The Return - October 24

The Return - October 24

Greetings, my beloved masters of the universe! Today I bring forward a significant message about a transformative event happening on October 24th. I will go into details about what this message means and how you can take advantage of these energies after the channeling:

Ambrosia energies surround you in pureness of enlightenment, pureness of Being. Ambrosia energies are sustaining your life source and essence, Ambrosia energies are assisting you in purification principles of ONESESS.

It is the Ambrosia energies that are entering your conscious reality of being. Ambrosia energies are swirling all around you in order to assist you in the unification with oneness and escape the aforementioned realities of your existence, for it is through Ambrosia energies that you shall ignite the passion within and allow the purification to take place.

For Ambrosia brings energies within the unification principles of the Triangular Degree of Consciousness, bringing peace, tranquility and bliss to all whom shall be bathed by said energies of the light fluencies.

For through said energies of purification and illumination, your world shall find a new piece of the puzzle to finally solve the mysteries of the past and acquire the key of knowing – the key of innate knowing to maneuver through the energies arriving on your shores to rediscover the lost knowledge eons into the past, to rediscover the key to the doorway leading you to the heavenly abodes of FREEDOM of thought, freedom of manifestation and freedom of understanding the true essence and nature of that which you are.

For the missing link that you have been searching for all this time is the truth of knowing , the of knowledge of your origins, the origins of humanity, the origins of the karmic wheel of life, and the most important aspect of said knowledge the knowledge of how to break said cycle.

And this can only be achieved from within the endless escapades of your illusionary selves, leading you to the eternal truth of innate knowing that indeed you are all ONE and the SAME, you are e all ONE and it is through stillness of the waters, of your purification of BEing, it is through the stillness of your very own hearts that you shall find the missing link, the key to discovering your the truth of that which you are.

And that is, that you are limitless beings which carry within the true potential of creating the kind of world that you wish to experience. For you are not which you believe yourselves to be, but that which you are.

And in so doing the Ambrosia energies shall bathe in you in effervescent frequencies and raise the level of consciousness on your planet to new heights, heights unimaginable in eons into the past, heights that shall propel your consciousness into a state of eternal OM from which you shall drink the waters of knowledge, the waters of purification of Being and waters of eternal knowing, the ternal OM.

For what we are trying to say to you dearly beloved master of the universe is that on you October 24th  a gateway is opening to allow Ambrosia energies to enter you realms of existence, the energies that many on your planet have been awaiting in preparation for the truth, in preparation for the cleanse, the purification cleanse, the cleanse that shall align each soul with their divine blueprint, align each soul with their divinity, align each soul with the recognition of that which indeed they are, and allow said souls to finally leave the karmic wheel of life, to finally release themselves from the endless cycles of “death” and “rebirth” with no recollection of that which indeed they are.

For the moment is near for you to remember your divinity for you to understand and comprehended that you truly are the masters of your domain and it is your choosing and it is your calling and it is you who are in control of your divine blueprints, and it is you who can bring said blueprints to life, it is you , it’s always been you.

Melchizedek’s Reconnection Device is imprinted with energies which assist all three of your subtle bodies to come into complete alignment, balancing out various energies and helping you to heal your body. 

For you are a divine spark of eternal creation, you are the creator, and with said undertesting, said deep understanding and purification therein, you shall flourish and rise anew, you shall exist the three dimensional reality , and enter a new age of conscious choosing, a new age of freedom of thought, a new age of complete abolition of slavery of everything that you believed yourselves to be and the rise of complete and utter freedom, freedom of choice, freedom to choose love, and purification, love and harmony, love and understanding, love and unity, love and light, love in all its forms, purification in all its forms, understanding in all its forms, and ONENESS in all its fomes, guiding you, step by step to the greatness of your creation.

A glorious accompaniments, a glorious momentum is opening its doors, a glorious accompaniment of the heavenly abodes, it is with the accompaniment of the heavenly abodes that your world shall transform, shall stand naked if you will, and shall finally fully completely and equivocally embody the light, love and eternal truth of the Triangular Degree of consciousness, Christ Consciousness, Crystalline Christened Consciousness of the ONE.

For in truth there is no separation between you, for you are all one and the same, for you are the creators of your lives and it is you who are the destroyers of said realities and it is you who are the creators, the magnificent creators of all that you see, experience and be.

And so and thus on your October 24th a new Ambrosia frequency shall bathe your ethers brining with it tremendous change , purification, and further adjustments in your world. For nothing shall be as it was, and all shall change in a blink of an eye, for all shall see the glory of that which you are, for all shall experience the glory of the beholder, for all shall experience and see and be that which is, and know what it is to be ONE with the CREATOR of ALL that is! Know what it is to FEEL the LOVE eternal, everlasting, all encompassing, compassionate, understanding, balanced and pure LOVE. LOVE in all its forms, LOVE, LOVE and again LOVE.

That is all that we have for you now. WE love you. WE are with you. Goodbye For now.  

