The Sirians Of Sirius-B And Their Solar System

Just like the last blog this blog will also talk about another one of the galaxys most talked about civilizations the Sirians of The Sirius-B region. As many know The Sirians have been Sheldan's main contacts for almost all of his life. All info here is from Sheldan Nidle's book Your Galactic Neighbors.


Status And Location

The Star-Nation of Sirius was welcomed into the Galactic Federation Of Light nearly 4.3 million years ago. Originally, Sirius was settled by a sentient species of Lions called the Pschat ('Warriors Of Heaven'), who had colonized Sirius-A more than six million years ago. When the settlers from the contellation of Lyra first arrived. The colonists appealed to the Pschat and to the Galactic and local Spiritual Hierarchies. With their combined approval, The colonists were able to establish their initial settlements on Sirius-B and later, to colonize Sirius-C and also Sirius-D. In the Winter night sky of the Northern Hemisphere, we can see the constellation of Canis Major. Find the belt of the constellation of Orion, and follow its three stars down until you spot a brilliant blue star. That star, Sirius (Alpha Canis Major), is the brightest star in the sky, and sits at the top of Canis Major. She is a multiple star and is positioned approximately 8.3 light years from our planet.


Sirius-B Solar System

The Solar System of Sirius-B consists of six planetary bodies, the smallest closest to the sun and the largest farthest away. The systems innermost planet is one-quarter the size of our planet. This planet experiences constant electrical storms, which have altered her atmosphere to a thin mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen, intermixed with helium and other noble gases. In this thin, inhospitable habitat, the only life forms able to survive are a series of complex bacteria and algae. The next two planets - the third and fourth are inhabited. The remaining outer planets in the Akonowai Solar System are 'gas giants' similar, in many respects, to the large planets of our Sun's outer Solar System. However, differences do exist: These planets spin much faster than our Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune, and also contain some very unusual primitive, multi-cell life forms. Moreover, their atmospheres possess other anomalies, similar to Jupiter's giant red spot. This Solar System's two outermost planets contain a system of rings equaling that of Saturn in size and complexity. These ring systems came into being in the last eight billion years when a number comets, large asteroids and other space debris passed too close to both planets' small outer moons. The collision caused a string of events that drove the moons into the other's path, resulting in an explosion that created a series of multi-colored rings.


Description Of Sirian Home Worlds

The third planet with two moons, first settled over four million years will ago be talked about first. This world is called Atarmunk ('Holy Place of the Atar'). The Atar is a golden, eagle-like bird, six feet tall, which the Sirians there celebrate for its valor, wisdom and loyalty to its mate. The Spiritual Warrior clan is named for it. A large nest of Atars regularly sits atop the main temple. More than 600 million people inhabit a succession of specially built, subterranean communities on this world. For the most part, the surface of Atarmunk remains unspoiled. A series of temple sites located on its surface is surrounded by small, permanent communities of between six and 10,000 individuals. These settlements support the temple site and constantly monitor the major node that is located at the exact center of each. Ritual, including chanting, dance and spiritually animating music, is performed each day. At the main Atar temple site is a small spaceport meant for the performance of certain diplomatic rituals, which involve the arrival of special dignitaries from other member star organizations in the Galactic Federation Of Light. Owing to the presence of the Great Blue Lodge, these ceremonies take place almost every day. After the arrival ceremony, a special ritual called the aktaiwa (Summoning) is performed to prepare the personage for a session with the Council of Nine. This meeting is held at a special stargate located between the third and fourth planets in the Sirius-B Solar System. The gate opens with a large explosion of purple, followed by a light blue flash. The fourth planet, named Muktarin ('Land Of The Blue Seas'), looks much like our own planet. In its oceans live highly sentient, aquatic Beings who resemble the whales and dolphins of our Earth. They are this planet's main guardians. In Muktarin's oceans, a number of temples have been constructed. There each day, these Beings, called the Makudeem ('sacred ones'), participate in divine ritual. On Muktarin stands the headquarters for the Sirius-B Galactic Federation Of Light mission, which includes our diplomatic, liaison and defence operations. The Sirians there do not allow any large starships of their fleets to enter their Solar System: only a fleet of specially designated scout ships is permitted. The Sirians do not take stewardship of the Sirius-B system lightly. They are fully aware of its legendary sacredness, and of how many yearn to come here. Still, they understand that they are only honored guests and that they must conscientiously pay homage to the wishes of the holy ones who rule this realm. Hence, they limit the number of visitors to Sirius-B in order to honor the requests of the sacred heavenly Councils that preside here.


