PhotobucketThe Serpent of Light: Chapter 3The Great White Pyramid of TibetWritten by Drunvalo MelchizedekAs science has recorded, about 16,000 years ago, three great pieces of an asteroid struck the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of what is now the state of Georgia in the United States. The Atlantian priesthood knew the end was near for their great country.Plato named this lost continent Atlantis 2,000 years ago and spoke elegantly about its culture and its beauty, but most modern archeologists still consider Atlantis was only a legend. With all the searching and exploration conducted over the years to prove its existence, nothing conclusive has ever been determined, for when Atlantis disappeared below the waves of the Atlantic Ocean, it took all evidence with it to the ocean floor.So this is history that cannot be proven at this time. But in the future, hopefully it will be. Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, said in the 1920s that Atlantis would rise out of the Atlantic Ocean near Bimini before the year 1970, and it very well could have. In January 1970, Life Magazine reported that many small islands, originating on the ocean floor, over a mile deep in the Atlantic Ocean near Bimini, broke the surface in December 1969. Many of them were resubmerged, but some of them are still here today. Was Cayce's prediction correct? Time will tell.Cayce made over 12,000 predictions about the time prior to 1970, and only one of these predictions turned out not to be true - a simple one relating to a twin brother for whom he made a diagnosis.The Spiritual Light of the World, the Earth's Kundalini, a snake-like energy coiled deep inside the Earth, had resided inside this ancient continent for thousands of years. It was this spiritual energy that had caused other cultures to come to Atlantis from all over the world to seek enlightenment, much in the same way that modern seekers travel from around the world to India and Tibet.This huge asteroid streaming in from the heavens actually preceded the end of Atlantis by three thousand years, but was the physical reason for the demise of Atlantis. The Kundalini of Mother Earth, the Serpent of Light, would soon begin to move to a new location to bring balance to what would rapidly become a new world. A new world perhaps, but this impact would mean the sinking and death of Atlantis.Always remember, there are no mistakes. Everything that happens, happens for reasons that affect all life everywhere and with sheer precision.The inner priesthood of the ancient continent of Atlantis, the Nakkal Brotherhood, knew from their inner knowing exactly where the Serpent of Light would move to and settle, coiling like a snake down inside the Earth to hibernate for another long cycle of 13,000 years, and that by changing positions on the surface of the Earth, it would change the way humans interpret life. The Nakkal Brotherhood knew they would have to leave Atlantis and move to where the Serpent of Light would find its new home.They also knew that wherever the Light of the World settled, the people of that region would become the great spiritual teachers of the planet. It has always been that way, for this Light affected people who live near where it was coiled and naturally brought them into a state of enlightenment, depending upon their ability to receive it. The people of this new region would begin to awaken and remember their intimate connection with all life everywhere and with God. Eventually they would even remember the sacred place within their hearts where God resides and where all of creation began. And in their remembering, they would become spiritual lights to the rest of humanity simply by their very being.So the Nakkal Brotherhood began to make plans to leave their beloved country of Atlantis and follow the source of their understanding. They had no choice. They made their plans and prepared to leave almost two hundred years before Atlantis finally sank deep into the ocean, before they found themselves in chaos. Eventually, the Nakkals followed the Great White Serpent of the Earth's Kundalini to a remote area high in the Himalayan mountains located in the western region in what is today called Tibet.When Atlantis finally did sink, about 13,000 years ago, the outer priesthood (not the inner Nakkals) of Atlantis quickly left in elaborate ships. They were forced to evacuate as the earthquakes, volcanoes, and sinking land and onrushing water never ceased. They didn't travel far. The outer priesthood went to the shores of what is now the Yucatan in Mexico, and today are known as the Maya. We know this is true not only because the Maya say so, but also because of an ancient stone document found by archeologists in the Yucatan; called the Troano Document, it is now located in the British Museum. Estimated to be at least 3,500 years old, it was translated by the historian Augustus Le Plongeon and describes in detail the sinking of Atlantis.The calendar that the Maya now hold was originally created during the time that Atlantis was alive and well, and was actually hand-carried to the Yucatan by the priesthood in their escape from certain death.This outer priesthood is alive in present-day Mayan men such as Hunbatz Men, a Mayan priest and shaman. He was the one elected by the secret elders in the 1980s to be the spokesman for the outer world. Now he has been replaced by a humble man named Don Pedro Pablo, also elected by the Maya elders. Even deeper into the Mayan culture we find Don Alejandro Cinlo Perez Oxlaj, one who holds the original information back to the very beginning of his culture. Don Alejandro is now the president of the High Mayan Council of over 400 elders from Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala. Time will unfold the depth of his knowledge and wisdom.The Great White PyramidThe Nakkals, the inner priesthood of Atlantis, arrived in Tibet with