Transform your life with a Merkaba Distant Energy Healing Session by Anna Merkaba, designed to address the root causes of energetic blockages, including implants, Karmic Containment Units (KCU’s), and dis-ease within the energy body. If you’re ready to connect to your cosmic energy, free yourself from karmic loops, and move forward with clarity, this session provides the tools and support needed for profound transformation.

What is happening on October 24th? What is so significant about this date?

A significant event is approaching on October 24th, when a powerful gateway will open, allowing ambrosia energies to flow into our world. Many people are awaiting the arrival of a messiah or savior, such as the return of Jesus.

However, this channeling reveals that this anticipated arrival will not come in the form of a person, but as a transformative, pure energy—Christ Consciousness, also referred to as the “Triangular Degree of Consciousness” or “Crystalline Christened Consciousness.”

This energy will empower us to remember that we are co-creators of our realities, illuminating the path to shedding old karmic patterns and stepping into a new era of unity, love, and higher awareness. This marks a profound shift, where humanity is called to awaken and align with its divine blueprint, and it is essential to cleanse and purify our consciousness for this evolution.

This date is particularly important, occurring 8 days after the Feast of Tabernacles, a time that symbolizes divine completion and the presence of spiritual energy.

Additionally, On October 24, 2024, the Mars sextile Uranus alignment is a significant astrological event that brings about powerful breakthroughs and innovative changes. This energy encourages bold, unconventional actions that can help you break free from old patterns, particularly in areas where you may have felt stuck. It’s an ideal time for trying something new, whether in personal projects, relationships, or career paths. You may find yourself inspired to take risks that lead to exciting opportunities for growth and transformation​

This alignment promotes spontaneity and can help you see new solutions to lingering problems. It’s perfect for making swift decisions that feel intuitively right and for embracing unexpected changes. ​

Also a rare planetary alignment involving Venus, Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn will further amplify the impact of this transformative energy. Venus will shine at its brightest as the “Evening Star” on October 25th, enhancing the energy pouring into the planet​​.

These cosmic events make October 24th an ideal time for humanity to embrace this transformative moment and let go of limitations, old beliefs, and karmic cycles.

As we prepare for this pivotal event, we are encouraged to open our hearts and minds, welcoming this energy to guide us towards higher consciousness and deeper understanding of our origins.

The channeling emphasizes that while many are waiting for external help, the energy arriving is infusing all of us with the power to become the ones we’ve been waiting for.

This is a time for personal empowerment and collective awakening, where humanity will experience a profound shift, moving into a new era of abundance, balance, and unity.

Discover the transformative books by Anna Merkaba and take control of your life and destiny. Available on Amazon.

What is the Triangular Degree of Consciousness?

Over the years in my previous channelings there is a often a reference to the Triangular Degree of Consciousness. I have been asked many times what it means and here is the explanation.

The Triangular Degree of Consciousness represents an elevated state of spiritual awareness that integrates the mind, body, and spirit, or love, wisdom, and power, in perfect harmony. This level of consciousness is directly connected to the energy of Christ Consciousness, which is the energy of peace, harmony, love, understanding, bliss, benevolence, light, and universal love.

As this Christ Consciousness energy bathes the Earth, it accelerates the ascension process, allowing individuals to step into their true purpose and express their inner knowing. Many people who have been struggling to release their gifts or align with their true calling find themselves supported by this heightened energy, helping them to share insights and wisdom that are essential for humanity’s collective growth.

The Triangular Degree of Consciousness symbolizes not only a personal transformation but also a collective awakening, where individuals align with their divine essence and realize their ability to co-create reality. It allows for the integration of spiritual, mental, and physical alignment, leading to a profound shift in how we perceive and interact with the world around us. This consciousness helps us to experience the unity of creation and live in harmony with the energies of love and light that are continually being sent to Earth.

As the Christ Consciousness energies continue to unfold, they provide a platform for those who have been disconnected from their divine purpose to rediscover their inner power. This transformative process helps individuals manifest a new reality rooted in love, peace, and spiritual understanding. The Triangular Degree of Consciousness acts as a blueprint for this elevated state of being and creating, empowering us to co-create in alignment with the universal forces of light and love.

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What are Ambrosia Energies?

Ambrosia energies, in spiritual and metaphysical contexts, represent divine, life-sustaining forces associated with purification, enlightenment, and deep transformation. Traditionally, ambrosia is linked to the sustenance of the gods, symbolizing nourishment that transcends the physical and offers spiritual immortality. This concept is now expanded in metaphysical thought to refer to energies that cleanse the mind, body, and soul, dissolving lower vibrational states such as fear, guilt, and limiting beliefs. Through this purification, clarity, peace, and alignment with the higher self and universal consciousness can be attained.

These energies are closely tied to the awakening of higher consciousness, often referred to as Christ Consciousness or the Triangular Degree of Consciousness. This state of being is marked by an awareness of divine unity and interconnectedness with all life, empowering individuals to co-create their reality from a place of love, harmony, and deep spiritual understanding. Ambrosia energies facilitate this awakening by opening the heart and mind, enabling access to higher spiritual truths and the realization of one’s divine nature.