Origins Of The Sirius-B Galactic Society

The ancestors of the Humans of Sirius-B sprang from the constellation of Lyra. On their main homeworld, The Sirians establised a galactic society, which they intended to function as the embodiment of creativity and spirituality on a grand scale. For Sirians, creativity and the full expression of the individual's unique talents is life-affirming. For that reason, they adopted the Lyran model and significantly enlarged it by raising the positions of counselor. This brought about the formation of liason boards and the creation of a system of inspired solution finding called 'fluid group management'. This innovative tool was conceived and first used 3.7 million years ago by members of both the Administrator and Spiritual Warrior clans. Over time, this technique has been refined and taught to many other developing Human Galactic societies across the Milky Way Galaxy. By applying this method, the Galactic Society of Sirius-B developed new training technologies for its clan counselors. This, in turn, led the various clans and the Main Governing Council to reassess their training programs and use of liaisons. The Galactic Human Society born nearly 3.7 million years ago on Sirius-B is entirely unique. Indeed, she has become the core source of insight on how Human Galactic Societies operate. Accordingly, this model was renamed the 'Lyran/Sirian Prototype'. In examining its creation and operation, we are able to understand how the Sirian community manifests its wonders to their highest possible level. Finally, in what way can its different components (clans, creativity, freedom, as well as its collective and individual sovereignty) be merged? This is the decisive point of our discussion, and the basis of the Sirians' social contract.


Galactic Society Of Sirius-B

The Sirian Star-Nation is a Galactic Human Society. She has been a model for many other Human Star-Nations in the Galactic Federation Of Light and consists of six major clans: Atar; Shiratar; Pukman-ya; Shikda; Dubasnak-ya and Dubasnak-ya-men. On Earth, they could be referred to as the Spiritual Warrior; the Administrator; the Science; the Science Engineering; the Life Sciences; and the Life Sciences Engineering clans. Each one is further seperated into sub-clans, pods, and podlets. The working forces that support these clans are fluid group dynamics and the Four Sacred Laws of Galactic Society. Clans are intertwined to form communities. Every individual in Sirius-B see her- or himself as a sovereign, creative Being of Light. Each has come to fulfill certain talents and a life mission. This does not prevent her or him from a suggesting a creative solution to any community or global problem. In fact, the Sirian Galactic Society welcomes and greatly honors such ideas. The nature of Galactic Society is truly organic; a living organism with fluid or mutable shape, it is based on the dynamic of flow and tied to society's natural rhythm. This rhythm is determined by the natural resonance of the planet and its many inhabitants. It is fluid because the concept of a definite hierarchy is absent: everyone in the society contributes effectively to its open dynamic. Yet this organism is graceful and elegant in its inner growth and in the spread of its all-embracing compassion. It fully nurtures all of the sentient Beings in its midst. Nurturing the individual is a cardinal focus of Galactic Civilization. From the moment of birth to adulthood, parents and all other podlet members engender in each persons feelings of self esteem and social worth. The very fact of your existence, and the enduring contribution you have made to the podlet simply by entering into physicality, are always consistently recognized. Each child is constantly reminded that, at the right divine time, she/he will begin to bring forth creative innovations that can enhance the podlet and the entire Galactic Society. Intention and its manifestation are a primary result of this dynamic. Consequently, an air of creative innovation and inspiration is continually present. Part and parcel of this vast dynamic field is the realization of each person's full potential. Galactic Society exists to encourage and enhance the complete achievement of one's divine life purpose. In this realization, the individual flowers fully, as does the entire society. It is this remarkable dynamic that keeps Galactic Society so open to change and to  reinventing itself, as necessary. Another case in point is the Sirian language. It is contextual in nature. For example, the word 'selamat', which means condition, precedes words in greeting or salutation to emphasize the word or phrase that follows. 'Selamat Ja!' means 'may a condition of Joy or Oneness be present'. This can be further reinforced by the word 'Jarin': '-rim', '-rin' or '-ran' signifies 'ultimate'. Thus, 'Selamat Jarin' means 'Blessings'. The Sirians see Joy as the natural state of all sentient Beings - in fact, the word for the Creator is 'Ja Ta' or 'Joy of Heaven'. Water is 'wa ta' or 'thing of Heaven'. 'Sa' means 'one', both as a number and as an individual - for example, 'sabha', or 'one soul' and 'Washta sa', or 'Mister Washta'. The Sirian language contains nearly the same number of consonants as do most of our Earth languages. It also contains five major vowels, which are strung together to form words. Because verbs and nouns are given equal weight, the sentence structure will seem strange to us. These words can be broken down into a number of basic protowords. Normally, these consist of a consonant combined with a vowel. For example, the word for the main continent of Muktarin is 'Sa-ka-ra' or 'soul of female creativity'. 'Ra' is the principle of female creativity: 'ka' refers to the body guardian or its soul: and 'sa' denotes the entirety of anything. This same principle is found in our words. The Anunnaki realized, at an early stage, the power of language to unite or divide a population. Therefore, they scrambled their proto-word codes and made the meanings of proto-words in our many languages very different from one another. Ancient Lemurian closely resembles Sirian, as well as the language of Vega - the origin of all Humans in this galaxy. The languages used by many of Earth's Pacific Ocean peoples come closest in the meaning to the proto-words of Galactic Sirian.


