SAMAEL AUN WEOR




I have written this book for the few; I say for the few,

because the many neither accept it, nor understand it, nor want it.

 THE PERFECT MARRIAGE, joined the ranks of the Gnostic Movement.

In this battle for the New Aquarian Age, we had to learn that

the abyss is full of sincerely mistaken people  with very good intentions.

THE PERFECT MARRIAGE and the COSMIC CHRIST constitute the synthesis of all religions, schools,

orders, sects, lodges, yoga, etc., etc., etc. It is really a pity that so many who found the Practical Synthesis

have left it to fall into the intricate labyrinth of theories.

Tradition tells that in the center of the Labyrinth there was the Synthesis, that is, the Labarum of the temple.

. Actually, whoever finds the Synthesis commits the greatest nonsense when he leaves the center and returns to the complicated corridors of all the theories that form the labyrinth of the mind.

 Christ and Sexual Magic represent the pristine essence of religious synthesis.

If we make a comparative study of religions, we will discover that at the bottom of all schools, religions and

esoteric sects, there is phallic knowledge. Let us remember Peristera, a nymph in Venus' courtship transformed into a dove by love.

Let us remember the Virtuous Venus, let us remember the processions of the God Priapus

in the old august Rome of the Caesars, when the Priestesses of the temples full of ecstasy majestically

carried an enormous phallus of sacred wood.

With just reason Freud, the founder of Psychoanalysis, says that religions have a sexual origin.

The Mysteries of Fire are enclosed in the Perfect Matrimony.

All fire cults are absolutely sexual ones. The vestals were true priestesses of love; with them the celibate priests reached the Adept aspirants.


It is a pity that modern vestals (nuns) do not know the key to Sexual Magic. It is a pity that modern priests have forgotten the secret key to sex.

We feel deep pain when we see so many Yogis who ignore the supreme key of Yoga, Sexual Magic, the supreme synthesis of all Yoga systems.

 There are many people filled with horror when they learn about Sexual Magic, but they are not filled with horror when they

indulge in all the sexual refinements and all the carnal passions.


Here you have, dear reader, the synthesis of all religions, schools and sects. Our Doctrine is the Doctrine of Synthesis.

In the deep night of the centuries powerful civilizations and great mysteries existed. There was never a lack of

Priestesses of love in the temples.

Those who became Masters of the White Lodge practiced Sexual Magic with them. The Master must be born within us with Sexual Magic.


In the sunny country of Kem, back in the old Egypt of the pharaohs, whoever disclosed the Great Arcanum

(SEXUAL MAGIC) was sentenced to death, his head was cut off, his heart was torn out and his ashes were

thrown to the four winds.

 In the country of the Aztecs, men and women aspiring to the Adept aspirants remained for entire times caressing

each other, loving each other and practicing Sexual Magic within the courtyards of the temples.

 Whoever spilled the Glass of Hermes in those temple practices was beheaded for having desecrated the temple.

 All systems of intimate self-education have as their last practical synthesis, Sexual Magic.

All religion, all esoteric cult has for synthesis, Sexual Magic (THE ARCANE AZF).

In the Mysteries of Eleusis there were nude dances and ineffable things. Sexual Magic was the fundamental

basis of those Mysteries. Back then no one thought about crap because sex was deeply revered. The Initiates

know that the Third Logos works in sex.

 We have written this book with complete clarity; we have unveiled what was veiled. Whoever wants to fully realize

himself can do it now, here is the guide, here is the complete teaching. I have already been harassed, humiliated,

slandered, persecuted, etc., for teaching the Path of the Perfect Matrimony; I do not care about that; At first,

betrayals and slander hurt me a lot, now I have turned to  steel, and slander and betrayal no longer hurt me. 

I Know too well that humanity hates the truth and mortally hates the prophets; so it's only natural that I should be

hated for writing this book.

We pursue only one thing, one goal, one objective: CHRISTIFICATION.

It is necessary that each man Christify himself. IT IS NECESSARY TO INCARNATE CHRIST.


In this book we have lifted the veil of the Christic Mysteries.

We have explained what the Christic Principle is.


