'The Intimate Christ. The Twelve Apostles. The Development of Philosophical Mercury. The Advent of the Fire. The vitriol. Gold Fixing. The Solar Man. 


The Intimate Christ has to embody in the heart of man; be developed in the heart of man; must operate in the heart of man; must grow in us.


Once you have done this, you must preach the word for the good of humanity.


But it is clear that whenever He comes into the world, hate him three kinds of people: the elders, priests and scribes. Elderly: very opinionated people, full of experience, very serious; hate him because they do not fit into their practices or in a way of being. Also hate him the scribes, or intellectuals, it does not fit within their splints, within their dogmas, nor in their theories, and reject it. And  hate him, the temple priests, members of all religions, the very religious people, the priests of all religions, because he is always talking, always say, revolutionary things that go against the vested interests of the official religion; comes to crumble or destroy dogmas and that it cannot accept religious.


So, then, are three kinds of people who reject the Lord.


As a consequence or corollary, that happens then turn him to live the Lord, into the heart of man, the whole Cosmic Drama as it is written in the four Gospels.


The crowds calling for his crucifixion. It is not merely external multitudes, but internal crowds. Each of us carries these multitudes within themselves; we mean the psychic aggregates, the selves: ask his crucifixion.


There are three traitors that lend themselves to carry him to crucifixion are: Judas, the demon of desire; Pilate, the demon of the mind; and Caiaphas, the demon of bad will. Those are the three traitors. Those who make suffer the Lord very much.


So the Lord must live within the Human Soul entire Cosmic Drama.


Finally, the Lord is crucified and then placed in his Holy Interior Sepulcher, in his Grave de Cristal. It is necessary that the Lord will arise from his grave, and He revives the Third Day, that is, after the Third Purification of Iron and Fire, after the man has passed through the three purifications based of Iron and Fire. Then the resurrected Lord, our King rises from his Crystal grave , is coated with TO SOMA HELIAKON, THE BODY OF GOLD OF THE SOLAR MAN, and there comes to the Gnostic-sensory World; penetrates deep into the organic nature to speak to humanity, to work, to become, to say, in the servant of all.

Obviously, it is essential to incarnate the Intimate Christ, and may embody, on condition of receiving the Venusian Initiation.


It is therefore in the Venusian Initiation, when the Christus Cosmic born in the heart of man.


When He advents, indeed the Initiate all that has to receive him are the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being.


That Bethlehem spoken of in the Gospel, is within ourselves; because at the time when the Hierophant. Jeshua Ben Pandirá( Jeshua Ben Josheph) teach the doctrine of Christ, Bethlehem did not exist, the town of Bethlehem did not exist.


Bethlehem comes from a Chaldean term: Bel, reminiscent of the Tower of Bel, the Tower of Fire. Every man must first possess Tower Bel within himself; that is, there must be developed fire within himself; have raised the Fire Tower at the top of the head to meet the Lord.


He has to take care of our processes of thinking, feeling and acting. He truly being perfect, must clothe itself with imperfection. He still quite Holy creature, must put the creature from sin, and become master of our processes of thinking, feeling and acting; He has to destroy the inhuman elements that we carry within. As he is eliminating, grows, and it develops. So when already reaches man and can preach the word, he has made ​​with great sacrifices. And finally he has to live within the heart of man, the whole Cosmic Drama, as it is in the Four Gospels. And he must be killed because by his death kills death. And it must revive in us, and resurrected, gives us immortality. Already resurrected in us, it becomes truth, a Master of Resurrections, a real efficient worker this gigantic Great Work of the Father.


So you, you are seeing.


Q.- Venerable Master, is it then that is called the Cosmic Christ?


A.- The Cosmic Christ is the Cosmic Christ, forever. The Christ is not really an individual, neither human nor divine. Christ himself is a Force, is a Universal Cosmic Force, which bustles and throbs in every atom, in every electron, ion around, is latent in all that is, has been, and will; but can manifest through any man who is properly prepared.


So, if we think that Jesus of Nazareth is the only expression of Crestos, we are very wrong.


Just as Christ at that time was expressed by Jeshua Ben Pandirá and also expressed at the time by John the Baptist; and is the same as that expressed by Moses shone on his face on Mount Nebo; and is the same as that taught the Hermetic Wisdom, with the name of Hermes Trismegistus; and is the same Lord Quetzalcoatl.


So Crestos, is a force that is expressed through any man who is properly prepared. And when I say man, I also include the feminine element can be expressed by any woman is adequately prepared.


