The Pleiadians are from a star system called Pleiades. This star system is a small cluster of seven stars located in the Constellation
of Taurus the Bull. We call it the Seven Sisters. The Lyrans from Lyra are our common ancestors.
Burlington UFO Center Main Site
Pleiadians are from a star system called Pleiades. This star system is a small cluster of seven stars located in the Constellation of
Taurus the Bull; it is 500 light years from planet Earth. They are a humanoid race who visits Earth often and whom we share a
common ancestry. The Lyrans from Lyra are our common ancestors.
The names of the seven stars in the Pleiades system are as follows:
2) Maya
3) Coela
4) Atlas
5) Merope
6) Electra
7) Alcoyne
Because of the many wars on Lyra, many peaceful Lyrans left on their spacecrafts and traveled for many years till they came upon
the seven cluster stars in Pleiades. They landed on a planet now called Erra, which is located around the Pleiades Star called
Taygeta. Here is where they started their new civilization in the year 228,000 B.C.
The Pleiadians are a very ancient race of humanoids. They have kept a record of the complete history of Earth's human evolution from the very beginning to our present time. Pleiadians claim our Earth is 626 billion years old.
Around 225,000 B.C., the Pleiadians discovered a small sun system with a planet called Earth on one of their scouting missions away from the Pleiades. They discoverd on Earth, three groups of uncivilized people living there. The larger of these groups were light skinned and were of Lyran descent. The Lyrans had landed on Earth earlier and were forced to stay on Earth and enter into
a uncarnational cycle, because of their ill treatment of the original brown skinned natives. This became their karma. At this time,the Pleiadians decided to stay and create societies on Earth.
The Galactic Federation allowed the Pleiadians to enter into a incarnational cycle with humans on Earth. The places designated for them to do this was Bali, Hawaii, Samoa and India. Civilizations came and went on Earth with many wars, peaceful cycles and
natural disasters, between 196,000 B.C. and 10 A.D. The Pleiadians stayed with humans on Earth until 10 A.D. trying to help develop various civilizations such as Lemuria, Maya, Inca and a civilzation at Machu Picchu. They also were trying to guide
humans toward a more spiritual path.
At about 10 A.D.; the last Pleiadian leader called Plejas left Earth for good, because Pleiadians finally achieved peace back home in the Pleiades. They felt it was time for humans to evolve on their own. Before leaving Earth, the Pleiadians left a spiritual leader called Jmmanuel, who later was known as Jesus. Jmmanuel was a very evolved soul, whose father was Gabriel of the Pleiades system and Mary who was of Lyran descent.
Earth continued to evolve on its own without direct Pleiadian leadership till our present time.
In the very near future, as Earth enters the Photon Band , the Pleiadians are going to help bring all humans on Earth into the light.
The following is a brief description of Pleiadian Culture on the home planet of Erra. Erra is located around the star called Taygeta.
Erra is 10% smaller than Earth. The Pleiadians are a Goddess Society (which worships family, children, women). They are on a fifth dimensional frequency, which is one of love and creativity.
About 400,000 people live on Erra, which the Pleiadians feel is the ideal amount for the welfare of their planet. The people of Erra are telepathic and therefore have no need for telephones. There means of travel around the planet is done by a tube system.
The Pleiadians are primarily vegeterians, but on occasion eat some meat. They have no medical problems for they control their health by using their own mental powers. The average age of a Pleiadian is 700 years. Their skin is whiter and smoother than
ours. The Pleiadians do not have blood, their memory matrix is in light.
The Pleiadians have no currency as we know it; they share the resources of their planet with all the people. All material goods are given to the people freely, based on their contribution to their society.
When children are born into the Pleiadian society, they are taught for the first ten years to understand the purpose of their lives.
