The Agnostos Theos. The Metallic Soul of the Sperm. The Lucifer Intimate and Personal. The Creation of the Bodies. Elimination of Mercury Dry and Red Salt. The three parts of the Work or the Three Firings. The Antimony. The Elixir and the Universal Medicine


It is the time to understand what the really Being is what really  our Gnostic studies are, what is  Gnosis. First of all we have to worship the  Agnostos Theos the Unconditioned Absolute Abstract Space and Eternal. Undoubtedly the incognitos Divinity and unknown is That which has no name, That, the Nameless, the Ineffable.

The Absolute is beyond anything that has shape and form, side by side, quantity, quality, number, measure,  weight. It's what is not, what is formless, the Real. In reaching this  term, you should know that when we say. "It is what it is not," we must grasp its deep meaning.

One way would be what we have in our intellect, so I say: "It is what it Is not" That "Is not" is the Real Being only way we can understand something, since That is beyond comprehension..

The unmanifested inevitably belongs to the negative aspect of the Light; We are used to thinking of light in a positive, but the negative aspect of the Great Life is beyond what we can understand, far beyond the Sephiroth of Kabbalah, I much beyond the Silence and Sound, much beyond Thought, Word and Soul. When is talking negative existence we must understand that is not however it is . The uncreated Light is then is the negative aspect of Light, the negative acceptation.; let´s take the sense that it is not manifested, that is hidden behind the veils of the manifestation.

The Ancient of Days, for ex.In each of us, is still the Malchut, that is,the lower aspect of the Absolute. As well as Malchut is the Cosmic manifestation in the physical world is the lowest aspect of all ten Sephiroth; so the Ancient of the Days for all his Greatness, Majesty and Dominion, is the Malchut to the Absolute. That unknown Divinity, incognito which is latent in all that is, has been, and will be, comes across to all emanation: the Ineffables the Army of the Voice, the Great Word, the Holy Gods, Governors of all Universe; they are but manifestations of Divinity incognita and unknown, the AGNOSTOS THEOS.


Well, my dear brothers, not forget the JEHOVAH because the LORD, the IOD-HEVE. When we speak in this way, we do not refer in any way to Anthropomorphic JEHOVAH that the Church of Rome and Jerusalem and all dogmatic people in general; No, we mean the JEHOVAH, which we allude, is the INTIMATE JEHOVAH of each of one. It is obvious that each of us carries inside his own IOD-HEVE. IOD is the masculine principle HEVE is the feminine principle. IOD is our Father who is in secret, HEVE  is our Divine Mother KUNDALINI.

Jesus of Nazareth rejected the Lord that anthropomorphic of the Jews,  to that Biblic JEHOVAH the Law of Talion at Vengeance. Jesus of Nazareth loved his Father in secret and his Divine Mother Kundalini. At the foot of the cross we see him crying out to the Father, we see the Divine Rabbi of Galilee crucified, crying with a loud voice, "Father, into thy hands I commend my Spirit." His Divine Mother Kundalini is there, she assists in all, she is RAM-IO. Ram, mantra of fire, mantra of Tatwa Tejas. IO reminds Isiac mysteries; IO is the central point is the Lingam Yoni. So, it is definitely the rejection of dogmatic JEHOVAH, to that which underlay all his doctrine in the revenge Eye for eye and tooth for tooth. The authentic JEHOVAH we must to look intimately in each of us. We carry our beyond our consciousness the Father who is in secret and the Divine Mother, the Absolute Abstract Space from which emanated the Army of the Voice, whence sprang our particular Jehovah, the Divine Male Female; then as, He is in our particular Altar. Being of our Being, the unknown God before whom entire Army of the Voice prostrates, the Truth that has no name, Negative Existence, that which is not yet is, from which has sprung our Inner Being we had known that emanated from the bowels of the unconditioned Abstract Space and Eternal. First of all it is essential that our Inner Father and Mother are Inside Self-Made in us, that is possible if we understand themselves, if we eliminate from our nature inhuman elements that we carry within.

If we transmute that matter-energy, we can create the superior existential bodies of the Being. First at all, we must understand various alchemical processes.


