To create the INNER BODIES a little artifice necessary is which is at once the SECRETUM SECRETORUM of the ancient Alchemists .  This one is the Arcanum A.Z.F., which can be summarized as " Sexual Connection without ejaculation of the" ENS SEMINIS " So the creative energy is transmuted..

First at all, Mercury is not more than the metallic soul of the sperm. In Alchemy, the sperm is in the rough Quicksilver. It is said that with this transmuted sperm is elaborate the Mercury, which is the metallic soul of the Sperm . Well, there are three kinds of Mercury: 1 The Quicksilver in the rough or HEXIOHEHARY or Sacred Sperm. 2 The Metallic Soul of the Sperm, which is the result of transmutation of libido. That metal core is creative energy that rises through the spinal ganglion strands to the brain. 3 The third Mercury is the highest. It is one that has been fertilized by Sulfur. In Alchemy, Sulfur is the sacred fire.

Oriental Esoteristic believe that when positive and negative currents  of Mercury  make contact in the TRIVENI near the coccyx bone, awakes by an electric induction up a third force that is the KUNDALINI  force. This KUNDALINI, designated only as serpentine fire ring, which develops in the body of the ascetic near coccyx bone, wakes up in the body. This sacred fire or Sulfur, mixed with the metal Soul of Mercury and from this mixture comes to be this Mercury that has been fertilized by Sulfur. This mixture of Mercury and Sulfur, ascends by the spinal cord canal to the brain, awakening the higher brain centers. The surplus of that Mercury fertilized by Sulfur, is to do the virtual creation of the superior existential bodies of the Being.

When Mercury fertilized by Sulfur crystallizes within our psyche and in our bodies with notes A,B,C,D,E,F,D, the Astral Body is formed. So the Astral body is just Mercury fertilized by Sulfur. When, through a second octave A,B,C,D,E,F,D crystallizes Mercury fertilized by Sulfur, assumes the figure of Mental body. So the Mental body is, well, Mercury fertilized by Sulfur in a second octave. When  crystallizes fertilized  Mercury by Sulfur in a third octave, the notes A,B,C,D,E,F,D, the Causal body is formed.

Once the Physical, Astral, Mental and Causal are taken is a man is true, that is, with Psychic and Spiritual principles of a True Man. Before that, he is intellectual animal but man.

The Mercury fertilized by Sulfur, the third Mercury, is the most refined and the most important, because the third Mercury is quite important, is what we would call ARCHÉ, the Greek ARCHÉ, the famous ARCHÉ. From this third Mercury that is the ARCHÉ proceed Existential  BODIES  of Being. We find  the ARCHÉ  also in the Macrocosm, ARCHÉ Macrocosmic. That  macrocosmic ARCHE is the Nebulous  from where the worlds comes out. What is a Nebula? It is the macrocosmic ARCHÉ,is a mixture of Sulfur and Mercury and Salt. Salt is the Spirit.


The salt is contained in the sacred sperm and sublimates the transmuta¬ción. So in the Microcosm Arché there are Sulfur Sal., And Mercury.


What becomes the salt here?

The salt is contained in sexual secretions, but what happens is you need sublimation, so that when the transmutations are performed, Salt also transmutes. From the ARCHE  In Microcosm, from where the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being comes out, there are Sulfur ,Salt and Mercury, and in the Macrocosm ARCHE there is too, Sulfur Salt and Mercury.

From the Nebula, the Macrocosmic ARCHE from there comes the cosmic unities, the worlds. Here below is the same as above, to come up the worlds Nebula is needed, and for that to happen the raw material that is the ARCHE is needed, which is a mixture of Sulfur and Mercury and Salt . Down in the Microcosm, we must also develop first the nebula, with Sulfur, Mercury  and Salt, and from it rise up  the worlds, the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being. What the Great Architect of the Universe did in the Macrocosm, we have to do here in small, because, as above, so below. That's how come  to emerging the SUPERIOR EXITENTIAL BODIES OF THE BEING.