Q.- Venerable Master, and the Second Logos is something else?


A.- am speaking of Christ as the Second Logos. Whether it is understood that the First Logos is the Father; It is understood that the Second Logos is the Son; means that the Third Logos is the Holy Spirit.


Q.- Venerable Master, I understand that the only process of realization is through The Three Factors of the Revolution of Consciousness; here and now; but someone proposes that could be worked in the Maithuna, a man in his physical body under any circumstances, and a lady in astral state. Can you give a specific instruction in this regard?


 A.-In Tibet is much talk of the DAKINIS, and some monks in the physical world do not have priestess wife, are betrothed to Dakini: ladies who go through the roof, they say. Ladies Strange, indeed! Not?, Flying through the clouds; those are the DAKINIS are certain very special creatures.


Q.- They live in the astral plane?


A.- Well, living in the astral, and mental, and the causal, and everywhere. Obviously, those monks have espoused them have done all their esoteric work with them, have Worked in the Ninth Sphere with them.

In turn, women of a certain spiritual category, have been marrying Devas, and work in the Ninth Sphere with Devas, without having a man of flesh and blood

So then, that's possible. But it is possible for those people who actually already have little Ego left . For a woman to have the honor of marrying Deva therefore obviously have to have a tremendous degree of purity, right? Must be destroyed much of the ego. Only thus could receive a DEVA for a husband.

For a man can receive priestess one DAKINI, have been purified far have eliminated many psychic aggregates.


Q.- And among these is St. Francis of Assisi?


A.- Francis had Worked in previous lives, and in their new existence, must have Worked with some Dakini; that is obvious. They are rare cases that are not common, are not common.


Question.- Venerable Master, the difference between living the Cosmic Drama in the internal worlds, and live the Cosmic Drama publicly lived as the Master Jesus, there is greater merit in making this Drama publicly?

A.-Well I'll tell.-: Gautama, the Buddha Sakyamuni, the Buddha taught the Doctrine of the Intimate Buddha of all human beings, the doctrine that the Intimate Buddha yours and mine, and that everyone has, Gautama exposed it publicly.

Jesus taught the Doctrine of the Intimate Christ, such as have lived the Initiates of Lemuria, of At1ántis, the Asian era and of all ages and centuries.

That cosmic drama lived by Jesus, has always lived secretly; lived it all Initiates before Jesus, and still living all Initiated after Jesus. As the Master Jeshua Ben Pandirá, pulled it out we would say, from above, pulled out from the causal world, and lived, and personified in the physical world.

To live this Drama had to prepare his disciples, and thaught each role so that each, and everyone really represented. He explained the Drama and taught publicly to serve as a guide to mankind in the future, serve as indication pole; but the drama is not owned by him, nor my property, or property of anyone. That is absolutely Cosmic Drama.


Q.- So Judas Iscariot, one of the Great Initiate?


A.- Judas Iscariot, really did not want the role of Judas, he wanted the role of Peter, but Jesus prepared for Drama Judas had to represent, and Judas represented him wonder.


To understand the Gospel of Judas, well, study Zechariah. There are mentioned the Thirty Silver Coins, that was appreciated and despised, etc..; mentioned the money was used to buy land for the dead, etc., all that is; the currency; and all that is written in Zechariah. So Judas had to learn all that, check the Scriptures, and do his part well But he who has some traitor, nothing! It was a role that Jesus taught him, and he did not want, too.




He resigned himself to all happiness, and currently lives in hell Worlds, Working for the lost, for those who have no remedy.


So that he is the unique that has NOT RECEIVED HONOR THAT HAS BEEN HATED, insulted, AND YET LOVE HUMANITY, SINCE HE SACRIFIED HIMSELF FOR HUMANITY, AND GAVE HIS OWN LIFE WITHOUT A WORD OF PRAISE. There but not insults, since He fulfilled his Drama up to the present time.


Q.- Master, then why John is considered the beloved disciple?


A.- If so, is THE VERB,THE WORD. And after all, everyone has their John, and everyone has their Judas, and everyone has their James, and everyone has their Peter and Paul.


Why do I say this? I'll tell you: because inside every living Being, or within each person is the BEING is beyond the ego, the BEING, AND THE BEING has many parts.

The BEING has the Twelve Parts, THE TWELVE POWERS, entering the womb of the Divine Mother and come into existence. Twelve Powers Those are the Twelve Apostles.