To the Great Work with a single substance have enough. What is the substance? It is the Mercury of the secret philosophy. Where is that mercury ?. Well, it is the Metallic Soul  of the Sperm; is clear that at no waste the Seminal liquor, is transmuted into energy, and that energy is the Mercury of the secret philosophy, that is the Metallic Soul of the  Sperm. That metallic soul is represented by Lucifer.


Citing this character should not be shocked; and not think about a Great Archangel Anthropomorphic because Lucifer is very individual. Each of us has our own particular Lucifer individually. Lucifer is one aspect of our inner being and is the most important part is - so to speak – the  double of our Inner Logos, the duplicate of the Third Logos in us the shadow of Shiva, the Archi-hierophant and Archi-magician that shone scorchingly as an  Ineffable Archangel; was a Kummara, but when we fell into animal generation and degenerate the root of our sex (it is one of the most important aspects of our Being  duplicate of our Intimate God), actually fell into darkness and became the Devil.

There are many devils on earth, as humans are. Each one of us has its own daimon, and this particular Devil in each of us is black as coal, and exhale through the organ Kundartiguador the negative fohat, coal fatality, the Luciferian fire after being the most excellent creature. There is no power in it, but in ourselves; we whitewash and this is simple.

Medieval Alchemists said: "Burn your books and whitening Brass". It is known that copper is brass, and copper is related to Venus, the morning star. Brass Whitening means to White our own inner Devil release him. He is the Prometheus

chained, a vulture devours the vowels tirelessly, is the vulture of Desire. It is a colossus; hath power on earth to Heaven and Hell; but we have him into disgrace If bleached is amply reward us ; but how can be bleached? ELIMINATING THE EGO AND CREATING IN US THE SUPERIOR EXISTENTIAL BODIES OF THE BEING AND SACRIFICING FOR HUMANITY( LOVE IN ACTION). When cleared, the Lucifer seems rushing headlong into the abyss, the symbol of our sexual fall.

There is something new in the Azteca Doctrine; Lucifer appears in lace of the penitent and anchorite, Lucifer doing penance, Have they seen something extraordinary ?. The Prince and - let- say the representation of our Philosopher´s Stone; in the bottom is the same  Philosopher Stone; but it is so intimately related to the Mercury of the Secret philosophy, it seems as if we had passed digress to make our discussion; but we have not gone through any digression.

You need to know a lot of science. I said that the Metallic Soul of Sperm is the Philosopher's Stone; I said that Lucifer is the Philosopher's Stone. Finally, which of the two is the Philosopher's Stone ?. In truth, both Lucifer and the metallic soul of the sperm are the Philosopher's Stone; that Stone is veiled by Lucifer. Well, at the Cathedral of Paris a bird, a crow, with an eye directed towards the little stone corner appears; What's in the little stone of the corner? a figure, the Devil. What means the crow of Putrefaction?. the Death. We need to eliminate, kill, destroy the animal Ego; only then can whiten the devil is in the corner of the Temple and want their release, because wants to be again the Luminous Archangel of other times.

That metallic Soul of the Sperm is extraordinary, has emanated from the Father, of the Seminal Waters of Life; has been this Metallic Soul through all times contained in the Third Water; is the Angelic Creator fluid that moves up the IDA and PINGALA channels to the Brain. Is the Fire, the Brimstone, which fecundate Fire while we are in the wonderful process of Initiation. It contains the heavy bodies of Mercury. That water, that wonderful sexual fluid that moves up the Ida and Pingala channels to the brain; that Soul, that third aspect, the sexual fluid ascending through the Ida and Pingala channels will be fertilized by the Solar Fire. All these Esoteric process in us, are based on the incessant crosses Mercury with Sulfur. The Sexual Hydrogen G-12 about what is tell us by the best occultists in the world, it is something that is that correspond to the alive Mercury, to the third aspect, to the Third Mercurial Water. That Mercury crystallized his first vehicle is the Astral, Astral that wonderful; but to take that Mercury forms astral body must work through transmutation; and will come the moment when that Mercury is perfect. And finally with the Astral Body, we can travel with him in the infinite space. Much later that Mercury will crystallize in the form of the Mental Body; there, much later in the form of the Causal Body. See you. The three forms of crystallization of Mercury. When that happens, these existential bodies become formed

But not enough is to create with the Mercury the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being.


