2 May 2010 -
Channeler: Celestial (and BlueStar)
Evolution Occurs on Many Levels
4-25-10 to 6-25-10
"The Physical and Spiritual Concepts of Evolution"
NOTE: Blue Star wishes to include a special message for all people. This message is to remain on the website for the entire year of 2010.
*People of all nations, please listen to what I have to say: this year of 2010 is a year that will never be forgotten. Those who are progressing on their own path of Spiritual evolution at their own pace, will be facing many trials and tribulations FOR A WHILE this year. You are each here on the Earth Star planet for more than 1 reason; all you really need to know about that is that this is the year you all trained for. 2010 is a year to live courageously! All that you know and all that you think you know is being put to the test. How you each handle these tests will be your own measure of greatness, your own meter of your strengths and weaknesses. We will all continue watching over you as will those of the Spirit world. We will aid all those we can. Those who refuse to change, well, their future is now written in stone. The answer to “11-11” is IN “2011.”
Now, the vast majority of cultural and scientific societies acknowledge that man has evolved from the ape. This theory was debated for many years within the scientific communities. The data amassed to confirm this belief has been structured for the most part, around the physical likeness which exists between ape and mankind. In a very real sense, a post-stone age autopsy had been conducted. One faction who steadfastly refuses to acknowledge this scientific theory is the fundamental religious cults. These groups tend to consider the ape issue as blasphemy. They gravitate towards the theory of mankind as a direct descendant of God. BUT GOD AS THEY CHOOSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE HIM TO BE! Over the last five decades in particular, each group has felt more assured of its own belief system, yet more hostile towards all others’ belief systems. Evolution has been perceived to be a gradual change occurring throughout the millennia which has resulted in the human appearance as well as the mental evolvement, undergoing a subtle metamorphosis which have now combined and melded into a more refined physical appearance and expansion of mental growth. This hypothesis is non-threatening to many. Those who gravitate toward the "God Theory," believe that man is here to atone for his sins. It has been said among many religions that “the sins of the father are passed on to the Children.” It has further been stated that each Child must atone through agony and turmoil for those sins committed against God by the parents.
THIS ill-birthed rhetoric HAS NO VALIDITY! Statements concerning atonement have been attributed to the Creator as well as to the God of this Universe. This is not true either. Mankind has Created words that are a part of the practical world in an attempt to explain, to rationalize, what they deem to be “illogical musings.” Even though in actuality those “musings” are the true facts which they themselves are unaware of. It is in this manner that these ones do this to explain to this world in general all that really needs NO explanation. For those ones among you who ponder the issue of how it came to pass that fact and myth have become so intertwined as to make separation virtually impossible I shall give to you the key to the answer. Now, thousands of years ago, prior to the arrival of the Soul who would then become known as Jesus, many of the Earthizens were Neanderthal TYPES, much as you still have today. These ones did indeed remember their forefathers' stories of the arrivals of the gods from the stars. These simple Souls too had BIBLES. Theirs were carved into stone using the hieroglyphics of their times to tell a fascinating never-ending story. They labored patiently at their chosen task; the much beloved etching of the truth into stone. This consumed months and years of their lifetimes. Their pictographs were seen and cherished by each succeeding generation of their people. Each of these beloved Children had been given the knowledge that all that would remain for them to do was for them to wait, be patient and the gods would return. No, these ones did not realize that those of us they considered gods were Star Keepers from other planets. All they knew was that we descended from the stars.
I cannot in truth say that we have returned, simply because we never have left. We are on the Earth Star planet and in the air (the higher dimensions and the Earth atmosphere) at all times, whether you are consciously aware of this or not. We continued back in those early eras as we do now, to instill our knowledge, the technical as well as the Spiritual, to those desiring to learn or relearn all which is necessary for personal evolvement and planetary growth and enhancement. In some of those earlier, but not always the most peaceful of times, we did not walk-in. There existed no reason, no purpose to be served. The earliest difficulty was in the beginning, when this planet was very young. Then as now, the inhabitants feared what they did not understand. Our initial appearance at that time frightened them, as did our space vehicles. We learned to remain in a stationary position as a means of alleviating their fears. Slowly, as these early Child-like creatures were drawn to us by their natural curiosity, they then approached us. We responded by materializing "gifts," made of stone and clay. Now, there did indeed exist an abundance of such around them, however by altering the atomically correct structure of these objects and presenting them in new forms to these people, they in their innocence believed this to be a form of "magic." During these most innocent of times men worshipped the Sun, the Moon, fire; all the natural elements. Now, the Moon was believed to be a Spirit that could alter its shape and swoop down upon the people causing death and destruction to the unwary.