In addition to personal transformation, ambrosia energies are seen as instrumental in the global shift towards higher states of existence. By raising the vibrational frequency, these energies support the transcendence of karmic cycles and unconscious patterns, promoting growth into more empowered and enlightened states. The energy embodies empowerment and co-creation, reminding each being of its divine potential and assisting in manifesting a balanced, abundant, and harmonious life. This transformative force aids in shedding old limitations and embracing the full potential of co-creative power, ushering in a new era of consciousness and unity.

What can you do during this time?

At this sacred time, the ambrosia energies are offering a profound opportunity for transformation and spiritual growth. With compassion and love, we are invited to gently open our hearts to receive these energies. Here are a few nurturing steps to take during this significant period:

  1. Cultivate Inner Stillness: Create moments of peaceful reflection, whether through meditation, prayer, or quiet contemplation. In this stillness, the pure energies of ambrosia can flow more freely, offering clarity, healing, and deep connection with the divine. Allow the mind to settle, releasing any distractions, so the heart may listen to the wisdom coming through.
  2. Release and Purify: Let go of old patterns, fears, and beliefs that no longer serve your highest good. You can engage in spiritual practices such as journaling, energy cleansing, or simply speaking affirmations of release and renewal. This will help purify your energy field, allowing the ambrosia frequencies to anchor deeply within your being.
  3. Align with Love and Unity: Focus on expanding the heart with acts of compassion and kindness, both towards yourself and others. These energies are here to remind us of our interconnectedness and oneness. By choosing love, you attune yourself to the higher vibrations of this transformative energy, inviting harmony and healing into every aspect of life.
  4. Prepare the Body and Spirit: As the ambrosia energies work to purify and elevate, nurture the body through clean nourishment, gentle movement, and mindful breathing. The body is the vessel through which these energies flow, and by caring for it with tenderness, you support the integration of these higher frequencies.
  5. Trust the Process: Finally, surrender to the flow of this transformation. The energies arriving are here to assist in aligning with your true divine self. Trust in the guidance and shifts that may arise, knowing they are leading toward greater wholeness, peace, and empowerment.

In these times of great change, allow yourself to be embraced by the loving, gentle current of this new energy, trusting that it is guiding humanity toward a brighter, more unified future.

I love you all and am sending you a tsunami of love, light, abundance, health and joy!

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–

Transform your life with a Merkaba Distant Energy Healing Session by Anna Merkaba, designed to address the root causes of energetic blockages, including implants, Karmic Containment Units (KCU’s), and dis-ease within the energy body. If you’re ready to connect to your cosmic energy, free yourself from karmic loops, and move forward with clarity, this session provides the tools and support needed for profound transformation.

COMPREHENSIVE ENERGY HEALING SESSION & ANALYSIS WITH ANNA MERKABA :This is a DISTANT Healing Session. Each session takes 60 – 90 minutes to complete, furthermore much more time is spent on putting together a report which is guided to me by the angels, there are a lot of details involved, this is an elaborate healing session. This is not just an energy attunement you will be bathed in loving light from the angelic realm using reiki like universal energy throughout the session, and a few days following the session, many issues will be corrected, and you will also receive much needed guidance after the session of what you are to do on your own. The energy will continue to be released for the following 2 – 3 months.

Here is what you will be scanned for and if any of these are found or need to be removed/unblocked/

  • Removal of Achorns/Grays/Dark Entities (If there are any)
  • Removal of Implants
  • Cleansing the Aura
  • Removing blocks from the chakras
  • Activating Chakras
  • Activating the Pineal Gland
  • Activating the energy flow throughout the body with Kundalini Energy
  • Sealing the rips in the energy body
  • Connecting the heart chakra to the third eye
  • Scanning of the body to determine if there are any major issues to be aware of
  • Cleansing the blocks within the organs should there be any, and if it is possible to do so, or if there is more that needs to be done.
  • DNA Upgrade
  • Rainbow Healing Light Invocation
  • Past Life Contracts Clearing/Cords cutting (if I am allowed to proceed by your higher self) This is NOT karma removal. NO ONE can remove your karma, except for you, that is if you have karma. Not everyone does, as people misunderstand what Karma is.
  • Past LIfe Visions – ( If necessary to understand why you are going through what you are going through, I will be shown your past lives, this will help you determine the reason as to why you are experiencing that which you are)
  • Scanning of your chakras, correction of energy flow and further recommendations directly from your guides as to what you need to do further
  • You will also receive further recommendations on what you are to do on your own to SEAL in the new energies flowing your way and to assist your own self further without the constant need to come back for more and more healing sessions. However, should you feel that you do need a healing attunement, or there are some issue that need more work you are welcome to come back for another session.

To learn more about this session and hear what others have to say about it please see:

Please note: The author of this website and its affiliates are not liable for any actions taken by individuals based on the content shared in these posts. The information provided is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice in any form. The author and publisher disclaim any responsibility for how readers choose to interpret or apply the information presented on this site.

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