So we need to create in us the ARCHE within us. The ARCHE is Salt, plus Sulfur, plus Mercury. Both above and below. Creating the ARCHE come here is to crystallize both the Physical and the Astral. The Mental and the Causal ones. With the third Mercury, which is the ARCHE, is the one that the SOLAR BODIES are made. We studied them from the point of view Alchemist, at the light of the Esotericism to get to understand it better.

He who has fabricated ​​the bodies, is then further to perfecting them. For these bodies are perfected, are forcibly needed to remove the dried Mercury which is nothing but the EGOS, if one does not eliminate the egos, the Existential Bodies are not perfect and bodies that are not perfect can not be covered by be the different parts of the BEING. For the bodies to be recovered by the distinct parts of the Being, must be perfected, become vehicles of pure gold. But could not these vehicles become instruments of pure gold but dry Mercury and Arsenic Sulfur is removed. What is the dry mercury? The EGOS. What is the arsenic sulfur? so the, carnal fire, bestial of the atomic infernos of man. That fire is correspond to the abominable KUNDARTIGUADOR ORGAN.

We must eliminate the dry mercury and Arsenic Sulfur to the Superior Existential Bodies of Being, created by Alchemy ARCHE, can become vehicles of pure gold of the highest quality.

These vehicles of pure gold can be coated by the different parts of the Being, and there, at last, all of them, penetrating and interpenetrating  without interfering with each other, come to serve as a bundle for our King, our INTIMATE CHRIST. He rises from his grave at the moment there is a wrapper of that class and is coated with this bundle to manifest himself  here, through the senses, and work for suffering humanity, that's how the Lord comes to life, arises into existence the COSMIC CHRIST, that is, inside the Interior MAGNES of the Alchemy.

What is the PHILOSOPHER´S STONE? The PHILOSOPHER STONE is the  INTIMATE CHRIST dressed in their BODIES GOLD. That gold envelope formed by the bodies, is the TO-SOMA-HELIAKON, the GOLDEN BODY OF THE SOLAR MA N. When one possesses the Philosopher's Stone has full power over all nature. Nature knows how to obey him, has the Elixir of Long Life, can keep the physical body for millions of years. So that's the way, the way is in the seed and nothing else.

Within the human body happens interesting things. As the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being are nothing but Mercury fertilized by Sulfur, In those Mercury bodies, must then appear Gold. But who could set the Gold atoms in the Mercury? They could not be fixed but an Artifice who is none other than the famous ANTIMONY. The Antimony of the Alchemy, in fact, is not an unknown metal in Chemical but in Alchemy is one of the parts of our BEING. That part of our Being knows how to fix the Gold atoms in our bodies of Mercury. Thus, these bodies of Mercury, come to become bodies of Pure Gold of the Highest Quality.

When one possesses the bodies of pure gold, receives the Golden Sword. Already is an Archangel with a sword of pure gold of the highest quality, a sword threateningly turns into strong flames. The sword of the Archangels.

So well worth it, then set the Gold Atoms in the Mercury and all this can be achieved provided remove dried mercury and arsenic sulfur. If someone does not eliminate the dry mercury and Arsenic sulfur, simply  fails to improve perfect their bodies and make them of Gold of highest quality .

So the whole secret of the Great Work is to know to fabric the Mercury till create the ARCHE, intimate and personal nebula from where must to arise  our various bodies.

-What are the three calcinations by iron and fire?

The three calcinations by iron and fire relate to the First and Second Mountain and part of the Third.(such Mountains ascension are related to the INITIATIC PATH that any student  must to follow by arising the Holy KUNDALINIS´  SERPENT  are serpents of fire also are serpents of pure light such arise must to be done within and up. Any Holy Master of the White Lodge had to follow such path to Christify himself or herself. Details of it see “ The Three Mountains by V.M. SAMAEL AUN WEOR ) The three calcinations of Mercury are three purifications iron and fire. Three purifications based on iron and fire will reach the resurrection of Christ in one through three purifications. This is represented on the cross by the three nails. The three nails symbolize the three purifications of iron and fire. So there are three purifications, three calcinations of Mercury.

