


Greetings Dear Ones! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I welcome each of you to
this moment of sharing.

Masters, there are certain lifetimes that are more embellished within your vast
sojourns, certain vectors in space-time that offer succinct quantum leaps. Within
these are crucial crossroads of opportunity & decision that define you.

This is
one of those lifetimes. Energy and time are quickening, much is happening on your
expanding Earth as you prepare for the 2012 Ascension.

Mankind is awakening from an epoch of illusive chimera, and the heralded dreamers
are clearing the wool from their eyes, rising from a dreamscape tapestry woven from
a misty journey that began long long ago. The Siren still sings, ever so faintly
to lull the weary back to sleep. Yet the small voice inside the awakened dreamer
calls now more persistently to reveille. Awaken ! The deep yearning for clear mind
rings forth! Take your Power! Ye are GODS and you have created the dawning Ascension
of 2012 !

Dear Ones, know well that all of you carefully chose to be on the planet at this
time. Accordingly you agreed to accept roles in the ongoing graduation of the
planet. This is why you feel the powerful clarion call of this crucial time of
Awakening .

And so as you prepare for the final climb to Ascension, know that we are with you
each step of the way. The Pyramid of the Awakening lies before you, its utility

And so we speak on the enigmatic purpose of the Pyramids.

2012 Amplification

In 2012 occurs an exquisite and unparalleled surge in what may be termed the 12th
-Wave of Ascension . It is an extraordinary energy pulse of kinetic-crystalline
frequencial into the planet Earth. The 2012 influx of this dynamic Cosmic Wave
is truly unprecedented.

You have been told repeatedly that you ‘waited in line’ to be ‘on-planet’ at this
time. That is a great Truth. The maxim is that by soul agreement, you have a proactive
role to play in the planetary graduation. This is not a platitude nor theorem, it
is a truism. You have a ‘creative’ role to responsibly enact in 2012, a soul-contract
to lovingly complete.And we honor you for that.

The 12th Wave of the Ascension is embellished with the energy of creativity. It
is an energy of assistance offered to each of you. It enables you to engage, to
let go of final obstacles. 2012 is period to gather with like-minded souls to
form ‘Unity Consciousness’ and together create the New Earth, the New paradigm
of Humanity.

The 12th Wave

The 12th Wave of the Ascension begins with the New Moon of January 23 , 2012. It
will exponentially increase in potency through December 21, 2012. It is initially
received within the Pyramid. It is then instantly flash- transmitted to the primary
Sun Discs and all power-nodes of the planet, circumnavigating and encompassing,
enveloping the Earth and Omni-Earths.

Just as occurred with the Cosmic Triggers of 2009, 2010 and 2011, the energy of
the 12th Wave enters through the octahedronal geo-format, via Phi Pyramids and natural
nodes octahedronal geometry. After the initial surge are additional coded wave influxes
occurring on the equinoxes, eclipses, solstices and on the 12-12-12. The apex is
reached on December 21 ,2012.

On the 12-12-12 the ‘new’ Crysto-Sun Disc come into full power and complete the
Crystalline Activations and recode the final program of the Crystalline Grid. A
rebooting then of the new grid takes place, and it reactivates in full progression
on the 12-21-12. It is the birth of the New Earth.

The Crystalline Grid became the dominant earthen program, replacing the magnetic
grid in 2009. The Crystalline is in full operation on the 12-21-12. ( There will
be more on this topic in future channels).

And so we tell you that 2012 is an especially prolific time to experience the Pyramids.
It is why we have directed the channel to make an anchoring alignment pilgrimage
to Giza.

The Kings Chamber

Now, we speak of the King’s Chamber. If you are an advanced seeker on the metaphysical
path of advancement, you will at some point enter the Kings Chamber, either in physicality
or etherically. For within is the most potent specialized portal gateway on your

In more recent history, mankind are again becoming allured by the quantum experiential
opportunity afforded in the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid. There are legends
and recountings that date back to conquerors, leaders and more recently, numerous

We must first insert the caveat that what does occur and what can occur varies according
to the light quotient, power of will, and preparation of the individual. What is
possible within the Kings Chamber is impossible to limit ..

