Well it´s scary because I think it´s true.

Yet I´m not claiming it´s true ´because I´ve got spiritual discernment´, etc.

I´m claiming that I think it´s true , because I am starting to sincerely believe so.

Somebody told me here recently , a few people , maybe 2 , maybe even 3 , that there was a nuclear explosion in Fukushima.

We´ve all heard of nuclear explosions. But they´ve been known officially for just a few decades , so why haven´t they been known earlier?

´Oh the Ancient Indian Peoples had access to high tech weaponry and some of that was nuclear weaponry´- well folks the Vedas speak of the use of gravitational weaponry , not nuclear weapons and most of the translations done of the Vimana manuscripts are post 1940´s , etc. translations - so how could the Ancient Indian People have known how to produce a weapon which in all probability has never been produced by anyone , let alone tested by anyone?

So for how long has the story about Fukushima been going on right now?

Well let´s start with the beginning.

´In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God´.

Indeed , language is the common source of all knowledge in most of human society today - including English , including languages such as Japanese.

Who speaks most today? It´s not me. It´s the mainstream media.

Who was first with the news about Fukushima? The mainstream media.

Remember whom we all got to be told is the biggest liar of all? The Government.

Remember whom we all got to be told is the biggest lying tool of The Government?

Oh yeah , the phenomenon known as the mainstream media.

Remember whom we all got to be told is the biggest , alternative liar to the Mainstream Media?

Oh yeah , the Alternative Media , so people´d think there was being an alternative to the Mainstream Media.

About 15 years ago people were so well informed that it was nearly totally impossible for the mainstream media to sell them ´alternative news media sources´, so they decided to separate and divide themselves into two sections and became publicly known as the mainstream media on one hand and the alternative media on the other.

What has this got to do with Fukushima?


I just decided to do what everybody else does when presented with claims that the apparently impossible is really possible and that is to ask them how that is really so.

How it is really so that there´s a big , evil nuclear reactor out there peopled with other big , evil nuclear reactors and they hate reporters and they apparently hate Russians.

These ´supposedly evil´Fukushima reactors even supposedly hate Russian Chernobyl experts.

What have they got so much to say against Chernobyl experts?

Well one of the first places I got to go to is known by the web page sincedutch.com.

Are you beginning to get the picture?

Well you´ll probably ask me to keep my mouth shut or else I´ll be spanked.

So I´m going to tell you I know fully well that the way the Fukushima story is presented to you by the mainstream media so that you can feed off the fear associated with further spreads of this story is very understandable in light of how sad this story is supposed to be.

The story goes that one of the major mainstream media sources behind all the Fukushima ´nuclear meltdown´information , was publicly known as the Cybertribe Network.

The Cybertribe Network declared publicly that a nuclear meltdown was taking place on the Fukushima site and that the reactors there were supposedly nuclear reactors. People got so scared that they didn´t give themselves enough time to ask for proof positive that these were indeed being nuclear reactors.

But according to Wikipedia , tales of Fukushima have been going on since the year 1967.

One of the most famous interviews in light of what´s being talked about concerning Fukushima and fearmongoering , is one done with a person known publicly as Arnie Gunderson.

The whole interview is known simply as the Arnie Gunderson Interview.

Two major media information sources on Fukushima , have been Alex Jones , and a certain ´Docatomics´on youtube who got famous for saying that ´the truth screws with no one´.

According to the article I read on the sincedutch.com website , ´indeed there was no fire at Fukushima reactor 4 , and also the picture used by cybertribe / seer was a fake one´.

There can´t be both a nuclear disaster and no nuclear disaster having taken place at the same time during the same timeline.

So either it did happen , or it didn´t , and if it didn´t happen , you´re not being told the truth.......

