Over a period of time, I have received many requests for additional information regarding Commander Valiant Thor. This article is therefore dedicated to information which has not yet been released to all quarters. You may in fact have heard some of this before. However, there is much information regarding the Commander which has never been released before.
If you have not read my book Stranger at the Pentagon you should obtain a copy as soon as possible, because it will give you a wonderful insight regarding the Commander as well as his mission to this planet Earth.
Commander Valiant Thor was created (as were the Angels) eons before time was configured. He is indeed a very wise man and has thereby been duly endowed with abilities far beyond that of human imagination. He stands about six feet tall and to this day he weighs about one hundred and eighty-five pounds. His hair is brown and wavy. His eyes are also brown and his overall complexion is rather tanned.
The Commander has a unique sense of humor, which certainly distinguishes him from a host of many other “space people.” He is a very unusual man in many respects. Yet while standing in his presence, one is suddenly made to feel quite comfortable. He is a man of many spiritual gifts which have distinguished him to the point where he was duly appointed as one of the Council of Twelve on his home planet Venus.
Whenever he is dispatched to other parts of the Universe, he is always greeted as a man of God. A man who is looked upon with tremendous love and respect. He is often called upon to assist those of other worlds in making certain decisions which directly affect the entire population. His conduct is always above reproach in every manner whatsoever.
The truth of this matter lies in the fact that he is in demand because of his unique ability to spiritually discern and thereby solve many problems. Such a man whose reputation precedes him is loved and admired for his dedication and love of Almighty God, under whose direct orders he operates.
It may interest you to discover that he had indeed communicated with a number of members of the Inner Circle, the Interspace link subscribers, members of the Royal Order of Melchizedek and others during the past years. A number of you have written to him in the past with certain problems and he has been kind enough to reply to your requests.
However, over a period of time, certain people have also sent in some rather foolish requests. Such as, what color toilet tissues should I use, how can I find a space woman (or man) to marry, please grant me a good tip on the stock market, and I will give Dr. Stranges 10%, and other such ridiculous questions and meaningless propositions. Of course, he did not dignify such questions with a reply.
Commander Valiant Thor has the ability to appear and disappear at will. He also possesses the ability to disassemble the molecular structure of his body and reassemble himself at a distant point. This is the manner in which he vanished from the Pentagon, passing through the door of his apartment in which he was confined and carefully guarded by two Air Force Military Policeman.
He then joined his brother, Vice Commander Donn and Jill who then appeared on the front lawn of the home of Howard Menger, in High Bridge, New Jersey. They then attended a lawn UFO lecture, where every one there saw them. However, few of them knew or even suspected that these people were from another world. My friend, the late August C. Roberts took many pictures of them, which were later published in my book Stranger at the Pentagon.
One of the witnesses at that particular lecture was another friend of mine, Mr. James Moseley of Key West, Florida. Oddly enough, over the years, quite a number of people have recognized him when he has attended lectures, both in the United States and abroad.
Inasmuch as he has been gifted with many other abilities, he has successfully utilized these to assist mankind on this planet Earth. He is able to speak and communicate in every language and dialect (including sign language) known to mankind today. In this manner, he has successfully won the confidence of people, worldwide.
Among these, the children whom he has literally picked up off of the garbage dumps of major cities of the world. These are the children who have no parents, no place to sleep or proper food for their frail bodies. They are sickly, weak, undernourished and unwanted by the multitudes. He has approached these poor children, both boys and girls, spoke to them in their own language or dialect, won their competence and in many cases literally carried them in his loving arms to the waiting Victor Class Space Craft.
Once on board, the children are warmly and lovingly caressed by other members of the crew who care for them before they are brought into the homes and waiting arms of the newly adoptive parents. He also possesses the ability of looking directly into your heart and mind in order to fully ascertain and appreciate your inner needs. This is a trait also practiced with great love by our Master, Jesus Christ, with whom the Commander enjoys constant fellowship and communion.
