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Beloved ones we greet you,

Great energetic forces are at work across your planet and the winds of change are heralding in a next phase cycle of the New Dawning prophecies. The higher realms of light are being anchored throughout the Earth. Light codes are to being released onto the planet accelerating the energetic Timelines throughout the earth plane while creating pure spaces of consciousness for you to realign and awaken now.

As your Earth enters this next phase of the New Dawning the cosmic energy is designed to begin to flow and anchor between the physical body and the spiritual realms. This happening is designed to herald in a next step process of self-empowerment as you are being reinstated once more to embody your unique divinity.

A series of higher frequency light code waves are to be released across the earth plane. These light codes carry your unique design of higher consciousness enabling you to self-launch. This is the moment for you to reopen the doorway of the Heart through re-accessing a multidimensional aspect of the sacred Heart, enabling you to access your higher-self frequency.

These spaces of the sacred Heart embody an elemental of pure consciousness love, an aspect of your natural multidimensional makeup that is ready to be self-realized within you. This frequency of pure consciousness then naturally flows and blends, becoming infused through every cell of your body for a complete physical and energetic rejuvenation. The light code frequency is designed to begin to arise and flow within every cell, which awakens a pure transmission from within your crystalline structure that exists between the cells.

Like a light switch being turned on you will begin to resonate from within your crystalline structure that is housed within your brain cells, brain synapses, thyroid, spinal column and Heart. Illumination, rejuvenation alignment to the vast joy and love will begin to arise within and simultaneously begin to pulse, flow outwards across the earth plane. A natural by- product of this is because you are part of the god consciousness state, you will realign to Universal authenticity, wisdom and knowing.

This is your time to remember your sacred connections that has always existed within the Universal God consciousness state. This is a pure place of stillness, a link to an unlimited knowing, a vast space of unconditional love. Your multidimensional Heart has always been your guiding light, your compass to assist you to navigate through these changing times. Now you utilize these sacred connections consciously in your day-to-day life.

As the amplified cosmic light is reinstated through you, you simply are required to let go and allow this transmutation process. There are essential moments to claim ownership of your vast light, and there will be a continual re-emergence of you as your crystalline structure upgrades. Throughout this process you will have access to Universal integrity within the link of your Heart.

As you utilize the words of truth, ‘I AM’, you will feel a shift. These words create a resonance, an opening that is activated by you, flowing within your entire crystalline systems. Allow these words to be the tool for a re-orientation of this sacred frequency being re-instated through you. You can really let go and trust this unfolding of you, allowing a fully energetic shift of consciousness to naturally unfold within you. The conscious letting go will allow you to fully embody the frequency of divinity within your cells.

These series of energetic cosmic waves are designed to uncloak all that does not align to Truth on your planet, all corruption within countries and within individuals will be unearthed. Expect an intensification of the 3rd dimensional drama as truth unfolds. There is going to be an energetic shaking of Earth as the old dense patterns crumble, the old, limited structures within society fall.

The breaking down of the structures will create a vast, lasting shift within the consciousness of humanity. Those of you on the path will play an ongoing role holding an energetic platform within your Heart’s to support an ongoing life changing process for humanity. The ‘New Dawning’ prophecy states: This is the time for great change to be unveiled as Earth is moved, realigned within the sacred alternate reality spaces within the Universal realms and begins to reposition itself within a higher consciousness paradigm of the “New Dawning” era.

Be not blinded by the density as it arises, by the drama that is to come. Refer only to the Platform of own Heart’s space. Aligning to integrity moment by moment. The misperception of your Ego mind cannot interfere with your unfolding path at this juncture. Heart focus is required as you maintain a commitment to authenticity and truth. Claim your moments within your Heart by utilizing the words, “I AM”, like a mantra of Truth.


This is a sacred process of your returning. Assisting you in harnessing the amplified cosmic flow that is entering Earth, to awaken your Heart and crystalline structure and upgrade your energetic systems.  Let go and allow, be still, let go….

Utilize the Conscious breath, which is a breath taken in the mouth and then released out the mouth. The Conscious breath says two things, “Yes, I am willing to let go and Yes, I am willing to receive my light!”  By consciously choosing to utilize the Conscious breath once an hour throughout the day, you begin a natural shedding process of letting go of the old density, old sabotaging and belief systems held in your body.

NOTE: The Conscious breath does not replace the normal breathing cycle.

SACRED SOUND:  ENTAH NAE SUNNN… (pronounced entar nay sun)

The sacred sound is designed to link you into the Cosmic flow, allowing the flow to enter you Heart space. The sacred sound that you make is unique, the sacred sound acts like a key to opening a door. Each time you utilize the sacred sound, there is a further opening of the doorway to your Heart. You are birthing the amplification of the Cosmic flow in your Heart through your sacred sound!

  1. You are to build a connection to your Heart space, which involves your entire upper chest area. Place both palms of your hands on your upper chest. Hold your awareness where you feel the warmth or pressure of your hands. Take a conscious breath and place it like a soft wind into the space that you see sense or feel.
  2. The sacred sound will begin to activate the multidimensional cells of your Heart. As you hold your awareness on your connection to your Heart place the sounds, ENTAH NAE SUNNN… as many times as you feel into your Heart space.
  3. Feel see or sense an opening within your Heart space, the cells of the Heart are opening, responding to your sound. You may feel a large or small opening, the experience may feel strong or subtle. This does not matter. Bring your focus deeper into the space of the opening, within the response. Take a conscious breath and let go within the space of your Heart that you see sense or feel.
  4. Open your awareness within the space that is being revealed and let go. Place the sacred sound, ENTAH NAE SUNNN…. Repeat the sacred sound three more times, placing the sound within the space.
  5. Feel see or sense how there is a cosmic light beginning to flow within the Heart cells. Bring in your words, “I AM”, anchor them within the space of the light that you see sense of feel. Anchor the words again, “I AM”. Take a conscious breath and let go… open into the space that you see sense or feel.
  6. Be in stillness and trust your authentic Heart! Take a moment to be in the space. Take a conscious breath and let go. Claim this space of your Heart.

This process will assist you in activating an accelerated awakening. Working with this process as often as you are intuitively guided to through your Heart.

Know how we hold you in love, we salute your courage as you take another step towards completion. We witness you and all that you are in this moment.


The Pleiadians

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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Lol it's so funny how some people have a hard time believing in the GFL. I found out about all this back in my teenage days and it was not hard to figure out it was real. And Vlada when did I ever say I was in the GFL ground crew? I wish I was, but…"
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Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። left a comment on Comment Wall
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Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። left a comment on Comment Wall
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