We must know that Mercury is called to incarnate the Logos, the Cosmic Christ within. The Virgin holding the baby, that Mother carrying her Baby, is an allegory of the truth that is in us. . Each of one must prepare your body; once prepared, do not forget that inside must to develop the Child Gold. therefore sexual magic without joy, must be consistent with the same Mercury. When we arise Mercury, Gold develops within ourselves, that kind of Gold formed – the Gold Christic lining the Logos.


Within our bodies the Mercury must be formed in Gold (Gold mercuric), that is, the Logos must take shape; this is the dress of our Soul. Not enough to create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, must be born, that they may be perfecting later coated with Scholastic dress of the Being (and check that ) The Mercury is the fundamental matter of the Great Work.


. Guys already saw 3 aspects, and I repeat and clarify: First appearance, CHAOS properly the Tantras, which is a lucid, simple secretion, without sun, of the sex gland; this occurs s not only in man, but in women, because if it is true that during an orgasm man spends his sperm, women also have their sperm, and when passing through orgasm loses miserably. Doctors do not want to call the sexual feminine secretion sperm, is another matter; but the Alchemists yes we name sperm, because it's sperm. I'm talking in terms of rigorous  Alchemy, not chemical terms, or medical terms; and this should be clarified.


Contains three aspects inside ( it is repeating it to be understood) 1st, aspect - the same sperm. The 2nd. aspect is of transmutation, the four-dimensional part of the semen, the subtle and ethereal, the Soul - we said of that sperm-from the Metallic Soul; that's the Mercury at the 2nd. aspect. The third aspect becomes the 2nd. is the energy already ascending up through the Ida and Pingala cords to the brain.

Alchemists say that Mercury must be fertilized by Sulfur; is clear that when Mercury it is clear when the Solars and Lunar atoms make contact in the Triveni near the coccyx, put in action that third force that is the Sulphur, the mysterious fire which ascend up through the Shushumna channel that is by spinal canal, toward the spine to the brain; and its ascent is opening the chakras or wonderful centers of vital body; then we say that Mercury has been fertilized by Sulfur.

It is clear that Mercury fertilized by Sulfur coated new aspects, gives rise to a transcendental order first reaction, I mean the Astral Body, which is nothing more than the Mercury fertilized by Sulfur; The result: the Astral Body is formed; we can move him conscious and positively through the infinite space. You know you have Astral Body when you can use it. How do you know you have feet? Because you can walk; or two hands because you can use them; well you know when you have Astral Body when you can travel with him.

In the world of 24 laws in the Astral world, a person who has not made the Astral Body is not immortal; When death his physical body becomes nothing, and what continues in that Astral world are the different elements that make up the self, the myself, the self, the sub-human, infra-human elements, inhuman, bestial; returning these elements later, it's true. People unfortunately does not even know you're born, nor how dies. Created the Astral   Body - will have to create a Mental A Superior Mental vehicle. What is to create?. Then with the same Mercury is the same as going to create the Mental, that is, the Mental Superior. Mental Created with the same Mercury (in a third octave) Body of Conscious Will be created. So you see. How Mercury comes to form the superior existential bodies of the Being.

Within that Mercury comes to appear the Gold, not merely material Gold, but the Spiritual Gold. But to make more understandable to make the Gold more Gold, that is to bring Mercury to turn it into gold. Astral Body must become Gold and then the Mental and Causal then. That's what you want to say when it is said that within the Gold Mercury must be formed; of course, once these Bodies have been pure gold, can be instruments of Being swallow by the Serpent, this is what we want to clarify when we say that the bodies must have to perfect them and then coat them with the different parts of the Being.

Sure, the first body which shall devour the Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers, is the Astral; the second body which should devour the sacred serpent, is the Mental; the third body that should devour the Sacred Serpent is the Causal. Much later, the Igneous Serpent of Our Magical Powers must swallow the Spiritual Soul and the Intimate. When Snake has swallowed the Bodies that we have created, will be nothing but She and She nevertheless, the "Consumatum est", brings unexpected transcendental characteristics, as the serpent devours the Eagle. When the eagle devouring the serpent, master of the situation is the Eagle; In other words, the Feathered Serpent Quetzalcoatl is the resurrected Master, the Perfect Master the Kummara; before this, the Lucifer be emancipated, and mixing him with the Soul, with the Spirit, penetrating their bodies of pure Gold to the Soul and to the Spirit Gold will become something different with the Immortal Gold and penetrating into that ineffable factor. The Inner God to penetrate into his inside the ineffable surface, and thus the ineffable penetrate so have penetrated their igneous corpuscles and there is a Self-Realized Perfect. Lucifer load powers, measure, gives us the true perfect happiness and power over all that is, what has been and what will be.