Most that enter the Kings Chamber in current time, enter as curiosity seekers, as
tourists, and do not meditate within nor do they understand the requisite of our
quantum mechanics of triggering the phi sonics that open the quantum field within.
And we add, even those that do can only experience what their energy and light quotient
are capable of receiving.

That which is available to the savant is extraordinary and without dimensional limitation.
The cobalt-blue orbs that are often reported are usually the initial indicators
of the opening of the portal gates-ways. Yet these occur in a higher dimensional,
in a field above three dimensional polarity

2012 in the Kings Chamber

And so what is termed as the Kings Chamber is in fact an extraordinary gateway of
incredible potency, and that potency is widened & amplified in 2012 during the 12th
Wave. In a manner of speaking, the Stargate of the Kings Chamber is increased in
dimensional & directional receival in the 12th Wave.

Perhaps a better explanation is that the clarity of angle, of reception amplitude
is heightened in 2012 because of the centering of your solar system to your Galaxy
, and of the Galaxial alignment angle to Tula, the Great Central Sun.

Accordingly a much different ‘Kings Chamber’ experience is possible in 2012, than
of any previous time on your planet. The Phi Resonance within the chamber will be
enhanced. And with that enhancement , the upper & lower, inner & outer dimensional
spectrum is extremely enabled.

PHI Resonance

Phi Pyramids are intricate multidimensional structures engineered with great complexity.
Phi sound patterns can physically strengthen the physical portion and semi-materialize
the etheric doubles. Sound opens the gates to the hidden chambers, but if these
acoustic patterns aren’t given then the doorways of dimension are less accessible.
That is why certain Earth-Keepers are drawn to participate and direct energies into
these two specifically.

All etheric structures have their own sound patterns that help form their structure,
just as occurs in physical objects. Phi sound bonds the atoms and molecules of physical
objects, as well as cohesively structures etheric plasma and light. This is precisely
why pyramids last so long in physical format and appear and reappear in etheric

Metatron on the Giza Pyramids

The Giza Pyramids have in truth disappeared and reappeared several times dimensionally
speaking. So although this is difficult for you to understand, once manifested into
octahedronal phi and inverse pyramidal format, these geometric structures become
fluid hologramic inserts, circularly oscillating between dimensional reality and
the timeless void. They flash and flux according to their own cycles, with no single
fixed beginning point in the linear perception of 3d.

That is why there is more than one version of the Great Pyramid standing in Giza
,even though most humans only see one. In your linear 3d space- time there appears
to be only stone structures, fixed and adhered to the earth in the way of any other
‘man-made’ structure. So to attempt to subjectively identify these structures as
simply fixed forms of physical matter would be a distortion and detriment to your
ability to understand their myriad complexity as doorways to higher dimension.

As such if you were to enter these pyramids with such limited belief you would not
interface with the frequency in proper attunement. If you will attempt to see its
dissonance or its disappearance you would equally gain very little. Truly if man
attempts to subjectively define the process it would not be of benefit, because
phi pyramids become living holograms with conscious sentience that ever expands
and redefines itself in exponential paradigms of higher dimensional geometry.

Construction Processes

The Phi Resonance instruments used for Pyramidal construction processes were mentally
tuned to produce harmonic wave forms associated with the unified fields. These tunings
were intricately matched to the measure of the Pyramid base and to the appropriate
resonating cavities within the Pyramid.

The placement of the sound-engineering technicians around the Pyramid were carefully
aligned for the desired anti-gravity application, spaced at key points around the
base . The instruments were employed in different toning and timing for staged applications
of the construction. Specific sustained sound vibration enabled the building blocks
to defy gravity.

But again, keep in mind the original construction occurred in thought field before
the physical blocks were manifested, floated into place. via multidimensional sound
engineering. And while we realize this seems totally fantastic and unimaginable,
it is a technology that has been employed previously in more advanced civilizations
on the Earthplane.

Space and time as you understand them ripple through each other. They do not behave
as you think they do. Presently you understand your laws of physics only in linear
application within 3d.

This will be confusing to you, but the Giza Complex has no true beginning point
in linear time. But if f you wish to pinpoint a date of construction for the Giza
complex, we will say that the present version of the complex was manifested through
Thoth and the Orion Masters originally some 38,000 years ago. Yet that is a fleeting
number, and is only valid from one linear perspective.

Question to AAMetatron: Amazing. You mention a construction point with Thoth and
the Orion Masters around 38,000 years ago. Isn’t that a beginning point?

