THE NEW RELIGION By The Creator of ALL That Is. Apr 9, 2012 - 10:23:42 PM
The New Religion- The Creator of ALL That Is.
The religions in your world are man made and find their premise on age old renditions of those who came before as divine emissaries to teach and reveal the word of God. God sent many of his ones to bring enlightenment through the spoken word yet seldom were the teachings recorded accurately; and have been tampered with by those responsible for its translations and dissemination. The words are barely recognisable to the ones who gave them initially. Always was the word given in a way to inspire understanding yet seldom were they understood. God therefore continues to send his messengers to repeat the word and to render further truths through various projections so man's understanding might be reached in measure to grasp the truth.Thus throughout the ages men of authority took it upon themselves to distil doctrines from what was taught and convert them into teachings to be religiously followed by those who became followers. Religions therefore have become manifestations of beliefs and doctrines crystallised in records which bear not the original thoughts or natural words but condensed and re interpreted versions.Man made religions are ‘tradition based’, finding their credibility in those who hold themselves out as authority for the beliefs and teachings espoused by the religion. They are sectarian in nature and appeal to the minds of men through the use of symbols, ceremony and established creeds.Those who subscribe to the religions of tradition find security in the chosen system of beliefs which provide directives for living. Religion plays a supportive and crucial role in the lives of these ones whose experience in mortal form is underpinned by the dated beliefs and doctrines taught to them. It has become a safety net for many who wholeheartedly accept them as truth without any personal input or experience of what they tend to follow.There exist truth in the some of the teachings espoused by each religion and you may even find some common ground amongst them; yet they do not represent the whole truth. God often spoke to the readiness of the mind of the receivers. As messenger after messenger was sent, greater truths were revealed to accord with the receptivity of man and his abilities to comprehend; and what was taught before was projected in new and revealing ways.The reality is that traditional religion has capsulated truth of what is recalled and projects it as a Gospel. I say to you that the gospel as given is incomplete and erroneous in many ways. Those who seek truth will not find it wholeheartedly in the realms of traditional religion but must seek it elsewhere. Man’s understanding of religion has become an inherited one, as he assents to what is placed before him as a bestowal of truth.Those born into religious families will be conditioned by the precepts of that particular religion without a choice. Those who are independent minded will however grow in awareness and be led to seek beyond the mainstream to find his truth.What really is religion? Your religion should be your way of life. Religion should therefore be a way of life or living. Where does life exist? Is it not in the spirit which is eternal? If religion is a way of life and there exist life only in spirit; then should not man’s religion be the way of spirit instead of a proliferation of sects espousing various dogmas without knowledge of truth of spirit.If man is to find God through ‘a religion’ and God is pure spirit, then surely the way to God is through the knowledge and experience of spirit. Religion should be a way of life founded on spiritual truths discovered by each individual on his/her mortal journey. The revelations of spirit through the temporal experience enable man to discover and know the presence of God within himself and to feel the divine presence within him and as part of him. The religion of spirit will reveal to man his oneness with God whilst the traditional religion teaches of a God who is over, beyond and above his children.A new religion has been dawning for some time now and many have found their religion in spirit and in so doing have discovered God within themselves and many are choosing to exercise their free will choice to manifest the presence of God through their mortal journey.It is the discovery of God within and the choice to manifest HIM that will initiate the career of the ascending mortal. The spirit of God within inspires man to a higher understanding and will provide insight into realities of the life and ways of spirit. Man is then able to express God’s ways in his living as the fruits of the spirit become the values by which his life is moulded. He will come to know and grow into his moral worthiness as he embraces the light of God within himself and became drawn to all that light offers instead of being motivated by guilt and fear to uphold the values of God.The religion of spirit is revelatory in character. One of its greatest revelations is the existence of God’s love in man’s immortal soul. Man will come to know God’s love and will know love as God and God as love; and eventually know God as himself and himself as love. He will in his search for truth discover that love is all there is and God being love means that God is all there is and in that knowing there will flow awareness that man and God are one. In spite of what man’s senses perceive, man will discover that there is no separation. As he begins to know God and feel HIS presence within himself, he will eventually know the wholeness of love and he will develop the ability to manifest God’ s love.Inherited or traditional religion may teach about love and even provide directives on how man should love but this will be no more than an intellectual understanding based on mind awareness rather than spirit awareness. To know, to understand, to experience, to have, to hold, to retain, to live and to express love you must feel unified with God’s love that dwells within. It is only through the experiences you have on your mortal journey that this unfolding can occur.True religion therefore cannot be taught but must be discovered