The children then spend the next sixty to seventy years being educated in various occupations.Pleiadians travel in spacecrafts called a Beamship. They have different sizes for different useage. They are approximately 21 feet in diameter, can carry several people and have interplantary capabilities. Beamships can travel billions of miles in a part of a second by traveling in hyperspace. Because of this ability, the trip from Erra in Pleiades to Earth takes only seven hours.The Pleiadians will land along with other benevolent extraterrestrials after the major changes have occured on Earth. When we are in The Photon Band by year 2000, the Pleiadians will bring in Mother Ships to help the survivors of Earth with food and temporary shelter. They have the technology to grow food immediately on their Mother Ships by using special soil and seeds. The plants grow immediately to full maturity. So people of earth, do not despair, help will be there when you need it. All you have to do for now is keep your body frequency to one of Love, so you can ascend to the fifth dimension by year 2005. You will then become part of the new civilization of light on a planet of light. See you all at the Cosmic Party in the year 2012!
Pleiadians and Religious Philosophy
Billy Meier
Religion, in the current Earth-human sense of comprehension, is foreign to the Pleiadians. A creator-god, or whatever the various
terrestrial cult religions call him, is a horror to the Pleiadians, and they consider the concept unrealistic. They can not understand why the Earth humans have not succeeded, despite all the efforts in that direction, in severing the cult-religious chains and finally taking upon themselves, through their own initiative and responsibility, the fate of their species; or in commencing with the long
overdue commitment and fulfillment of the laws and commandments of Creation and the evolution. The path of life aims straight as an arrow through the hard-earned values of vast knowledge within the Creative guidelines,spiritual and technical matters, and wisdom and ability. The Pleiadians gained their knowledge through hard work and obedience to the truth of Creation, the power of the spirit, and the Creative laws and commandments which teach pure love of all things.
With the help of the strengths and wise counsel from their Jshwjsh (JHWH), they have been able to sustain 50,000 years of ultimate peace amongst their peoples. The Pleiadians have been enjoying a wholesome spiritual life, and emphatically reject
terrestrial religions due to their connotation of cult involvement, being illogical, against the laws of Creation, fake, and an enslavement of the consciousness. Their philosophy is based on the universal truth of Creation and life in the knowledge of
Creation, and it is directed solely toward truth of existence and of being, as well as to the Creative laws and commandments,which in know way can be equated with a god. As the ultimate power, Creation embodies the universal consciousness and the
spirit of the spirit, all truth, wisdom, and love, all logic, the laws and commandments and energies of life, of being, and of eternity.Creation, as universal self-awareness, is the source of life of all creations within its domain, which is to say, within its universe.This universe, furthermore, is one of 10 to the 49th power other individual universes, which exist in infinite number, infinite space,and infinite time, as part of the highest form of Creation - the Absolute Absolutum.
Religion as the Earth human knows and pursues it, in the form of the adoration of a god, adoration of saints, and as faith in a god,is a horror to the Pleiadians. They consider this form of religion a blind faith based on cult activities, false teachings, lies, and other falsehoods. It is faith that can never be proven as true, and one which contradicts all the truthful and logical foundations of the Creative laws and commandments, and also defies intelligence. Religion embodies a deprivation of the spiritual freedom of the human being. Religion is also a brutal, criminal and exploitative enslavement of the human consciousness, reaching from total
dependence, serfdom, and a lack of willpower al the way to uncontrolled fanaticism, mental illness, demonic obsession and utter idiocy.
The spiritual life of a human being means, in simple terms, life in the spiritual recognition of, and obedience to, Creation, its laws and commandments. This alone is the guideline that the Pleiadians adhere to regarding a philosophy of life and a lifestyle tuned in to Creation. This must be the final goal for humans on Earth as well. Creation means the same as love, life, spirit, truth, wisdom,logic, and intelligence, built upon the Creative laws and commandments, which are valid and absolutely unchangeable for all time and eternity.
Only a life form which recognizes, lives, and obeys the true knowledge of Creation, the spirit which results from it, and related laws and commandments of Creation, can live the true way and in accordance with Creation itself. This means that the life form is living with true knowledge of the truth and with the truth of Creation and spirit, in fulfillment of the Creative, natural laws and commandments which are valid universally, without any weird and false faith in illogical and anti-intelligent forms of belief.