So if there is an official Peter, also each have their own Peter in there.

If there is a John, of the Word, the VERB, also everyone has their John.


And if there is also a THOMAS, skeptical, unbelieving, everyone has their own.




So I say to you in the name of Truth: JAMES WORTH HAVE IN MIND, because thanks to him, we can be instructed in the Great Work.


Our Father who is in secret, THE OLD ONE OF THE CENTURIES teaches us the Great Mysteries of the Great Work through JAMES.


Q.- For one contact or ask, what method can be used?


A.- Well JAMES be asked when one is working in the Great Work of the Sages, which will guide one in the Great Work.


About Alchemy has been written, for example, a lot; but no one can give a sensible explanation of The Great Work, because they are not living the Great Work. To understand The Great Work is needed to receive THE DONUM DEI, that is, having received the gift of the Ancient of Centuries that allows one to understand the Mysteries of the Great Work.


In any case, I want to tell you this: these Twelve are within ourselves, the Twelve Powers; Twelve parts of our own Being, autonomous, self-aware and independent.


Q.- Is Being split, no?

Answer.- There is splitting, no. During the Manifestation is expressed as a plurality. The Twelve Powers or Twelve Powers, enter the womb of the Divine Mother Kundalini to come into existence at the world of form , and personify exactly the Twelve, and that's pretty interesting.


So we are very interested to appeal to PHILIP FOR ASTRAL DEPARTURES? . To which Philip? ¿The historical Philip? To the Intimate Philip, for the states of JINAS( state when the student put his/her Physical Body up to the fourth Dimension, for Astral departures.


You need to appeal to JAMES to know the mysteries of the Great Work.





I think you will understand.

And CHRIST? It is within, must look inside! He who does not find him within himself, not found in any corner of the universe.


What about THE FATHER? Everyone has his FATHER! "There are so many Fathers in Heaven as men on Earth," says Blavatsky, and it's true. Everyone has their own Father who is in secret, the Ancient of Centuries.


What about the Holy Spirit? It is expressed as SOUL METAL SPERM! IS THE MERCURY OF THE SECRET PHILOSOPHY! Who makes us the Gentile-Man wise and truly worthy.


Who wants to truly get to where it should be, it has to crystallize the three forces within himself.


There are three forces: The Holy Affirmation, the Holy Negation, and Holy Conciliation.

The Sacred Absolute Sun wants to crystallize within ourselves the three forces of Nature and the Cosmos, the Three Primary Forces.


If the ego is not removed, cannot crystallize the Three Forces. How will crystallize the Third Force, the Holy Spirit? For working intensively on the Transmutation of AZOGUE RAW, changing it, we said by Transmutation in the METALLIC SOUL OF THE SPERM. IT IS THE MERCURY OF THE SECRET PHILOSOPHY. Such Metallic Soul must crystallize undoubtedly, must take shape in the Astral Body, the Mental Body, Causal Body in order to receive the psychic principles and become Man. Thus comes to crystallize the Mercury of the Sages in oneself.


How could one come to crystallize the Christ in one? What crystallize in one? It is not simply to embody it, but to achieve crystallization of Crestos Cosmic into one.


How Come? Only be possible that, DENYING TO HIMSELF; it is not so easy to deny himself at all. It is destroying the ego, BRAKING THEM, rendering dust.


And how would one do to crystallize in oneself the OLD OF THE CENTURIES¿, THE FATHER? Making his Will, in the superior worlds as in the physical world.


So, crystallizing in us,the Three Primary Forces of Nature and the Cosmos, we will become solar men, and that's what matters. Because one thing is becoming one man, and another is becoming a Solar Man.


One becomes man when Fabric the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being, and receives its Animic  Buddhic principles,; and another thing to be Super-Man, or Solar-Man, which is the same. Would only be possible, crystallizing all the three forces within oneself, here and now.


Q.- that's why it is called The Son of Man by Master Jesus?

A.- The Master Jesus we must find it within oneself. Each of us inside, must embody the Master Jesus. Because that of the Master Jesus was a Lord that existed 2015 years ago, has been a bit wrong. It turns out that Jesus, comes from the word JESHUA, in Hebrew, Hebrew JESHUA is Savior.


When Crestos deside to come to the Cosmic manifestation on any man, either you or me, or Peter, or Paul, or John Doe, it has to descend from its so higher CHRISTIC sphere, to the Human Soul World. Unquestionably will be born in man as a savior and his name will always be JESHUA, JESUS ​​the CHRIST JESUS; because He always is the SAVIOR within.