Each element was believed to be a harbinger of dire times or conversely, a herald of prosperity. So, we educated these little ones, being certain that we only imparted knowledge which they were mentally capable of understanding. In return they gave us their affection and their unwavering loyalty. In truth what we could NOT do was to share with them the REALITY of the future regarding advanced technology. It was not their time to know. Now, due in some respects to their Child-like innocence, when their trust was earned it was a lifelong experience. They, like the dinosaurs, were vegetable and root eaters for the most part. Their basic survival instincts assisted them in living in extremely cold temperatures and foraging for food. Over the years as we further gained their loyalty we shared with them more new ways of enriching their food supply. They learned the most basic farming techniques using implements of stone, clay and wood. Even in those times however there existed warring factions among mankind. Many but not ALL, hostile situations were settled through bartering and/or the exchanging of gifts of food. These times were the original birth throes of the Olympics. We initiated these types of challenges as a feasible means of ending "grudge matches." The loser of the physical encounter invariably respected the winner. The winners learned to respect the loser. Much bloodshed was averted in this manner.
Thus as a part of our teachings these simple persons did learn that they must avoid murdering their brethren, when at all possible. Sadly, over the many eons since those beginning times, man has become "too" smart. As he has progressed both physically and mentally he has regressed on the Spiritual plane. In today's civilizations, many whose partners are in a pregnant state await sophisticated and expensive tests to reveal the nature of the sex of the unborn child. Why? Do you not yet understand that each who is born among you is born as each has already chosen to be born? What does it matter if it is a boy-Child or a girl-Child? What DOES matter is that it is a CHILD OF GOD! What logical sense does it make to plan for the birth of a Child if the plans center on its upbringing and education? If the Child will be denied the EDUCATION OF HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS then the “family planning“ is a sham! The true reality of conception is to produce God among you. Obviously there is also this state that is relative for your own reincarnational process as well. Your various established religions are quite incomprehensible in the Spiritual sense, in their views of conception. Many of you have the belief that God will save you from your sins; many among you ones believe that through the propagation and rearing of Children that you are also honoring Him. Then there are those who have been patiently awaiting His arrival so they may receive a penance for having studiously taught their Children that God is not only watching, but keeping score of their child's transgressions.
"NOW, FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO "PIOUSLY" CHOOSE TO SIT AND WAIT FOR HIM OR JESUS THE CHRIST, TO DESCEND AND SAVE YOU, I SAY TO YOU ... YOU WOULD BE WISE NOT TO HOLD YOUR BREATH WHILE WAITING. NEITHER GOD NOR JESUS SHALL SAVE YOU: YOU EACH SAVE YOURSELVES ... OR BE PREPARED TO SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES." Those consequences will be Created by you, yourselves. Now, I wish to make a point; as a mote of dust drifts aimlessly in the air, so do many of you also. You ones heedlessly ignore the prophecies of yesterday and today. Thus when it was written, "The Sons of God did descend to save men’s Souls," what was mis-translated was done so through erroneous TEACHING. Many of those long ago teachers who KNEW the truth have returned HERE and NOW, even as I SPEAK. The SPEAKERS have indeed ARRIVED. You may rejoice and pay heed or be as a mote of dust, but whatever your choice, do not place the responsibility of decisions you yourselves make, on God. Now, the dual nature of Spirituality lies in the division between those who choose to harmonize their lives while trusting that a leap into the void is both necessary and a required element of trust and those who choose NOT to leap. Instead they choose to sleep away this life experience as well as many other lives in their upcoming futures. Your organized religions, (cults) commenced as offshoots of mis-interpreted teachings and the deliberate contrivance of the Illuminati and their hordes. Great fear was instilled into the hearts, minds and Spirits of the Earthizens by those who used hellfire and damnation as a tool to inflict their own beliefs upon those whose minds were weak and pliable. As I have told you before, the Catholic church is but one of those who chose to exercise CONTROL, yet reap large monetary benefits at the expense of others. This is NOT evolution, it is disavowing evolution.
