Chapter XII

                                                                                              TWO RITUALS


There are certain dark rites that have been preserved since the earliest times of history. The sorceresses of Thessaly celebrated certain rituals in their cemeteries or pantheons to evoke the shades of the deceased. On the anniversary of their dead loved ones they would go to the graves in the cemetery and amidst frightful screams they would prick their breasts so that blood would flow. This served as a vehicle for the shades of the dead to materialize in the physical world. Homer, the great Initiate, tells in the Odyssey something about a ritual celebrated with a sorcerer on the island of Calixto where the cruel goddess Circe reigned. The priest slaughtered a cow in a ditch, which filled the ditch with blood. The priest invoked the soothsayer of Thebes. Homer tells that he answered the call and was able to materialize completely thanks to the blood. The soothsayer of Thebes spoke personally with Ulysses and predicted many things to him. The wise author of Zarathustra said: “Write with blood and you will learn that blood is spirit.” Goethe exclaimed through his Mephistopheles saying: “This is a very peculiar fluid.”


                                                                                          THE LAST SUPPER


The Last Supper is a magical ceremony of immense power. Something very similar to the archaic ceremony of the Brotherhood of Blood. The tradition of this brotherhood says that if two or more people mix their blood in a cup and then drink from it, they become eternally united by the blood. The astral vehicles of these people then become intimately associated for all eternity. The Hebrew people attribute to blood characteristics of a very special kind. The Last Supper was a blood ceremony. The apostles each brought drops of their own blood in their cups, and emptied these drops into the chalice of Christ Jesus. Into that chalice the Adorable One had also poured his royal blood. Thus, in the Holy Grail, the blood of Christ Jesus was mixed with the blood of his disciples.


Old tradition tells us that Jesus also gave his disciples infinitesimal particles of his own flesh to eat. “And taking the bread, and having given thanks, he broke it, and gave it to them, saying: “This is My Body, which is given for you: do this in remembrance of Me.” “Likewise also the cup, after he had supped, saying: This covenant is the new covenant in My Blood, which is poured out for you.” Thus the covenant was signed. Every covenant is signed with blood. The Astral of Christ Jesus was associated, united with his disciples and with all humanity, by the covenant of blood. The Adorable One is the Savior of the world. This blood ceremony is as old as infinity. All the great Avatars have performed it since ancient times. The Great Lord of Atlantis also performed the Last Supper with his disciples.


This blood ceremony was not improvised by the Divine Master. This is an ancient, archaic ceremony, the blood ceremony of the great Avatars.


Every Gnostic Anointing, whatever the cult or belief, sect or religion, is associated, intimately linked to the Last Supper of the Adorable One, by the blood pact. The Holy Early Christian Gnostic Church, to which we have the good fortune to belong, secretly preserves the primitive rituals used by the apostles. These were the rituals of the Christians who met in the catacombs of Rome during the time of Caesar Nero. These are the rituals of the Essenes, a humble caste of great Initiates among whom was counted Christ Jesus. These are the primitive rituals of the ancient Christians.


These rituals have power. They contain all our secret science of the Great Arcanum. When we perform rituals, we vocalize certain Mantras that have the power to sublimate sexual energy to the heart. The Inner Christ lives in the heart temple. When the sexual energies are sublime to the heart, they then have the immense joy of mixing with the forces of the Inner Christ, so that they can enter the higher worlds. Our rituals are repeated in all seven great cosmic planes. The ritual ceremony establishes a secret channel from the physical region, passing through all seven great planes, to the world of the Solar Logos. The Christic atoms of the Solar Logos descend through this channel, and then accumulate in the bread and wine. This is how the bread and wine, through transubstantiation, really become the flesh and blood of Christ. By eating the bread and drinking the wine, the Christ atoms are diffused throughout our organism and pass to the internal bodies to awaken the powers of the solar nature.



                                                                               SEXUAL FORCES AND RITUAL




Every ritual is related to blood and semen. Ritual is a two-edged sword. It defends and gives life to the pure and virtuous. It wounds and destroys the dark and impure

Nuclear forces are used in ritual. Atomic energy is a gift from God. It can heal as well. Every temple in which the Gnostic Holy Unction is celebrated is, in fact, and for that reason, an atomic power plant.


In Atlantis, the Black Magicians also used similar rituals, combined with sexual forces. The result of those abuses was the collapse of that continent, which had reached a very high level of civilization.


Sexual forces are closely related to the four elements of Nature. Every black ritual, every black mass, has its fatal coordinates in Nature. Now we will explain what were the causes of the collapse of Atlantis. The sexual force is like electricity. It is spread everywhere. It is a force that resides in the electrons. This force flows in the nucleus of each atom, and in the center of each galaxy. Without this force, the worlds of infinite space would not exist.