The first calcination correspond the Mountain of Initiation, the second corresponds to the Mountain of Resurrection and the third is for the last eight years of the Great Work. So that all this work of the Great Work is the preparation of Mercury. The sages say: "give us Mercury and get everything." In short, the work of the Great Work it is so.


Now, how do you get to the Resurrection?  Becoming man before entering the realm of Super-Man. About the man, a codex ANAHUAC, reads: "The Gods created men of wood, and after having created, merged with the Divine." Not all men are able to merge with the Divinity. "Man fused with the Divinity obviously, is the Super-Man." Most of the Initiates do become men, but no reach the status of  Super-Man. To become a real man, must be created the bodies, but it turns out there are many who manage to create the Corps and, of course receive naturally their Spiritual Superior Mandrels Principles they  have become authentic men, legitimate men. But, note that they have not yet eliminated the dry Mercury nor the arsenic sulfur, then what has happened ?, they have not perfected those bodies that they have failed these vehicles are of pure gold. They have managed to create but have failed to transmute these cuer¬pos gold of the highest quality. They have remained simply as HANASMUSSIAN MEN. HANASMUSSIANS  because they really have not eliminated the ego. These cases are of failure.


The Hanasmussen gets double center of gravity. Part of the conscious is the  deep inner Man, Being dressed in the Corps. The other part is dressed or  bottled into the different   different selves, forming the ego. It is converted into black and white while magician. Hanasmussen with double center of gravity are the abortions of the Cosmic Mother, failures. Andrameleck is a case of Hanasmussen with double center of gravity. One invokes Andrameleck in the higher worlds and finds that his a throne. But in other invocations, is rather the black magician Andrameleck that is very old. It has double gravitational center is a Hanasmussen.


A Hanasmussen is a failure of the Great Work, an abortion of the Cosmic Mother. The Cosmic Mother is the Astral Signature of the sacred sperm, is the resplendent Star  that arises from the bottom of the seabed, from the metallic chaos  of the sperm. STELLA MARIS, the fiery part of the Mercury, guide and direct us in the Great Work. It is she who helps us in all the work of the Great Work. STELLA MARIS is the Virgen of the Sea of that interior sea that one load of sperm. It is from there that the generous star arises that  is the fiery part of Esperm arises. Stella Maris is the symbolic star that guides all Magician, which runs the Great Work is the astral signature of the sacred sperm ,the Divine Mother KUNDALINI SHAKTI .With her the Great Work is done, but if one does not eliminate the Dry Mercury and Arsenic Sulfur, fails to merge with the Divine. If there is no death, it becomes an abortion, in failure. So the work must be done correctly.


Antimony is willing to fix the Gold atoms in the Mercury provided they are eliminated with the help of Stella Maris, the Dry Mercury and Arsenic sulfur. If we do so , Antimony works setting the Gold.


- Master, is it true that you spend the first initiations unconscious?


They are the first Minor Mysteries Initiations are the probative trail. Fundamental to us are the Greater Initiations of Major Mysteries, the work of the Great Work.

To understand the mysteries of the Great Work is needed to receive the DONUM DEI that is, the gift of God. If you have not received the gift of God in order to get into the Science of THE GREAT WORK, though the study does not understand it,  happen  that not reach to the intellect comes, it comes down to Conscious. All the science of the Great Work goes to the conscious, belongs to the functionalism of the Consciousness.

See how you can talk about all Alchemy the Great Work.

Beloved Master, what are the white and red colors both in texts of Alchemy?

