
You must understand that as deeply wise beings of consciousness and light we understand the wisdom of silence. As human-like beings, meaning divine souls, we also understand the sacredness and integrity of human religion and spirituality, our integrity would never allow us to challenge this.

Our compassion is this, that you know yourself as beautiful, magnificent, beings of light. In Truth, all you need is in your heart chakra. We regret to inform you but love you ever so dearly that we would never land upon the earth when any one person is in disbelief.

We care about every single, living soul. All on planet earth must be aware and willing at a conscious level and even then, we would meet as family and friends, not otherworldly entities with space age technology. In reality, it is our consciousness that is advanced, not our technology, the compassion of our heart and souls, not our physical wealth.

We greet you always in your heart, as we have done with your Native American ancestors throughout time, and space. They call us The Walkers, because we walk between this world and the next. In Truth, we are your Ancestors, but we are pilgrims, exploring the vastness of The Creator in each moment.

We send our messages for one reason at this time, to save lives. You focus should be on the whales and the earth, not UFOs, it should be on your families, not in space, it should be in your hearts, not in your heads. To many are focused on forces outside them, and not the God Consciousness within them.

This is our Truth, and will remain so. 2013 is just another year, but it is a important one for you are powerful Creators through the energy you call thought, and the wisdom of your heart. In Truth, we have never really channeled to you, you have channeled to us.

We speak in few words, but what words we use are important. Please, don't worship us. We love you, care for you, but it is you who must be empowered in you, always.

This is our one and only global message, our videos, through this channel a spine, and our energy, always within you. Be. Love. Explore. Create. One day we will be together, for now, simply be.

~The Pleiadians 2013 through Lesley Hicks


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  • thanks for sharing whoever you are.


    by the excuse of that everyone on earth should be on the same page, before your race even helps us by landing is i.m.h.o. brainless nonsense, and leaves me with despair, not hope, and i want to believe that you do not wish earths mankind  is to maintain a worship of your race and your speech.

    if you want to see mankind grow up in more wisdom to join the other space families, the masses of mankind of earth  need communication that is sincere, and helpfull, not pass the buck that it is our fault and shame for being the way mankind is conditioned to survive on this earth that is a hell hole of instinct of survival of animals trying to gather food and will fight for it with riots and wars.

    if compassion is for the human masses of earth is in your heart, at least try to change our I.Q. capacity to absorb wisdom, for instance unlock the d.n.a. codes switches of our e.s.p. skills like some of us have now and make it all of us, and i feel then there will be a change of wisdom in all of us earth humans. talk has not worked for thousands of years and still you speak of wait and see, hmmmmmm.

    blessings to all of us for we are all one

  • you make yourself known when we dont send messages or seem to ignore you. We are not ignoring you, but as some already know , life can get busy, or we can be taken hostage for our ideals. Shouldnt we rise above? POLICE state of america, north america has us by the no-nads here. This must end. Especially when interrupting ANY form of communications with you. Channellers are like translators to me. Like a crystal rectifier. Messages must go both directions to be effective.

  • excellent message. But some ARE alien to the humans. Are we ready for orc, ogres, humanoids? Are we ready for the Lion/cat people? And some of us should be ready, some of these races already know us. I like hearing from the human(ish) races also, but should we not also hear from the others. WE see you. And some could use a weeks worth of training aboard ship if you know what I mean. So whats wrong with visiting?

  • Insightful and powerful message from our brothers and sisters ! All is One ! Victory to the Divine in all of us !

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