Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be another one of the main civilizations in the Anchara Alliance the Sigma Draconians. The Sigma Draconians at one time ruled over the Eta Draconians. The Sigma Draconians were known for their unparalleeled military leadership and epic gallantry in battle. They were also known to be major developers of military weaponry and armed spacecraft. All info is from Sheldan Nidle's book Your Galactic Neighbors.
Present Status And Location
The Star-Nation of Sigma Draconis belonged, previously, to the Draconian Empire, serving as the principal source for the officer corps of the Empire's military and police forces. The Beings of Sigma Draconis were also the main engineers and suppliers of weapons and defence systems for the Draconian Empire. The prime 'gem' of the Draconian Empire was, of course, Orion. In order to secure the continued flow of Draconis' goods throughout the Empire, its rulers encouraged heavy, selective immigration from the star-nations of the constellation of Draco to those of the constellation of Orion and their other dependencies. Sigma Draconis also considered our Solar System to be part of their Empire. They became members of the Galactic Federation Of Light in 1998. Sigma Draconis is a type K orange star, located in the body of the constellation of Draco, which is situated between the constellations of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor - the Big and Little Dippers, respectively. To find Sigma Draconis, observe the Big Dipper and distinguish the stars, Dubhe and Merak, which form the Big Dipper's upper edge. Then look across to Polaris, at the outer edge of the Little Dipper's handle, and the first star you will see, along the line from the Big Dipper, is Sigma Draconis. It is 18.8 Light years from our planet.
Sigma Draconis Solar System
The Solar System of Sigma Draconis contains twelve planets, with the two smallest worlds closest to the sun and the largest farthest away. The third inner world is almost the size of our planet or Venus. Like Venus, she is widely known for her thick, very corrosive atmosphere, a result of her exploitation by the rulers of Sigma Draconis as a testing site for weapons destined for use in galactic wars. The next world, forth from Sigma Draconis' sun, is more amenable to life. Barely larger than our planet, she is surrounded by an atmosphere similar to our own. This hot, semi-arid planet contains four large continents whose surface is covered mostly by high coastal mountain ranges and interiors containing vast deserts. Eight shallow, miniature seas surround her four principal landmasses. This planet's biological diversity makes her a living laboratory for the Beings of Sigma Draconis. The six remaining worlds in the Qart'Ku'Sarq'Rp Solar System are gas giants similar, in many ways, to the large planets of the sun's outer Solar System. The difference lies in their rotation, which is far faster than our Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune, and in their vivid planetary rings.
Description Of Home Worlds
Sigma Draconis consists of two main home worlds: a very hot, semi-arid sphere and a lush water world. The first is a large, dry planet, fifth from the sun, called Dosh'Qech'Qlah (The 'Marvelous Dry Place'). She is 10,000 miles in diameter and has seven moons, the largest of which has a thick, liveable atmosphere and is the size of our moon. A headquarters was established on this moon 1,000 years after its solar system was first inhabited, and quickly became the military command center of the Sigma Draconis government. The home world below is fairly typical of others located throughout the constellation of Draco. Since this planet resembles many of the chief home worlds in the Draconiam Empire, she has become a ritual center. Temples are scattered across her continents. A large city, dedicated to the performance of ritual, is situated near the main temple site. This complex, known as Khr'Qalt'Jo'Ghrm ('The Way Of Holy Rituals'), occupies both banks of the longest river on the largest of this world's five continents. Military leaders of the Draconian Empire came here to entreat Anchara's help in achieving victories in the many galactic wars. The second planet, called Seck'Lak'Daq'Bekn' ('Wonderous Water Land'), is a true water world. Slightly larger than the first home world, she contains seven continents. While three are as dry and barren as those on Dosk'Qech'Qlah, the other four contain huge inland seas that make the interior seem less bleak. A chain of rivers flows from central cordilleras toward these seas to rim the nini-oceans' shores. Red mountains, smudged in shades of gray and blue and streaked with purple, encircle the capital. These gorgeous environments are home to extraordinary dinosaurian and reptilian life forms. The capital city of the Sigma Draconians, located at the southern edge of the very largest inland sea on the most extensive continent, is a bustling urban center of temples, government buildings, military command complexes, and institutions of higher learning.
The Importance Of The Anchara Treaty To This Galaxy And To Sigma Draconis
Traditionally, Sigma Draconians were the chief warriors of the Draconian Empire. These Beings are typical Dracos, and resemble giant demons. Over the millennia, they were the Draconian Empire's ultimate warriors, controllers, and manipulators. Together with the Beings from Alpha Draconis, the Sigma Draconians were the essence of an immensely powerful dark energy that, for millions of years, surged back and forth in mighty wars across this galaxy. Theirs is a tradition that limited conscious Beings such as we have learned to fear. In reality, much of what occured during those wars is captured in our genetic memory. Take for example, the Star Wars trilogy. Beings such as Sigma Draconians, Alpha Draconians, Bellatricians, Rigelians, and Mintakans spoke volumes about the dark side. These Beings all knew and understood war, with its related feelings of superiority, limitation, and hate. Now, it has all faded away. What remain are formerly restrictive, authoritarian socities that are beginning to see themselves from a new perspective. Consider how the Treaty Of Anchara and, prior to that, the Decrees of Anchara, have changed our galaxy. Recognize that all of the beings that once elicited our instinctive abhorrence are no longer to be feared, but embraced. It is important for us to change our concepts regarding these Beings. Understand that this immense galaxy is coalescing, and that an uncertain peace can become permanent as a result of our actions here on Earth. Realize, too, that these magnificent Beings are frightening to us, now, only in memory and perception.