This is the creative energy of the Third Logos. With this force, the White Magicians and the Black Magicians work. The White Magicians work with white rituals. Black Magicians with black rituals. The Last Supper of the Adorable Savior of the world has an archaic and ancient tradition that is lost in the night of the centuries:

                                                                                      THE GNOSTIC CHURCH


There are four very important paths that every Perfect Marriage must know: First: the path of the Fakir. Second: the path of the Monk. Third: the path of the Yogi. Fourth: the path of the balanced man.


The Universal Christian Gnostic Movement has a School and fundamental religion principals.


We live the first path in practical life, learning to live righteously. The second path resides in our Esoteric and exoteric knowledge. We live the third path as practical occultists. We have our esoteric practices. Special exercises for the development of the latent faculties in man. We live the fourth path, the Way of the Astute Man, in practice within the most complete balance. We study Alchemy and Kabbalah. We work by disintegrating the psychological ego-self.


. We have the path of the monk in our Gnostic esoteric practice ways. We are not against any religion, school or sect..

On the path of the fakir we learn to live righteously.

On the path of the monk, we develop feeling. On the path of the yogi we practice esoteric exercises that put into activity the hidden latent powers of man. On the path of the balanced man, we work with Alchemy and with Kabbalah, and we fight by disintegrating the plural-ego.


Our Gnostic Church is the Transcended Church. This Church is found in the superior worlds It has already been definitively proven that Jesus, the Christ, was a Gnostic. The Savior of the world was an active member of the caste of the Essenes, mystics who never cut their hair or beards.. The Nazarenes were another Gnostic sect. The Early Christian Church was the true esoteric trunk from which many neo-Christian sects emerged, such as: Roman Catholicism, and so on like Protestantism, Adventism, the Church of Armenia, etc. We have frankly taken the resolution to make public the root of Christianity: Gnosticism. This is the Early Christian Church. The Patriarch Basilides belonged to this Gnostic Church, a famous alchemist who left a lead book with seven pages, which according to Master Krumm Heller, is preserved in the Kircher museum in the Vatican. This book cannot be understood by archaeologists because it is a book of occult science. Basilides was a disciple of St. Matthias. The legitimate and authentic Catholicism is the early Christian Catholic Gnosticism. The current Roman sect is only a deviation from the early Gnostic Catholicism. The Early Christian Catholic Gnostic Church included saints such as Saturninus of Antioch, a famous Kabbalist. Simon the Magician, who unfortunately deviated. Carpocrates, who founded several Gnostic convents in Spain, Marcion of Pontus, St. Thomas, Valentine. The great Master of Major Mysteries called St. Augustine. Tertullian, St. Ambrose, Irenius.


Hippolytus, Epiphanius, Clement of Alexandria, Mark, the great Gnostic, who cared for the Holy Gnostic Unction, and left us extraordinary teachings on the path of the sexual forces through the twelve zodiacal gates of the human organism. Gnostics were also: Cerdon, Empedocles, Saint Jerome and many other saints of the Ancient Early Christian Catholic Gnostic Church from which the current Roman sect deviated.



Very interesting is the Gnostic Marriage in the Transcended Church. In this sacrament the woman is dressed in the dress of a Gnostic priestess, and is then given as a wife to her husband. The holy masters officiate in this and she is received as a wife with the commitment not to fornicate.


                                                                                            THE CHRIST


The Gnostic Church worships the Savior of the world called Jesus. The Gnostic Church knows that Jesus incarnated the Christ,. Christ is neither a human nor a divine individual. Christ is the Army of the Voice. Christ is the Word. Far beyond the body, the soul and the spirit is the Word. Anyone who succeeds in incarnating the Word receives in fact the title of Christ. Christ is the Word itself. It is necessary that each one of us make the Word flesh.


When the Word becomes flesh in us we speak in the Word of light. Today several Masters have incarnated the Christ. In secret India, the Yogi Christ BABAJÍ, the immortal Babají, has lived for millions of years. The great Master of Wisdom KOUT HUMI, who also incarnated the Christ SANAT KUMMARA, the founder of the Great College of Initiates of the White Lodge, is another living Christ. In the past many incarnated him. In the present some have incarnated him. In the future many will incarnate him. John the Baptist also incarnated the Christ. John the Baptist is a living Christ. The difference between Jesus and the other Masters who also incarnated the Christ is in the Hierarchy. Jesus is the highest Solar Initiate of the Cosmos.




The Supreme Grand Master Jesus currently lives with his same physical body resurrected from the dead. The Grand Master currently lives in Shamballa. This is a secret country in Eastern Tibet. Together with the Supreme Grand Master live many other resurrected Masters who collaborate with him in the Great Work of the Father.




The Initiated Priest perceives the Christ substance in a state of ecstasy, and by operating magically, transmits his own influence to the bread and wine, thus awakening the Christic substance that resides in these elements, so that it works miracles by awakening the Christic powers of our internal bodies.