tremendous difficulty, to begin construction of one of the world's greatest pyramids. This pyramid they constructed is made of solid white stones and appears today as though it was created in modern times, for it is still in perfect condition. It appears brand new.The purpose of this Great White Pyramid was both to mark the exact location of the Earth's Kundalini energy and to focus that energy for the benefit of mankind. It created an area of energy stretching for vast distances, and the people who lived within this area would change more than others, but with training, the changes were inevitable. This influence on the people resulted in great spiritual teachers whose enlightenment reached to the rest of the world. Tibet, parts of China, India, and Nepal became the new center for the Light of the World (although at the time of the construction of this pyramid, none of these countries were born yet).Almost 6,000 years went by after Atlantis sank into the ocean before the human race began to remember who it really was and civilization once more began to flourish. During all of these thousands of years the Nakkals remained with the Great White Pyramid to protect it and to thrive with its enlightening energy. Eventually, the Nakkals actually seeded the Tibetan race, extending themselves into modern times.Slowly the influence of the Serpent of Light began to give birth to great souls such as Lao Tzu, who wrote the Tao Te Ching - the Way of Life - one of the greatest works ever created. And, of couse, the I-Ching, probably the most amazing book ever written, came from this region. The Buddha lived within this area of influence, creating Buddhism, a world religion that, more than any other religion, in my personal experience, has a deeper understanding of the human energy fields and consciousness dimensions beyond normal awareness than any other religion. Tibetan Buddhism is the only religion left that remembers the Mer-Ka-Ba, the human light body and, even more importantly, what it means and how to create and use it. (The Mer-Ka-Ba is the human energy field that extends out beyond the body about twenty-seven to thirty feet spherically in all directions.) Many great men and women (but mostly men during this male part of the cycle) emerged from this area simply because the White Serpent was coiled inside the Earth under this Great White Pyramid built by the ancient Nakkal Brotherhood.But soon all of this would change one more time.The modern-day Maya knew, by their amazing calendar, the most accurate calendar that humanity has ever created, that a special time was approaching. Like the great sun rising to reveal the morning sky and the beauty of the living world, something tremendous within the Earth was beginning to move, and it would reveal something fantastic long lost to the human soul. Deep inside the Mother's belly an ancient energy began to slowly move from side to side, much as a snake glides across the land. This snakelike energy began to awaken and feel and intense need to find a new home and a new way to express life as the constellation of Aquarius slowly begins to yield its influence.Every 12,920 years this urge is undeniable!China Invades Tibet and the Serpent of Light Begins to MoveThe Panchen Lama, the second highest ranking lama after the Dalai Lama, then only eleven years old, asked China in 1949 to "unify the motherland," meaning to bring Tibet back into China's domain. China's communist leader, Mao Tse-tung, responded by announcing China's intention to "liberate Tibet from foreign imperialists."In 1949, China invaded Tibet.The world was still tired and sickened by all the killing and pain of World War II, which had only ended four years before. The British, who declared to the United Nations that they had an "interest in the maintenance of Tibetan autonomy," had neither the heart nor the means to resist the Chinese, and would not support the Tibetans or come to their defense.In 1959, after the Tibetan uprising al Lhasa and its savage suppression by the Chinese, the Dalai Lama fled to India for refuge, followed by a wave of thousands of Tibetan refugees pouring over the border.At this very moment, after a 13,000-year rest, the Serpent of Light began to slide out of the Nakkal's Great White Pyramid and onto the surface of the Earth. Slowly at first, but then faster and faster, this Kundalini energy started moving through Tibet. Then, in a single day, it left the country along with the Dalai Lama and moved into India. It was almost if the Dalai Lama invoked the Serpent to leave Tibet.But this movement of the Serpent of Light into India was only the beginning of a very long, long earthly journey that would eventually transverse most of the planet, just as had happened when it left ancient Atlantis to arrive high up in the Tibetan mountains 13,000 years before.The Grand MeetingOn the other side of the world, the Mayan elders from all areas of Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala, called for a grand meeting of all Mayan tribes. It was the first time such a meeting had ever been called in modern times, and it was a truly tremendous event.This meeting was brought into being because the Mayan calendar clearly showed that the Serpent of Light was going to move in 1959 and that it would eventually require the assistance of the indigenous peoples of North and South America.The Mayan elders met to hold a ceremony together because of what the Mayan calendar was prophesying: the end of a grand cycle and the beginning of a new cycle and a new world - a world where the entire heavens would be opened up to humanity, and we would be free to explore our natural environment of space, time, and dimension beyond the Earth. The prophecy had predicted a time of a wonderful peace and spiritual growth. The beginning of this new cycle was predicted by the Guatemala Maya to be February 19, 2013. Why not December 21, 2012, as predicted