limitations imposed upon them.  However, it is to no avail and they are unable to carry on with their plan to start a Third World War, and have been told in no uncertain terms that in no circumstances will they be allowed to start one.
Meanwhile moves to enable "Disclosure" to go forward are well advanced, and nothing will be allowed to prevent it from being announced.  Other issues that are also planned to bring out the truth are proceeding well. On many fronts people are finding the courage to tell their truth and they will be protected.  The lies are no longer being accepted and the cover up is being exposed.  The time for the release of the truth has now arrived, and when history is re-written it will be remembered as the time of Revelations.  The truth is so dif
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