Chapter XIV

                                                                       WORKING WITH THE DEVIL


The awakening of the Kundalini and the dissolution of the multiple-ego constitute precisely the fundamental basis of all thorough realization.


In this chapter we will deal with the subject of the dissolution of the self-ego. This is definitive for final liberation.


The self-ego is the demon that we carry within. On this statement we say that the work of dissolving the self-ego is really the work with the demon. This work is very difficult. When we work with the demon, the dark entities often attack us terribly. This is really the path of the cunning man, the famous fourth path of the Tau path.




Lust is the origin of the sinful self. The Ego, Satan, is subject to the law of the eternal return of all things; it returns to new matrices to satisfy desires. The ego repeats in each of its lives the same dramas, the same errors. The ego becomes complicated over time, becoming more and more perverse.




The Satan within us is made up of atoms of the secret enemy. Satan had a beginning; Satan has an end. We need to dissolve Satan in order to return to the Inner Star that has always smiled upon us. That is the true final liberation. Only by dissolving the ego do we achieve absolute liberation.




In the unknown depths of our Divine Being, we have an inner star, completely atomic. This Star is a Super-Divine Atom. The Kabbalists call it by the sacred name of the Ain Soph. This is the Being of our Being. The Great Reality within us.




God does not need to evolve because he is perfect. God does not need to perfect himself. He is perfect. God is our Inner Being.




We Gnostics have never denied the law of evolution, but we do not accept such a mechanical law as a dogma.


The laws of evolution and involution constitute the mechanical axis of Nature. Every rise is followed by a fall; every evolution corresponds to a certain involution.


There is evolution in the seed that germinates, in the stem that grows and develops, in the plant that bears fruit. There is involution in the tree that decreases, withers, ages and dies.




We need a tremendous revolution of Consciousness to achieve the return to the Inner Star that guides our Being. When we dissolve the ego there is a total revolution.




Pain cannot perfect anyone. If pain were perfect, all of humanity would already be perfect. Pain is the result of our own mistakes. Satan makes many mistakes. Satan reaps the fruit of his mistakes. Pain is that fruit. Pain is Satanic, Satan cannot perfect himself or perfect anyone. Pain does not perfect because pain is from Satan. The Great Divine Reality is happiness, peace, abundance and perfection. The Great Reality cannot create pain. Perfection cannot create pain. Perfection only engenders happiness. Pain was created by the ego (Satan).




Time is Satan. Satan is memory. Satan is a bundle of memories. When man dies, only memories remain. These memories constitute the self-ego. The reincarnating Ego. These unsatisfied desires, these memories of yesterday, are reincarnated. This is how we are slaves of the past. We can say that the past conditions our present life. We can affirm that Satan is time. We can say without fear of being wrong that time cannot free us from this valley of tears because time is satanic. We have to learn to live from moment to moment. Life is an eternal now, an eternal present. Satan was the creator of time. Those who think they will free themselves in the distant future, within a few million years, with time and with centuries, are sure candidates for the abyss and the second death, because time belongs to Satan. Time does not free anyone. Satan enslaves, Satan does not free. We need to free ourselves right now. We need to live from moment to moment.




Every human being has seven basic fundamental centers, let's look at them:


1) The intellectual, located in the brain.

2) The motor or movement center, located in the upper part of the spine, and cerebellum.

3) The emotional, which is found in the solar plexus and in the specific nervous centers of the great sympathetic.

4) The instinctive, located in the lower part of the spine.

5) The sexual, located in the genital organs.

6) The higher emotional and,

7) The higher mental.


These last two can only be expressed through the authentic Astral Body and the legitimate Mental Body.



The ego exercises control over the five lower centers of the human machine. These five centers are: intellect, movement, emotion, instinct and sex. The two centers of the human being that correspond to the Christ Consciousness are known in occultism as the Christ Mind and the Christ Astral. These two higher centers cannot be controlled by the ego. Unfortunately, the Higher Mind and the Higher Emotion do not yet have these two precious Christ vehicles. When the Higher Mind is clothed with the Christ Mind, and when the Higher Emotion is clothed with the Christ Astral, we are in fact elevated to the truly human state.


Anyone who wants to dissolve the ego must study its functionalisms in the five lower centers. We must not condemn the defects. Nor must we justify them. The important thing is to understand them. It is urgent to understand the actions and reactions of the human machine. Each of these five lower centers has a very complicated set of actions and reactions. The ego works with each of these five lower centers and by thoroughly understanding the entire mechanism of each of these centers we are on the way to dissolving the ego.


In practical life two people react to a representation in a different way. What is pleasant for one person may be unpleasant for another. The difference is often that one person can judge and see with the mind and another can be touched in his feelings. We must learn to differentiate the mind from the feeling. The mind is one thing and the feeling is another. In the mind there is a whole game of actions and reactions that must be understood. In the feeling there are affections that must be comprehended, emotions that must be carefully studied and in general a whole mechanism of actions and reactions that are easily confused with the activities of the mind.




