Gaias birth are getting closer , and Starfleet is around the sun with many ships to send energies towards Earth.
The sun have been VERY active with some huge CME.s , so we can expect that things will begin to happen any day now.
The Cosmic Rhythm
By First Source, Papa thru Hazel
Jun 8, 2011 - 7:20:04 PM
The Cosmic Rhythm- The First Source- Papa
In the wheel of eternal life there lies a rhythm, a natural inbred circuitry which pulses and extends in waves to create the Circle of Life. From the centre, an acapellic tone is emitted that radiates a harmonic surge that peters through the universe.
This tone becomes the conduit which transfers and translates the universal Father’s expression through the ethers. It is the base from which this vibration resonates. The cosmic rhythm generates from the Source- the Centre of ALL
Receptivity is the ability to receive and internalise these rhythmic energies that allows for the experiencing of the rhythm of the cosmic wheel. Your planet is not yet within this wheel as the rhythm upon which she currently rides is underpinned by vibrations alien to the Source. For man in his mass is unable or unwilling to receive of the rhythm shared. This has been to his detriment. Matters have escalated to the point where it has become difficult to receive through the density which has veiled the earth through the work of the minions of all that is inimical to the ONE.
This is changeable through a re orientation of the earth’s dimensional landscape. It was hoped that the civilisation on earth would have created the atmosphere to enable the planet to enter into the wheel of life. This has not materialised and it is now left for the higher beings from advanced planets in the cosmos to assist. I categorically say that you must not mistake this act as a ruse or a game being played by those who are unfamiliar with your territory. The command has been given form Paradise and all who work on this enterprise serves the Will of the Source. Michael has been given the handle to this and HE shall turn it as HE sees fit; yet always within the context of this MY WILL.
Your planet has lost its original rhythm through the miscreations of man who have abdicated their higher status and chosen the path of destructive activity. The planet and the civilisation is tethering on the brink of chaos. The rhythm is broken and all is toppling. Indeed she has lost her balance for you Man have long lost yours. She is where she is because of you.
The sight of your world from the Paradise Isle is almost non existent for so darkened is she. Truly yours is a story of Paradise lost. Yet the Father will never abandon HIS creation or allow HIS children to wither from chosen or imposed ignorance. The Father has ordained that the planet be corralled back into the cosmic wheel and with certainty this is now being achieved.
The tone has been emitted again from your Source that will cause a shift and realignment as the rhythmic altitude of earth’s domain begins to change.
This is a call to the children of the light to set your antennas straight and on high that you may receive the cosmic rhythm and align yourself to suit. Man must now adapt himself to the rhythm of the changing planet. If his aspiration cannot match hers then he will by his own choice be placed in a cycle more attuned to his spirit’s needs.
Spiritual growth is now mandatory, a specialism indeed but not a choice during these precipitous times. I can only exhort you to heed these words.
The entire rank of humanity on the earth plane will feel and experience a changing of energies within and without- a revolution so to speak in all manner of things. The world is being remoulded now and upset will be caused, but so must it be as a prelude to the rebalancing. The chill of darkness is to be mitigated that the spasms of light may once again take hold to reform your world Let not the silence spook you into the belief that the status quo prevails. Far be it from that. Know that there is a hand that moves distinctly behind that silence and it is that invisible hand that shall BE THE CAUSE.
From the direct abode of MY plane I utter these words to you to bring home the relevance of these fortuitous times on your planet. An orchestration of omniversal proportions is taking place as the Planet earth is being prepared for lift off. You the inhabitants are offered the opportunity to experience first hand what LIFE is truly. Postponing the inevitable is to your disadvantage and discomfort.
The planet is poised to ascend to join the cosmic wheel once again. She will then amass renewed strength and espouse a new cause and be capable of responding to MY rhythm.
I ask at this final hour what will you choose? A cautionary word - time is irrelevant to this mission save as I have declared- be cognisant and vigilant for the events which transpire as the signal; for the hand behind the silence will move like the speed of what you refer to as lightening.
The Father has spoken." style="display: none;" />
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By PAPA Source thru Johan
Jun 8, 2011 - 7:07:35 PM
This is Papa Source.
As My Creator Son Michael Aton has worked with so many to come to this turning point, let me also thank those of you who relentlessly have stood tall, like a light house in the harbour, to welcome home the ships that were looking for a safe haven.
I discover my Creation through All the ships, whether they find that safe haven, or stay outside the harbor in dire need of fresh supplies, whether they ran onto the rocks due to drunken leadership or who sank in the tempests they encountered.
Only those that accepted and chose our Guidance, our Light houses although for all to see, were refreshed and fully stocked for long and difficult journeys to come. You now have such a brief but difficult journey and period ahead of you.
The accounts have been closed, sheep from goat divided, yet ALL will land where they deserve to be. Your Gaia is now ready, Your Leadership is eager to go ahead as the Cosmic Winds are sweeping, the energies to do their work, for you to harvest or not.
Its your labor that was taken into considertation, your efforts to stand tall, to let Us work through you and all, as is inevitable but can be ignored at YOUR expense. Those that worked in Service will now receive more than they earned, a vacation to begin with.
Since most Light Workers are weary, tired and in need of repairs to your systems in overdrive for too long, all will be blessed with what your eyes have not seen, and ears have not heard, at least not for a very long time.
Some will experience that peace that surpasses all understanding, most of you will simply enjoy meeting each other for the very first time, in those bodies at least, and the greetings from many Celestial Ones will bring many to tears.
When crossing the finish line TOGETHER, as many of you promised to do so as in All for One and One for All, it might have costed blood, sweat and tears, but my Children, that crossing will erase all of that from memory, faster than you can think.
Your mind will not know where to look first, who to greet first, who to thank first as heavens legions will rejoice with you. Seen as ' enfant terrible ' your society had a mind on its own but could not escape the Winds of the Cosmos.
As many messages and warnings have passed the stage sofar, you who KNEW through that Inner and Secure Connection with Me through My Creator Son Michael, know the time has come to let go of the old and bring in the new, how painful that might be.
Let your hearts rejoice as your souls stood by and encouraged you all the way, AS WE ARE CROSSING THAT LINE TOGETHER NOW, with all of you who choose the same in Light and Love. To you I say: '' WELCOME HOME ''
Your Eternal Father." style="display: none;" />
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