It has teachings on the four beatitudes, how to revive a dream and continue at will, talks about Tantric Dream discipline, which prepares the disciple to clearly meet the four beatitudes presented in the oneiric experience. Intimate patience and effort.


Culminates this masterpiece, speaking on Guardian Angel. Chapter XXI: it teaches us about the initiation of the Pre-Mexican culture and the current.


Just let us know varied aspects of the same Divinity, this may mislead casual readers, but not the Gnostic students.


Gnosis is a science and education texts required the Initiation to understand them. He mentions names of the Divine Mother Kundalini, which has been in different cultures, talks about the Guardian Angel to study our physical body.


The error of many pseudo esotericism and pseudo occultists, is that only love themselves and want the evolution of the misery that load inside.


The idea that each of us has on the Being. Is never the BEING.


The intellectual concept that about the Being we may have elaborated is not the Being, the opinion about the Being is not the Being ... The Being is the Being and the reason of the being is the same Being.


In all these chapters we see that the fear of death is inconvenient obstacle to achieving radical change, it is essential to destroy the false, truth to emerge in a new creation.


In the initiation process cannot promote the evolution of the false, there absolute annihilation of the false is required, Gnosis is a Wisdom that teaches Science to Scientific, Art to the artist. Philosophy to the philosopher, the Religion to the religious, Orientate to the disoriented.


It allows us to know and handle the vehicle in which we walk, presents us with the reality of the existence lead us from scale to scale leads in spiral-shaped scale or directly to the total redemption.


VM Gargha Kuichines







In the previous chapter we said much about the initiator element of the dream, and obviously now we just have to learn to use it.


When the Gnostic has kept a record of her dreams, unquestionably discover the dream that always repeats itself; this, among others, is certainly more than enough to score in the notebook or notebook all the dreams experience.


Undoubtedly, the ever-repeated dream experience is the initiator element, cleverly used, leads to the awakening of consciousness.


Each time the mystic lying in bed numbed intentionally, meditating on the initiator element, the result is never expect too much.


Usually, the anchorite revive that dream consciously, can be separated from the scene at will to travel the supersensible worlds.

Any dream can also be used for this purpose when you really know the technique.


Who awakens from a dream can continue with the same intentionally if this is their wish. In this case, you fall asleep again reliving his oneiric experience with imagination.


This is not to imagine that we are imagining, the key is to revive the dream with all its crude previous realism.


Intentionally repeat the dream is the first step towards the awakening of consciousness; separated at will from the dream is the second step and in the drama, is the second step.


Some applicants manage to take the first step, but they need more strength to take the second step.


Such people can and must help themselves through the technique of meditation.


Taking serious decisions, those devotees will practice meditation before going to sleep.


As a matter of concentration and self-reflection evident in profound inner meditation, will be, in this case, his inner problem.


During this practice, the anguished, full of sincere emotion, mystic invokes his Divine Mother Tonantzin (Devi Kundalini).


Shedding tears of grief, the ascetic Gnostic laments the state of unconsciousness in which it is located and implores the help begging his mother to give him/her Intimate forces to discard any at will.


The objective pursued by this whole Tantric Dream discipline is to prepare the student to clearly recognize the four Beatitudes served on the oneiric experience.


This esoteric discipline is certainly only for very serious people, it requires infinite patience and enormous inner super-efforts.


Much has been said in the Eastern world on the "four lights" Sleep and we must to study this issue.


The first is called the "LIGHT OF REVELATION" and is written with golden letters in the Book of Life is perceived just before or during the first few hours of sleep.


Needless to say, greatly without much pomposity, that by making deeper sleep, undesirable mixture of residual impressions and the usual stream of discriminatory thoughts fortunately slowly dissolves.


At this stage of sleep gradually it insinuates the second illumination, it is known in Asia with the wonderful name of "LIGHT INCREASE".


Unquestionably, the Gnostic ascetic, by the extraordinary Tantric Dream discipline, gets through much beyond this stage to fully capture the two remaining lights.


Clearly experiencing the harsh reality of practical life in the superior worlds of Cosmic Consciousness, it means having reached the third light, the "IMMIDIATE REALISATION".


The fourth light is that of the "DEEP INNER LIGHT" and comes to us as if by magic in full mystical experience.


"Here in the fourth degree of vacuum, dwells the Son of the Mother Clear Light," says a Tibetan treaty.


Speaking frankly and without circumlocution stated the following: The Tantric Dream discipline is in fact an esoteric preparation for that final dream that is death.

Having died often at night, the Gnostic anchorite who has consciously captured four Beatitudes presented at the oneiric experience, at the moment of disembodiment goes to the "post mortem" state with the same ease with which it voluntarily entered into the dream world.


Outside the physical body, the Gnostic can consciously verify by himself, the fate that is reserved for the souls after death.


