There is only
486 Days, Until Dec 21, 2012

The Dates for 
Global Solar Wave Celebrations

dot-goll.gif Solstice June 21, 2011
dot-goll.gif Equinox September 23, 2011
dot-goll.gif Solstice December 22, 2011
dot-goll.gif Equinox March 20, 2012
dot-goll.gif Solstice June 20, 2012
dot-goll.gif Equinox September 22, 2012
dot-goll.gif Solstice December 21, 2012

"The Solar Wave a free-form global love-olution to help seed a new world. Each person has a personal choice and a spiritual responsibility on how they will participate in the Solar Wave. We each have a unique gift to send out into the world. Each one of us is just as important as any other. The bottom line is that we are all in the same boat. There is something that I have learned over a lifetime of being a clairvoyant/empath. So here it is . . . As we come closer to the big shift of the ages, the power of projection becomes even more powerful and potent. What we think, feel, and act upon will manifest quickly and just as we send it out. So this is my suggestion . . . as we are basking in the wonderful energy of the solar wave and then in turn pay it forward out into the world, I simply ask that you not to focus on what is wrong, or on something that needs healing in the world, but focus upon a simple, joyful, clear vision of what is right. We know it is not appropriate to judge others, but when we see them anything but in the most divine and perfect self, it is a form of judgment. The universe will act upon exactly what we send out. I mean exactly. The Universe/Great Creator doesn't listen to only our good intentions. Let's face it . . . everyone reading this has good intentions. What I want you to understand is that the Universe/Great Creator also listens to our motivation and reasons for why we are doing this work in the first place. If we see someone who needs healing, as healers we are motivated to send them healing energy. But the problem is that the Universe/Great Creator sees that we believe something is unwell. So Universe/Great Creator first manifests on our belief that this person is considered unwell thus making the situation worse. Then the Universe/Great Creator sends healing energy. So in a sense, we neutralize all our good energy and work. You probably have run into this sometimes when you try to help somebody and they resist. This is particularly true within families. They resist because it immediately drains their energy when someone sends a projection toward them that says they are unwell. Does this make sense? So instead of focusing the solar wave energy out to individual people, family members, things, locations situations, and health issues that we believe to be unwell, just simply send beautiful heart felt love energy out across the entire world, and trust that the define an infallible wisdom of the Universe/Great Creator do send your loving energy to all areas as it sees fit. I guarantee you that your energy will be attracted to the exact places that needs the love and harmony that we will be sending out. We will see you in the WAVE." ~ Aluna Joy 

How to join the Solar Wave Celebration 
On the above Equinox and Solstice dates, plan a gathering, or dream big and plan a huge event with all your like-minded family. Plan an event in your living room, or fill a stadium! Remember to act locally, but think globally and galacticly. (see our Solar Wave Meditations here) On the above dates for the Global Solar Wave Celebrations, with your masterful networking skills, together we can encourage the entire global population of healers and light workers to participate in the Solar Wave. Our Light, Love and vision will strengthen exponentially as it washes across this beautiful Earth. 

Together we will create a 24 hour tidal wave of powerful, transforming, healing light rooting a positive vision for a brilliant future. This is YOUR TIME to put to action all the healing talents and spiritual truths you have taken such great care to learn and develop. Give the world ALL the LIGHT, LOVE and COMPASSION you have! Send your HEART out to humanity, the planet, and all life. Send your knowingness that paradise is here right now, and BE in the world as you want it to be. Use your highest, purest intentions, and remember that the truth is not out there . . . it is within YOU. As Gandhi said . . . "We must BE the change that we want to see in the world!" There is nothing more powerful than a unified group operating from the heart using the Earth's 24 hour solar cycle during the thinned veils of harmonizing Equinoxes.


Equinox Graphic courtesy of 
Mid-Atlantic Geomancy (MAG)

For the last 2 decades, thousands upon thousands of light workers, peacekeepers, shamans, healers, gods and goddesses, angels and saints from around the globe have joined together to work with powerful Equinox and Solstice energies using a 24 hour Solar Wave. This event is nothing new. Ancient ones knew about these powerful time and have them to balance and harmonize discordant energy for eons. The fact that the masses are now becoming more aware of these times of great potential can change is a huge sign that we are in fact entering a new age. Will you join us in this historical countdown to a Spiritual Pandemic of 2012? 

Solar Wave History - Where it all began . . . The Solar Wave was an idea born in 1990 by Aluna Joy while she was on a pilgrimage to Palenque, Mexico. In an amazing overnight stay in the Temple of the Sun, she was taught, or better yet, downloaded with a vision. Aluna Joy was shown a new energy that was coming to the planet that was going to come in energy waves in multiplying voltage. Today, 19 years after the initial vision, the waves are getting too big to ignore. You can read about this experience here: A PALENQUE STORY

Exact dates and times for the Equinox can be seen here:

Exact times for sunrise in your area can be seen here:


Please NETWORK This Event!

Please send this invitation to all your relations everywhere. Network the Solar Wave. Talk about the Solar Wave. Remember . . . we are only separated by 6 degrees of separation. So if you send this to 6 people, we can reach the entire conscious community of the planet! Or if you are a hard core networker, send this to everyone you know, and let's get the entire world unified and working together to reclaim our destiny! Remember . . . when two or more are gathered together in a common focus, the power to change the world is multiplied a thousand times more than if one person was doing it alone. Dream BIG!

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Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። commented on AlternateEarth's blog post GFL or Military/Project Bluebeam? 1/5/2024 Over Washington DC
"I dare you Drekx to click the link now being provided and be lured into the fake ufo drone sky entertainment & conspiracy in the USA, watch the white LED dog flying above the crowd on a piece of fishing line, put it on full screen geepers even kids…"
25 minutes ago
AlternateEarth commented on AlternateEarth's blog post GFL or Military/Project Bluebeam? 1/5/2024 Over Washington DC
1 hour ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"That's good news, chaps.....6th Jan and we have lift off, President Trump 47...👏🏻
Also a double whammy, with Trudeau hitting the ejector seat button, today....Happy landings...🤣"
4 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Great news here as Dark Cabal member Justin Trudeau is set to resign as Canadian Prime Minister."
4 hours ago
Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። commented on AlternateEarth's blog post GFL or Military/Project Bluebeam? 1/5/2024 Over Washington DC
"Drekx all you had to do was click on the link provided above the screen shots, as it goes straight to the vid on X, but dont bother as it would be a waste of your time as its just a Chinese green light drone carrying a white plastic dog dangling…"
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Andromedaner Z left a comment on Comment Wall
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Drekx Omega commented on AlternateEarth's blog post GFL or Military/Project Bluebeam? 1/5/2024 Over Washington DC
"I'm afraid that I cannot access this vid, to check it fully..."
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AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"Drexk-does this look like GFL to you?"
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