


Teacher: Djwal Kul

The New Group of World Servers Djwhal Khul They are being gathered out of every nation, but are gathered and chosen, not by the watching Hierarchy or by any Master, but by the power of their response to spiritual opportunity, tide and note. They are emerging out of every group and church and party, and will therefore be truly representative. This they do, not from the pull of their own ambition and prideful schemes, but through the very selflessness of their service.

They are finding their way to the top in every department of human knowledge, not because of the clamor they make about their own ideas, discoveries and theories, but because they are so inclusive in their outlook, and so wide in their interpretation of the truth that they see the hand of God in all happenings, His imprint upon all forms, and His note sounding forth through every channel of communication between the subjective reality and the objective outer form.

They are of all races; they speak all languages; they embrace all religions, all sciences and philosophies. Their characteristics are synthesis, inclusiveness, intellectuality and fine mental development. They own no creed, save the creed of Brotherhood, based on the one Life. They recognize no authority, save that of their own souls, and no Master save the group they seek to serve, and humanity whom they deeply love.

They have no barriers around themselves, but are governed by a wide tolerance, and a sane mentality and sense of proportion. They look with open eyes upon the world of men and recognize those whom they can lift and to whom they can stand as the Great Ones stand, -- lifting, teaching and helping. They recognize their peers and equals, and know each other when they meet, and stand shoulder to shoulder with their fellow workers in the work of salvaging humanity.

It does not matter if their terminologies differ, their interpretations of symbols and scriptures vary, or their words are few or many. They see their group members in all fields -- political, scientific, religious, and economic - and give to them the sign of recognition and the hand of a brother. They recognize likewise Those who have passed ahead of them upon the ladder of evolution, and hail Them Teacher, and seek to learn from Them that which They are so eager to impart.

This group has a specific mission, and some of the facts about it might be stated as follows: It is first of all an attempt at an externalization of the Hierarchy upon the physical plane, or a small working replica of this essentially subjective body. Its members are all in physical bodies but must work entirely subjectively, thus utilizing the inner sensitive apparatus and intuition...composed of men and women of all nations and ages, but each must be spiritually oriented, all must be conscious servers, all must be mentally polarized and alert, and all must be inclusive.

One of the essential conditions...is that they must be willing to work without recognition, on the subjective levels. They must work behind the scenes as do the Great Ones. Its members must therefore be free from all taint of ambition, and of all pride of race and of accomplishment. They must be also sensitively aware of their fellow men and of their thoughts and conditioning environment.

It is a group that has no exoteric organization of any kind, no headquarters, no publicity, no group name. It is a band of obedient workers and servers...--obedient to their own souls and to group need. All true servers everywhere therefore belong to this group, whether their line of service is cultural, political, scientific, religious, philosophical, psychological, or financial. They constitute part of the inner group of workers for humanity, and of the world mystics, whether they know it or not.

They will thus be recognized by their fellow group members when contacted in the casual ways of world intercourse. This group gives the word "spiritual" a wide significance; they believe to mean an inclusive endeavor towards human betterment, uplift and understanding; they give it the connotation of tolerance, international synthetic communion, religious inclusiveness, and all trends of thought which concern the esoteric development of the human being.

It is a group, therefore, without a terminology or Bible of any kind; it has no creed nor any dogmatic formulations of truth. The motivating impulse of each and all is love of God as it wo5rks out in love for one's fellow man. They know the true meaning of brotherhood, without distinction of race. Their lives are lives of willing service, rendered with utter selflessness and without any reservations.

The personnel of this group is known only to the Elder Brothers of the race, and no register of names is kept, and there are three main requirements:

1. A certain at-one-ment between the soul and its mechanism is essential, and that inner triplicity, usually dormant in the majority, of soul - mind - brain, must be in alignment and active.

2. The brain has to be telepathically sensitive in two directions and at will. It must be aware of the world of souls and also of the world of men.

3. There must also exist a capacity for abstract or synthetic thought. This will enable a man to leap over racial and religious barriers. When this is present also, there is an assured belief in the continuity of life and its correlation to the life after death. They are not interested in dogmas or doctrines, and have no shibboleths. Their outstanding characteristic will be an individual and group freedom from a critical spirit.

This non-criticism will not grow out of an inability to see error, or failure to measure up to an ideal; falsity, impurity and weakness will be recognized for what they are, but when noted will only serve to evoke a loving helpfulness. You ask me:

What keeps a man from becoming a member of such a group? I tell you with emphasis that four things only keep a man from affiliation.

First: An uncoordinated personality.

This involves necessarily an untrained mind and a feeble intellect.

Second: A sense of separateness, of distinction, and of being set apart or different from one's fellow men.

Third: The possession of a creed. No matter how good a formula of beliefs it may be, it inevitably produces exclusiveness. It bars some out.

Fourth: Pride & ambition. You ask again: How shall one qualify? The rules are simple, and are three in number. First learn to practice harmlessness; then desire nothing for the separated self, and thirdly, look for the sign of divinity in all. Three simple rules but very hard to accomplish. Behind this group...which includes thinkers in every department of human thought...and of human knowledge, stands the Hierarchy of Masters, and in between these two groups stand also a band of teachers, of whom I am one.

These act as intermediaries and as transmitters of the energy. May I repeat, and beg you to attend, that this group which is slowly forming is gathered out of every imaginable group of thinking and intelligent men. As yet, and this may surprise a f3ew, there are not very many occultists (so-called) among them.

This is due to the fact that the occultists are numerically few in relation to the masses of humanity, and also to their tendency to be sectarian, exclusive and self righteous. Selfless humanitarian workers are there; political leaders and economists and scientific workers in the world's laboratories are also there; churchmen and religious adherents from all of the world religions are there, and the practical mystics and a few occultists.

The true occultist is rare. The group is and will be kept entirely subjective. Its members are linked telepathically, or they recognize each other through the quality of the work they are doing in the outer world and the inclusiveness of the note they sound. It is inspired from above by the souls of its members and the Great Ones and is energized into activity by the need of humanity itself.

It is composed of living conscious souls, working through coordinated personalities. Its symbol is a golden triangle, enclosing an even -armed cross with one diamond at the apex of the triangle. This symbol is never reproduced in form at all. It shines above the heads of all who are in the group, and cannot be seen by anyone (not even a clairvoyant) except a group member, and then only if -- for purposes of the work -- his recognition needs stimulation. The motto of the group is ' The Glory of the One.

Now [an]...attempt is being made to free the "prisoners of the planet". The Hierarchy, through the Group of World Servers now... is seeking to externalize itself, and to restore the mysteries to humanity to whom they truly belong...it is basically necessary that all of you who have sensed the vision, or seen a part of the intended plan, should re-dedicate yourselves to the service of humanity, should pledge yourselves to the work of aiding to the utmost of your ability (ponder on these words and search out their significance) all world servers, and should sacrifice your time, and give of your money, to further the endeavor of the Great Ones.

Rest not, above all from your meditation work; keep the inner link; think truth at all times. The need and the opportunity are great and all possible helpers are being called to the forefront of the battle. All can be used in some way, if the true nature of sacrifice is grasped, if skill in action is developed, and if work without attachment is the effort of each and all of you.

http://www.mindlight.info/aab/dkngws.htm Namaste ~ Tara Group: Ascension and Life Inbetween /group/154866/ascension-and-life-inbetween


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Thanks..take care.....
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