God is easily the most abused Being on the Planet, She's an even bigger scapegoat than Obama. People blame God for all their problems, expect God to solve all their problems, and then curse God when She doesn't. Imagine if you did that to another human being, it would be an extremely abusive relationship! Yet for some reason it's okay when you do it to God, like you don't have to show any kindness towards Her.
Oops, I seem to have used the "wrong" pronouns for God previously, I'll bet that bothered a few belief systems. God is supposed to be a man, right? A bearded old guy that lives in the clouds or something along those lines. I'm not even sure how God can have a specific gender, isn't God supposed to be the one who created male and female? Still, we're taught to think of God as a "him", and it's what is comfortable for most people.
I can understand men referring to God as a man, it's easier to relate to God that way. It makes God something more familiar and brings God closer. It makes God more personal, which is nice, though I'm not sure women referring to God as a man has the same effect. Personally, I don't see God as a he or a she, I see God as a He and a She. Each are God expressed, and both are essential to the Whole. If you want to view Creator as male and Creation as female, I can understand, though I wouldn't view them as separate either.
"We know when we understand, Almighty God is a living man" -Bob Marley
Sometimes I wish we had a better term than God because that one is all tied up with religion. Just saying God attracts arguments and conflict. Christians and Muslims want to come and tell you how God "really is", atheists want to come and tell you God doesn't even exist. I use the term because I don't know of any other term that carries the same common understandings, but it often creates confusion too because the word god is tied up with so many prejudices. When I say God, I mean Oneness, Love, Truth, the Universe, the Tao, Christ, Ein Sof, the Eternal Buddha, the Absolute, the Unknowable, Source. When I say God I mean Everyone and Everything, LIFE ITSELF, not the little gods that live in religious texts and belief systems. The image of "god" you have in your mind is always going to be wrong because God is so much bigger than your little mind.
GOD IS THE LIVING EXPERIENCE OF ONENESS! You try to hold onto that, define it, and turn it into a belief, you've lost it. God cannot be confined, the moment you try to fit God into a belief system, God has already expanded far beyond your belief system. God is moving at the speed of Light, and you're trying to catch up in your car. You're not going to reach the Unlimited through what is inherently limited. Why didn't the photon carry any baggage on it's trip? Because it's traveling light! Drop all that baggage and lighten up some, you beautiful Being of Light. What do you have to lose, but your own fears and limitations?
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"Keep charging onward. https://youtu.be/09e6PHUoHUo?si=Azk1Nl7VvXtv8nWP"
"Steve Jablonsky makes some powerful music scores that's for sure. https://youtu.be/yT7P-3UBp5o?si=P04qrvcfAUiu6hhz"
"Thanks guys-"
"It morphs pretty much instaneously, pretty cool footage AE. 😲"
However, I thank the universe (my terms) for what I have received.. whether it is crap ( a lesson maybe... same shit different shovel), learn what I don't want to help me know what I do want.xx Suzexx
God is a word. Whether it is a she or a he who knows?.However, there is something higher than us! I just name it a universe.. I don't know who created us???? I don't know who is helping me at this moment but I know it is something..Suzexx
growing in empathy is the whole show; that picture below, you should TWEET. but atheists do play they are moral; but they never are; they NEVER know how to even be a friend. ...good w/o god, is what people have been playing at, profoundly with the present 20 something generation especially, these days. ...no such thing as good w/o god; because morals are not relative. ....show me an atheist, and i will show you a guy who is better then anyone on this page. ...fake religionist are the same: they think belief in god is belief in a GUY; and it is; but you don't believe in morals are absolute fact/ the golden rule fact only; then that church goer does not believe in god. .............inasmuch this isn't exactly what this post is about, -- blaming god, when oneself needs to improve ones own belief system. love IS god; as our books been saying, literally.
Awesome discussion....I tried to think about whether my concept of the word God is male or female and I came to the realization that my god concept is a mix of both..I love what Hellen shared...that is so awesome and so resonates with my feelings on things...Great discussion...will be coming back to watch it grow. Will thank you for this discussion, this has been on my mind a lot.
Really enjoyed your post, Will. Just to cover all my bases I usually say something like...God/Source/Creator/Goddess/Buddha/Krishna/Mohammed/Christ/Oden/Jehovah/Yahweh...apologies to any God name I left out. :)