The September 21 Transition by Cosmic Awareness
Sent to our Attention by PHILIPP:
Hi, dear Translators,
I hope this email finds you well.
Ashtar has not provided me with a new message but there is a channeling from Cosmic Awareness that is very accurate. It summarizes very well what can one expect from/on 09-21 and what not. It fully resonates with what I learned through my channelings. So, if it is possible it would be very good if you could put the following link to the Ashtar blog. I believe that many could benefit from listening to this link:
As always, thank you so much.
Much Love&Light to you,
In the meantime, we have just received from
Kees de Graaff,
the owner and webmaster of did a very good summary that can be of assistance for the ones that are non native English people and that have some difficulty in following the message. Please read:
i found this channeling of "cosmic awareness" worth listening to. i've followed the channeler, will berlinghof, for some years now and i think he's one of the purest channels.
for those who don't have the time to listen to it, a short summary:
next saturday, september 21, it will be 9 months ago that the famous date of december 21, 2012 passed by, without much happening for most of us. "cosmic awareness" says that it takes some time for an old paradigm to die completely and a new one to kick in.
next saturday will be the day that the new paradigm takes over for good. the most remarkable property of these energies is "instant karma". in other words: when you focus on something, it will manifest much faster than before. it's important to realise this, so that you don't spend your time on fear mongering news and such. visualise positive and beautiful things. or as another channeled being (bashar) put it some time ago: through the law of attraction, the world around you acts like a mirror - if you want your reflection to smile at you, you need to smile first.
another thing that "cosmic awareness" says is that from now on, others will start paying much more attention to the wisdom that many lightworkers have to share. i think most of us would agree that that would be a change for the better, and about time
let's see what happens!