The colors presented by Mercury when one is purifying the bodies in the crucible. What crucible? As the sexual crucible. So giving a black color first, then a white color, then goes with yellow and ending with red. That is the symbolism of the three Wise men, one is white, one is black and one is yellow. Lack Red, in order for all of them, the Kings can get up . The star that guides precisely, Stella Maris is, which guides us in our work, is what makes all the work. Obviously, if anyone wants to, say, convert the Astral body into a vehicle of pure gold, you have to devote to remove dried mercury. Clear is that all Sub-merged Egos or  selves in the Astral plane come with a terrible, creepy, hideous strength, and processed within its corruption and even the demons attack violently they must to be disintegrate. When this occurs it is said that one has entered the realm of Saturn, has begun work on fire, black fire, which corresponds to Saturn. When all these elements begin to be destroyed and disintegrated, the Mercury Astral body starts to whiten. But although already destroyed most of these undesirable elements white color only superficially covers the Astral body. Then continue working with same Astral body, working with the Astral Mercury, eliminating  dry mercury and thus comes to own the yellow, the yellow of the great Misteries. If continuing at work, comes time when it no longer has absolutely no undesirable element in the Astral body, when all the Astral body has been purified and it came to shine, Antimony has been fixed atoms gold at the Mercury, then comes the Astral body has become pure gold. When it's pure gold, swallowed the Divine Mother Kundalini and purple is received, the purple tunic, purple of Kings. Let us see the colors: black, white, yellow and purple then equivalent to red. The same process occurs for the Mental and the Causal body.

Could not verified resurrection of of Christ in the heart of man, as these bodies are not all converted into vehicles of pure gold, which interpenetrating and without confound, forming the famous TO SOMA HELIAKON , THE GOLDEN BODY OF THE SOLAR MAN .


The TO SOMA HELIAKON  becomes as enveloped for the Lord, for the Inner Christ rising from his grave of Crystal return here to manifest. The body is wrapped in gold and is expressed in the physical world as a MAHATMA .What the Lord comes to this world? To work for humanity, that is the goal. As we can observe, we are seeing the meaning of the Three Wise Men and the Star.


As for the child, that child is the Intimate Christ. Child that is worshiped  by the three Wise men, the Intimate Christ has to go through all that work. During this the process of Alchemy, the Inner deep down Lord works terribly. Basically, it's the leader of the Great Work, the same Stella Maris works under his direction, He is the Head of the Work.

So, when the Lord has done deep inside the totally of the Great Work, within that tomb glass as a child born in the heart of man. He has to be developed through esoteric work, must live the Cosmic Drama  within oneself and takes care of all our mental, volitional and emotional processes. In a word, a man among men, and suffered all the temptations of the flesh, of all. Has to overcome and emerge triumphant. Since vehicles are all pure gold and can one dressed  with these bodies and live in the world of the flesh as a whole resurrected Adept, triumphant in the Universe. That is because you know that deep inside Lord, the Intimate Christ is the stimulus in the world, in all the majesty of God, for it is our true Savior.


This is the essence of SALVATOR SALVANTUS which is spoken in the Universal Gnosticism He is adept Savior that He is the Savior interior, the Head of the Great Work inside the laboratory, inside  Magnes of the Alchimia who dressed in their bodies of gold, is the Philosopher's Stone precious Gem, red Carbuncle.

Who owns that Stone has the power to transmute lead into gold, the spraying powders, etc., etc., This stone is very ductile, elastic and perfect. Yes, you can take into the fire, like butter, without loss. One can take butter in a pan on the stove and not lost, so is the Philosopher's Stone if you pull into the fire. You can lose the metallic spirit of the Stone, which is the Intimate Christ. That spirit can evaporate metal, when? When a metal is melted. When it melts? When the glass is poured when is shed the  Hermes vessel; the metallic spirit is  in the metal spirit reaction of gold is melted and undoubtedly Magnes inside escapes. There are known to have lost philosopher´s Stone, which has dissolved in the water. Speaking  in another language outside of the Great Work, I would say there's Bodhisattwa falls. In Alchemy, clearly states  the stone into the water, which dissolves in the water on the Sabbath was made​​. Understand that Saturday is Saturn, that is, the realm of death. Who dissolves his7 her stone into water its because you lose your stone.


