Greetings friends! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.

The portals to the Fifth Dimension are open. You simply are asked to align your energies to that of your Higher Self, and this is achieved with focused breathing and meditation, with attention on your Heart Center. And letting go of the outer drama.

The photonic light from the Galactic Center reaching Earth via Sol will continue to increase, with waves of solar flares, also comes radiation. This will not be an issue for those who have raised their vibrational frequency. For others, they will face different symptoms as the light permeates their bodies.

This is one of the reasons why the dark is building underground bunkers, to avoid radiation, and away from the increasing light. While they create more fear and chaos in an attempt to lower the overall vibration of the planet.

The times of humanity’s awakening are now, and Sol is offering you the necessary light codes and more for the shift in consciousness, in unison with you, your intent and commitment to the process. For the initiation and desire for awakening must first come from within.

Interesting, as I typed this message, I closed my eyes for a moment, and I could see a clear image of the milky way galaxy accelerating its rotation. It is all increasing in frequency. The image remains present. Similar to what I share below.


The Earth wants to be free from the claws of the dark, and she is in the process of releasing the artificial matrix. You are welcome to come along to the new reality. All that is required of you is that you release your fears, open your heart, have compassion, breathe in light, and breathe out love. These are your final days in the Third Dimensional matrix, as you prepare to depart for the Fifth Dimensional reality of paradise.

All the light to You.

Daily Message for 4/25/2024


You, as a lightworker are here to save the world. But not the way you think. You’re saving the world by reminding others of their divine light and power. The number of these people, awakening and remembering, is increasing each day. It is this way in which the world has been saved. ~Kejraj

Daily Message for 4/24/2024


This is the last game of illusion that you’ll be a part of. From here on out you are to only spiral upwards in frequency, into the higher realms of light. For those who have chosen to transcend the old world, you are in the final preparation stage before you go through a thousand years of evolution in a couple of years time. ~Kejraj

Daily Message for 4/22/2024


Do you really think this is all empty space? It is only the thousands of years of manipulation, indoctrination, and programming that humanity has gone through which makes people think that they are alone in a Universe with billions and billions of stars and planets. ~Kejraj

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