AAMetatron: Ah, but we said it was a fleeting number, and that it dissolved and
reappeared many times within physicality. And yes it is confusing, (*gentle laughter)
but it is not the only time they were manifested in stone, in materialization. Indeed,
part of the reason our answer may seem confusing to you, is that you are observing
from the assumption that time is linear .

So we tell you the Pyramid was indeed manifested before the time you query, and
formed in physicality again approximately 12,500 years ago you see.

So what was the beginning? There never was one. But we will say that 38,000 years
ago is the time most relative to your current paradigm of reality. There are many
Earths. We have told you that before. Octahedrons and their complexities are among
the geometric mechanism that connects all realities. So let us say that there are
no specific fixed construction time-points of Giza. That is because at Giza you
are in a precise intersection of time-space holograms of multiple dimensional reality
of the Omni-Earth.

All hologramic programs of what you term time coexist & juncture in that precise
point. That is the logic of why the Pyramids were positioned there. In truth you
have many pasts, many futures and many coexisting paradigms at Giza. All are valid,
and all co exist simultaneously. Masters, you must understand that there is no singular
version of reality.

Giza is in truth an octahedron. As such the Pyramids at Giza are a conduit that
connects many worlds, inner and outer. There are many such pyramids and conduits
that serve this role, but none quite so potently as Giza.

And Masters, there is much much more that occurs in such points.

Points of Multidimensional Interface

The unique aspects of your particular physical world, within your specific NOW,
are quite dependent on your existence and perceptions in it. As such the physical
universe does not contain physical objects that can be perceived by those whose
existence is not within your collective NOW.

Many other alternate forms of reality and consciousness coincide and coexist within
the same space that your present earth occupies. Your simultaneous lifetimes exist
in these, and it is the same space you live in, but other versions of you do not
perceive the same physical objects you do because these other parallels are of
a different frequency. Just as AM and FM radio waves travel in the same space without
interfering with one another, so do parallel realities exist in the same space less
illusion of physical space.

Now there are exceptions, as certain vectors of your paradigms can and do interface
at specific flash-points. These are stargates, portals, and wormholes, in your vernacular.
But your scientists and academics are yet several centuries from understanding this.

And so these points on your planet are not understood, and are vastly unrecognized.
Yet they exist on many grid-points on the earth. The points are portals, and within
these magnificent portals realities merge. Multidimensionality is a validity of
the unified field, of quantum physics. It exists, it is real. It is not science
fiction, but it is indeed sacred science!

Few are truly able to adjust their human frequency to fully optimize Mer-Ka-Na within
these points of multidimensionality, which is requisite to fully explore them. But
many of you indeed have the opportunity to expand beyond and increase your present
light quotient within them.

The Pyramids at Giza, and indeed other such power nodes & sacred sites were built
precisely on such vector point-coordinates. That is why they are still revered.
But the knowledge of their placement, construction and purpose has been lost.

Life Force Generators

In highly simplified terms, these interface points provide the coded crystalline
light-force of life itself, and provide the means for thought to be solidified
into physical matter or for probable events to be manifested and coagulated into

On a higher level, all of you understand this, despite your groans of incomprehension.
It is only your duality filters, your relatively limited grasp within the illusion
of human existence on the earth plane that makes this seem so unlikely. So understand
that these power-vector points are in essence life force generators. There are twelve
such interface points that connect all paradigms, all probable and parallel realities.

The Vortex

The King’s Pyramid of Giza exists not only in all twelve dimensions on your Earth
Plane, but also in your Earth’s parallels.

There are other such inserted manifestations on your Earth, but none quite so tangible
as the Great Pyramid. Pyramids exist on all of your solar system planets. All are
aligned to Orion, and all are great communication devices in one aspect, although
there are variations in their properties and dimension. That is because the other
planets support dimensional fields different in number and nature than those of
the Earth.

The King’s Chamber is not the center of mass of the Great Pyramid, rather it is
where the primary energetic vortex is centered. The vortex is the true alignment.
The vertices are oriented to the Earth and to Orion, so as such so they are tilted.
The vortexial funnel is not straight, rather it is angled.