So it should be understood, because JESHUA BEN PANDIRA ( JESHUA BEN JOSEPH, SANANDA ), who taught this doctrine, not out of his own. This is Cosmic Doctrine is Universal; exists in every living creature; what there is to find within oneself.


But JESHUA has the advantage of having taught in allegorical or symbolic form in the physical world, so people would understand. But it is a doctrine that existed before the Great Kabir Jesus, and that continued to exist after the Great Kabir Jesus.


Q.- Venerable Master, and why they put Emmanuel? At first when he realized he would be born of the Virgin Mary, "you will call him Emmanuel."


A. - Well, Emmanuel is God and the Virgin Mary is within you and within me, and within Peter and Paul in, and within John; the KUNDALINI, THE IGNEOUS SERPENT OF OUR MAGICAL POWERS.


When the Crestos wants to come to the Manifestation, down from its elevated region, and penetrates like a Ray of Light, we would say, in the womb of the Divine Mother Kundalini; from her born to take possession of the physical body of any man that is properly prepared. So if you walk too dogmatizing Cosmic Mother, is wrong.

The Cosmic Mother not only existed at the time of Jerusalem. The Cosmic Mother is within each.


Q.- Venerable Master, that energy known as NOUS, could well be the Christ Force?


A.- NOUS is an atom that exists in the left ventricle of the heart; a word, but it really does not define very clearly the Christ Force. The Force Christ always has their own names. It is the Force of CHRISTUS, or VISHNU, is a Force that is enormous and that is all that is, has been, and will; expressed by any man who is properly prepared.


In the Middle Ages, several men who were ready received the Christ Force. Then the Cosmic Christ was expressed by several men properly prepared in the Middle Ages. And that's it. Gradually we must begin to understand the Christic Mysteries.


Q.- Venerable Master, was there this being Saint Cyprian as a saint or was a black magician who performed the work of black magic called The Book Infernal?

A.- Well, that St. Cyprian was a black magician, who then has turned white, why does it matter.


Consider the Crestos more importantly, in THE LOGOS. Up there is THE FATHER, THE LOGOS, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT. Here is down BREATH, BLOOD AND WATER. So the triangle above and below the triangle form SEAL OF SOLOMON.


The Seal of Solomon has twelve Radiation, because the six points you have are male; six entries deep tip-toe, are female. That Seal of Solomon therefore represents the LOGOS, and by Alchemy becomes the Twelve Constellations of the Zodiac, both in the macrocosm, as in the Microcosmos man.






What is that Mercury? Where did we come from?


Well, IS THE METALLIC SOUL OF THE SACRED SPERM, you need to transmute. When it transmutes in the Ninth Sphere is the best, because then the AZOGUE RAW, which is nothing but the same sperm, becomes energy, and that energy is make the Great Work.


But PREPARATION OF MERCURY REQUIRES CAREFUL because Mercurial waters have to go through many processes; that is obvious.


In principle these waters are BLACK. When you are working with these waters, it says it is working with Saturn; they are unclean, in principle. Later these waters become WHITE.


When are BLACK, they allegorizes with BLACK CROW Alchemy, the Raven of PUTREFACTION and Death. But if the job is sublimated, if it becomes more spiritual, if given refinements, then turn Waters WHITE.


Q.- After some time?


A.- The time depends on the effort of couples, because if couples do not refine SEX, but leave act goofy and brutally as animalistic, then, Black Waters remain until they leave them Black, and will delay therefore by THE ADVENT OF FIRE; That is clear.


But if couples resolve REFINE THE SACRAMENT OF LOVE, what will happen? That will become WHITE WATERS. And if they continue to refine more and more and more, and come to do the  Chemical Copulation or Metaphysics really Sacred cult the Waters become YELLOW.


At that level, such Waters be ready to receive SULPHUR OF THE WISE.

What is the sulfur? FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!

That SULPHUR, is quite interesting. Not that it's purely chemical Sulphur in the full sense of the word, no. When one says Sulfur, there is a tendency to think of the sulfur volcanoes; or there is a tendency to think of the sulfur that can be purchased at the pharmacy, flower Sulphur, which by the way, incidentally, should take between shoes for those with larvaes, which helps to disintegrate. It is also medicinal, you cannot deny.