by the moment of the change of the POE into Aquarius? Sorry, I can't tell you. This question you will have to ask the Guatemala Maya themselves, as they are the only ones who really understand why this two-month discrepancy exists.Like the Nakkal Brotherhood before them, the Maya held this enormous meeting to share their knowledge and prophecy, so that they would be prepared as a culture to properly perform their cosmic responsibility in the guidance and marking of the movement of this eternal Serpent of Light. During this meeting it was discovered that the lowland Maya, those living in Mexico and Belize, had lost - to time and to the Spanish conquistadors - almost all of their knowledge and prophecy and that their living legacy had all but disappeared. But to the relief of Mother Earth, the legacy was not dead. It was still alive en well in Guatemala. There, high up in the mountains, near the beautiful ancient city of Tikal, the Mayan elders, most over a hundred years old, still held the knowledge and prophecies that had been brought from Atlantis 13,000 years before.So the elders of Guatemala handed the lowland Maya "fifteen books." The lowland Maya were told to study and learn this knowledge and that they would be given more books in the future. In this way, the return of the Mayan calendar, knowledge, and prophecy was initiated.The outer world at this time knew nothing of this exchange, nor did they care. Materialism was the way of the world.Industrial Man IntervenesWith the best intentions, certain explorers of knowledge, such as Jose Arguelles and others, began to study the Mayan calendar with the belief and understanding that the Maya of Mexico held their knowledge intact, when, in fact, they did not. Their knowledge was limited by an incomplete infusion from the Guatemalan Maya. And so many books have been written about the Mayan calendar, which cannot really be made complete and accurate until the Guatemala Maya finish returning their knowledge to the lowland Maya.According to the Guatemalan Maya, there are still five more "books" for the lowland Maya to read and understand, and it is the sixteenth book, The Book of Insects and the Fixed Stars, that determines the beginning and ending of cosmic cycles. This is the reason that the date of December 21, 2012, was never really understood, and the date of February 19, 2013, was never known.The Serpent of Light Searches for Its New HomeThe Serpent of Light followed the Dalai Lama into India, but it did not stop there. It continued to move, gradually making its way across every region of the Earth's surface.This movement continued for about ten years, from 1959 to sometime in the late 1960s. Finally, near the end of its worldwide journey, the Kundalini energy of Mother Earth moved down from Canada, into the United States, into Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala, and then deeper into Central America.When it reached Panama, something incredible happened that most indigenous tribes, with the exception of the Maya, didn't expect. When the Serpent of Light reached the Panama Canal, it could not pass. The Panama Canal was the largest Earth geomancy ever performed in the world. It literally and energetically separated two continents from each other, and it forcefully prevented this Kundalini energy from crossing into South America.The Kundalini energy of the Earth became constipated and blocked. Many believe the stopping of the Serpent of Light was the source of the problems of war and strife within Colombia and other nearby countries. The Earth Kundalini could not cross the canal, creating a huge energetic imbalance. (This same kind of thing can happen in an individual person. As the Kundalini rises up a person's spine, if a chakra is blocked, the Kundalini energy cannot continue to rise, though it will continue to try. This can cause pain, sickness, and even the death of the person if the condition is not resolved.) It presented a real problem to the indigenous people of the world that would not be solved for many years.No one, except the Maya, knew what to do.Peru Responds to the New CycleMeanwhile, high in the mountains of Peru, a fully enlightened man named Oscar Ichazo and twelve men that surrounded him like Jesus, were prepared to act upon the completion of this Earth Kundalini energy and to ready the world for the coming new age. They expected the Serpent of Light to be settled high in the northern mountains in Chile before the end of the sixties and that at that time their work could be initiated.So Oscar and one of these great twelve men, Claudio Naranjo, traveled to the United States in the mid-sixties to present to the industrial world an ancient form of knowledge based upon something that was not understood at that time, sacred geometry, which Oscar called 'Arica'.Claudio also prepared to present another form of knowledge based upon the work of the great Russian Sufi Gurdjieff. This knowledge that ties human transformation to sound and music. Claudio was about to present a little-known aspect of this knowledge by which the human personality could be broken down into twenty-seven forms. His purpose in doing this was simple: to give the industrial world a tool with which they could get off the wheel of "ego types" and enter the higher world of enlightenment. Doing so, he believed, would begin to change the entire world by bringing us out of this materialistic life we lead, so we could enter into the higher chakras and extended human potential.But all of this ended only a few years after it began. On a single day, Oscar stopped the school that he had begun and that had spread all across the United States, and he returned to Peru. Why? Simple - the Serpent of Light was blocked, its completion was not on time (at least not as interpreted by most of the indigenous world), and no one knew when it would be completed. the Maya, of course, knew exactly what the problem