I am not "Catholic bashing" here, I are in fact "myth busting." Now, as so many among you ones have heard me state before: this religion is based upon greed, control and debasing the Spiritual incarceration of all peoples, as are all other religions. Man should only tithe FROM WITHIN! What does it matter if billions of dollars and gold and jewels are amassed by churches, they cannot buy their way into Heaven. When the final full scope of the sweeping changes (NESARA) initiated by the Jesus the Christ Consciousness is complete, it will mark the myriad Earth Star vibrational and frequency ascendancy that will forever cause this jewel of a planet to function as the harmonic-convergence paradise she always wanted to be. No one will have need of such bastardized myths and controlled-hyperbole now known as “religions.” Interestingly enough, each religion has been initiated on A paradigm of Christ Consciousness, yet has steadily degenerated into self-CONSCIOUSNESS which is “in service to self.” Now, in the early days of religions, heretics and fanatics, this was prior to the arrival of the MAN known as Jesus The Christ here, those fanatics made good use of their versions of the word of God. The term “God” was used to enslave the populations of this world.
However, upon the arrival of the true Christ here, God was no longer the proverbial “whipping boy.” Jesus became the one either loved or loathed by the masses. The term “God” was paraded about as the demon God who could cause death and destruction as a mere whim of His. Upon the exiling of Jesus The Christ by those who feared Him the most, those dark Souls who Created and controlled all religions managed to crucify the minds of the peoples through their rendition of the death of the Christ. In a real sense those dark energies split the population into 2 distinct beliefs. The rulers did not want Jesus to become a martyr in the minds of the people. BUT others felt that an illusionary death scene could and would further the mission of disorganized chaos among the people. Although in one sense this managed to divide many of the religions into other branches of religious fervor, they did indeed all believe that Jesus The Christ, who later also became known as Sananda, did die for their sins. I must tell you, Jesus was never a “Sin Eater.” To expect a Deity to die for anyone’s sins is preposterous! Equally incredulous is the thought-form that any person here should expect or hope that another should die for any other individual’s transgressions. Now, if indeed you ones wonder why so many millions of peoples here are desperate to believe that heinous notion, then I tell you it is because they are too afraid not to. THIS is what religions have taught them!
Now, there is a dichotomy present here: each religion believes the other is wrong; yet in truth NONE ARE RIGHT. Are the peoples so deluded that they accept a terrible illusion, one that blinds them and binds them by the insidiousness of their well-controlled way of thinking? Do they really believe that the God of this Universe would select one religion, one race, one culture over another? Ironically, they have and they still do. Now, does this say more about the Illuminati’s control or more about people? The true churches exist as individual people. Each Soul is a church, a temple, a vessel of God. Is that not enough? Now, there does exist today among ALL organized religions a vast IMBALANCE. Some of their followers PREACH LOUDLY and vindictively; others forbid their members to enter another's religious institutions, deeming it a SIN. Some of your peoples believe that only hard manual labor, MUCH prayer and no luxuries are the only road to HIM. None of these theories are VALID. A promise which was made long, long ago to the young blossoms by the Lady Of The Roses is indeed being kept and about to unfold. To truly KNOW GOD, is to KNOW THYSELF. THIS is the original meaning of. "TO THY OWN SELF BE TRUE."
Salude….Blue Star the Pleiadian
"There is a valley where that which is Spiritual stands on one side
and that which is religious stands on the other side.
In the middle walks the Creator and the Creation.
In time, all shall be as one...I shall meet you there."
....Blue Star......