
The main stream media in the United States, which includes TV, radio stations, newspapers and magazines,  is ran by 7 people with Zionist connections.  Do you think it is possible that these people have an agenda?




by Gregg Prescott, M.S.



While the global elite continue to suppress technologies that will benefit mankind while keeping us in conditions of tyranny and oppression, their main agenda is backfiring on an awakening planet. In the future, how will history record these events?


One of the ploys used against us is to keep us overstimulated and over-entertained with the crap they sell us on TV, including television programming and the ads that support it.  While the main intention is to divert our attention from what is really going on in politics, this is backfiring on the elite because people are, in general, too dumbed down to notice or care about what is going on.


If you ask most teenagers about 911, chances are they do not know the true story behind it and as the years go by, the main stream media is recreating history with continued lies which hide the truth, such as a recent article that shows how a U.S. Air Force pilot was ordered to take out the cockpit of the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001.  ( DEBUNK THIS )



Debris from that “crash” clearly shows that this was not an airplane, or at least, not the airplane that is being sold to us by the main stream media.  The airplane’s engines are made of titanium which surely would have been discovered, along with the black box from the crash.


If you ask a teen to do simple math in their head, such as adding 56+17, many cannot quickly perform this function.  Why?  Because of the intentional dumbing down of society to keep us complacent without questioning anything about what we are being taught. 


This is part of the brainwashing that has been going on for many years.


The Rewriting of History: A Lightworker’s Perspective | | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical DatabaseIn a world full of cell phones, text messaging, Wii, laptops and other electronic gadgets, it becomes blatantly obvious how these “conveniences” keep us distracted, yet within these distractions, it also prevents the global elite from continuing their agenda.


We are being pushed in the direction of civil disobedience through the taking away of our civil liberties, yet most people are oblivious to what is happening, due to their electronic distractions, including the elite’s own crap that is being viewed on TV.  While many programs are mentally conditioning the public for an “alien invasion”, many more programs and gadgets keep the sheeple entertained without questioning anything, including civil disobedience.



David Wilcock, Michael Tsarion, David IckeMany of us who incarnated at this point in time are compilers of truthful history and, in a past life, may have worked in the maintenance of the Akashic Records.  While people such as David Wilcock, Michael Tsarion, David Icke and many others are putting the main pieces of the puzzle together, the sharing of this information is integral because without sharing, the information is worthless.  This is what many of us do on Facebook and other social networking websites.  As you can see, it’s equally as important to uncover the truth as it is to share it with others.


The main stream media in the United States, which includes TV, radio stations, newspapers and magazines,  is ran by 7 people with Zionist connections.  Do you think it is possible that these people have an agenda?  With this much influence, we can easily see how the mainstream media can sway public opinion, but even this is backfiring as more people are seeing through the mainstream media’s brainwashing of society and are turning to alternative news websites for reliable information.


Through the compilation of truth, we have learned that most every war was caused by some false flag event instigated by that particular government.  Similar to how the Mayan culture pays attention to the cycles of time, these events also follow a particular pattern.  Terence McKenna noted these changes in his Timewave Zero program which mirrors current events and past events in a cyclic manner.


At this point in time, everyone is playing the exact role they need to play, including those we lovingly call the sheeple.  If the sheeple were to awaken immediately to the truth, then there would most likely be civil disobedience from the anger of being lied to for so many years.  As it is, the sheeple’s role is to remain oblivious to everything that is going on to prevent civil disobedience.


lightworkers As Lightworkers, many of us have gone through the stages of truth seeking, which initially involves anger towards those who have kept us in subservience.  In time, we realize that all news only leads to a greater awakening of the people.  This doesn’t mean that we agree with what is going on; it means that we see how it will help to evolve us spiritually while allowing others to begin their individual journeys.


Some Lightworkers believe that any energy you give the elite, only empowers them. While this is true, it is important to see how each role is significant to our spiritual development. It is through polarity that we learn these lessons.


Many of us are slowly indoctrinating others to look outside the box to see the truth, while providing guidance on how to assimilate the truth in a peaceful manner.  This will take some time, as our culture has been lied to for so long, but the process is gaining momentum as the world gradually awakens.


As history repeats itself, so will the Golden Age.  This is OUR opportunity to rewrite history in a truthful manner while overcoming the obstacles that the elite have intentionally given us.  This is a war on spirituality and in the end, the Light always wins.  It is very important to maintain focus and not to buy into the main stream media’s fear propaganda. In the end, it is the Lightworkers who will rewrite history because those who work against it will not be able to coexist in the Golden Age.



Truth Hurts huh?!


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United as ONE

Divided by ZERO

We are..................?

Expect "us"



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