According to the article ´10 reasons why Fukushima is a Hoax´, Russian scientists with knowledge of Chernobyl offered the Japanese help several times following the course of events since the nuclear meltdown had been declared to have taken place , but their offer of help was not accepted. Shortly after I revisited the website in an attempt to copy and paste material from it the link to the article was somehow cut off from the page so I could only see certain parts because I don´t have a godlike productions account.

Godlike productions is a major mainstream media source , so is infowars.com.

I decided to test claims that tuna from Japan was polluted with nuclear radiation by eating Tuna that is sold in Icelandic stores because if Japanese Tuna is polluted from nuclear radiation that´d mean that Thai Tuna´d be polluted and most of our Tuna is bought from Thailand or produced there. Surprise surprise. Nothing happened to me and I´m fine!!!!

If you were being the Japanese Government , would you just let a nuclear reactor explode and do nothing about it? I don´t think so.

Would you allow such a reactor to work after 1967 , knowing in advance that in the far future it might explode if there´s too much preassure on it?

Absolutely no.

Would you want your country to be polluted beyond pollution removal , leaving you therefore unable to control your country´s population?


Wouldn´t you rather want to manufacture a worldwide nuclear threat , in cooperation with the United States Federal Government while leaving the majority of the Japanese people uninformed about the extent of the threat from weapons of mass deception?

Of course you would.

You´d wait for the right opportunity and that came with the 2011 Japan Earthquake.

You´d then wait for an official story to be quietly handed over to the U.S. - an argument took place between the Rockefellers and Japanese officials , and if the Japanese officials wouldn´t agree with the Rockefellers the Rockefellers would cause an ´event´to happen in Japan to suit their economical needs. But if you´re the Rockefellers would you want your reputation to be damaged ´in light of that´? No and again , no. Yet that is one of the numerous official versions of the Fukushima event. So according to the Fukushima believers , the Rockefellers can cause earthquakes and nuclear disasters if people don´t do exactly as they want. I wonder if the Rockefellers can cause socks to drop from shelves in cloth stores as well - I wouldn´t be surprised if that gets to become the next ridiculous Rockefeller conspiracy nonsense.

For days , the mainstream media kept reporting and spreading news about the Fukushima reactor. What if , since 1968 , the Fukushima reactors have not been operating and it´s one of the biggest coverups of all time?

What if those were electric energy production reactors used to spread clean , electric energy while they had been passed on officially as nuclear or even hydrogen fuel reactors?

That´d mean that there´d be no ground for billions of money to be spent on the Fukushima ´event´ to benefit or suit the economical needs of tons of special interest groups.

Those groups wanted money and one way for the Japanese government to give them that money was to keep spreading the rumor that the Fukushima power plant was anything else than just another power plant.

There´re tons of power plants that produce electric power , and they´re just like Fukushima.

The company that produced the Fukushima electric power plant , if it is an electric power plant , got blamed , and I find it strange that the people in charge of that company haven´t sued the Japanese Government.

I also find it strange why ´victims of Fukushima´are not suing the Japanese Government for ´irresponsible behavior in light of the Fukushima nuclear disaster´, provided it is indeed a nuclear disaster - or is it the case I´ve not heard the news?

Then there is the story about Fukushima and flying saucers. If I was space aliens and had the power to prevent a nuclear disaster from happening I´d do that before the disaster strikes to make sure it does not happen , rather than do it after shit hits the fan.

Are people starting to get the big picture here?

How many who´ve been talking about ´the Fukushima nuclear disaster´actually live near Fukushima?

Remember 9 - 11 and how easy it was to sell out the idea that it was ´all because of the Taleban´?

Think Fukushima is any different with all the stories about supposedly magnificent ´electronic company terrorists´?


