Dr. Angela Barnett

Once upon a time, long, long ago, there were Normal Human Beings on a Planet that was similar to Earth. However, this Planet was actually a Star. A Planet cannot breathe, but a Star can.

Planet Earth has been on a respirator system for a very long time, because she has had no normal access to normal oxygen.

You see, in a normal system, the Planet is a Star, and the Star has an Eternal Energy Source. The Suns and Stars exhale all of their living energy up their portals or staffs out into the atmosphere where their oxygen flows into all of the other Suns and Stars. This continuous Source of Energy is normal in a normal system.

In our Normal Reality, the Human Angelic also had this continuous energy supply flowing into them from the Rod and Staff of the Planet that they lived upon.

Planet Earth has always had a respiration system because she was guided into the Starry Firmament of a place called Urtha. Earth has been like a little baby nesting within Urtha until she could enter the time of her final transformation.

That time has come. The Earth and the Human Angelic Beings who inhabit Earth are becoming Normal. This evolutionary event began in 2013.

Now, Earth does have a Source of Eternal Energy flowing into her from the Stellar Wave Infusions. These infusions are the crystal light, crystal dust and crystal gel that all Eternal substance is created from. This is the stardust or plasma, the liquid light energy called hydrolaise and the gelaisic radiation  that transforms the planet and those upon her.

Once we learn to inhale this divine substance from the crystal spheres of crystal light, gel and dust into our atomic structure, our bodies will transform into a new biological structure that allows us to perform events such as orbing, teleporting, riding on space ships, turning into light and moving into multiple dimensional realities.

When this crystal gel substance is combined with the crystal stardust and crystal liquid light substance to create the prana of continuous energy, the planet and the body begin to live on the crystalline energy called cellesma in a symbiotic relationship. This is what is happening to our bodies and to the planet over the next decade.

This magical substance that is the pre vapor form of plasma is like water with helium in it. The chemical formation would be H2O2HE3 on the Spiritual Side of reality. We must be re-created from the pre light and pre sound chemicals. The spiritual water form will blend with our H2O to create a new water of Eternal Life.

The way that the duality or polarity is being removed between the physical and spiritual is through this hydrolaise. In the Normal Reality, a child absorbs more and more of the spiritual substance of hydrolaise into their cells until they fill out the complete Divine Blue Print at age 33.

The stories of Jesus Christ walking on water were an example of this. The Christ body that is being returned to the Human Angelic Raceline will be going through this transition in the same manner that humanoids always did in the Normal Reality.

The reason this is not a Normal Reality, is because a Planet is actually a Star that has had its oxygen removed as a result of distorting the flow of energy between the Stars and Suns in its system. The entire Milky Way Galaxy is a Fallen or Distorted System.

In 2012, Earth was placed inside of a Cosmaya Blanket of Cosmic Dust that lifted her body into alignment with the original 12 Universes that were created from the template of the original Sun Alcyone, before the Star called Tara was blown up and relocated into the Milky Way Galaxy.

We don't die in Normal Reality. The old reality we knew was not normal at all. It was an Illusion that was placed in our cellular memory. We were placed inside of someone elses consciousness who was playing a disfunctional movie through our cellular memory.

We can create our own movies now. We don't have to be in any one elses movie.

We have had our Universal Freedom Restored. We are now a part of the original alignment of the Perfect Order of the 12 Stargates leading into the Omniversal Creation of the Cosmaya. We have aligned with the 12th Star Aramatena. We are no longer in alignment with Nibiru. Those who think they are seeing Nibiru are only seeing the memories that were planted in the cellular memory by Invader Races to instill fear.

We are temporarily being held within a Plasma Blanket of crystal light, crystal dust and crystal gel, which is the make up of the plasma radiation that is like a nuclear transformer which creates an Eternal Supply of energy. We are living within the Stardust of Urtha and we are living within the Cosmic Etheric Consciousness of the Cosmaya Starship.

In 2047, Urtha will complete her mission of giving birth to Earth. Earth will continue to be held within the Cosmaya Ship to provide the harmony and balance while we absorbe the Divine Energy that the Cosmaya provides. We can inhale the Crystal Star Dust and Liquid Light Energies directly from the Cosmaya surrounding us now.

These divine frequencies will raise our accretion level to be the same as the Inner Earth and the Cloud Cities as early as 2017. As we raise our consciousness into this accretion or frequency, we will be able to see the New Reality which is actually the Normal Reality that was always here. We are just being rebalanced into a higher frequency of Conscious Reality.

As these realities take place, there will be those who can perceive of them and those who cannot. As we are gaining our new freedom that allows us to transform our bodies into a new chemical and biological structure, there will be those who continue to live in their inorganic carbon based bodies because they have chosen not to participate.

While those of us in the Mystery Schools are learning how to turn our bodies into light with the use of the Merkaba and the inhaling of Source Frequencies, there will be the other 99% of the world who do not participate in returning to their Divine Essence.

While those of us in the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse are learning how to sing new harmonic melodies with the Cetacean Family through the Music of the Spheres technology, the majority will still be performing in Electronic Bands that are called Frequency  Electonic Music.

Those are participating in a Solfege reality. Solfege means music that is audible in the third dimension. The music that must be heard is the music that is Cosmic, etheric, not heard-- but felt within the atoms.