We have invited all human beings to follow the Path of the Perfect Matrimony to achieve Christification.


We have explained that Christ is not an individual, but an impersonal Cosmic Universal principle that must be assimilated by each man and woman through Sexual Magic. Naturally all  this scandalizes the fanatics, but the truth is the truth and we have to say it even when it cost us our lives.

 The teachings of the "Zend Avesta", similar to the doctrinal principles contained in the "Book of the Dead" of the Egyptians, contain the Christ principle.

 Homer's "Iliad" and the Hebrew "Bible" as well as

the German "Eddas" and the Roman "Sibylline Books"

contain the same Christ principle. This is enough

to show that the Christ is prior to Jesus of Nazareth.

Christ is not an individual. Christ is a Cosmic Principle that we must assimilate within our own physical psychic somatic and spiritual nature, through Sexual Magic.


Among the Persians, Christ is Hormuz, Ahura-Mazda, the terrible enemy of Ahriman (Satan), that we carry within.

 Among the Hindustanis Krishna is the Christ, and the Gospel of Krishna is very similar to that of Jesus of Nazareth.


Among the Egyptians, Christ is Osiris and everyone who incarnated him was

in fact an Osirified.

Among the Chinese it is Fu-Hi the Cosmic Christ who composed the "I-Ching", book of laws and appointed dragon ministers.

Among the Greeks, the Christ is called Zeus, Jupiter, Father of the Gods.

 Among the Aztecs it is Quetzalcóatl, the Mexican Christ.

Among the German "Eddas" is Balder, the Christ who was killed by Hoder, god of war, with a mistletoe arrow, etc.


Thus we could cite the Cosmic Christ in thousands of archaic books and old traditions that come from millions of years

before Jesus.

All this invites us to accept that Christ is a Cosmic Principle contained in the substantial principles of all ancient religions.

There really is in fact only ONE unique and cosmic religion.

This religion assumes different religious forms according to the times and the needs of humanity.

Thus, religious struggles are absurd because deep down they are all only modifications of the Universal

Cosmic principles.

From this point of view we affirm that this book is not against any religion, school or system of thought. The only thing we do in this book is to give humanity a key, a sexual secret, a key with which every living being can assimilate the Christ Principle, contained in the background of all the great religions of the world.


We recognize Jesus-Iesus-Zeus-Jupiter, as the new Super- Man who fully assimilated the CHRIST Principle, and in fact became a God-Man.

We believe that we should imitate him. He was a complete man, a true man in the most complete sense of the word, but through Sexual Magic he managed to fully assimilate the Universal and Cosmic Christ Principle.

 Those very understanding few should study the Gospel of John, chapter three in verses one through twenty-one; there you will find the devotee of the Perfect Matrimony, pure and legitimate Sexual Magic taught by Jesus. It is clear that the teaching is in code, but the connoisseur will understand intuitively.


Modern humanity has made the mistake of separating the great Master Jesus from all his ancestors who, like him, were also Christified; this has harmed current humanity.

We need to understand better and better that all religions are only one Religion.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is the same Isis, Juno, Demeter,

Ceres, Maia, etc., the Cosmic Mother or Kundalini (Sexual Fire) from which the Cosmic Christ is always born.

Mary Magdalene is the same Salambo, Matra, Ishtar,

Astarte, Aphrodite and Venus with whom we have

to practice Sexual Magic to awaken the fire.

The martyrs, saints, virgins, angels and cherubs are the

same Gods, demigods, titans, goddesses,

sylphs, cyclops and messengers of the Gods in pagan



All the religious principles of Christianity are pagan, and

when the present religious forms disappear, their

principles will be assimilated by the new religious forms of

the future.


It is necessary to understand what the immaculate

conceptions are; It is necessary to know that only with

the Perfect Matrimony is the Christ born in the heart of man.


It is urgent to awaken the fire of the Kundalini

or Fire of the Holy Spirit to incarnate the Christ. Whoever

awakens the Kundalini transforms like Ganymede

into the Eagle of the Spirit to climb Olympus and serve as a

cup-bearer to the ineffable Gods.