through the mortal experience combined with the motivation to seek truth. It is only then that man will come into remembrance of who he is, as this awareness must dawn from within, so that he may be bonded to the experience and know the revealed truth and remain unmoved by what others tell him is truth, whether or not it be so.Man has taken this mortal journey to have an experience through which he will discover himself and in so doing experience a release of his faith. This faith shall be the rope which leads him to the pinnacle of himself, should he be able to retain hold of it. Faith when discovered through experience will become the inevitable accessory that will facilitate attainment. What man begins to know through spirit revelation must be anchored in his faith lest he falters when the exigencies of life threatens the foundation of his knowledge.The religion of spirit will always work through inner discovery; and this perpetuates a feeling of certainty and allows for that feeling of security that within you lies all that you seek.The religions of your times are outdated and static in many ways. It pre empts the fresh winds from passing through the minds of its followers that real discoveries and revelations of spirit may be enjoyed. It numbs the minds of followers and curtails their freedom to question and explore beyond the projected ‘Gospel’. It holds on to what has been rewritten from generation to generation as truth. It seeks to convert and dominate through authority rather than liberate. It keeps its followers stuck in paradigms and practices that do not field spiritual growth. It breeds differences between sects and superiority of one’s belief or doctrines over another. It teaches love and tolerance yet is marked by division and disunity.It deals in the finite; being that which is recorded as Gospel from cover to cover of a ‘book’ without an appreciation that God in HIS infiniteness cannot be limited by words on paper and cannot be experienced through the written word. The existence of God, the goodness of God the reality of God cannot be derived from what someone else tells you or what is recorded. It is to be discovered through myriad, vibrant mortal experiences. Indeed man must intellectually comprehend God’s processes and the science of creation but to know God in spirit man must experience him from within. Man cannot experience God through his outer senses but through his inner faculties that bear knowing.The religion of spirit offers freedom, the ability to retain one’s sovereignty, control over one’s life, impetus to seek truth of God and self and the ecstasy in discovering the depth and breadth or spirit’s knowledge .A religion based on spirit will unify the hearts of men through the love of God and provide the knowing that God is individualised within each and therefore each has identical God presence within. It does not dictate or decide what one should believe for it thrives on progressive revelations. It allows for experiential insights whilst it leads to a shared or common understanding of the oneness and brotherhood of all, the sole destiny of the ascending mortal, the reality of the ONE will, a determination to accede to that will and the realisation of self through service.The barriers that have long held MY children in bondage will be dissolved in the wake of the ascension; for it is through this process that the spirit presence within each will find its resurrection in truth.Welcome home MY little ones for the spirit of truth within each of you will be awakened and in this you will find your new religion.
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Thanks Peter,for the posting and the comment. I felt I had to respond to this as I was such a rebel before I read the Urantia book and others. And yes the Religion of Earth for the most part is a failure because of the Lucifer rebellion that head quartered here. And at the same time we became isolated ,quarantined from the rest of the universe because of the rebellion. So the dark side really have done a lot of damage to our Religions of the past. Especially the Catholic church. I know I was raised Catholic which is still demonic today. But just because we had all those bad things done to our religion doesn't mean that all religion off planet of the universe is bad just because the ones here are. And our creator is trying to help us to get over this bad experience by first agreeing with us how bad they are or was and that Spirituality is religion and religion is spirituality. And so the next step we take is a religion of Spirit or Spirituality. Which would help us move into the religion of the universe which is the Brotherhood. But once bitten twice shy. What helped me to get over this rebellious stage was my desire to know God and Jesus but not religion. I later studied the new age movement but soon discovered that the Dark forces did the same thing to them as it did to religion and that is they were both infiltrated with untruths mixed with truths. And the occult is a very fine line to the dark side. So many people here in that movement and the light workers them selves still lean to the occult side mostly because of the anger of the way they were raised in religion. So its a large step back for them to see Spirituality as religion as a good thing that they will need to learn if they want to get to the Ascension plan or shift. I find that they want the Ascension but they don't want to do the home work because it is to much like religion. Which requires them to change and to let go of old belief systems. The occult on the other hand is seeped in mystery. And people seem to love mystery and the idea that someone or some thing is going to save them, like our ET friends and the Ascended Masters who have up til now refrained from using the word religion because of the fear they have of it. But now that were getting close it must be presented to them. The same as the term ''old baggage'' meaning they have to learn to let go of the past ''Forgive and Forget''. This must be applied to them selves and the world of the past as we knew it. if we want to move up to 5D.Adonai
Thanks Joshua Skirvin , you have understood it all.
