It teaches us about the Serpentine Binary; Aesculapius God of Medicine, tells us how Kunda means Kundartiguador Organ.

The wisdom of the Snake we may find it in many ancient religions







The serpentine binary in pre-hispanic Mexico is certainly some to moves us to reflection.


The two Igneous Snakes or XIUHCOATLES, which gracefully round the Sun in the Aztec calendar, also encircled the main Temple of Tenochtitlan and formed the famous COATEPANTLI or "wall of snakes".


Aztec serpent constantly appears in extraordinary situations that upset entirely their organic determinism: the tail, represented by a second head in unusual attitudes, leads by simple logical deduction, the serpentine binary.


The double head, which quite clearly recalls the figure of a serpent in a circle, in that Gnostic trance of devouring its own tail, appears in the sacred walls of the Temple of Quetzalcoatl in the ruins of Xochicalco.


Serpentine binary, and dancing exotically properly screwed into the mystical figure of the Holy Eight, or chained in a circle shaped Mayan style, etc., are indicating something mysterious, extraordinary and magical.


It is worth quoting in this Treaty emphatically the double esoteric character of the Serpent.

Distinguish between the tempting serpent of Eden and the bronze serpent that healed the Israelites in the wilderness; between the horrifying Python that crawled in the mud of the earth and that Apollo irritated wounded with his darts and the other one that ascended the rod of Aesculapius, the god of medicine.


When the igneous Serpent of our magical powers ascends along the spinal column of the human body, it is our Divine Mother Kundalini.


When low Igneous Snake projecting from the coccygeal bone to the atomic infernos of man, is the abominable organ Kundartiguador.


Venerable Master "G" makes the grave mistake of attributing to the ascending serpent (Kundalini) hypnotic, horrible powers of the descending serpent (the abominable organ Kundartiguador).


Kundalini is a compound word: "kunda" reminds us of the abominable organ Kundartiguador; "Lini" is an Atlantean term which means end. Kundalini, in high grammar, can and should be translated: End of abominable organ Kundartiguador.


The victorious ascent of the Kundalini through the spinal column marks the end of the abominable organ Kundartiguador.


Undoubtedly, Dr. Maurice Nicoll and Ouspensky, the great initiate, accepted this error from Master "G".


The cited Master considered that his Cosmic Mother was the sacred Prana. If the Master "G" had studied the Serpentine Binary in the "hallowed walls" of Mexican temples, Toltec, Mayan, etc., undoubtedly would never have fallen into this confusion.


Hindustani Yoga makes comprehensive analysis of the serpentine fire ring (Kundalini) that develops up in the body of the ascetic, yet but little said about the descending serpent or "demonic tail", whose electrical force maintains in a hypnotic trance all of suffering humanity .


If these poor intellectual mammals who populate the face of the earth could see with perfect clarity the sorry state in which they are desperately seek a way to escape.


As soon as the poor intellectual animal awakens, if only for a fleeting moment, and opens our eyes to the harsh realism of life, immediately the formidable hypnotic power of the terrible serpent of the abyss returns to the fray with multiplied strength and unfortunate victim falls asleep again, dreaming that is awake or about to wake up.


Only sincere Gnostic who fully understands the difficulty of raising awareness, he knows that the latter is only possible based on conscious works and voluntary sufferings.


The great infernal viper knows all the "modus operandi" of mechanical imagination. (We never pass judgment against the transparent or translucent, which is known as objective imagination, conscious.)


The abysmal snake through mechanical imagination which is its primary agent, works in accordance with the interests of nature and keeps to the humanity sunk in a state of deep hypnotic trance.


Through the mechanisms of fantasy always is justify the worst infamies,  avoid responsibility, seek loopholes, we self-regard, self- qualify us as best as we believe fair and perfect.


It is conceivable that there are forces for which it is useful and helpful to maintain the rational mammal in a state of hypnotic sleep and prevent him from seeing the truth and understand their position in life.


Ostensibly, most of us find such excuses, and is so under the foolish and subtle activity of the justification of myself with the complicity of mechanical imagination, which actually never suspect the existence of their very intimate natural psychological errors. ..


For example, if we are cruel to his wife, children, relatives, etc., actually we ignore...


The worst thing is that we allow this situation to continue, especially because we like and is as easy, and if we are accused of cruelty, probably will smile thinking they do not understand our justice, our mercy and infinite love...


We are stuck between the horrifying Great Serpent rings, but we believe set us free.


Legend of the centuries says that when Krishna, the great Avatar of Hindustan - turned fifteen, he went to seek the patriarch Nanda and said: "Where is my mother?" (The rising serpent Kundalini.)


"My son, do not ask me, said the patriarch, your mother has returned to the country where he came from and do not know when to come back ..."


"Krishna fell into deep sadness, left his companions and missed several weeks in Mount Meru ..."


"There he encountered an old man standing under a giant cedar. Between them long looked ..."


"'Who are looking?, said the hermit."


"'My mother, where do I find it?"


"-Next to the one who never changes." (The Father that is in secret.)


"But how to find Him?"


"-Look, Always searching and endless (within yourself)."


"'Kill the bull (the Ego animal) and crushes the serpent ( from the abyss)."


"Then Krishna noticed that the majestic shape of the old man became transparent, then trembling, and disappeared among the branches which a luminous vibration ..."


"When Krishna came down from Mount Meru he appeared radiant and transfigured a magical energy sprang from his being."


"We're going to fight bulls and snakes (abysmal) will defend the good and subjugate evil, he said to his companions."


"With the bow and sword, Krishna and his brothers, the children of pastors, fought in the jungle to all the wild beasts."


"Krishna killed or tamed lions, made war on evil kings and freed oppressed tribes, but the sadness invaded his heart ..."


"Her soul had only one profound desire, mysterious: to find his Divine Mother Kundalini and return to find the sublime elder (his master), but despite the promise of it, and how much he had fought and beaten, could not get it."


"One day he heard about Kalayoni, the king of the snakes, the black magician guard of Kali temple (Coatlicue, Proserpine, Hecate), the dreadful goddess of desire and death, and asked to fight with the scariest of his snakes , that eternal serpent (the abominable organ Kundartiguador) that had already devoured many hundreds of exalted warriors, whose spittle gnawed bones and whose eyes sowed terror in all hearts ... "

"From the bottom of the temple of Kali-the queen of the underworld and the death of all crimes, Krishna saw get out, at the magical spell of Kalayoni, a long blue-greenish reptile."


"The serpent slowly straightened his thick body, bristled its reddish mane, and its penetrating eyes flashed with fear in his head gleaming monster shells."


"Or the worship or perish he says the magician."


"The snake was killed by Krishna, the holy hero who did not know fear ..."


"When Krishna was heroically killed the snake guardian of the temple of Kali, the horrible goddess of desire and death, made ablutions and prayer for one month in the Ganges, after being purified at the sunlight and the divine contemplative thought of Maha-Deva. "


The gruesome infernal viper would never accept the Sahaja Maithuna, scientific chastity, because it goes against the interests of nature.


Those who fail to be devoured by the Divine Serpent Kundalini will be swallowed by the dreaded python.


The warrior who achieves kill the infernal snake will enter the palace!  Kings, will be anointed as King and Priest of nature as the Order of Melchizedek.


But certainly never easy task to rebel against the heredity atoms, against lust that we inherited from our ancestors, against the terrifying infernal viper that brought to the world our grandparents and will bring our children and our children's children.


That you carry in the flesh, blood and bones, it is final, and rebel against it is frightening.


The doctrine of Buddhist annihilation is fundamental. We need to die from moment to moment; only death brings forth the new.

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