All Genesis is related to the Great Work. The first day of Genesis corresponds to the work in the abysm and is the first seal of the Apocalypse. The second day of Genesis corresponds to working with the water, the vital body. The third day of Genesis corresponds to the astral. The fourth day of Genesis, the mental. On the fifth day, the causal. The sixth day of Genesis corresponds to the sixth Seil of Revelation, the Buddhic or intuitional. Then the seventh seal, the seventh day of Creation, is the day of rest. The work is done in six days or periods of time, no rest on the seventh and eighth comes the resurrection. So Genesis and Revelation are complementary.

The Great Work, in short, is done in eight years. The top of the Great Work is eight years, although the period of work and preparation are many more. But the ultimate synthesis, the last period in which the Great Work is built, is eight years. Eight years of Job, the wonderful eight years.


The work is therefore done in periods of time, but all that can be performed in a single well used existance.


Genesis and Revelation are texts of Alchemy. Genesis is to be lived now with our own Intimate work and so  Revelation is the Book of Alchemy.

- Master Samael, ¿The  Revelation, is distorted in various translations?


This is the only thing that has not gotten anyone. No one understands it, no one messes with him, he has been saved from disgrace. But all the Great Work is in Revelation, that is the Book of Wisdom, the book in which the laws of nature are. But each has its own inner apocalypse. There is the Apocalypse of Peter, of John, Paul and Apocalypse exists within each of us. Each has its own apocalypse and there are two ways to live: or we lived it within ourselves doing the Great Work, or live with Nature with humanity in general. For example, the current Humanity has already broken the sixth seal, is awaiting surely break the Seventh Seal. When that is, there was a great earthquake, come the final cataclysm, the total destruction of this race. If that one lives within it, is awesome, and culminates with the resurrected Master. The seven seals represent the seven bodies: Physical, Etheric, Astral, Mental, Causal, Buddhic and the Atmic.


Revelation is deep inside and to live within oneself.

Like the Gospels. The four Gospels of Christ are alchemist and are to be experienced within oneself as the Christ is within oneself, within oneself one must find it. He is the Director of whole laboratory work.

- But the historical Jesus did existed, Master?

The interior Jesus Christ exists, and there is also historical. The merit of him is that He did know the doctrine of Jesus Christ particularly intimate each of us, there is merit, the doctrine,He propagated the doctrine of the Intimate Christ. For example, Budha, its merit is that taught the doctrine of intimate Budha. Jesus of Nazareth makes  know the depths of each of us Jesus Christ. Yea this is Jeshua and Jeshua is Savior. The Divine Mother Kundalini, before being fertilized, is the Black Madonna that is in the basements of all Gothic monasteries. She is honored with candles with green pedestal, hoping that someday wake the green lion the  fire. But fertilized by the Logos, is the Divine Mother of one, the Divine Conception with the child in his arms. That child who descend  son is of the Divine Mother of one, awaiting the moment of entering in our body to begin the process of the Great Work. The Savior of each of us, inside Jesus Christ, that's what counts. Our intimate Jeshua, our Savior, we each have to find your inner Savior.

- Master, Jesus incarnated Christ?

Jesus of Nazareth, the great Kabir Jesus, He made the Great Work and spoke about the Intimate Jesus Christ that is the Lord of the Great Work. The Cosmic Drama is one that has to live within our Inner Lord within ourselves here and now, in the work of the Great Work. The three traitors, for example, which are: Judas, Pilate and Caiaphas, three demons. Judas is the demon of desire and each  one load it inside. Pilates is the demon of the mind, which always find  evasive and  justification for its worst crimes. As Caiaphas, is the demon of bad will in every one of us, the traitor who switched to Christ, rather than prostitutes Religion. Caiaphas is a priest, what is it that makes ?, Altar Converts into a bed of pleasure and coupled with the devout and sells costumes, etc. Ultimately, Judas, Pilate and Caiaphas are the three traitors who betray the INTIMATE CHRIST, they are the ones who deliver death and all the millions of persons calling for his death, are the Egos shouting Crucifixia !, Crucifixia !, Crucifixia! Yes our deep inside Lord is crowned with thorns and is whipped. That can see everything mystical. Finally, it is crucified, down from the cross and placed in his tomb. Then, with his death, kill death and resurrects there dressed in their bodies of gold and has its special  earthly special Body behold the mystery of the Philosopher's Stone, blessed is he who has it, as it is a resurrected Master.