But, hey, we're talking about THE SULFUR OF THE WISE. We are saying that when mercury is properly prepared with Yellow Color, you may receive the Sulphur of the wise. Sulfur That makes fruitful to Mercury.




When Mercury is ready prepared, then receives the Sulphur, mixed with sulfur, it becomes a MERCURY SULPHURETTED. In turn SALT there in Sexual secretions also passes through sublimation, and along with the Sulphur and Mercury, are one trio: SALT, SULPHUR AND MERCURY.


That SALT, SULPHUR AND MERCURY take the form of a snake climbs the Spine, along the Canal Spinal Cord.


Is commonly called Kundalini, and goes up through the spinal medulla to the brain, opening the chakras that exist in the Spine.


The excess of such Salt, such Sulfur and Mercury such meets beautiful goals.


There is no doubt that the scrambled of Sulphur Mercury and Salt receive a new name; called the VITRIOL.


VITRIOL is a word that breaks down like this: Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem: Visit the interior of our Earth to find the Hidden Stone grinding. To which stone is refer to? TO THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE you have to elaborate, you have to Fabric! The RED CORBUNCLE OF THE WISE!


Well, but is said that the surplus of Salt, Sulphur and Mercury and the surplus of Vitriol, which is but Mercury Sulphuretted and a little salt Sublimated, comes to crystallize within cells, within the interior of the organism in the extraordinary and marvelous form of a SIDERAL O ASTRAL BODY.


Who has a ASTRAL BODY, know they have, because can travel with him through the Cosmos.


In a higher octave, such surplus, excess of Manufacture of Astral, comes as crystallized in the MENTAL BODY: a magnificent body with which we can travel throughout Infinity and absorb the Universal Wisdom.


And in third octave, the vitriol such surplus serves to fabricate the CAUSAL BODY. Who owns the Causal Body or Body of Conscious Will, it becomes a CAUSAL MAN.

CAUSAL MAN IS THE REAL MAN in the strictest sense of the word.


IN CAUSAL WORLD IS THE TEMPLE OF THE GREAT WHITE LODGE. It is the Universal Great Temple. Adepts live there. ADEPT AS MYSELF I HAVE MY GRAVITORY CENTER IN THE CAUSAL WORLD   . Since this region me I can project into the Mental towards the Astral, and here towards the Physical. To speak to you here in the physical, I projected from the Causal; but my center of gravity is in the Causal.


Whoever possesses the bodies: Physical, Astral, Mental and Causal, he becomes a Real Man, because CAN receive the psychic and spiritual principles, and become into Man.


So NEED TO PREPARE THE MERCURY OF THE WISE, to manufacture the Bodies.

But that's not all.





The DRY MERCURY, consists of all psychic aggregates which together form the Ego. The psychic aggregates personify our psychological defects. MUST BE DESINTEGRATE IN ORDER TO PRODUCE FOR GOLD .


Our Being has many parts. One of the self-conscious of our own Being autonomous parts is the ANTIMONY, which is not merely a chemical, but a Maker OF OUR OWN BEING. It is he who set the GOLD in MERCURY. Our bodies will be constituted by Sulphuretted Mercury , but who really sets the Gold into the Sulphuretted Mercury is the ANTIMONY.


Fixing would go Gold in the superior existential bodies of the Being, as we eliminating psychic aggregates, that is the Dry Mercury and Arsenic Sulfur or sulfur Poisonous Arsenic or Hellfire. And so that is how the Bodies have to turn into Gold vehicles.


When the astral body, for example, has become an vehicle of Pure Gold of the highest quality, it devours the Serpent, swallows the Kundalini.


When the Mental Body has become a vehicle of Beautiful Gold, swallows SNAKE.


When the Causal has become a Golden vehicle swallows SNAKE.


IT IS NECESSARY THAT TO VEHICLES be devoured by the Serpent.


So even Budhi must be swallowed by the SNAKE, and Atman.


As MAYA say in his famous book called "the Chilam Balam of CHUMAYEL": "WE NEED TO BE SWALLOWED BY THE SNAKE".

In Yucatán, I found in one of the Temples Two Snakes Stone, very beautiful. I also found a Snake Stone in Temple, huge, gigantic, within whose jaws featured a Snake Man it was swallowing. That confirms what is said in "the Chilam Balam of CHUMAYEL"


The Theosophists speak of THE KUNDALINI SHAKTI. And there Mister Leadbeater wrote about Chakras and Kundalini, and all that.