If each evening by Tantric Dream discipline, the esoteric can consciously die and enter the world of the dead, it is clear that it can also, for this reason, study the ritual of Life and Death while the officiant arrives.


Hermes, after having visited the infernal worlds, which saw with horror the fate of the lost souls, he met unusual things.


"Look at that side he says Osiris to Hermes. Do you see this swarm of souls trying to go back to the lunar region? Ones are rejected towards the ground with whirlwinds of birds under the blows of the storm. The others, reach the upper sphere large trailing them in their rotation. Once arrived there, recapture the vision of divine things. "


The Aztecs placed a dried branch to bury had been chosen by Tlaloc, the rain God.


It was said that at time the Blessed arrive at the "Field of delights", which is the Tlalocan, revives the dry branch, indicating with it the come back to a new life, the return.


Who they have not been elected by the Sun, or Tlaloc, go fatally to Mictlan, just north region where souls suffer a series of magical tests to go through the infernal worlds.


It is said that there are nine places where the souls suffer horribly before reaching the final rest.


This reminds us emphatically to the "nine infernal circles" of the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri.


Many are the Gods and Goddesses who populate the nine Dantesque circles of the Aztec hell.


Not much, in this Message to remember to MICTLANTECUHTLI the dreadful and sinister MICTECACIHUATL, "Mr. and Mrs. Hell," inhabitants of the ninth or deeper underground places.


The souls that go through testing "Aztec hell", then after the "second death", enter blissful in the elementary paradises of nature.


Unquestionably the souls that after death does not descend into hell worlds, nor ascend to the Kingdom of the Golden light, or the Paradise of Tlaloc, and the Kingdom of eternal concentration, etc., etc., etc., They return   immediately to a new physical body.


The souls chosen by the Sun or Tlaloc enjoy much in the higher worlds before returning to the valley of SAMSARA.


The Gnostic anchorite, having captured all four lights sleep, can consciously visit every night, the TLALOCAN or descend to MICTLAN or contact those souls who before returning live in the lunar region.( The first infra-dimensional layer of the earth that is the LIMBUS Region or first DANTESQUE CIRCLE)





                                                                THE GUARDIAN ANGEL


We begin the last chapter with the following sentence: The first educator of every great initiate becomes, in fact and by right in the fundamental cause of all parties spiritualized of his genuine common presence.


Any grateful Guru humbly prostrates before the first creator of your genuine Being.


When after many conscious work and voluntary suffering it is revealed before our eyes filled with tears, absolute perfection achieved in the functioning of all parts spiritualized, isolated, of our common presence, the impulse of Being, of gratitude towards the first educator arises in us.


Unquestionably, the absolute perfection of each and every one of the isolated parts of the Being is only possible dying in ourselves here and now.


There are various states of intimate self-realization. Some initiates have achieved perfection in some isolated parts of the Being, however, still they have to work hard to achieve absolute perfection of all parties.


In no way could be designed the Being, it seems an army of innocent children ... Each exercise certain functions. Achieve total integration is the greatest desire of every initiate.


When the inner self-Realization is achieved of the highest part of the Being is received, for that reason, the ISMECH degree.


Our Lord Quetzalcoatl, the Mexican Christ, undoubtedly also developed to the highest part of your own being.


The elemental Gods of nature, such as Huehueteotl, Tlaloc, Ehecatl, Chalchiuhtlicue - the Geneva of Tláloc-, Xochiquetzal( the twin flame ), the goddess of flowers, etc., assist the initiate in his elemental magic operations provided upright conduct.


But we must never forget our elementary Advocate, elemental magician in us, who can invoke the elemental Gods of nature and perform prodigies ... Unquestionably, is another isolated parts of our own Being.


Three Goddesses, which are really only one aspects of the same Divinity, represent our Divine Mother (variant or derivations of our own Being) Tonantzin, Coatlicue, Tlazolteotl ...


There are many isolated parts of our own Being. One is filled with amazement to remember the Lion of the Law, the two geniuses scoring our good and bad deeds, the Karma Police also -part of our being, the merciful, the Beneficent, our Father-Mother united, at Guardian Angel, etc., etc., etc.


The flaming powers of the Guardian Angel is extraordinary, wonderful, terribly divine...


From Perfectly Gnostic sources, secretly preserved in the Initiatory monasteries, and differ greatly from the pseudo-Christianity and pseudo-occultism in ordinary use of vulgar, really knew what the Guardian Angel is.


Having reached the mysterious field of history and life of the JINAS, we discovered not only the Temple of Chapultepec in Mexico and the people of the fourth vertical but also and this is amazing-, the powers of the Guardian Angel in connection with this.


