Chapter III

                                                                                 THE GREAT BATTLE


In Jeremiah chapter 21, verse 8, we read: “Behold, I set before you two

ways: the way of life and the way of death.”

Man and woman can use sexual contact and the delights of love and kisses to

become gods or demons.

From the dawn of life there is a great battle between the powers of light and the powers of

darkness. The secret root of this battle is in sex.

There is the correct interpretation of the Mysteries of Sex: White Magicians never spill

semen. Black Magicians always spill semen. White Magicians make the Fiery Serpent of our magical powers rise through the medullar canal. Black Magicians make the

Serpent descend into the atomic hells of man.

The gods and the demons live in eternal struggle. The gods defend the doctrine of chastity.

The demons hate chastity. Sex is the root of the conflict between gods and demons.

The great battle takes place in the astral light. The astral light is the repository of all past, present and future forms of great Nature. The astral light is the Azote and Magnesia of the old alchemists, the Flying Dragon of Medea, the INRI of the Christians, the Tarot of the Bohemians.

The astral light is a terribly sexual fire released from the halo of the Sun and fixed on Earth by the force of gravity and the weight of the atmosphere. The Sun is the one who attracts and repels this charming and delicious light. The astral light is the Lever of Archimedes. The wise old man said: “Give me a point of support and I will move the Universe.”

Semen is the liquid astral of man. In semen is the astral light. Semen is the key to all

powers and the key to all empires.

Astral light has two poles, one positive, one negative. The serpent ascending is positive. The

serpent descending is negative. When it ascends, it is the bronze serpent that healed the Israelites in the desert. When it descends, it is the tempting serpent of Eden.

When we know how to adore and kiss with infinite tenderness and supreme chastity, the serpent ascends. When we ardently enjoy lust and spill the cup, the serpent rushes, intoxicated by

madness, towards the atomic hells of man.

In the region of light dwell the beings that are adored. In the region of darkness live the souls

that become intoxicated with the cup of lust, and that after becoming intoxicated spill the cup.

These souls are consumed in the fire of their own lust.

The Earth is ruled by Christ and Yahweh ( not to be confused with Jehovah ), who live in eternal struggle. Christ is the chief or head of the gods. Yahweh is the chief or head of the demons.

Yahweh is that terribly perverse demon who tempted Christ on the mountain and tempted him

and said to him: “Itababo. All these kingdoms of the world I will give you if you kneel and worship me.” And Christ said to him: “Satan, Satan, it is written: you shall not tempt the Lord your God and you shall obey only him.”

Yahweh is a terribly perverse fallen angel. Yahweh is the genius of evil. Christ is the head of the

Great White Lodge, and Yahweh, his antithesis, is the head of the Great Black Lodge. The powers of light and darkness live in eternal struggle, and this struggle has its roots in sex. Semen is the battlefield..

The core of the great conflict between angels and demons is sex. Therein lies the problem. Therein lies the root of all white and black doctrines. Christ has his program of action. Yahweh has his.

The chosen ones follow Christ. The great majority of human beings fanatically follow Yahweh. However, they all hide behind the cross.

In the astral light, columns of angels and demons fight each other. In front of each angel

there is a demon.

Every human being has his double. This is one of the mysteries of twin souls. The Lamas

say that DEVAHDET was Buddha's brother and rival. He is the king of hell.

The double is similar in everything to its double. Doubles are analogous, they have the same tendencies, with the differences of the analogies of opposites. In front of a white astrologer there is a black astrologer. If a Master teaches White Sexual Magic, his double will teach Black Sexual Magic. The doubles are similar in everything, but antithetical.

The physiognomy and body of the doubles are similar because they are twins. This is one of the great mysteries of Occultism. Each white soul has a black double, an opposite soul that antagonizes and fights.

Love and counter-love fight each other. Anael is the Angel of Love. Lilith is his dark double. Lilith represents the opposite love. In ancient times, the great theurgist Iamblichus invoked

these two geniuses, and then two children emerged from a river: love and the opposite love, Eros and Anteros, Anael and Lilith. The multitudes who witnessed the miracle of Iamblichus prostrated themselves before the great theurgist.