It is unfortunate that the Catholic priests have destroyed so much document and so much valuable treasure from antiquity. Fortunately not everything could be destroyed. During the Renaissance age some wonderful books were discovered by brave priests. thus, Dante Alighieri, Boccaccio, Petrarch, Erasmus, etc., managed to translate, despite the persecutions of the clergy.

Works as famous as "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey" by Homer, true books of Occult Science and

Sexual Magic. They also translated "The Aeneid" by Virgil, "The Theogony", "The Works and Days" by Hesiod, "Metamorphoses" by Ovid and other writings by Lucretius, Horace, Tibullus, Titus Livy, Tacitus, Apuleius, Cicero, etc. , etc. It is all pure Gnosticism.


It is truly unfortunate how some ignorant people abandon Gnosis to follow

systems and methods that ignore Sexual Magic and the Perfect Matrimony.


We have investigated all the great Gnostic treasures, we have scrutinized the depths of all the archaic

religions, we have found the supreme key of Sexual Magic

in the depths of all the cults. Now we give this

treasure, this key to suffering humanity. Many will read this

book but few will understand it.


This is only a book on Sexual Magic.

Those who are accustomed to reading thousands of books out of

sheer intellectual curiosity will in fact miss the opportunity to

study this work in depth. It is not enough to

rush through this book. Those who think so are wrong. It is

necessary to study it deeply and fully understand it.

Not only with the intellect, but on all levels of the mind.

The intellect is only a small fraction of the mind. The intellect is not the whole mind; who

understands this book only with the intellect, has not

understood it. Only with internal meditation is it possible to understand it at all levels of the mind.


It is urgent to practice Sexual Magic to achieve

Christification. In this book the reader will find the supreme

key to Intimate Self-Realization. We are not against any

religion, school, sect, order or lodge because we

know that all religious forms are manifestations of the Great

Infinite Universal Cosmic Religion, latent in

every atom of the Cosmos.


We only teach the synthesis of all religions, schools, orders,

lodges, and beliefs.

Our doctrine is the Doctrine of Synthesis.

Sexual Magic is practiced in esoteric Christianity; Sexual

Magic is practiced in Zen Buddhism. Sexual

Magic is practiced among initiated Yogis. Sexual Magic is

practiced among the Mohammedan Sufis.

Sexual Magic was practiced among all the Initiatic Colleges

of Troy, Egypt, Rome, Carthage, Eleusis;

Sexual Magic was practiced in the mysteries of the Mayas,

Aztecs, Incas, Druids, etc.

The synthesis of all religions, schools and sects is Sexual

Magic and the Cosmic Christ.

We teach the Doctrine of Synthesis. This Doctrine can never

be against the various religious forms. Our

teachings are contained in all religions, schools and beliefs;

If the reader makes a serious study of all the

religions of the world, he will find the phallus and the womb

as a synthesis of all the mysteries. There is no religion

or mystery school where the Cosmic Christ and the

Mysteries of Sex are absent is not known.

The Synthesis Doctrine cannot harm anyone, because it is

the synthesis of all.

We invite all devotees of all cults, schools and beliefs to do

a comparative study of religions.

We invite the students of all the diverse systems of intimate

self-education, to study the Sexual Esotericism of

all the secret schools of mysteries.


We invite all Yogis to study SEX YOGA and the White Tantrism of India, without which no yogi can achieve absolute liberation.

Sexual Magic and the Christ are the synthesis of all esoteric study, whatever its name, religious form, or educational system.

The attacks we have been victims of, the persecutions, the anathemas, the excommunications, etc., are due to ignorance, to lack of study.

Any religious form or esoteric system is enriched by synthesis. Synthesis cannot harm anyone. This is the Doctrine of Synthesis. We dearly love all religious forms; we know that they are the loving manifestation of the Great Universal Cosmic Religion.

In the Perfect Matrimony is found the Supreme Religious Synthesis.

God is Love and Wisdom. In Christ and in Sex is the ultimate synthesis of all lodges, orders, schools, sects, systems and methods of Intimate Self-Realization, both from the East and the West, both from the North and the South.

Inverential Peace.

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