But not enough the awakening of Kundalini only, that is the Serpent, that is not enough. Do not think that because of the Serpent waking, a man has the right to enjoy the power of the Chakras, no. To enjoy the power of the Chakras must have been devoured by the Serpent.


One thing is Awakening the Kundalini and develop it, and another thing to be devoured by it.


In Wotan, for example, an ancient Great Initiate, a narrative that says he was in the Mansion of Snakes, he entered through a hole in the ground that had, towards the center of the earth, saying reads: "And I could go through the passage of Serpents, because I'm a snake".


The ancient Egyptians called themselves Snakes same like Druids.


Need one become Snake.


The Count of Saint Germain ever left a piece of paper around abandoned; someone came up and read. He said: "Thousands of years ago, - I am based in ISIS". Then, it is understood that he had been devoured by the Serpent, which was a snake.


Q.- Venerable Master, when the Pharaohs represent a snake on the forehead mean they were devoured by the Serpent?


A. It is a symbol.


Once one has become snake, a snake, in turn happens to be devoured by the Eagle(the Father) and becomes a Feathered Serpent, in the QUETZALCOATL.


But hey, specify this in CHRIST:


Once the vehicles of Gold had been devoured by the Serpent, then we have an extraordinary Metallic Sheath: THE TO-SOMA-HELIAKON, which is composed of all vehicles of Gold: THE TO-SOMA-HELIAKON OF THE SOLAR MAN.


In reaching this height, RAISES THE CHRIST in us, after living inside us all the Cosmic Drama. It is wrapped with To-Soma-Heliakon, is coated with it, is coated with the Holy wrap; comes into manifestation, comes, enters the body. It is expressed as a Man ​​among Men, but as a MAN resurrected.

And that is therefore the CAUSA CAUSORUM that gives Force to the Resurrected Masters. That's why Resurrected Masters are Resurrected:




In any case, I want to tell you in THE NAME OF TRUTH, it is necessary that the Christ is born in the heart of man to live his Cosmic life in the Heart of Man dies in us and raise in us.






While we have not achieved the Resurrection, therefore we have to fight hard to achieve. That is fundamental.


What would the descent of Christ to Earth, if not achieved the Resurrection?


The Christ descends and dies to resurrect, and WITH HIS DEATH KILLS THE DEATH.


It's the last thing: to eliminate the Death with his very death.


But this is a matter of Alchemy.


If a man does not eliminate the Dry Mercury, which are the psychic aggregates, living personification of our errors, then, could not Fabricate the Gold, Gold is needed for the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being. There could FBRIC Gold. ¿ how would manufacture?


So it is necessary to precisely to fabric Gold.


HE WHO KNOWS NOT MAKE GOLD KNOWS NOTHING, because the command is gold.


A man may be very wise, very knowledgeable, everything you want, BUT MAKES NO GOLD IS LOSING TIME MISERABLY.



Q.- Venerable Master,  in Alchemy what means seeing a lion devouring a Sun?


A.- Well, the Lion and the Sun, come in last synthesis to merge into one. Because if the Lion is the Lion of Justice, the Sun in turn is the Lion of Justice. They are one.


Q.- Venerable Master Transmutation singles, what achievements reaches a bachelor with Transmutation?


A.- All systems Transmutation for singles are relative: they serve to some extent, and beyond are useless. Even the Vajroli Mudra is not forever; may serve for a few years as the man gets a woman; You can serve the woman till gets a man ; but to serve the Vajroli Mudra finally and forever, either; not exaggerate. For a time allows you to transmute through breathing through Pranayama, etc., sexual secretions, convert them into energy, which can be used, for health for ex.. But can a man making their Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, a man, for example, through transmutation for singles, is not possible, for a very specific event:


The man represents the Holy Affirmation, the Woman the Holy Denying, the Holy Ghost, the Holy Conciliation.


If a man, for example, believes it may Fabric the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being, with the transmutations for singles, is wrong because it is handling only one force that is male: the Holy Affirmation; Nothing more.


If a woman thinks alone, with Vajroli, or transmutation of Pranayamas, etc., you can create the Existential Superior Bodies of the Being, either; you are driving a single force that is hers, female, Holy negative.


So that to achieve the Creation, always need three forces: Holy Affirmation, Holy Negation, and Holy Conciliation; there is, positive, negative, and neutral. And if these three forces do not affect a given point, they cannot make a creation.


The Three Forces in the Cosmos, for example, in the Chaos, positive, negative and neutral are directed to different places, cannot make a creation. For there to be a creation is needed that the Three Forces impact on a given point, and then there comes the Creation, whether of a world, or the existential superior bodies of the Being.