The Divine Mother Kundalini, therefore there needs to devour the Superiors Existential Bodies of the Being, but so that she can do that, all bodies must have been transformed into pure gold, because she does not swallow anything unclean. So then, my dear brethren, we must be in the Snake and the Serpent in us. Here's how the Eagle comes stay within us and we within  the Eagle. In a word, this is how the Father-Mother, the Beloved Inmortal Elohim God immortal beloved,  will rise from his glass grave to come to the world and to see with the eyes of our face and to talk with our creative larynx ; this is how each of us is called to become a Kummara, the primordial Elohim, a great teacher; but yes, the foundation on which rests the Stone is Mercury.


To perform the Work must be given opportunities to Nature, Nature helping Nature; we will create Gold, we will create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being. ?. How do we do? Imitate the Nature.

 Reproduction is always in darkness. Due to the arrangement of the creative organs, the creature is formed between darkness.

Working with Mercury must be done at night, not the day. The bodies must gradually take shape, are the same crystallization of Mercury, but are called to be perfected; only perfect will become pure gold, when all the inhuman elements have been annihilated, reduced to ash. Do you understand how to bring the Holy Elohim ?, How do I cover it with our presence? The Intimate, the Elohim of Eternal Unconditioned Space, should come into the world; each of us must do; each of us must become Elohim. This is the Great Work, and the Great Work is working with the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy.

Understood this, my dear brothers, we have revealed all the mysteries of Alchemy, that humanity knows it. I'm talking about base upon experience, otherwise I would not know to explain, I'm not talking with vain babblings, nor am I verbalizing or tossing new stories, I simply am saying, revealing what I've lived, I repeat, by experience, so I can give these explanations. Work with Mercury, which is important, and achieve all and achive to coated with our presence the Great Father-Mother.


So we must understand the need to develop mercury, all alchemists of the Middle Ages kept silent secret containing the He-Goat of Mendes. When in the middle ages, the neophytes were taken started at midnight, to the caves of Initiation in the Secret Sanctuary was blindfolded, the neophyte was before the He- goat of Mendes, Devil but in front of that shone the pentagram, the Blazing Star; not invert as tantric black use it, but with the superior angle upward, with the two lower angles down. Neophyte was ordered to kiss his ass to the devil, if he refused, he again put the blindfold, and he served for unknown door where could never enter.

There the brothers were warned about the dangers of the Inquisition. Among those cubic stone on which sat the Devil, then started from a door, an Isis of the Temple; one needs to be sufficiently smart to realize the deep significance of the ceremony. In fact he gave himself to the work in the Great Work. The key is to make my brothers  the Great Work.


What good will be to us to become scholars if we did not do the Great Work?


It is obvious that we must begin to fabricate the mercury. The secret of the elaboration of mercury no one revealed before . You know: in the

A. Z. F. Arcane is the key. For what purpose we prepare mercury? And why ?. To make all the Great Work; It is clear, we must transmute in the Sahaja Maithuna. But that energy itself is already a Mercury, Metallic Soul of the quicksilver raw Sperm; after that energy rise up through the channels of Ida and Pingala, the union of solar and lunar atoms born fire, it is true, and that fire fecundates all its manifestations.

That fire is the Sulfur. Mercury fecundated by Sulfur. We will do all the work, but what is the work ?. We need to understand what the work we will do, we have to finish with our misconceptions.

They say different organizations pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultist type that man has 7 bodies: physical, etheric, astral, mental, causal, the Buddhist, the Atman. They cite other names such bodies: Physical, vital to call Lingam sarira, the astral Kamas or tell principle of desire, the Mental Lower Manas is told, the causal is told Superior Manas, to the intuitional body is called buddhic body and Atman.