Are mysteries of the Gospel to be lived here and now, within ourselves. Life, Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ, are neither strictly historical, as people believe, it is something of immediate news that everyone has to make in their laboratory work. That is the raw reality of Christ, not some past history that occurred two thousand years ago, is now something to live here and I give testimony of all of this  because all these I have been living.

At this very moment, deep inside my Lord is in his holy sepulcher ; In 1978, deep inside my Lord, raise in me and I in him to make the gigantic work to do for humanity. And He who is making it and not my  person is but a instrument. But He is in itself perfect and He does because He is perfect. So bear witness of what I know, what I've experienced. The Genesis is the book of the Gnostics. That is the harsh reality.


I long incarnated, born in me as a small child when I received initiation of Tiphereth. Then He had to grow and develop, had to go through all his dramas, within myself, so to speak this way, because I know I speak. Now, at this time, having gone through the Calvary, He is in His Holy Sepulcher, here I come occasionally to kiss the tomb stone of his grave, waiting yes, his resurrection, to 78 will be resurrect by third time. Yes, if I say for the third time  again because  he did  the Great Work done three times. He did in the past MAHANVANTARA, or in the earth moon, before this earth chain had come into existence. Then in the Lemuria with the revolt that of the angels who fell into animal generation, of course, that was in Lemuria, the continent Mu. Then I also made ​​the mistake, as DYHANI BODHISATTWA, of falling into animal generation. I lost the Philosopher's Stone, but I did Lemuria mis¬ma arise. Then, in the central plateau of Asia, I made the mistake, as did Count Zanoni, taking wife when I was already banned. Then I went back to take the Philosopher's Stone to water. Now, in this new existence, did the Great Work is to complete the resurrection of the Lord for the  third time ... the third time! So I've already done three times. So I have experience, I know the way ... I know the way ...


What I'm saying is very true: when in the moon I drew the Philosopher's Stone for the first time, the Stone was powerful. When I prepared for second turn was stronger. Now that I'm preparing for the third time will be even stronger. For it is because of the experience, hence a smart principle thing to understand. A man may fight hard to become union with God, until then progresses, but after man arrives at union with God, that  manifests on this man, we would say that thereafter there is no any progress. If this man wants to progress, you have to regress, that is, to throw the stone into the water. And what happen with the Stone? When the Stone comes back to life again, comes back more powerful, more pervasive, it is something extraordinary. There are men who make up seven times. Beyond the seven times it is very dangerous, you can drop a curse. I've done it three times, but frankly, I will not do a fourth, I do not want to expose myself to lose a lot but the three times I've done has turned the matter over to where I should be. Too painful! For example, in the central plateau of Asia, when I threw the stone into the water for the third time, I said to myself: How I fought through the centuries to lift myself up, so appalling loads, what terrible bitterness! Only now, after have suffered much, but  much, is the Philosopher's Stone is again reborn in 78 will be reborn. I threw the entire history of the Aryan Race to return to the lift it again. So it is very painful, it is a very painful process.

There Adepts who, wanting to make the most pervasive and powerful Stone, intentionally descend, not fall, get off! How they descend? Takes wife when they were not allowed. But not ejaculate the seminal liquor and under the guidance of a Guru , work with all the rules of the Arcanum A.Z.F. Then lose the Stone. After some time, they return to spice up the stone, make the Great Work, Stone is still the Strongest.


We need to establish the difference between falling and descending. I did not go down, I fell on purpose. My three cases were dropped, no downs. In the central plateau of Asia I made the same mistake as the Count Zanoni, took wife, that's the forbidden story and that I did. I tell you, after the experience of ages, that is how the Great Work is performed.


Remember the Phoenix bird, is wonderful, crowned with a golden crown and feet and legs all of so beautiful pure gold. Nature worshiped. Tired of living, after millions of years, decided to make a nest of branches of frankincense, myrrh, tuberose and other precious branches and the truth was that she was incinerated. Nature is always the case, but later, from the ashes, a phoenix reborn more powerful. So to do the Great Work, as the Stone thrown into water is drowned .