© Dr. Frank E. Stranges
The article presented here is from a past issue of the monthly newsletter entitled The Interspace Link.
You are invited to share this information with others, but kindly acknowledge copyright and keep this article intact.
"One of the people who it has been my pleasure to meet personally is Harley A. Byrd - a person who knows a lot about Valient Thor (a space man living here on Earth). Here are some of his statements in regard to Val;
Harley Andrew Byrd - Nephew to the late Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, United States Navy
When Did Some Space People First Visit Earth.
When Frank Stranges talked to Val Thor he found out the people from Venus came and visited Earth many thousands of years ago. Val explained it like this:
There had been occasions which presented a dilemma to both the "observed" as well as the "observer". These included several pilots being "beamed" into the ship in order to save their lives. This was a far cry from the first incidents of men throwing rocks in an attempt to repel the ship. It was during 1945 that the Earth was surrounded by 100 ships in order to protect the fragile atmosphere which surrounds it. A chain atomic reaction could easily have resulted because of the separation of the elements of the air. Earth could have been destroyed thus creating many problems , a ripple effect so to speak, throughout the universe. After reporting the observations of various voyages, several recommendations were made. The first was that an aerial display be performed in order to provide evidence of the physical existence of life, as it is known here, on other planets in the solar system. This happened during Truman's time.
Newspaper reported the occurrence complete with details of "the chase". What they didn't report was that the UFO's were not visible below the planes, which had been sent up...they were only visible to those on the ground. The second recommendation was for physical contact with world leaders, beginning with the United States.
The First Meeting
March 16, 1957, in Alexandria, Virginia, one of the finest leaders of the planet Venus, operating under the direction of the Central Control and who had been chosen to make the contact as well as direct the project, landed his craft and was met by two police officers, weapons drawn. A thought transference quickly convinced them that he meant no harm and he was ushered into the back seat of their patrol car. After crossing over into Washington, D.C., they were met by the secretary of Defense along with six of his staff members. Soon police from every conceivable district and agency had joined in, all trying to claim their right to escort him to President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Through his own version of the power of positive thinking, he was to dismiss them all and soon passed through the security posts followed by an Air Force Captain.
Meanwhile, his presence in the area had thrown everyone into a dilemma. The introduction he held from the High Council worried them because, though not written in any Earthly language, their minds were given power to properly translate the inscribed message. Captain Gould (not his real name) asked him to remain and after downing two plain bourbons muttered.. "My god, why couldn't this have happened on my day off.
Nixon Meets Man From Space.
There is a book in the Calif. Library System which states that our former president, Mr. Richard M. Nixon, once carried on a conversation with a man from space. I wonder what he would say about the information stated in the book? Here is the information;
...At that moment, another gentleman rushed into the room. It turned out to be Vice President Richard Nixon. He appeared to Val to be very sharp, quick-witted, with fixed, eyes and an amazing aptitude toward speed and profiency. "My name is Valiant," he said as the Vice President thrust his hand without hesitation.
"You have certainly caused a stir...for an out of Towner." The Vice President smiled as he continued, "Of course, we are not totally convinced of anything just yet. But suffice it to say we are checking and double checking everything you say and do. When Sergeant Young from Alexandria radioed in and stated that you had just landed in a flying saucer, we though," he continued, "Sergeant Young had flipped. Say, were you in on that UFO flap over Washington? You certainly had us all in a dither, if you were."
After assuring them that this planet had been under close scrutiny for hundreds of years before the 1945 bomb blast and with his special letter still in the slightly quivering hand of the President, he was requested to follow the Secret Service back the way they had come.. to the Pentagon and into a beautifully furnished apartment where he would spend the next three years. Fortunately, he was prepared for such a lengthy visit and kept in constant communication with the starship.
There were many occasions during which he teleported him-self in and out of those quarters often exercising "trans-imagery" to cause the security guards to visualize his face on a nonexistent I.D. badge.