Creating A New Sigma Draconis Society
We do not want to examine these Beings and what they represented. Instead, it is important for us to see them as part of the great Galactic Brotherhood and Sisterhood that is uniting to form a new Galactic Federation Of Light and a new galaxy of peace. Because our world suffered incalculable limitations and cruelties at the hands of the dark, we continue to be possessed by vexing memories of the incidents that took place here. We must allow our positive energy to surround these many different Beings. We need to let go and reflect upon our coming change, and upon the new Light that diligently transforming the entire galaxy. As we move into our next phase, we are growing into full consciousness, In the same way, while not all Dinosaurian/Reptilian Beings such as the Sigma Draconians inhabit Light Bodies, they are beginning to disclose them as a result of our work here on Earth. These Beings are allowing the changes to be revealed to us in their true light. In fact, we on Earth are a microcosm of this cosmic macrocosm. These members of the former Anchara Alliance are also changing, and will gradually develop the capacity to manifest Light Bodies. Their societies will never be the same. By what we are doing and creating, we are helping to fashion societies that will empower us all to change and move forward. The warriors are withdrawing, dismantling their immense fleets and transferring segments of those fleets to the Galactic Federation Of Light for exploration purposes. In effect, they are converting them from vessels of war to ships of peace.
Physical Description
This star system's major species is a dragon-like dinosaurian/reptilian hybrid, which first migrated to Sigma Draconis from the constellation of Sagittarius approximately 25 million years ago. The inhabitants of the Sigma Draconis Star-Nation are Dinosaurian/Reptilian hybrids that closely resemble dragons and typify the conventional Earth concepts of demons. They are characterized by extreme scaliness and, for us, are frightful to look at. Like our planets reptiles, the large red or dull yellow eyes of the Sigma Draconian are set forward just above and to either side of a very narrow snout. Its mouth consists of thin lips that extend from one side of the head to the other. The teeth are large and clearly those of a predator, while the ears are small and scaly. The skin has a crocodilian scaliness and is green, yellow, brown, or red. The body is long and lanky, and a scaly crest stretches down the center of its back. On the back, also, is a set of bat-like wings. This Being is a biped. It has thin hands that end in six long, clawed fingers. Its feet have five toes tipped with small, razor sharp claws. An arrow-like point marks the end of the long, thin tail. Its body and breath reek of brimstone. The male is shorter than the female. Sigma Draconis males stand between 9 and 10 feet tall, while the females range from 9.25 to 11 feet in height. Beings from Sigma Draconis usually sleep between five and eight hours a day. The clothes of the Sigma Draconians resemble most others in the former Anchara Alliance. The Beings of Qart'Ku'Sarq'Rp chose a series of long, uniquely layered garments lined with flowing, multi-colored blouses. Epaulettes inscibed with special graphic designs and the colors of command are worn on the shoulder of the outer blouse to indicate the individual's rank and commendations. Aboard spacecraft, Sigma Draconians wear relaxed-fit, two-piece jumpsuits. The waist-length top half is fastened to the pants, creating what seems to be a one-piece outfit. Usually silver or gray, the jumpsuit complies with the color codes and special graphic designs that define rank and insignia. Boots are integral to the total outfit, and are designed to merge with the pants as a single unit. Sigma Draconians are recognized for their outstanding leadership and military skills. For 35 million years, they led all the forces of the former Anchara Alliance in the Milky Way Galaxy. Their language is extremely coarse and guttural, with many different growls and hisses.
Ships Of Sigma Draconis
Sigma Draconis scout craft resemble either birds or beetles. Their scout ships extend from 100 to 600 feet in length. Their motherships measure between 1 and 40,000 miles long, and look like large tadpoles or snakes.
And now for some timely music, to shake your body to the ground....!!! ;-)) selamat ja...!!!✨✨✨🥂✨✨✨
thank you my friend!
and will then peace be declared in the Kashira galaxy after Earth ascension?
and, the evolution in the Kashira galaxy continues...
And that slow process culminated in a "cancer" cure, within the body of Lord Surea..Anchara being a necessary part of the Kashira galaxy, remember.....This former dark lord is no longer a continuum, but rather a reformed and retired energy, re-absorbed into the very high dimensions of the logoic form....which is formless, yet still in existence...having fulfilled it's essential purpose of aiding galactic evolution...And thus, a doorway has been opened which now allows the Draconian peoples, to develop true light bodies and become 5th dimensional beings, beyond the astral and physical expressions, as we will also become...