The Pyramid Under the Sea-

Channeled- 06/23/99
   It's summer so it's time to head for the islands. The islands in question for July's podcast are the Bahamas and any others within the Bermuda Triangle. Yes, in this channeling session we attempt to solve not only the mystery surrounding the Bermuda Triangle but also the crystal pyramid off the Bahamas, figure out how a deva thinks, coerce without coercion, colonize a planet and design a healing ritual to bring the subject's energy up or down to match the healer. This session left little room for chit chat with both ring mistresses in the form of Karra and Kiri filling time through teaching us some important information. Omal was delayed by the responsibilities of being the base commander but, as usual, his timing was flawless in what we learned once he arrived. In a review of the session, it's evident what was created was a group of teachings that blended well and covered a lot of ground.
   Karra is the initial ring mistress to start the night as Kiri would also be delayed getting to the channeling session due to some unknown occurrence taking place. She gets the formal announcements out of the way concerning Ashtar and others coming to the base in an official capacity we would learn later was to find a representative from Sirius for the Harmony Conference. The first of two dissertations she would give for the night was on the topic of proper nutrition. Pretty much all the major ingredients of a diet to maintain a healthy body were covered. With no Omal, she brings on Treebeard in the place of where Omal would normally speak and it's really good she did because we have an excellent conversation on the perception of devas and trees. He confirms that devas were one of the seven races who colonized Atlantis which brings up some heavy theories of just what devas truly are. He ends in an amazing tour de force of mental surgery as he lays bare the questioner's mind and offers us a look at all the upper levels of the human thought process in action. Kiri follows after Treebeard and it's reporting on a coercion assignment she had given us she would like to know the status of plus provides a plausible theory on a famous "Star Wars" scene. Side one comes to an end just as we learn we may be able to learn such a Jedi skill ourselves.
   Kiri returns on side two but only for the short time it takes to clarify that even if a person can't mentally coerce someone, voice coercion can be an easier and more effective option. Karra comes on after her sister to fill in space on the tape and give Omal time to get freed up from his duties. In a challenge to find a topic, she opts to present a dissertation on ritual healing where the healer engages in whatever spiritual healing is required depending on the belief system of the subject. We go through a couple more topics as Karra stretches for time and just in time Omal makes it to the session. It's only a break from his responsibilities he is taking so we launch right away into his blowing away a hoax about an underwater pyramid due to the illogical details of the story. While there is a physical crystal sphere owned by someone living in Sedona, the story behind its origins are correctly ascertained by Omal as a story to enhance the sphere's importance. We take some extra time to discuss the Bermuda Triangle and he does agree that some of the disappearances may have been caused by just the fear of the legend itself. He departs back to what he left and Kiri takes us to the end of the side but not without some fireworks for the fourth of July. A theory regarding magnetism seems to explain a number of things about not only the triangle but unveils possibly some of the secrets of Tibet at the same time. She ends by handing out an assignment where we have to organize the colonization of an uninhabited planet with 10,000 colonists as a mental exercise.
In love, light, and wisdom as one,
Russ and Karra
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