Photos Taken
Soon after his arrival, together with three members of his crew, he joined a "convention" in the back yard of the home of Mr. Howard Menger in High Bridge, New Jersey.
The month was April, 1957. A certain group of individuals who were interested in UFOs were meeting that day. Val and his crew members, Donn, Jill and Tanyia, had changed into the same type of clothing worn by their Earth friends. The meeting was very interesting and these people were on the right track. He was dismayed to learn the undignified manner in which these people were treated by the press. Neverthe- less, these people were pursuing their beliefs and is was good. A curious young photographer, August C. Roberts, snapped several pictures, thinking he was doing so without Val's knowledge. The photographer seemed to be greatly troubled when he attempted to talk to him. Yet, it was those very photographs which were to bring me together with this unusual man on that cold December day. Holding the message from the High Council in his hand, the President stated that Val's offer to help the human family would upset the economy of the United States and could plunge her into the abyss of chaos. In brief, he politely told Val that the people of this planet were not ready to cope with such conditions as would come into existence if the recom- mendations of this unearthly visitor were put into action. Nevertheless, he was invited to assist a number of scientists who were out working on medical projects directly associated with the space sciences.
UFO On The Water.
It has been stated in the past that Val Thor has a space craft that is on the water of Lake Mead near Las Vegas. Here is some information about that UFO:
Location of the Ships
The 287 locations of the Victor Series ships by land masses, oceans or countries are as follows:
North & South Pacific Ocean...........38
USA (48 States)....................................21
North & South Atlantic Ocean................18
China & Mongolia.....................................17
India, Afghanistan through Viet Nam........17
Middle East.................................................17
Africa & Madagascar............................17
Indian Ocean....................................13
Philippines & Indonesian Islands..........11
Australia & New Zealand........................9
South America........................................8
Canada.......................................................6 Korea........................................................5
Arctic Ocean.................................................4
Greenland & Iceland.....................................3
Central America............................................2 Antarctica...................................................2 Alaska.......................................................1
Others (due to vagueness of boundaries)......10
Cosmic Teachings
Three to five crew members directly assist V.C. Teel in the preparation and teaching of the various classes conducted aboard VICTOR ONE. Most of these classes are conducted by her and pertain directly to the following subject: A. Earth Sciences B. Earth people and their habits C. The fall of mankind and the Salvation of Jesus Christ D. The psychology of the human being
His/their tasks:
1. Command the starship as well as VICTOR ONE
2. Head the Venusians Council of Twelve
3. Control certain outposts around this planet
4. Oversee the task forces used to contain radiation around your cities
5. Make regular journeys to and from the planets
6. Conduct seminars on the Starship for the indoctrina- tion of those visiting from other star systems
7. Monitor discussion and plans by world leaders
8. Prevent atomic holocaust by exercising certain limits on certain human agencies
9. Work in full harmony with our Heavenly Creator Please do remember that there are at this time seven per- sons, of various backgrounds and experience on this Earth who have been gifted with a keen insight regarding matters pertaining to the future of this planet. It would do you good to listen to these four men and three women, one of whom is Dr. Frank Stranges. The others will make themselves known to their groups in their respective parts of the globe.
Source of Information: Stranger At The Pentagon, 4th edition. by Frank E. Stranges, PHD.
The story of the man who went by the name of Commander Valiant Thor ('Val Thor' for short) is certainly gripping, if only for ONE reason: He claimed that he came from the planet Venus
![[image] [image]](http://www.informantnews.com/pics3/vthor3.jpg)
![[image] [image]](http://www.informantnews.com/pics3/valthor2.jpg)
There are a few versions of the Valiant Thor story, but the general story goes something like this:
In the middle of March, 1957, an urgent message was received from the Alexandria Police Department. The message indicated that two of their on-duty police officers had picked up an extraterrestrial entity who had landed some 14 miles south of Pentagon Boulevard and the occupant was transported to the Pentagon to meet with the Under Secretary of Defense and then shuttled underground to meet with President Eisenhower and Vice President Richard Nixon. A man by the name of Frank E. Stranges wrote a book about these alleged events entitled Stranger At The Pentagon which was published in 1967. Stranges claimed that he had befriended Valiant and interacted with him numerous times. Six officials, six armed guards and three secret service men escorted Valiant into the office of President Eisenhower.