Such a center is useful within its orbit; the serious thing is to want to take it out of its field of gravitation. The great realities of the spirit can only be experienced with Consciousness. Those who try to investigate the transcendental truths of Being based on pure reasoning, fall into the same error as someone who, ignoring the use and handling of modern scientific instruments, tries to study the life of the infinitely small with telescopes and the life of the infinitely large with microscopes.




We need to discover ourselves and understand all our habits thoroughly. We must not allow our life to continue to develop mechanically. It seems incredible that we live within the molds of habits, and do not know these molds that condition our life. We need to study our habits, we need to understand them. They belong to the activities of the center of movement. It is necessary to self-observe the way we live, act, dress, walk, etc. The center of movement has many activities. Sports also belong to the center of movement. When the mind interferes in this center, it obstructs and damages because it is very slow and the center of movement is very fast. Every typist works with the center of movement and naturally can make mistakes on the keyboard if the mind intervenes. A man driving a car could have an accident if the mind intervenes.




Human beings waste their sexual energies foolishly by abusing violent emotions: cinema, television, football matches, etc. We must learn to master our emotions; we must save our sexual energies.




There are various instincts. The instinct of self-preservation, the sexual instinct, etc. There are also many perversions of instinct. Deep within every human being there are instinctive, brutal sub-human forces that paralyze the true spirit of love and charity. These demonic forces must first be understood and then subdued and eliminated. They are bestial forces: lower instincts, lust, cowardice, fear, sexual sadism, sexual bestiality, etc. We need to study and deeply understand these sub-human forces before we can dissolve and eliminate them.




Sex is the fifth power of the human being. Sex can liberate or enslave man. No one can become whole, no one can fully realize themselves without sexual power. No celibate can achieve total realization. Sex is the power of the Soul. The complete human being is achieved with the absolute fusion of the masculine and feminine poles of the Soul. The sexual force develops, evolves and progresses on seven levels. (The seven levels of the Soul). In the physical world, sex is a blind force of mutual attraction; in the astral world, sexual attraction is based on the affinity of types according to their polarities and essences. In the mental world, sexual attraction is carried out according to the laws of polarity and mental affinity. On the causal plane, sexual attraction is carried out on the basis of conscious will. It is precisely on this plane of natural causes where the full unification of the Soul is consciously carried out. Truly, no one can reach the full glory of the Perfect Matrimony without having reached this fourth state of human integration.


We need to understand the entire sexual problem thoroughly. We need to be whole. We need to transcend the mechanics of sex. We need to know how to procreate children of Wisdom. At the supreme moment of conception, human essences are completely open to all kinds of influences. The state of purity of the parents and the willpower not to spill the Vessel of Hermes are the only things that can protect us against the danger of sub-human substances from bestial Egos that want to reincarnate infiltrating the sperm and the ovum.




Understanding the intimate activities of each of the five lower centers, we discover the entire process of the self-Ego. The result of this self-discovery is the absolute death of Satan (the tenebrous  lunar self).



Since woman is the passive, receptive element, it is clear that she collects and stores the results of the sexual act of all those men who have committed adultery with her. These results are atomic substances of the men with whom she has had sexual intercourse. When a man has sexual relations with a woman who has been with another man, or with other men, he then collects the atomic essences of other men and poisons himself with them. This is a very serious problem for brothers who are dissolving the self-ego because then they not only have to fight against their own errors and defects, but also against the errors and defects of those other men with whom the woman had sexual contact.




The self-ego is the root of pain. The self is the root of ignorance and error. When the ego is dissolved, only the Inner Christ remains within us.


It is necessary to dissolve the ego. Only by dissolving them ignorance and error disappear. When the self-ego disappears, the only thing that remains within us is that which is called Love.


When the self dissolves, true and legitimate happiness comes to us.


Only by totally annihilating desire do we achieve the dissolution of the self-ego. If we want to annihilate the self, we must be like the lemon.


The ego is the horrible Satan, the horrible demon that has made our life so bitter and disgusting.


                                                                                                Chapter XV



Swami X said in one of his lectures the following: “Singles can unite the natural creative force of the soul in themselves spiritually by learning the correct method of meditation and its application to physical life. Such people do not have to go through the experience of material marriage. They can learn to marry their feminine impulse with the masculine impulse of their inner soul.”


If our beloved Gnostic disciples reflect on these words of Swami X, they will come to the conclusion that they are manifestly absurd. That of marrying the physical feminine impulse with the masculine impulse of their inner soul is one hundred percent false. Such an utopian type of marriage is impossible because man has not yet incarnated the Soul. With whom, then, is he going to marry his physical feminine impulse? The intellectual animal does not yet have a Soul. Whoever wishes to incarnate his Soul, whoever wants to be a man with a Soul, must have the bodies: Astral, Mental and Causal. The present human being does not yet have these internal vehicles. The astral spectrum, the mental spectrum or the causal spectrum are only spectra. Most occultists believe that these internal spectra are the true vehicles and they are very wrong. We need to be born in the higher worlds and that being born is a sexual problem.