The disciple of the rocky path that leads to Nirvana is filled with ecstasy when he has the good fortune to contemplate Anael, the Angel of Love. Anael appears before his invokers who know how to call him, Anael is a beautiful child of the dawn. In the presence of the Angel of Love we feel that we are returning to the lost innocence of Eden. Anael's hair looks like a waterfall of gold falling on her alabaster shoulders. The face of the Angel of Love has the rosy color of the dawn. Anael wears a white robe and is of indescribable beauty. Anael is the Angel of music and

Love, the Angel of beauty and tenderness, the delightful Cupid of lovers, the ecstasy of all

adoration. Lilith, Anael's rival brother, is his fatal antithesis. And being of all great amorous disappointments; he is a monarch of the atomic hells of man.

Lilith cannot resist the gaze of the ANGEL OF LOVE, but she is the shadow of that Angel. Lilith

has the presence and appearance  of a terribly evil child. Lilith's disheveled and

bleached hair, her evil face, and her black and blue tunic speak to us

clearly of a world of cruelty and bitterness.



The traditions of the great Kabbalists say that Adam had two wives: Lilith and Nahemah. Lilith

is the mother of abortions, pedophilia, sexual degeneration, homosexuality, infanticide, etc.,




When a man is unfaithful to his wife, given to him by the Lords of the Law, he receives a Luciferian mark between his two eyebrows.


Sex is the root of the great battle between the powers of light and darkness.


Every planet has two polarities according to the great law. The positive ray of Mars ( Samael Planetary Logos of Mars) is represented by Elohim Gibor. The negative ray of Mars is represented by the double of this

Elohim. This double is called Andramelek.

The supreme leader of the positive ray is Jehovah. Chavajoth is exactly his antithesis.

Jehovah teaches White Sexual Magic; Chavajoth teaches Black Sexual Magic.

Creation comes from the evolutionary processes of sound. Sound is the expression of sexuality. Angels create with the sexual power of the creative larynx.

The Un-manifested primordial sound, through its incessant evolutionary processes, becomes energetic forms of stabilized dense matter. The Un-manifested primordial sound is the subtle voice. The primordial sound contains within itself the masculine-feminine sexual forces.

These forces multiply and become more complicated as we descend into the difficult abysses of matter. The positive pole of sound is the marvelous force that draws us towards the Un-manifested Absolute where only happiness reigns. The negative pole of sound is the dark force that draws us to this valley of bitterness. The positive pole is solar, Christic, Divine. The negative pole is lunar and is represented by the Moon. The shadow of the White Moon is Lilith. The origin of fornication is in Lilith. The origin of the separate individuality is in Lilith. The origin of the ego is the Black Moon. The Black Moon is Lilith.

Jehovah works with the White Moon. Chavajoth works with the Black Moon. The creation of the phenomenal universe is impossible without the intervention of the lunar forces; unfortunately, the dark forces of the Black Moon intervene and damage creation.

The Sun and the Moon represent the positive and negative poles of sound. The Sun and the Moon originate creation. The Sun is positive, and the Moon is negative. The Sun is the husband and the Moon the wife; Lilith comes between them and damages the Great Work.

As above, so below. Man is the Sun and woman is the Moon. Lilith is Satan who seduces them both and leads them to fornication and the abyss.


Jehovah has no physical body. Chavajoth has a physical body. Chavajoth is now reincarnated. He poses as a war veteran, and works for the great Black Lodge. In the internal worlds the Black Magician Chavajoth dresses in a red robe and wears a red turban. This demon cultivates the mysteries of Black Sexual Magic in a dark cavern. He has many disciples.

Jehovah normally lives in Eden. Eden is the ethereal world. Everyone who returns to Eden is received by the Lord Jehovah. The door to Eden is sex.

In the astral there are temples of light and darkness, and where the light shines brightest, the darkness becomes thicker.

In Spain, Catalonia, there is a wonderful temple in the Jinas

State( The physicality manifested in fourth-fifth dimension.) That is the Temple of Montserrat. In that temple the HOLY GRAIL is kept; that is the silver chalice from which he drank

Jesus, the Christ, came at the last supper.

In the Holy Grail is contained the blood of the Redeemer of the world. Tradition tells that the Roman senator José de Arimathea filled that chalice with royal blood, at the foot of the Savior's cross. Blood oozed

from the Adorable One's wounds and the chalice

was filled.

In the Temple of Montserrat lives a group of Masters of the

Great White Lodge. Those are the Knights of

the Holy Grail.

In other times, the Temple of Montserrat and the Holy Grail

were visible to the whole world. Later that Temple with its Holy Grail became invisible.

The Temple exists in the state of "Jinas". The Temple with its

Grail plunged into hyperspace. Now only with the astral

body or also with the physical body in the state of

"Jinas" we can visit the Temple.

A physical body can be taken out of the three-dimensional

world and placed in the fourth dimension.