But the curious thing is that all pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultists believe that all human or better said, Humanoids, covering the face of the earth already have 7 bodies. Of course, this is completely false. The intellectual animal wrongly called man, is only the physical body and its organic vital seat has no more ; Astral, Mental, that has, less causal, which is after the physical body and the vital is the ego, the ego, the myself, the self that serves as the astral, which serves mental, but that is not the astral body nor the mental. In the internal worlds I could easily experience it.


In the name of truth and with great emphasis, I say to you, when I move into the Astral world, with quite clearly meridian I see who have astral and those without such a body. Embodied Crowds come and go and do not know why they do not know why they don´t have Astral Body and those are miserable astral shadows, unconscious phantoms. Sleepwalkers appear true in the region of the Underworld. If you have Astral body are different, there are saw as men, they are different. Anyone can do there differentiation between someone who has the Astral and someone who does not. A very rough example here we can put a person dressed and undressed another, at a glance we see who is and who is not wearing clothes. Well as those without astral body, are seen there as poor ghosts . So we create in us and make the Mercury; purpose is to create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, perfect them, etc.

Brethren, I want you understand what you gonna do, they understand that is the work that we will perform with Mercury. First at all Mercury fertilized by Sulfur takes shape in the Astral Body. When you already have the astral body knows they have it because you can use it. We know we have feet because we can walk with them, because we know that we have hands because we can use them, we know that we have eyes because we can see with them; also we well know that we have an Astral body because we can use it, we can move with it positive and consciously through the suprasensible worlds. And what's made the astral body? Of Mercury. Why Mercury takes the form of the Astral Body? Because it was the Mercury fecundated by Sulfur. The Mercury fecundated by Sulfur takes the form of Astral Body and Astral Body becomes.

Once we've created the Astral Body by Mercury, we will not be miserable ghosts in the world of the dead, abysmal shadows, no.

It comes to me at this moment to memory, the reminicence of Homer, when he said: "Better to be a beggar on the ground and not a King in the Empire of Shadows." Who has Astral Body is no longer a ghost, stands out as the Earth God and as God of the Mind, here appears as holy man in each of us, there has its name; The name I use is SAMAEL AUN WEOR; There is not a whimsical name that I have put me at random, no; I have not put that name, I was named throughout Eternity.


Old in Age from Mahanvantara in Mahanvantara, I've always been SAMAEL, that is His name, my Divine Monad, is a name that comes to represent the King of Fire, of Volcanoes. As Muhammad said, "Allah is Allah and Mohammed is his name." He is perfect, I'm not, I understand that your child is not perfect because perfect is but one, it is the Father who is in secret. None of us is perfect. So then, brethren, in the world of Mind who possess the Astral Body know his name and after his death continue there with and is still there with the Astral Personality living in is no longer a mortal creature.

But if anyone manufacture the Astral Body by example, and then stagnate, not to continue working with the Mercury in new livings will dwindle. After submission should be in reinstatement at in lower animal organisms, we must eliminate that  Hanasmussen hold.


My dear brothers, there are different realms, as there are here, and their kingdoms are governed by Devas or Hierarchies. Once you have achieved the fabrication of the Astral Body by fire, the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy, you can then take jobs in manufacturing the Mental Body.

Everyone think you have a his own Mental Body itself, and that is false, people do not have a mind of its own, people have many minds. You think that the self is multiple, that EGO is a set of persons that you carry in, that the body is a machine and that through that machine, suddenly expresses an I an Ego,that is, a person, but that person goes and gets another; after that other exits and other messes; but that another comes out and gets another, and so on. Overall, the intellectual animal has not defined individuality, is a machine controlled by many people but each of those calls Egos, selves has a different mind.

Given that the selves are many, minds are many, each self has its mind and its ideas, its own discretion. So, my dear brothers, where is the individual mind of the poor intellectual animal? Where is the mind of that poor rational mammal? Which one is?.

We must realize what we are, if we want a radical transformation. After that has already got the Astral, you have to fabricate a Mind Body. We do it with what? With  Mercury. This mercury will crystallize in the body of the mind. When we have come to know we have individual mind? When we can use it , when we are able to travel with the Mental body throughout the universe, from planet to planet, then only then that we learn that we have mental body of flesh and bone.