                                                                        THE ALTAR OF THE OFFICE


The altar of the office must be made of stone. Remember that we work with the Philosopher's Stone (Sex). The altar also means the philosophical earth. The foot of the chalice, the stem of the plant and the sacred cup symbolize the flower. This means that the Christonic substance of the sun penetrates the womb of the earth and makes the grain germinate and the ear of wheat grow until the fruit, the seed, appears. Once the grain is given, the rest dies. All the power of the Sun Christ remains enclosed in the grain. Just as it happens with wine. The sun ripens the grape. All the power of the Sun Christ is enclosed in the grape. With the Gnostic Anointing all the solar Christic powers are detached from the bread and wine. Then they act within our organism, christifying us.




Epiphany is the manifestation or the Revelation: or the ascension of the Christ in us. According to Krumm Heller, Dietrich the great theologian, says: “To find as desired, the re-ligare or the Union with the Divinity, it must be done by these four paths: Receiving God (the Eucharist), Loving Union (Sexual Magic), Filial Love (feeling like a Son of God), Death and Reincarnation.” The Gnostic lives these four paths.


                                                                                    THE PRAETOR


In the higher worlds there exists the Gnostic Church. The cathedral of the Soul. In that cathedral rituals are performed on Fridays and Sundays at dawn, or when it is necessary to do good to humanity. Many devotees go to the “Praetor” in their Astral bodies. There are also some athletes of the science “Jinas” ( to put the physical body into the fourth-fifth-upper-dimension) who carry their physical body and take it to the “Praetor”. There all these devotees have the joy of receiving the Bread and the Wine.




The key to coming out in the astral light is very simple. All you have to do is fall asleep mentally saying the powerful mantra PHARAOH. This mantra is divided into three syllables: FA-RA-ON. When the devotee is already in that state of transition that exists between wakefulness and sleep, he will go inside himself through conscious self-reflection, and then he will gently jump out of his bed completely identified with his soft and fluid spirit. In the Astral Body, every devotee can go to the “Praetor”. People who have not yet engendered the Astral Christ suffer greatly because they cannot learn to come out in the Astral Light, except with thousands of hardships and after a lot of work. Those who in past reincarnations engendered the Astral Christ, leave the physical body with great ease.




The disciple will concentrate on the Master “Oguara”. The disciple must fall asleep reciting this prayer: “I believe in Christ, I believe in Oguara, Babaji, Mataji and the Jinas Masters. Take me out of my bed with a physical body. Take me to the Gnostic Church with my physical body in the Jinas state.”


The devotee will pray this prayer thousands of times. The devotee must fall asleep praying this prayer. When the devotee feels more asleep than awake, when he feels his body weak and full of lassitude, when he feels like he is drunk with sleep, when he already begins to dream, he should get up from his bed “keeping sleep like the miser keeps his treasure.” All the power is in sleep. In those moments, terrible forces are working that raise the vibration of the physical body, accelerating the movement of the atom to astonishing speeds. Then the physical body enters into the Jinas state. It penetrates into hyper-space. If the student makes a jump with the intention of floating, then he will notice with astonishment that he can fly. In this state he is invisible to the physical world; in this state he can assist the “Praetor”.


When the physical body is entering the Jinas state it begins to inflate, starting from the bottom up, from the ankles of the feet. It is not really that it inflates but that the astral forces penetrate it giving it that inflated appearance.


                                                                                   THE FOUR STATIONS


. In the astral plane there are angels who take turns in the work of helping humanity. Rafael in spring, Uriel in summer, Michael in autumn, Gabriel in winter. All the angels attend the Gnostic rituals to help us.


                                                                                       THE OUR FATHER


Of all the ritual prayers, the most powerful is the “Our Father.” This is a magical prayer of immense power. Imagination, inspiration, intuition are the three obligatory paths of Initiation.


Master Huiracocha says the following: “First, it is necessary to see spiritual things internally and then we must listen to the verb with the divine word to have our spiritual organism prepared for intuition.” This trinity is found in the first three supplications of the Our Father, namely:

“Hallowed be thy name,” that is, the Divine Word, the magnificent name of God, the creative word.

“Thy Kingdom come”, that is to say: with the pronunciation of the Word, of the Mantras, the Internal Kingdom of the Holy Masters comes to us.


This is what the union of God consists of, with everything being resolved... with these three requests, says Krumm Heller, we have asked in their entirety. And if one day we achieve it, we will already be gods, and therefore we will no longer need to ask.


The Gnostic Church preserves the entire Secret Doctrine of the Adorable Savior of the world. The Gnostic Church is the religion of joy and beauty. The Gnostic Church is the virginal trunk from which Romanism and all the other sects that worship Christ came. The Gnostic Church is the only church that preserves in secret the Doctrine that Christ taught from the lips to the ears of his disciples.