No human being is born from any theory. Not even a simple microbe can be born from theories. No one is born through the nose or through the mouth. Every living being is born through sex. “As above, so below.” If here in the physical world man is born through sex, it is logical that above, in the internal worlds, the process is analogous. The Law is Law and the Law is fulfilled.


The Astral Christ is born as the body of flesh and blood is born. That is sexual. Only with Sexual Magic between husband and wife, can this wonderful body be born. The same can be said of the Mental and the Causal ones. We need to engender these internal bodies and that is only possible with sexual contact, because as above, so below, and as below, so above. No celibate can marry his physical feminine impulse with the masculine impulse of his inner soul, because no celibate can embody his Soul. To embody the Soul we must engender the internal bodies, and only with the sexual union of man and woman can they be engendered. No man alone or no woman alone can engender or conceive. Both poles are needed to create. That is life.


It is necessary to engender the internal vehicles. It is necessary to be born in the higher worlds. Celibacy is an absolutely false path. We need the Perfect Marriage.


After birth each vehicle needs its special nourishment. Only with its special nourishment does it fully develop and strengthen. The nourishment of these vehicles is based on hydrogens. In the physical organism the different types of hydrogens are manufactured with which the different internal bodies of man are nourished.




Physical Body. This is governed by 48 laws. Its basic food is hydrogen 48.


Astral Body. This vehicle is subject to twenty-four laws. Its basic food is hydrogen 24.


Mental Body. This vehicle is subject to twelve laws. Its basic food is hydrogen 12.


Causal Body. This vehicle is governed by six laws. Its basic food is hydrogen 6.


Every substance is transformed into a certain type of hydrogen. Thus, as the substances and the ways of life are infinite, so are the hydrogens infinite. The internal bodies have their special hydrogens and they feed on them.


Swami X was only a monk. We have been told that this good monk will soon be reincarnated, to marry and to be fully realized. He is a beautiful disciple of the White Lodge. In the higher worlds he believed himself to be realized. Great was his surprise in the temple when we had to make him aware of his mistake. In reality this good monk has not yet engendered his Christic bodies; he needs to engender them. This is a sexual problem. Only through Sexual Magic can these wonderful internal bodies be engendered.

We warn our critics that we are not speaking out against Swami X. His exercises are wonderful and very useful. However, we clarify that no one can achieve complete fulfillment with the bellows system.


There are many schools, all of which are necessary. They all serve to help the human being, but it is good to note that no theory can give birth to internal bodies. We have never seen anyone born from a theory. We do not know of the first human being born from theories.


There are very respectable and venerable schools. These institutions have their courses of teaching and their degrees. Some of them also have initiation rituals. However, in the higher worlds, the degrees and initiations of these schools are of no use. The Masters of the White Lodge are not interested in the degrees and hierarchies of the physical world. They are only interested in the Kundalini. They examine and measure the spinal cord. If the candidate has not raised the serpent, for them he is a simple profane person like any other, even if he occupies some high position in the physical world, and even if his school or lodge is very venerable, or some supreme hierarch. If the Kundalini has risen three vertebrae, the Masters consider him a third-degree Initiate, and if only one vertebra, a first-degree Initiate.


Thus, the only thing that interests the Masters is the Kundalini.


Very few are really those who abandon everything to work in their cave with their Eagle and their Snake. That is a thing of heroes and present-day humanity does not abandon its lodges and schools to remain alone with its Eagle and its Snake. The students of all organizations are not even faithful to their schools. They live fluttering from lodge to lodge, from school to school, and thus they claim to want to fully realize themselves.


We feel infinite pain when we see these brothers fluttering. Many of them practice wonderful exercises. Certainly there are very good practices in all schools. The practices of Yogananda, Vivekananda, Ramacharaka, etc., etc., are admirable. The students practice them with very good intentions. There are very sincere students. We appreciate all these students and all these schools very much. However, we feel a great deal of pain for them who so anxiously seek their final liberation. We know that they must engender their internal bodies. We know that they must practice Sexual Magic. We know that only in this way, with Sexual Magic, will they be able to awaken the sacred fire and engender their internal vehicles to incarnate their Soul. We know this from our own experience. However, how do we convince them? The suffering of us the brothers is very great... and without remedy... on the past Earth-Moon, millions of human beings evolved, and of all these millions, only a few hundred rose to the angelic state. The great majority of human beings were lost. The great majority sank into the abyss. Many are called and few are chosen. If we observe Nature, we see that not all seeds germinate. Millions of seeds are lost, and millions of creatures perish daily. This is a sad truth, but it is true.


Every celibate is a sure candidate for the abyss and the second death. Only those who have risen to the state of Superman can afford to enjoy the delights of love without sexual contact. Then we enter the amphitheater of Cosmic science. No one can become the embodiment of Superman within himself without Sexual Magic and the Perfect Marriage.



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