Physical Description Of Inhabitants

The bodies of men on Sirius-B range from perfectly formed, muscular physiques to child-like figures and vary from 6 feet, 6 inches to 7 feet, 4 inches in height. Women are extremely voluptuous and stand between 6 feet, 2 inches and 6 feet, 8 inches tall. Sirian hair is blond to light brown, and eyes are light blue to green. Their skin tones are extremely pale, light red or light blue. Sirians require only two hours of sleep per day. The Sirians are noted for their sheer, flowing, short and ankle length gowns for men and similar gowns, possibly longer, for women. The colors of these garments indicate the individual's clan, while ribbons and other decorations signify rank or high honor. The jumpsuit is the distinctive dress worn aboard Galactic Federation Of Light spacecraft. The trousers are shaped close to the body, while the top is specially fitted to join seamlessly with the pants. It, too, is color-coded to each clan, and displays the special ribbons and epaulettes that bespeak rank and insignia. The boots, which are an integral part of this costume,merge with the pants to form a visually integrated unit. Sirians are renowed for their undisputed skills as diplomats, negotiators and Galactic Federation liason counselors. They excel at bringing together groups of dissimilar sentient Beings to enable them to achieve their goals as peacefully and amicably as possible.


Ships Of Sirius-B

Three types of Sirius-B ships serve as part of the first contact Earth fleet. The first, an all-purpose scout ship, operates primarily in the observation fleet that regularly monitors our planet. It is ball shaped, with a small, lens-like circular wing attached to its middle, and a diameter of more than 100 feet. The second is a supply ship, which transports equipment and personnel to and from the first contact fleet in near-Earth orbit. Resembling a large bell with a semi-spherical object attached to its underside, this ship is 200 feet in diameter and carries a crew of 8. It can ferry up to 30 passengers, or supplies weighing up to 5 tons. The third type, a special defence observation craft, resembles a rounded equilateral triangle whose three sides each measure about 70-110 feet long. This ship is used to monitor black operations bases of the secret government. Occasionally, it takes part in special operations, with the purpose of neutralizing or shutting down special craft or exotic weaponry that are deployed from secret government bases.






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  • Solaris will indeed be golden :) I hope to be a part of it and I hope I get to work with you guys when it's all set up. That's going to be awesome if that happens that's for sure :) and glad you guys like these blogs. I plan on doing a blog for each civilization mentioned in the Your Galactic Neighbors book. I got 8 done so far. 14 more to go.
  • Solaris will be golden....we know the future...🌞Solarian star nation...linked to Sirius.
  • Thanks for that Drekx!
  • Yes Randy, but the life path and spiritual purpose would always be the paramount guide to marriage with a Sirian woman. The path to Sirius, as it currently stands, allows all Earth chain ascendees to become Sirians and over eons and especially since Lord Maitreya established his role as Christ-Bodhisttva, around 400 B.C. any initiate who freed himself/herself from planetary karma, could freely decide the path to Sirius...Even if they were not starseeds from Sirius....An initiate might have been from Lyra, or the Plejares...Yet a spiritual impulse lead that divine Monad to Sirius, nevertheless...
    In fact, this process will only become greater, once Solaris and Sirius move closer in cosmos...And truly, many of us will become joint citizens of these star nations...
    So yes, because "creativity and the full expression of the individual's unique talents is life-affirming and at the right divine time, she/he will begin to bring forth creative innovations that can enhance the podlet and the entire Galactic Society. Intention and its manifestation are a primary result of this dynamic. Consequently, an air of creative innovation and inspiration is continually present. Part and parcel of this vast dynamic field is the realization of each person's full potential."
    This applies to all Sirian-born children, as well as all who become Sirians, having chosen that path, at the sixth degree level...from Earth chain...And as I have mentioned, this has indeed been the case, for millennia..
    One may easily (;-) fall in love with Sirian ladies, but marriage requires other factors to be met, at spiritual levels....Hope this makes sense...
  • Thanks for posting this Justin. I am going to leave a question for Drekx here.

    Drekx, since Solaris and Sirius B are going to be moved closer in proximity and will also be closer in terms of joint spiritual purpose after first contact; if a Sirian starseed like myself for example, were to meet a Sirian woman and fall in love, would it be feasible to be life partners?

    From Sheldan's explanation here it seems like they limit the number of tourists and perhaps even residents (Path to Sirius)....but if the life partners had a similar purpose to help carry out the edicts of Lord Surea for this galaxy, could an earth born human potentially establish a marriage with a Sirian woman and be accepted by her podlet and clan?

    Obviously we would both have service duties on our home planets, but the partners could still spend time together after said duties were accomplished for the day.
This reply was deleted.

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