The return to INNOCENCE for the human race in TRUTH
Posted: March 15, 2014 Filed under: expansion, LOVE, multi dimensional, New Earth Reality,TRUTH CODES, universe of 3 | Tags: consciousness, creation, Expansion, FAITH, human life, karen doonan, LOVE, new earth frequencies, TRUTH, universe of 3 1 CommentMany of you may have woken up this morning (in a linear context) and felt an overwhelming sense of relief, for many of you there may be tears just about forming on the edge of your vision and yet you may have no “rational” explanation for how you feel at this moment. It is vital at this time that you begin to understand that the separation of the worlds is a REAL EVENT and that the frequencies of the old 3d earth created reality will have little or no effect on your energy signature from this separation onwards. The separation of the worlds will begin to “solidify” for want of a better human word in your outer waking reality over the coming linear days. ALL SOULS have made a choice and this choice will now be shown to you at a human conscious waking mind level.
For those of you who may be feeling some panic or anxiety begin to arise it is to be remembered that ALL ARE ONE and that no one loses anyone, this experience, that is the experience of being in human form upon this planet APPEARS to separate you from others but it is ONLY the experience at a human form level that is separate, ALL ARE ONE. The New Earth energies now increase and expand and the movement needed by you at a human conscious waking mind level will be shown to you. This may manifest as a desperate “urge” to do something or to connect and you are asked to honour this “urge” for you are being guided by your SOUL at all moments of all moments.
As I have blogged repeatedly the universe is by DESIGN and there is no co-incidence, this is a teaching of the old 3d earth created reality, therefore the signs and symbols that you are being shown repeatedly by your SOUL are there to CONFIRM to you the next level of movement that you are asked to allow to flow and you are asked to ALLOW THE FLOW. Remember at all moments of all moments you are making a choice, trying to hold back the flow of New Earth energies or to try to follow a LOGICAL path will see you in a sort of crisis with SELF, for there is NO logic in the New Earth. Whilst it may make sense to you at a very human conscious waking mind level to “follow a plan” this is now negated within the New Earth, for you are now asked to allow the birth of miracles. At a SOUL level you have ALREADY CREATED your entry in the New Earth, you have spent aeons creating this as you knew that this moment would arrive at a human conscious waking mind level and so you prepared for it, ALL IS NOW, ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE.
Therefore at this moment you are ALIGNING your energy signature with your CREATION and then ALLOWING the birth and the manifestation of this FREQUENCY into, through and within your human vehicle in order to experience this at a human conscious waking mind level. Many of you can now FEEL the expanse of these energies, it may be that you are requiring more sleep and more nourishment at this time and again you are asked to allow this to flow. The teachings of the old 3d earth may now begin to make no sense at all to you on any level and this is to be noted. For NONE of the old 3d earth created reality can be birthed into the New Earth reality.
The universe and ALL ask that you simply LET GO and BREATHE over the coming linear few days, as the energies now heighten and the human race now return to INNOCENCE in the New Earth. This innocence is what was taken by the old 3d earth created reality for you birthed into a human form in order to experience the WONDER OF PLANET EARTH via the human vehicle. Children view the world as a miracle, they approach every moment with an AWE and a wonder that is a reflection of their innocence. A gentle reminder that YOU ARE A CHILD OF THE UNIVERSE and that this innocence is your BIRTHRIGHT, this is now returned to you via the rebirth of the GARDEN OF EDEN upon and within planet earth in TRUTH.
Love is God ,Life is Love, all is Love,
Love just is, let it be,below as above.
Love answers all questions that can be
Love lifts you up when you are down, you see.
Love is true Vision that judges not,
Love see's the goodness that was forgot.
Love remembers only the joy of life,
Love transcends what we call strife.
Love enters where a man must someday go,
into the quiet inner self of his very holy soul.
Love seeks to find the Kingdom within the mind,
where the trinity of God & family you will find.
Love is in the dwelling place of the higher self,
a marriage of spirit of all the different selves.
Love is the extension of the Creator personality,
bringing all creation back to Divine reality.
Love is God and we are his holy daughters & sons,
an extension of him like all the planets and suns.
Love is the mind of God in which we think,
our mind is part of his, we are the Love link.
Love shows us that we are the Kingdom of God within,
only Gods plan for Salvation will work when we begin.
Salvation comes from ones self,the God of Light & Love,
and so the story goes, as below and within, so is it above.
Love is when we realize that we are part of the infinite,
that all is connected,, all is part of evolution thats finite.
Love is the Key to the mind & soul where spirit is combined,
Oneness in the way we leave this old 3D world way behind.
Love is the only way that Ascension in 5D can proceed,
leaving all behind that is not needed in our mind,indeed.
Love knows no boundaries as we sail the ocean of light,
on the wings of a dove as we learn to take spiritual flight.
By Rev.Joshua Skirvin and my higher mind. 3/14/2014
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