So, no need for the three forces to create the existential superior bodies of the Being, and THAT MAY ONLY WORKING IN THE NINTH SPHERE IN THE FORGE OF THE CYCLOPS, BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN The Holy affirm and deny the Holy bind and the Holy Reconciling reconciled, reconcile the opposing forces, thus creating The existential superior bodies of the Self is realized.


Q.- Venerable Master, in practice the Maithuna, while practicing Pranayama singles, does it help?


A. - The Pranayama is always used for transmutations. Whoever controlled perfectly Sex, should practice Pranayama. But it should not practice outside the Ninth Sphere, MUST PRACTICE IT IN THE NINTH SPHERE DURING THE CHEMICAL COPULATION or Metaphysics. So it will be raised in energy to the brain, it will help in that way and in this way, and avoid using breathing, sexual fall; will prevent spilling the Glass of Hermes Trismegistus, the Thrice great God Ibis of Thoth.


So that's why in the Middle Ages, the alchemists were called "Blowers". All the alchemists of the Middle Ages, they were called "Blowers" because during the practice of Maithuna, were using to transmute the nasal passages, practicing Pranayama, precisely during the metaphysical copulation, and so controlled Sex, avoided falling, avoided the Fall "Blowers".

Why do some great bellows in the Alchemists Lab always appear? There are the Bellows always! The profane thought it was really physical bellows to be blowing hot coals, right? There is no such! These are the Bellows (nose and lungs), these are as much use during the Maithuna, to control, then sex. THE Pranayama BE USED IN FULL METAPHYSIC COPULATION, to bring up the energy to the brain.


Q.- Now, if it is a surplus, Master, ¿by finishing Alchemy can continue doing Pranayama?


A.- And for what? The interesting thing is in the practice is like to trying to milk a cow already milked there is no point


Question.- I meant Master, as there are times when there is danger of falling, and when one retires and is certain yet accumulated energy.


Then A.- indicates that wrongly is done the work. Work must be done right or not, AND  PRECISELY the PRANAYAMA is doing during the Metaphysics Copulation, and thus the danger of falling is thus avoided; is controlled by breathing. THIS IS HOW COME ALL "Blowers".


We have not left to call us the Alchemist the "Blowers". So we were called throughout the Middle Ages and continue calling "Blowers" and we use the bellows in the Laboratory. And so it is.


Q.- Venerable Master, if a person does not marry, say, probably for conditional Karmic, do you have to stay for the Next?


Answer.- What else is left!


Q.- Or you can make a request or something to achieve getting the couple?


A.- For making the request, as it is made; what remains is whether we are granted. If the Father considers should be granted the Son's request, it is granted; and if you think you should not be granted, because it is not the grants; and if it is not granted, then, must have patience and pursue work on itself as far as is possible, and in a future existence, then, continue with the job, but not filled with pessimism, but devoted to Work on itself as far as is possible, to the maximun of possibilities, and continue in the future existence.


Q.- Venerable Master, we have been taught that if a person belongs, a man marry a lady or a lady with a man, karmically and being inside the gnosis, with a knowledge about background, would you can change that Karma? How is that possible?


Answer.- Yes, the Karma can be forgiven, and can also be traded; that is obvious.


But there is a kind of Karma that does not support business or pardons ever, and is one that corresponds to the sins against the Holy Spirit, that is, against sex; these have no forgiveness, no business, no nothing; these have to be paid in full rigor, such as, unfortunately.

"All sorts of sins will be forgiven, - said the Christ - minus the Sin against the Holy Spirit."

So those crimes against the Holy Spirit, have no forgiveness; have to pay in all its rigor, with all the pain, because there is no choice.


Q.- Venerable Master, that Karma itself is fornication?


A.- The fornication or adultery, infrasexual degeneration, lesbians, gays, etc., etc. They have to pay that kind of Karma in all its rigor. They have no choice left. What are Karmas hard? Do not deny it! And very painful! But they paid no choice left. The Others they can be traded and forgiven. So it is.


Q.- Venerable Master, what age within the esoteric work, or what state of consciousness corresponds to the completion of the Work in the flaming forge purely, or whole life you have to work in the flaming forge?


A.- Well, one must become familiar with the work in the Ninth Sphere, because there will always be needed in the Cosmos, while living in the Cosmos, or in Different Firmaments.