We are not against any religion. We invite people of all the holy religions to worship the Lord, to study our secret doctrine.


We must not forget that there are rituals of light and darkness. We possess the secret rituals of the Adorable Savior of the world.


We do not disdain or underestimate any religion. All religions are precious pearls strung on the golden thread of Divinity. We only affirm that Gnosis is the flame from which all the religions of the Universe issue. That's all.


                                                                                       Chapter XIII

                                                                                   THE TWO MARYS


There are two serpents: one that ascends through the medullar canal and the other that descends. In the White Magicians the Serpent ascends because they do not spill the semen. In the Black Magicians the Serpent descends because they do spill the semen.


The Serpent ascending through the medullar canal is the Virgin. The Serpent descending from the coccyx towards the atomic infernos of Nature is the Holy Mary of Black Magic and of witchcraft. Here are the two Marys: the white one and the black one.

. The Black Magicians mortally hate the White Virgin Mary. Whoever dares to name the Virgin is immediately attacked by the tenebrous.


When the Initiate is working on the Great Work he has to fight terribly against the Adepts of black Mary.


The creative forces are triple: masculine, feminine and neutral. These great forces flow from above downwards.


Whoever wants to regenerate himself has to change this movement and make these creative energies return inwards and upwards. This is even contrary to the interests of Nature. The dark ones then feel offended attack the Initiate terribly. The Lady Adepts of the black-hand sexually assault the Initiate to discharge him. This happens especially during sleep. Thus come the nocturnal emissions. The Student dreams of beautiful women who discharge him sexually to prevent the ascent of the fire through the medullar canal.


The dark ones worship such  Mary in the abyss and sing verses of malignant sublimity to her.


The White Magicians worship the Virgin who as a Serpent of Fire ascends through the medullar canal and they rest their head on her like the child in the arms of his Adorable Mother.


In India, Kali, the Divine Mother Kundalini, is worshipped, but Kali is also worshipped in her fatal black aspect. These are the two Marys: the white one and the black one. The copper serpent that healed the Israelites in the desert and the tempting serpent of Eden.


There are white initiations and black initiations. Temples of light and temples of darkness. All the degrees and all the initiations are based on the Serpent. When it rises we become angels; when it descends we become devils.


We will now relate a black initiation as it was investigated by us: The aspirant was taken out of the physical body at a time when it was sleeping. The party of the demons was held in a street. All the attendees were in the Astral Body. The neophyte practiced negative Sexual Magic with the spilling of semen. Thus he was progressing in the science of the demons. They came to the party dressed in black robes. The party was a true coven. After the orgy, the Adepts of the Left Hand led their beloved disciple to a yellow temple. It was a den of Black Magic. From the outside, the temple looked like a humble religious chapel. Inside, it was a magnificent palace. Inside the temple there were two floors and magnificent corridors where the dark ones walked. The Adepts of the shadow congratulated the candidate for his dark triumphs. It was horrible to see the Adepts of such Santa Maria. The candidate felt at home. The tail of the devils appeared in those astral ghosts. The party of darkness was magnificent. A priest of the abyss climbed on a stone to give a sermon. This ghost was a sincere mistaken man. A man of good intentions but fatally lost. This Adept of the shadows said solemnly: “I will be faithful to my religion, nothing will make me take a step back. This is sacred.”

 Then the dark one continued with a long speech that everyone applauded.


The honoree who had the misfortune of awakening the Kundalini in a negative way was marked with a fatal seal. This mark was triangular and had black and grey lines. The seal was first put into the fire before being used. The seal mark was placed under the left lung.


The dark ones gave the disciple a fatal name, and this was engraved in black letters on the left forearm.


This new black initiate was then led before a statue of terribly evil beauties that symbolized the black goddess, the kingdom of Santamaría. The disciple sitting before this statue crossed his legs in the Anagarika style. The left over the right. He then placed his hands on his waist and concentrated on the fatal goddess. After all, the dark one returned to his physical body happy with “triumph.”

This is the end of our investigation in relation to the initiations of the abyss.


All those who follow the path of the Perfect Matrimony must defend themselves from the dark ones. They try to take the devotee off the Royal Path to make him a member of the Black Lodge. When they achieve their goal, then the student is taken to the banquet of the demons.


The fight is terrible. Brain against sex, sex against brain and what is more terrible and what  is that of heart against heart. You know it...


We need to transcend all human affections. Abandon everything that means carnal passion. This is very difficult. The past screams, cries, begs, etc. This is very hard.


The Superman is the result of a tremendous Revolution of Consciousness. Those who believe that the mechanical evolution of Nature makes us Masters are absolutely wrong. The Master is the result of a tremendous Revolution of Consciousness.


We need to fight against the natural nature and its shadows.

Archagel Samael- Planetary Logos of Mars-Aquarius Avatar

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