How were we separated from our Normal Reality?

The TOWER OF BABEL was created to divide the Angelic Human Race into 12 separate frequencies that could not communicate with each other. Originally we could all telepathically communicate because we all had the same fire letters for our frequency exchange. The correct letters are kha ra ya sa ta ha la. Kee ra Shay ha sha are the fire letters that set us free into pre light and pre sound where the problem no longer exists.

The TOWER OF BABEL is being removed by the frequencies of the SIX AVATAR CHILDREN and the Stellar Wave Infusions.

We can now begin to learn about and focus on the development of our new biology, our new chemistry tables, our new source of energy, our new formulas for breathing in the magical transformation. We can now begin learning how to enjoy our Normal Reality that allows us to Fly in our Merkaba Space Ships, create Orbable bodies, ride on Space Ships that will be landing soon to greet us.

We have needed to wait until the time when our frequencies are high enough to become compatible with the frequencies of our Starry Brothers.  In 2017 our frequencies will be balanced harmonically so that the EmeraldCovenant Races who have been our Guardians for millions of years will be able to come to Earth and meet us.

The new chemical chart will be a transmutation of the old plus the new creating a new chemical reality. For example, the physical water, H2O will combine with the Spiritual water, H2O2 HE3A. This will create a type of water on Earth that has Helium in it.

When the Guardians first started sending me songs in 1992 to celebrate the signing of the Peace Treaty. The first song was the Promise of a Perfect Kingdom, next Greater Works, and later on The Airbaloon of Happiness. That Air Baloon song was telling me that our water would change to be like the water the angels bounce accross the clouds on. When our water changes to this water that we can walk on, so will our bodies transform, and the biosphere will become compatable with our Starry Families.

The Greater Works song was given to me to let me know that we would soon be doing the Greater Works of Removing Death. That was the Promise that Jesus made long ago. He told us that one day we would do Greater Works like he did. In those days, the Greater Works in all Mystery Schools meant learning how to ascend beyond death by learning to transform the body into light energy and orb among the stars.

This Science that was taught by Christ has been returned to Earth. We have been given the formulas needed to train the body how to orb, how to ascend beyond the dreams of those who made us think we needed to die, and how to create multitudes of realities together with our higher selves.

There is a very long history of what went wrong over the past billions of years. The problem with our system because so problematic as a result of all of the distortions the Invader Races placed in our Divine Templates over millions of years, that the Guardians decided to save us from the guarantee of a raceline being completely abolished forever.

A huge part of the balancing act was done by the Dolphins, Whales and other Cetaceans who are the frequency links who have been balancing us and keeping our frequencies high enough until this time.  The job of the Cetaceans is nearly over. They have already ascended to the Sixth and Eighth dimensions.

They have prepared the way for us. They have been here for the bio regenisis program that would activate our DNA.

The secret of the ascension plan lies in removing all of the ERROR or erroneous ideas that has been lodged in our cellular memory as a result of the seals placed in our divine templates.

The final act of the Sun of Ra Team is to bring in enough Solar Energy to melt away these miasms and unlock our DNA subharmonics. As this activity is taking place, these old horrific hightmares that have been locked within us will come out to the surface.

Those who will make it through this transition harmoniously must learn to melt away those nightmares and terrible thoughts and ideas rising to the surface. This is done by taking the idea up into the Sun's energy and melting it into liquid light energy.

"Why is it important to run Source energy through Earth's new Christ Consciousness Grids?

Christ Consciousness on New Earth - Source frequency and knowing comes down through the 12th Dimensional Christ Consciousness, through the ideal of the 6th dimension and resolves into the 5th dimension of manifestation.

The Aquafarions have been living in perfect harmony of Oneness and Love for millions of years and maybe even for billions of years. They have been living through the process of Hydrolaise restoring life to every cell in their body and their star every nano second.

If we choose to connect our consciousness into the frequencies of Aquafaria and the Cosmaya Ships and learn to breathe the crystal star dust and hydrolaise into our atoms in the manner that we were directed, we can restore our original birth right of Eternal Life.

We must do this through our relationship with Urtha through the bridge zone of Aquafaria Cloud Cities and Inner Earth. We are now being raised into the accretion level of 4. Which is the same accretion level as Shamballa, Telos and Agartha. This is not the fourth dimension. This is the fourth accretion level.  

Soon we will be perceiving the reality of those places rising into or morphing into our Earth through the Essence of the Hydrolaise.

We have already been given all of the knowledge of how this process will take place and the formulas for activating the hydrolaise in our cells and we have been taught how to raise our frequencies into the perception of the 5D reality.

Now, we need to make a choice between remaining in the old reality or seriously pursuing the tools, techniques, frequencies and schooling needed to raise our perception and understanding of the new reality that is forming within us and around us.

Many will remain blind to the new reality because perception comes from within. Even that concept will be almost impossible for most to comprehend. The first step is the willingness to Learn Something New rather than discrediting the teachers who are trying to teach you the truth, just because the ideas are new and you are AFRAID OF NEW.

The purpose of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse is to teach the process of becoming Normal--which means Immortal Christs walking on Earth.

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"More exposing of Covid here as it's mentioned here Covid was Man made and how this all points back to Dr. Fauci and his gain of function research. The sooner Fauci is put away the better."
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