If you were to place yourself within the vortex, you would wish to stand at an
angle, you see. You must know that the energies move, and so they direct themselves.
Now, as they are at an angle, then it appears that they are managed by an axis,
and that axis rotates here and there.

Now, under the proper circumstances, under very specific conditions, the entire

would also appear to rotate, even as the heavens rotate creating an indoor planetarium
within the very pyramid. All of this comes about because the complex harmonic frequency
makes it so.

Now if I were to give to you the specific date as you had asked earlier, all of
this would then disappear for you. Can you understand? In time and date and linear
sequence, the vortices would then not exist in the same vector, or in the same specific
astronomical gravity fields , and you would not then gain the benefits.

It is multi-dimensional, timeless; such is the nature of higher dimensional vortexial-portals.
They crysto- shift and electro-magnetically attract. They cannot be pinned down
in linear time. Truly, because linear time only exists in the duality of lower dimensional
fields, and such vortex-portal matrixes exist above that level, by a complex merging
of hyper dimension and grid.

The channel’s recognition of lateral infinity (figure-eight pattern) flows intersecting
in the sarcophagus, we will say, is functionally correct. These are directionally
aligned, north-south and east-west.

Sometimes, there is a distortion of energy in which the lateral flows do meet above
the sarcophagus, but not always exactly there. This varies according to the equinoxes,
and according to gravity shifts. The sarcophagus is especially powerful for other
reasons as well. But this positioning is mostly correct, keeping in mind that the
cardinal direction vectors have shifted over the eons as well. The vast energies
that flow into the Pyramid are refined and transduced by the Sun Discs, and that
is precisely why there is a primary disc under the Pyramid, and these are all being
up-shifted in 2011 and 2012.

The Channels 1st Experience of the Chamber

Now, the tuition of fear that was experienced by the channel in his first entry
in the Pyramid was one of past life experience in the Egyptian School of Alchemy.
It was an important completion. A re-enactment of his initiation that took place
in the chamber.

In fact, it is an example of the timeless aspect of the Pyramid. For in the experience,
the channel co-existed in both past and present with the energy of the Pyramid.

The final stage of the ancient Alchemy Initiation involved placing the candidate
in the sarcophagus and sealing the lid for three and one half days. There was no
light, no water, no narcotic and only enough air to survive if the initiate was
able to lower the frequency of the body physical into an entranced state of yogic
hibernation. Those who chose to undertake this phase of final initiation were relatively
few, and those who survived it fewer still.

The channel chose such initiation in three consecutive lives in Egypt, and physically
died in the sarcophagus in two of these. The first time he was too young, the second
time unprepared, and the third he survived. Yet all three required courage and elimination
of fear. In his chosen completion, the three became as the one.

Alchemy Transition

If one thing will not take you, another will. If the air will not give way, then
the power of will insures more than one pathway is offered to you then. The outcome
may be the same or different, but they are important choices. In the final graduation
one must always face their cumulative fear, face their darkness, and turn it into
light through will. It is the Alchemy Initiation.

And so we tell you that all who seek final Mastery must overcome fear, and that
is what you faced in this experience. And as you surmised in deeper mind, but did
not fully recognize is that by facing that ultimate fear, you changed the past,
present and future.

So the memory of the first two times was re-experienced for the channel in the
first stage of the entry tunnel. In kind, the experience of the third initiation,
of the successful completion in overcoming fear, was re-enacted as a ‘set-up’ and
experienced in the chamber. This experience was chosen in order to change the past,
and to understand the timelessness of all life. The channel saw the other three
versions of self and the other versions viewed his present physicality as a beacon
of strength. All served as a powerful completion and a direct lesson in changing
the past, and understanding there is only the dynamic NOW.

This is an example of completion available in the chamber, for time does not exist
within. What can be realized in the vortex is the clearing of all that remains,
the harmonic of love into all life journeys in Mer-Ka-Na.

Much more was gained in the perseverance than he fully realized, as he wept in deep
purge and joy on the outer walls after realizing his purpose here.

We will add that the channel has been drawn to return to the Pyramids in February
of 2012, and the purpose and experience will be completely different. It will be
a fantastic and joyful interlude of great light and alignment.

An incredible experience, in an incredible time… and an enormous up-shift in
the downloads within. There is nothing to fear, and much to gain. It is always

… and so it is.
The above Archangel Metatron channel is copyrighted to


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