God is never found in religion, God is found in our hearts
Much in this article by the Creator does show the down fall of past and present Religion. And of course why it didn't work and never could. But Religion evolves one from the older one.And now we are about to evolve as well into the ascension plan. And we need to take some guiding lessons to get there. Yes we are rebels many of us see the mistakes of the past and the darkness and control it had over us. But Religion actually is nurtural. It is a big part of the Higher Dimensions. Its called the Brother Hood , brother hood of angels, brotherhood of ascended Masters and brother hood of man. And of course there are a unlimited number of them. It is a way of teaching us the laws of the universe and at the same time binding us together as family. The one the Creator is talking about here the Religion of Spirit is another name for Spirituality which most of us do except today as a name for our belief system and our rebellion against the old system. So he is just trying to expand on that belief system so that we can ascend, that is if we wish to. And this Religion of Spirit will set the basics for us to learn the next one, if and when we choose to do so. No one was more rebelous than me before but now after studying all of them for many yrs I am a reverend and my job is to help bridge this gap and bring us all together . The old must fall away so that the new can be birthed. We must learn to listen to the heart not the brain where the ego reigns. The mind and soul knows what it wants. And what we all want is more joy ,peace and happiness in our lives. And GOD is LOVE so we chase after him in truth.And our perception of him expands as we open our hearts and mind to except more cause there is always more. We are one family, we are part of Him, he is part of us, we are a part of each other. We are all one. Life is a circle, ever becoming larger in eternity. Adonai
The word Religion it's self places people in boxes, just as the words star-seed's and lighter workers do - which also feeds people's ego's
We need to move away from the word it's self, "Religion" and support people to just follow their own path as long as it cause's no harm to others what ever it may be. your belief's are your way of life. your belief's helps make you chose how you wish to live. Religion tell's you how to live weather it's right or wrong, while believing in a superior power/force which ends up suppressing people. become your own leader! take control of your own power. Spirituality isn't Religion its a statue of being! and there's people out there who want to take other paths from even that. If we let this New religion take over (one world religion which is part of the NEW WORD ORDER plans) it will take more freedom away from people than ever before. they might be using sweet words now to entice you in but don't buy it. what might be right for you isn't gonna be right for the next person.
Well , if you read it closely , you will now that Papasource don´t want us to get "stucked" in the box , but rather the opposite of course. Look at these lines:
A new religion has been dawning for some time now and many have found their religion in spirit and in so doing have discovered God within themselves and many are choosing to exercise their free will choice to manifest the presence of God through their mortal journey. and:
What really is religion? Your religion should be your way of life. Religion should therefore be a way of life or living. Where does life exist? Is it not in the spirit which is eternal? If religion is a way of life and there exist life only in spirit; then should not man’s religion be the way of spirit instead of a proliferation of sects espousing various dogmas without knowledge of truth of spirit.
Papasource want´s all of us to find him/her and to understand that he/her is within us all.
every religion is a trap...every new belief system seems to be better in the beginning but sooner or later turns out limiting, repressive or evil. No need for religion in a love based society... religion was maybe needed in the old world to give us certain lessons, but not anymore...i hope mankind has or is learning the last chapters from the lesson "religion" and soon it belongs to our history books...
ps. be careful... there are many belief systems out there who call themselves "not religions" or "spiritual movement" etc. but they actually are religion ... it is a dark side of human nature to create and follow religions... we must watch ourselves very carefully, but most of you on this site know it anyway.
and i like what Hannah Peace just said :)))
NO... Get Rid of religion all together, noone needs to be apart of any religion to be close to god. just belief in the force is fine. WE DO NOT NEED TO BE PUT IN ANY MORE BOXES! we just need to coexist together and respect others for their belief's as long as they're not causing any suffering to any living soul here.
NO NEW WORLD ORDER!!!! its all.....
" Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil"
To be free, we need freedom away from rules of a religion, for freedom we need to stop doing what people tell us to do and do what we feel we must do with out causing harm. for freedom we need people to stop telling us to change and stop promising us stuff if we do... Learn from history... people!!!! its there for a reason.
When the word "he/him" is used to address God, "God sent many of his ones" then I question the source of information for God has no gender. Otherwise nice post.
Thank you Creator, that was just wonderful. What more could I say? except God is LOVE. We are all one in the kingdom of GOD and the brotherhood of man. Cornelius, that info of Jesus and mary is a false doctrine by the DC so that they people in power now can claim direct decendents of him. He died the body and raised up the new body we will all have,for his love for us and the love of his enemy's. If you want the best report. recommended by the Creator himself last wk .Then go to the URANTIA book. Also you will find many spiritual doctrines tought here some I don't agrre with but still better than the Bible and christinity, If ou are truly searching for God and Love ,which are the same,then you will find it, if you go at it from the heart and not the brain. This is the Creator himself who is speaking on this post. I know for he has spoken to me. Pray to God , Jesus and the Holy Spirit to help you. Thats what they are here for now and always. The HS is my best friend and translator and long distance operator to get me through to them. But first we need to de-program ourselves from our old beliefs, and thats what this article did. Last wk was the intro. I am sure there is more to come.We are one,Adonai