I saw the our 1st Sun come out today,
it soon left, it just could not stay to play.
Where it went to,only some seem to know,
didn't stay long enough to say,it had to go.
Some say it went behind those dark clouds,
others do say the clouds are just a shroud.
Anyway things are not what they used to be,
I have seen this before written in prophesy .
The rain clouds are doing there different thing,
Flooding the Earth, much cleansing it will bring.
If she should die suddenly then so could we,
the prophets warned us, but we would not see.
What the Evil Lizards and mankind has done,
through Darkness,the DC Lizards have there fun.
We cried out for someone to Please rescue us,
But where now is the good guys that we can trust.
It was written they say ,a very long time ago,
that this will come about, we must pay the toll.
A new Earth will come when the old one dies,
Phoenix Bird rising, way up high in the Sky.
All the flooding that is going on around us now,
signifies much cleansing is taking place,Oh Wow.
And the many Big Volcanoes are now going off too,
Earth Quakes everywhere and folks haven't a clue.
Can't destroy your Mother Gaia before you are born,
Star Peoples minds and hearts are really very torn.
Weather to run away or stay to try to help her,
For without her we have no home, nowhere.
You can run away, they say, but you cannot hide,
Et's and Angels can help,there job is to be our guide.
Rescue us they could if we would drop our Denial,
Ascension is surely coming,& this is but a long trail.
Great Earth changes are upon us, for she must heal,
All the damage done to her,this then is our great appeal.
We are coming home to the many higher Dimensions,
Surrendering to LOVE, reaching for 5D in our Ascension.