was, exactly how to correct it, and even when it would be corrected. But they were being silent and waiting.The Ceremony of the Eagle and the CondorThe Maya knew that this problem could not be solved until the Ceremony of the Eagle and the Condor was performed. The Mayan calendar said so. They also knew that it was going to take more human energy than was contained within just Central and South America to move the flowing stream of power of the great Serpent of Light. They needed the energy and cooperation of North America. And this ceremony would reunite North America, the Eagle, and South America, the Condor, so that they could work as one to help this Earth Kundalini energy move to its final destination.Many tribes, including white people imitating native people, thought that they could perform this ceremony, and so several times the Ceremony of the Eagle and the Condor was performed. What wasn't understood was that this ceremony had to wait until a specific day in the future and that it could only be performed by the Maya.On February 19, 2001, just as the Mayan calendar predicted, the Maya and about two hundred other indigenous tribes of North, Central, and South America, came together in Guatemala, and the real Ceremony of the Eagle and the Condor took place. It's all documented in a beautiful film called 'The White Road: Visions of the Indigenous People of the Americas'.When the ceremony was complete, finally something could be done to help the Serpent of Light find its resting place where it would coil deep in the Earth for the next 13,000 years and present the entire world with new spiritual knowledge and energy that would be necessary for the human race to continue.The Two Great Birds Fly as OneLater that year, 2001, tribes form all over the Americas, including the Eskimo, the Hopi, and many other tribes in the United States; the Maya, of course; and over 500 tribes from both continents, began to work together for one united purpose: to assist the Great White Snake to pass the Panama Canal and complete its journey.I was asked by the Maya to help, because I am also part of a North American tribe - the Tao Pueblo of New Mexico - in my roots. Three days were designated, which I remember to be in September 2001, for every tribe and person in their own way to work for this one common goal. Indigenous tribes on both continents, working together on the same day, began ceremonies everywhere.I remember that I took off from all work for those three days and went into meditation. In my tradition, the Mer-Ka-Ba, the human Light Body, is the method of choice, and so I placed a living Mer-Ka-Ba field over the Panama Canal and went into a deep meditation, using everything I knew to help move this Earth Kundalini over the canal.The first and second day it seemed like nothing happened. I could feel the tremendous energy of so many dedicated people working as one, but I could not perceive any change with the Serpent. It was beginning to feel to me that perhaps we were failing, but I kept my doubts from entering my being and continued to meditate.Late on the third day, I felt it happen. At first it was a small energy flow, like a tiny leak in a dam, but the energy kept widening and becoming more powerful. At last, the Serpent of Light broke free and began to energetically move side to side as it did when it was moving around the world. It entered Columbia with great power and determination and continued into South America, moving everywhere, into every region and country.The whole indigenous world breathed a sigh of relief, and cries of joy filled the air from two continents. The two great birds flying together as One had made this miracle happen. The Maya knew it would happen, for it had been prophesied in their sacred calendar; but calendar or no calendar, when it happened in real life, it was exciting. Now it comes down to human experience and deep emotions.Simultaneously, high in the Andes Mountains in northern Chile, 112 tribes sat in a huge circle, waiting for the Serpent of Light to arrive. The exact place had already been predicted by the Maya, and the tribes circled this spot, chanting and dancing, making this ceremony the most important human event in thousands of years. They also helped make this tiny piece of earth the holiest region on the surface of the planet.These pure men and women continued to perform ceremony until many months later, when the Serpent of Light finally slithered home and entered its sacred resting place in the Earth. It is a place that will transform the area of Chile and Peru into a new Tibet and India, a place where the great teachers will be born - teachers who will be brilliant lights to the world, just as those in Tibet and India have been.My own part in this continuing saga was just beginning. There was much more that had to be completed, and I had no premonition of the coming changes in my life. Mother Earth was about to enlist me into the Rainbow Tribe of liberation and enlightenment. A part of my life was about to unfold in ways I could never have imagined.What else is there to do but to be of service?
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  • Great book! thank you! ;)
  • thank you for sharing this :) sounds beautiful
  • Thanks,Erophin for sharing!I believe very much,that this info coming from toltecs...but that actually doesn't matter,because once ur soul is lightened it shines very bright!...:)
  • quote :
    "According to the Guatemalan Maya, there are still five more "books" for the lowland Maya to read and understand, and it is the sixteenth book, The Book of Insects and the Fixed Stars, that determines the beginning and ending of cosmic cycles. This is the reason that the date of December 21, 2012, was never really understood, and the date of February 19, 2013, was never known."
  • Thanks for sharing this!Great information!
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