Dear All,
Today we’re introducing a chakra of the higher vibrational human template that has recently become ‘available’ to activate, open and radiate through our beings and the collective energy field around this planet ~ following the opening of a sequence of Gateways of high love frequencies through July-August, and flowing toward another deep key opening on this year’s Equinox, September 23rd.
Earlier this year, I was guided to focus on the corpus collosum, the area of white matter in the brain that joins its left and right hemispheres, serving as the bridge for communication between the two ‘sides’. You can see it here, in relation to two already active chakras of the ascension template ~ the Well of Dreams Chakra and the Pituitary Chakra ~ which form a bow or crescent with the Pineal Chakra. From a higher vibrational point of view, the corpus collosum is ‘the bridge above the bow’:
Leading into a star family mission to Kamura (see this post), I was guided to visualize the corpus collosum as a bridge flowing with soft, luminous rainbow colours, and experienced this as ‘keying up’ the transmission of messages from side to side, with focus centralized in the unifying bridge, harmonious and crystalline in its clarity. This rainbow bridge activates within a complimentary energy, crossing over another connective light stream that flows as a rainbow bridge on the vertical axis between the Heart Chakra and the Crown Chakra ~ and this newly active chakra we know as the Resurrection Chakra sits within the centrepoint of the cross of the bridges, radiating its pure Golden Light through both.
The Resurrection Chakra sits in the central channel, in which the chakras function as portals through which specific vibrational qualities flow, anchor and radiate…we could call them energy centres of potential vibrational expression, and these streams of energy translate through the subtle bodies to the physical level, creatively interacting through our emotions, thoughtforms, words, actions, and bodies.