All of that can be done through the wise use of hyper-space.

Astrophysics will soon prove the existence of hyperspace.

The indigenous tribes of America knew Jinas

Science in depth. The tiger knights, in Mexico,

knew how to put their physical body into hyper-space.

There are lagoons, mountains and temples in the Jinas

state in America and around the world.

The Temple of Chapultepec, in Mexico, is in the state of Jinas (it is in hyper-space).

Master Huiracocha (Arnold Krumm Heller )received the Initiation in this


Along with every temple of light, there is a temple of

darkness. Where the light shines brightest, there the

darkness, by contrast, changes its appearance, becomes thicker.


The Knights of the White Grail must inevitably fight against

the Knights of the Black Grail.




Let us study this curious analogy of opposites. The Temple of the White Grail is a splendid monastery of

the Great Light. The Temple of Salamanca is a splendid monastery of darkness.

The Montserrat Monastery has two floors. The Hall of

Witchcraft also has two floors. The Temple of

Montserrat is surrounded by beautiful and sweet gardens.

The Hall of Witchcraft is also surrounded by

romantic gardens where each flower exhales a breath of death.

Both buildings are splendid. Both buildings speak well of truth and justice. In both temples order and

culture reign. In both temples they speak of holiness and love. This will cause astonishment to the reader,

and he will say to himself: how is it possible that in the

temples of evil they speak of holiness and love?

Dear reader, please do not be confused. Remember,

brother, that the Knights of the Black Grail are

wolves in sheep's clothing. The Adepts of the left hand like to ejaculate the Christonic semen, for this

reason they are Black Magicians. Their philosophy is the philosophy of fatality. Everything good for them

is bad. Everything bad for them is good. The Doctrine of Yahweh (not to be confused with Jehovah) is for them divine.

The Doctrine of Christ is for them diabolic. The lords of darkness hate the Christ.

The children of the abyss hate the Divine

Mother. In their regions they violently attack anyone who invokes the Divine Mother, or her beloved Son.

If the occult investigator enters the Hall of Witchcraft with his astral body, he will find inevitably with some very beautiful and elegant spiral stairs

that will lead you to the most secret place in the


This is an elegant hall arranged with all the splendid luxury of stately eighteenth-century mansions. There

shine the thousand-one-night mirrors, the enchanted rugs, and all the evil beauty of Nahemah.

Unfortunate those disciples who visit the Hall of Witchcraft.

The fatal beauty of Nahemah will seduce him with

all the delicious magic of her charms. Then they will roll into the abyss where only crying and gnashing of teeth

can be heard. To those it would be better for them not to have been born, or to hang a millstone around their

necks and throw themselves to the bottom of the sea.


In the Temple of Montserrat the glory of the silver chalice shines with the blood of the Redeemer of the world. In the Temple of Salamanca the darkness of the Black Grail shines.

Cosmic festivals are celebrated in the Temple of Montserrat. In the Temple of Salamanca, profane

dances and disgusting covens are held.


The Knights of the Holy Grail adore the Christ and the Divine Mother. The Knights of the Black Grail adore Yahweh and the fatal shadow of Great Nature.  The kingdom of Such is the abyss. The great battle between the powers of light and darkness is as old as eternity.

The marrow bone of the great battle is sex. The White

Magicians want to make the serpent rise.

The Black Magicians want to lower the serpent.


The White Magicians follow the Path of the Perfect Matrimony.

Black Magicians love adultery and fornication.


There are Masters of the great White Lodge. There are

Masters of the great Black Lodge. There are disciples

of the great White Lodge. There are disciples of the great Black Lodge.

The disciples of the great White Lodge know how to move consciously and positively in the astral body.


The disciples of the Great Black Lodge also know how to travel in the astral body.


All of us as children heard many witch and fairy tales.

 Our grandmothers always told us stories about witches who traveled through the clouds at midnight on their broomsticks. Although it may seem incredible to many students of Occultism, Theosophism, Rosicrucianism, etc.,these witches really exist. They don't ride on

brooms like grannies think, but they do know how to travel through the air. The so-called witches travel with

their bodies of flesh and blood through space. They know how to take advantage of hyperspace to transport themselves from one place to another with a physical body.

Astrophysics will soon discover the existence of

hyperspace. This can be demonstrated with hyper-geometry.

When a body plunges into hyperspace, it is said

that it has entered the "Jinnas" state. Every body in a state of "Jinnas" escapes from the law of gravity. So it

floats in hyper-space.

There is volume and hyper-volume


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