Teacher: The Beloved One.

Received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “Today in our discussion I introduce the subject of touch. This is new to you, because what is there to talk about on such a mundane subject? My dear one, touch is one of the most important gestures one can make. You have heard several stories of how people ‘were touched by an angel.’ This is not just some fantastic fabrication of childish minds. Indeed it is not. It is the celestial world reaching out to help you stay the course towards your eternal destiny of perfection. The point is that many shrug off what only seem to be little miracles, and pay no heed to the vital lessons they contain. There is also another type of touch, and that is the human touch.

“This touch is very important, and there is an ‘ocean of difference’ in the human touch. It is not just the physical touch but also the mental and emotional touch. The healing power of touch: the simple act of touching frequently reduces everyday anxiety and tension. You yourself have experienced how a beautiful piece of music can touch you to the very core of your being. The most profound moments in a human life can be through touch, a moment never to be forgotten, as it remains vividly alive in your memory, easily recalled when needed. The question arises, are you aware of the impact your touch can have on other people? Think about it and see how often you innocently but thoughtlessly go about your day touching people. I desire that you become aware of how it is that you can make a profound impression on people. They may not even be aware of your touch, but this you do with loving intent and encouragement.

“At the present time, the human touch is very much needed, especially the healing touch. Spirit will use such an occasion to channel healing through you. In this manner, you can become a mighty instrument for good on the planet, because you can touch people who are unaware as to what is happening, and yet, they will feel uplifted in some mysterious way. They will only know that things are not quite as dark as they appear. In the same manner, you can reach out to others by telephone or in writing to inspire hope, and in this manner spread healing light world-wide. This is so needed at this present time, but the most important medium is your sincere prayer-time, during which you are connected with the Greatest Healer of all. You too can become a powerful healing medium serving as a conduit for others.

“To reach out and touch others in your time of prayer is the most effective way of all. However, do spend some time on each person or each situation, so spirit can do the work. You will simply be the channel -- the connection through which the healing power flows towards that person and situation. You simply can have no idea how powerful a sincere prayer from a believing person can be. This can make all the difference to the situation the world is presently in. The Almighty God will honor sincere prayer requests at any time, but these requests also need to be according to the divine will. So, always end your request with the words, ‘nevertheless, not my will but your will be done.’ In practicing this kind of touch, you involve the Divine in your work, and what better collaboration for powerful good in your life could you have?”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

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  • i think it's natural Jancar, to share your experiences does involves the 'touching' ... ;) as well ...

  • it’s amazing how many people here on this site are ‘touching’ each other without even knowing what kind of impact it’s and how it’s reflects and effects each of us … however it's certainly does ... with each word ...

  • @ Oneness Agod - life is like everything needs ‘renovation’ … like the old house … in order to build the new one the old one has to go … however it’s not always easy, specially when there are some attachments to it … and it's usually messy at first ...  but then we create new foundation for us to move forward … seeing how it begin taking a new form and life ...

  • That's a great story Light Warrior...seriously, I almost started tearing up reading it lol I never had a story quiet like that...I've done self I'd sprain my ankle pretty bad playing basketball..and just kind of willed myself to keep playing, and said, this will heal quickly....and it usually did. But that is an amazing story bro...thanks for sharing :)

  • ...i just Love touching... (but not everyone and everything).... ;)

  • the power of touching cannot be denied;

    i love having my feet and head massaged nearly every day (as its very healing for me)

    and also I used to give my work girl friends shoulder massages on work days when they'd all be tensed up from office work and sitting by the computer all day, hehe , it was healing for them...

    i can also heal my shoulder too, just by touching it.

    the power of touch cannot be denied!  <2

  • 1) Sexual freedom

    2) Encouragement of spirituality

    3) Physical aggression recorded in all forms

    4) Hunt, butcher, and prepare our food, for a community feast especially for those who are "down" in energy at least one day of the week.

  • Ok so my true question is why we're not focusing on curing STD/STIs and sexual suppression so we are able to naturally release the darkness, why we aren't butchering our own food to cook the meat sacrificially, or why we aren't encouraging video's of revolutions and wars to be mainstream entertainment media? These are not barbaric outdated, extremes, the war/fear mongering military industrial/prison industrial consumer based Capitalist Republic we live in today causes barbaric outlets for darkness, religious intolerance and the judgmental bigots and swine who brutalize all who are not Christians of their own race are also. here are a few examples I'd like you all to ponder. 

  • *Omni is defined All, Everywhere. 

    **Genisis 1:5, (They is Elohim) <Darkness past, <morning (to morn?) came, and that was the first light.)

  • Thank you, this was very informative. I have an honest question in hopes the community can touch me. When we look at the energy we produce we usually tend to be bias towards the lightworker in us and neglect the darkness all must endure. I do believe that we are entering an age of an intense light increase, yet I seem to channel a different picture as to darkness.

    First of all, the one thing that I refuse to accept, is that an infallible infinite omni-being could possibly have any want of any form of distance from a molecule of creation. I cannot see that the God of All would be less then All of God at every level and therefore my theory is that All, Everywhere, Eternally are 100% GOD (Glorious, *Omni,  Divine) in the night as well as day **(light as well as darkness for "They called the darkness Night, and the light Day, Evening past< and morning< came and that was the first day.") Therefore I could not understand how the darkness could exist unless, thinking of them in our likeness, they were bored which brings me to the question. In a nutshell, unless the darkness entertains our boredom, and is therefore necessary, why are we not working on bringing about better ways to channel this darkness outside of war and oppression? 

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