Consider, for example, to free us from these mechanistic forces of the moon that so torment our existence, and have made us real true machines, should we create itself a moon within us, a Psychological Moon. One creates the Psychological Moon, for example, when destroys those psychic aggregates that dominate the human personality, such as pride, conceit, arrogance, selfishness, anger, hatred, jealousy, vanity, self-importance The self-sentimentality, etc., then creates a permanent Gravity Center inside. Such Permanente Center Gravity is indeed the psychological moon.



In the process of Self-realization of the Being two unmistakable facts are distinguished as follows:

I. That Christ is not a human or divine individual; it is not a particular person, BUT THAT STATE TO ARRIVE WHEN IS ENCARNATE and

II. That one thing is the knowledge (Gnosis) transfinite that can deliver to the different humanities a glorious risen Christ, as Krishna, Buddha, The Great Kabir, Jesus of Nazareth, Quetzalcoatl, or VM Samael, and anything differently concrete and specific is the PROCESS ITSELF, THE DOCTRINE ITSELF, leading to the thirsty souls of TRUTH TO ENCARNATION OF THE  CHRIST STATE, and this is what is called THE DOCTRINE OF DIRECT ROUTE.


"There are four paths, namely: 1) The Direct Route. 2) The Nirvanic Spiral. 3) those who are separated from the cosmic stage without reaching the Adepted. 4) those who fail. "


"The direct way is the greatest, but as the sufferings are grater trumphs are also higher."

"In the Nirvanic spiral wins are smaller and therefore are less suffering."

"Those who renounce at the Cosmic Manifestation, dipped into the Universal Spirit of Life after dissolving the ego, but without having created the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being."

"But some of those who renounce the manifestation, back in the golden age of the future sixth race; They will enter the mysteries and become Adepts. "

"The last ones, the failures, are those who after serving his three thousand cycles or periods of manifestation do not achive the adepted."

"The Buddhas Pratyekas (the nirvanic spiral) and many Gods and Powerful Lords of the law, do not want the final release of Pistis-Sophia" (The initiate Resurrected)

"Only surrendering to the Father in secret, Bodhisattvas can beat the Prince Adamas and Budhas Pratyekas."

"Among the terrors of the night, the dark arrows come against Initiated".

"Enemy forces were moving stealthily through the darkness".

"To the Left and to the Right both Initiates fall so of darkness as light."

"The middle path; the eightfold path of Bodhisattvas of compassionate heart, leads us to the port of final liberation ".

"Unfortunately very rare are those who manage to go down the path of the midst thereof toward the final liberation; who does Not fall into the path of the dark left, fall into the path of right. "

"On the path to the left descend the tenebrous inside the Dwelling of Pluto".

"On the path to the right ascend the Saints, to the wonderful realms of light".

"Both sides rotate within the Wheel of Samsara".

"The Buddhas Pratyekas even having made the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, are not Bodhisattvas".

"Obviously the Buddhas Pratyekas fell into the path of right".


"Only the middle path the Bodhisattvas get the incarnation of Christ in themselves."

"Understood by Bodhisattva a seed or germ with possibility of transcendental divine development by pressure coming from above".

"The Bodhisattva is the germ of a sacred individual located within the sacred  sperm and with development opportunities; that's it ".

"At the revolutionary step of Pistis Sophia (the Initiate Resurrected) fall enemies of the left and wrong sincere of the right".

"The Christic Ray saves us from the Buddhas Pratyekas of the Right and dark adepts of the left".

"Whoever puts his mind into the hands of the Intimate Christ and only accepts the Intimate Christ, and fight for the way of final liberation and demons of the mind can never beat him."

"Actually really Christ is the only Master."

"The right way, the direct path, the eightfold path leads from darkness to light." And this is what Christ refers when he says: "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE: NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER, BUT BY ME." (John 14: 6)

"Those who renounced the happiness of Nirvana for love of humanity, those who have the body or vehicle Nirmanalcaya or Vehicle of Solar Transformation, are the authentic Bodhisattvas; who truly walk the direct path and know the word of the Lord. "


A far as I am concerned I am a hiker of the DIRECT PATH and the Doctrine I teach is the Direct Path for those who want to go Direct.Those who will not go Direct,then sorry because there will be a poiny where they have to be defined: (a) those who follow the Spiral ( Nirvanic ) we have to say good bye ! Those who follow the direct Path as we go to the ABSOLUTE!


                                                            SAMAEL AUN WEOR



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