Because never be forgotten that the Father Prado and Bernal Diaz del Castillo, between them, they are recreated watching the Anahuac priests in JINAS state( we have talked about what the Jinas State is before and to remain you is the state that holy people in physical bodies, also holy things and lands are placed in fifth dimension by their own purity state of ascension and will, also we talk that we may get the ability to get into fifth dimension with physical body through the practice we gave previously in many posted before and below is given some another extraordinary and exciting practice to put the physical body at the fifth dimension of Universal Consiousness)


Anchorites floated delightfully when they were transported by air from Cholula to the main Temple, this happened daily at Sunset.


Never had in their night walks most august horizons disciples Sais in the Nile Delta, nor those who on the plateaus of Persia followers of Zarathustra, or beholders Belo Tower in Babylon, those who have always had those daily subjected to the discipline of Tantric dream.


Outside the physical body, the Gnostic anchorite can, if desired, invoke some isolated part of his own being defined in practical esotericism with the name of Guardian Angel; Unquestionably, the Ineffable come to his call ...


A transparent serenity, tranquility limitless ecstatic happiness and experiencing the soul to break ties with matter and the world, in everything that we feel in those delicious moments...


Otherwise you can already deduce, dear reader, magical services to LOHENGRIM Style you can always get...


If at such moments of rapture ask the Guardian Angel please take sleeping body from the bed where you left lying, and bring it to our presence, the magical phenomenon will be done with full success.


One senses that the physical body is already on the way, brought by the Guardian Angel, when feel in their mood shoulder an odd pressure...


If we assume a receptive, open, subtle attitude, the physical body will penetrate our interior.


The Gnostic Tantric conscious, instead of returning to his physical body, waiting for it to come to him to travel with it in the Promised Land, in the fourth coordinate.


Subsequently, by the help of the Guardian Angel, the ascetic Gnostic returns home and his bed without the slightest danger.


The Venerable Masters of the Occult Fraternity traveling with their physical bodies midst the fourth vertical and can leave it in the place they wish to.


This means that the Resurrected Masters of the Superior Order can afford, Certainly not inconsiderable indeed to give up to all modern systems of transport: ships, planes, cars, etc., etc., etc.


The Highest Initiatic value in themselves have the critical-analog and symbolic procedures that in ancient times were the living essence of that Alexandrian school Philaletheans or "lovers of truth" synthetic academy of IV century founded by Ammonius Saccas , the great autodidact eclectic, and Plotinus, the successor of Plato through the centuries, with doctrinal principles of Egypt, Mexico, Peru, China, Tibet, Persia, India, etc., etc., etc., allowed many Initiated to orientate in the Path of the Razor's Edge.


 Special mention worth ANDROGILIA of Ammonius Saccas, golden book par excellence.


Undoubtedly, the error of many modern pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occult lies in the amour-propre; much like themselves; They want the evolution of the misery that load inside ... They want to continue; They crave perfection of what perfection in any way deserve perfection or continuance.


These people of subjective psyche they think rich, powerful and bright, and also covet a great position in the "beyond", but they know nothing about themselves, sadly unaware of their own impotence, nothingness, shamelessness, misfortune, misery psychological and nudity.


The Gnostics do not aspire to be better or worse, we just want to die in ourselves here and now.


When setting the "dogma of evolution" as the basis of our best aspirations, we start from a false basis.


 Only death brings forth the new.


If the grain does not die, the plant is not born. When death is absolute, that to be born is also absolute.


The total annihilation of the Psychic aggregates, the radical dissolution of the dearest that we carry inside, the final disintegration of our best desires, thoughts, feelings, passions, resentments, pain, emotions, desires, hatred, jealousy, revenge, anger, affection, attachment, lust, etc., etc., etc., is urgent, so that the flame of Being arises, that which is not of time, that it is always new.


The idea that each of us about the Being, never is the Being. Whether the intellectual concept that we have about the Being is not the Being. The view on the Being is not the Being. Being is the Being and the reason of Being of Being is the same Being.


The fear of death is absolute obstacle, drawback, for achieving radical change.


Each of us carries within it to the wrong setting. It is essential to destroy the false arising truly a new creation.


Never would try to promote the evolution of the false, we prefer the absolute annihilation.


From the black and awful sepulchral grave of the abysm the flaming various parts of Being arise; the Guardian Angel is one of those many isolated parts.


Those who really know the mysteries of the Temple, wonderful reflection of the Bacchic Eleusinian and Pythagorean Mysteries never wish to continue with their inner misery.


We must return to the original starting point, go back to the primitive darkness of No Being and Chaos born to light and arises within us a new creation.


Instead of fearing total annihilation, you better learn to love and fall into the arms of our Blessed Goddess Mother-Death.( one of the five aspects of the Divine Mother; remember the Holy cow that represent the Divine mother that the pure and Etheric white-bluish cow had on her back another leg making each representation of one aspect of the whole)

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Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። commented on AlternateEarth's blog post GFL or Military/Project Bluebeam? 1/5/2024 Over Washington DC
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Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። commented on AlternateEarth's blog post GFL or Military/Project Bluebeam? 1/5/2024 Over Washington DC
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