- Venerable Master, Moses' rod, which became Serpent-like, what is it?


As Moses turned the staff into a snake  so one has to turn the staff into a snake. Just as Moses lifted up the serpent on the rod, and she became the staff itself, well, what we need is lift up the rod within ourselves. The son of the rod is the Intimate Christ. You have to lift it within ourselves, lift is to create the superior existential bodies of the Being.  We have to live it all here. Embodying the intimate Christ comes to live in this world and is persecuted and grows as a man among men and suffers all temptations .very laborious .He must  have to take care of all our mental, volitional, emotional, sexual, and all kinds of functions .And therefore becomes a man by overcoming all darkness, eliminate egos and succeed itself .He is worthy of all Glory, the Lord is the Savior .For it is worthy of all honor . Before Him the  twenty  four elders -the twenty-four parts of our deep inner self-and the four Saints, - the four tops of our Being related to the four elements - all cast  their crowns at the feet of the Lamb, for He alone is worthy of all Honor and Glory.And that his blood, whose blood is Fire, is the Immolated Lamb who immolate living in one. He immolates completely. He becomes a common man an ordinary man and fight against temptations and struggles with man does, desires, thoughts, everything. And no one recognized him until triumphs. Therefore it is said: Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.


That is the Gnostic Esoteric Christianity, but well understood. So He is the Savior, which save us. We redeemed by the Fire, for He in himself is the spirit of fire that needs an alabaster vessel as a receptacle, to manifest. That receptacle are the pure gold bodies that one must create.

Understanding this is formidable because comes at one and goes where it should be, that is, become Solar Man, Real Man, in the Christ Man. So and for it fight at death, against everything and everyone. Against himself, against Nature, against all that opposes, to triumph. To succeed! And become in the Solar Man, the Man Christ.

This is not a matter of evolution, there is no matter of involution, this is a matter of deep internal revolution . This leaves the dogma that evolution and involution, this belongs to the Great Work, and this is why is so revolutionary.

- Master Samael, does it depend on the will?

Sure, the will. Birth is a will, there to spend life in its entirety, to the Great Work. Until  get it, become Man Sol. That's what Sun wants, he wants a harvest of solar men, that's what matters to the Sun. Wherefore we must cooperate with the Sun, until we become Solar Men . What he wants is a harvest of Solar Men, that's what matters to him!


Inverential Peace

Samael Aun Weor




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Edward posted a status
Have a nice weekend...
Always..thank you for the good informations and datas..
Take care..
See you later...^^
- Edward Paul Lee
1 hour ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Totally agree with your sentiments anent Vivek Ramaswamy, fellas....He'll be a good insert into the Trump admin, at some stage..

Now, I'll place this useful X22 interview, held a few days ago, which does give a good summary by a Bob Kudla, on some…"
4 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Article from a year ago. Vivek Ramaswamy who will be working with Trump during his next term is on board for UFO and ET disclosure."
5 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Good article about Vivek and ET disclosure. I'm gonna put that in my UFO and ET page."
5 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"I've been saying that if it does not happen during the end of Trumps term it will be set up so that the next administration which will be somebody who is a patriot like Trump will get everything going in the beginning of their term. I say by…"
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RandyFirstContact left a comment on Comment Wall
"Yes Justin, I do think the next four years will be the best chance we have had at formal disclosure, especially with patriots like Vivek Ramaswamy on Trump's team pushing for this issue.…"
6 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"I get the feeling we will get disclosure in the next few years probably near the end of Trumps term since we still got to clean up and get rid of the Deep State Cabal and the mess they have created, but we are almost there."
6 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Darth, We live in a technological era in which it is easier to fake UAPs, using drones, or CGI and laser hologram projections, etc..I would say that most UAP sightings are fakes.
HOWEVER, in previous eras, say for example, the 1950s, UAPs/UFOs were…"
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