When we already have truly Mental Body, then left to do more advanced work, we go to create the body of the Conscious Will, the Causal Body, always using the Mercury fertilized by Sulfur; but the work is ordered. First the Astral Body is made, then the Body of Objective Reasoning or Mental Body and then the will Conscious Body or Causal Body. Each of these bodies has its laws. The physical body is governed by 48 laws, the Astral is governed by 24, the Mental for 12 laws the Causal  for 6 laws.

You see the wonders of the already manufactured bodies. These Astral , Mental, Causal bodies indeed have their principal; the Human Soul, becomes a Real Man, truly thanks to the Mercury of the Philosophy fertilized by Sulfur Secret. A Real Man in the full sense of the word. Believe us right now be men, is a falsehood, it is clear. If we place a Man and an intellectual animal, simply resemble the two have a similarity. If we observe their customs are different; the customs of the true man are so different from the intellectual animal as the educated man are completely different to the cannibal of the jungle.


You observe in detail a man and an intellectual animal. Observing behaviors. Their forms are radically different. Lately not look anything but apparently physically resemble. In intellectual animals the possibility of becoming men is, there are the germs of the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being. Germs emanations of the Sacred Absolute Sun that can vivify by working with sexual alchemy and this is very important .

Now, once we have received the psychic principle, what would be called in Gnosis the Neuma or Spirit, the second part of the work is much deeper: it is about to refine more the Mercury and intensify the elimination of the dry Mercury and Red Salt. What is the Dry Mercury? We have said that is formed or represented by the selves we carry inside. And what is the red salt or Arsenic Sulfur? It is the infrasexual fire, the fire emanating from the abominable organ Kundartiguador-. For the creation of the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being also is need elimination such is intensifies even more in the second part of the job, elimination of undesirable elements, Mercury Dry and Red Salt or Sulfur, Arsenic.

In the third work, my dear brethren, in the third firing, because there are three firings or three purifications for iron and for fire, must be converted the Existential Bodies of the Being, in vehicles of pure gold. Where will  go that pure gold? What carries the Mercury; As St. Christopher carrying the child, so the mercury carries the gold, but it needs an artificer who can unite the atoms of gold with Mercury, that artificer we all have within ourselves, is one of parts of our being, the particular Alchemist of each one of us, is called the antimony. What could we do without that part? Without that alchemist? Fortunately He knows the art, is a great artist, he knows how it will achieve the union of atoms of Gold with Mercury. So the third part of the work that is needed to become Astral Body into Pure Gold, in vehicle of Gold only then and may be covered by the Superior parts of the Being or by the various parts of the Being. Mental body must become a vehicle of pure gold, only then can be covered by the different parts of Being. The Causal body will have become pure gold so it can be covered by different parts of the Being. then the Soul-Spirit will become Soul Gold and finally the most precious thing we have, the Atman that speak Hindustani, must become pure Gold, it has accomplished that when all vehicles are covered by the different parts of the Being, when you have eliminated all dry Mercury, and the red salt then comes our King, He rises from his grave, enters its wrapper, revives in us and we in him. It has reached Mastery. Whoever reaches these heights has the Elixir of long life; only then can keep your physical body for millions of years. Who gets to that point receives the Universal Medicine has to eradicate disease from your body. Whoever reaches these heights can transmute physical lead into pure gold, as did the Count St. Germain, as did Cagliostro, as did Raymond, Nicolas and others.


But Lucifer tacitly entered. What Lucifer has to do with the he-goat of Mendes in this issue? Why did Moses wore the he-goat horns on his forehead, as rays of light? My brothers, that Lucifer is, we said mine where Minos extracts Mercury. We have often said that the Knight has to face the Dragon. We have often said here in third chamber Michael fight against the Dragon and St. George also against the Red Dragon. We have often said that the Knight takes some from the Dragon and Dragon takes some of Knight some to be born there a strange creature. We have often said that this strange creature in turn, by splitting result as a synthesis Mercury, which is symbolized by the fish, the fisherman with their nets takes out of the lake.

So that from that Lucifer we extract all Mercury and as the time passing by, Lucifer is turning in whole Mercury, until finally all that remains in us is the Mercury.


WHAT IS A RESURECTED MASTER? Mercury already purified.Converted in Gold. That is Why he is represented with Alabaster Glass, with alive Alabaster, with the Electric Rose is expected. There are some Knights of the Higher Order Resurrected not have visible physical organization anywhere.


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