Remember how the laws of physics require there to be atoms so they can be exploded? Since there are no atoms , just atomic particles , what are nuclear fuel reactors? They´re atomic particle fuel reactors!!!!. What is ´nuclear radiation´? It´s atomic particle radiation because atoms don´t exist , just atomic particles. Why are these reactors called ´nuclear power fuel reactors´? Because power is generated from harnessing the energy found in the cores of atomic particles. Those cores are really suns , like the inner sun in each planet , and when one atomic particle is formed , it´s ´inner sun´s´twin forms at the same time , forming another atomic particle which moves in an opposite direction - with the formation of the two particles caused by an interconnecting wormhole. That´s how the ´radiation´spread when Chernobyl happened and that´s how all atoms send messages to each other via the spread of different levels of atomic radiation. Atomic radiation is a natural process that´s happening all the time. Yet you´re being lied to by the mainstream media and told that it´s an evil process that causes you to die if you go too near it.

In turn you get told that nuclear radiation is caused by fallout from atoms that have been exploded. But if there are no atoms then how can something that does not exist explode?

It thus holds that , so - called ´atomic´or ´nuclear radiation´is known by it´s other , much less known name , or ´atomic particle radiation´.

Many centuries ago there lived a philosopher , a Greek philosopher known by the name of Democritus who created a myth known as ´the atomic myth´. It described the nature of extremely small creatures and even extremely small body parts that composed ´all of matter´and that those were ´atoms´. Are people starting to get the big picture here? After it got found out that Democritus was being wrong or was just plain lying , a few people at that time who wanted to keep the knowledge that there are no atoms secret to themselves , decided to create a club which´d eventually become publicly known as ´the nuclear club´. This club´s overall membership had a religion which declared that atoms are tiny , round things , and that they don´t operate the way Democritus described them ´because they´re not being what Democritus was describing them as being´. Because the realization for why that is so , would mean that people´d realize that there are no atoms and thus that atomic radiation does not exist. Later advances in physics research would eventually led to the truth - that what people had called atoms all the time , is really known as atomic particles , and that they can´t be used to produce energy which in turn can be shared with millions of people - instead , the most radioactive among them can , giving the right , economical conditions , produce just enough radiation by dissection because when you dissect an atomic particle like a typical Cesium particle , you increase radiation dozes coming from within it´s inner sun. If you are being the Japanese Government and the mainstream media would you want to share this knowledge with the Japanese people? No. You´d tell them that all of matter is composed of atoms and that those atoms are fixed , and the reason for why is because of ´atomic energy´and when that energy is burnt , it produces a natural reaction known commonly as , you guessed right , atomic radiation. But if there are no atoms , there is no atomic radiation.

So what happened in Chernobyl then was actually , in my honest to goodness opinion , a very severe case of atomic particle radiation which had gotten spread from an exploded atomic particle fuel reactor - not a nuclear reactor.

The Japanese Government couldn´t risk telling the Russian Chernobyl Experts of that - because that´d have made the Russian Chernobyl Experts tell the world. And that´d have meant that Fukushima is not as dangerous of a situation as you´re being told by the mainstream media , and that therefore the world is safer than you´re being told by the mainstream media.

There´s a little known book I have sometimes borrowed from the University Library and it´s title is Atomism. That is the name of the philosophy which the Atomic Cult sold to the masses as Atomic Physics , so that people´d buy it and think that weapons of mass destruction exist that can destroy the planet , and that there are evil atoms everywhere that can be used to fuel evil nuclear reactors , and that these evil nuclear reactors apparently hate Russian Chernobyl Experts so much that they´re not allowed near countries where they explode if they offer any help or advise to the governments of those countries.

According to the official version of Fukushima , the Fukushima reactors that ´exploded´actually melted from the inside , which´d mean that they didn´t explode but melt from the inside , so that´d mean that a lot of mainstream media photos and videotapes concerning Fukushima could be , and may indeed be so in my opinion , fakery.

If people can be duped about 9 - 11 , why not Fukushima?

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"Thanks guys-"
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"It morphs pretty much instaneously, pretty cool footage AE. 😲"
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Justin89636 commented on AlternateEarth's blog post Tau Ceti Bear Pilot Morphs His Craft Into A Drone!
"Good footage as usual AE."