From behind the desk, the President rose while the secret service men remained nervous and uneasy. As he extended his hand to shake that of the President, the secret service men drew their revolvers and pointed them at Val. Following the nod of the President, they reluctantly lowered their guns.
Standing in front of his desk, the President said:
"Of course, you know we have suspended all rules of protocol. I have a good feeling toward you. Please, sir, what is your name? And where do you come from?"
"I come from the planet your Bible calls the morning and the evening star."
"Yes, sir."
"Can you prove this?", he asked.
"What do you constitute as proof?"
He quickly retorted "I don't know."
"Will you come with me to my ship?"
He answered with a quizzical look and said:
"My friend, I cannot come and go as I please. There are committees to be consulted and security measures to be adhered to. Please spend some time with us here... let's get better acquainted... learn more about one another... and perhaps soon, real soon, well... we shall see."
Thor indicated to Mr. Eisenhower that the world was in a precarious situation and that if the world continued to proceed on a war footing - it would cause an economic imbalance throughout the world. According to Dr. Stranges, the Venusian Thor came on a mission to offer to help solve world problems if our government would agree to eliminate all polluting fuels, nuclear bombs and its corrupt government and economy... which the President rejected because Thor refused to give him any saucer technology or science that could be used by the military and oil backed his government in big bucks. Apparently, Val was accompanied to Earth by two companions who went by the names Jill and Donn. They had changed into contemporary clothing similar to that worn by their Earth friends so they could more easily blend into Earth's human population. Another interesting tidbit about Thor is that when government agents attempted to check out his fingerprints, none were found.
Val Thor stayed on Earth until March 16, 1960 and then disembarked to his home planet Venus. He indicated that his race of people lived and dwelled underground and that many of the planets throughout our universe sustain life in this same manner. He also mentioned the waves of extraterrestrial entities who would land around our world to help with its seemingly insurmountable problems. He stated that a group from a distant planetary system would be coming to give aid and data to help Earth's progress. Stranges claims that Thor periodically returned to Earth several times and that he met Thor during many of these times. The last time Stranges came into contact with Thor was supposedly during 1998 and Thor did not appear to have aged at all during that time. It has been stated in the past that Val Thor has a space-craft that is on the water of Lake Mead near Las Vegas. Here is some information about it from Dr. Stranges:
"Then I saw it. An actual, saucer-shaped vehicle was sitting on the water. I noticed a strange phenomena. The waves were gently rocking a power boat tied to the rough mooring, causing the boat to rise and fall. However, I noticed that the space-craft DID NOT MOVE. I was to be informed later that the ship was equipped with a pencil-fine beam that when fixed on any solid object kept the ship from moving even one degree from that fixed position. As we neared the ship, it glistened in the light of the Sun that was beautifully setting, rapidly. We sailed close to the craft with the motor cut off. Then an aperture opened, revealing two smiling faces. One man and one woman greeted me by name, took my hand, lifted me into the ship and then reached down for Val. A short time later, the small power-craft was also raised aboard and stowed in a compartment where a much larger power craft was also seen. My first impression was one of great exhilaration mingled with joy and excitement. I had read from time to time true accounts that had changed the lives of other UFO researchers and investigators. I have read many books that carefully outlined the experiences of those who had experienced actual space contact. But now it was different. It was happening to me. I remembered how my colleagues in the Christian ministry looked with disdain upon anyone who would dare relate incidents about "space people", "space vehicles" and such. But now I found myself caring less what anyone would possibly think of me because of my own experiences. I was there!!!"
As one might be able to tell, Stranges (an appropriate surname, for he has described many strange experiences throughout his life!) claims that his experiences with Valiant Thor are 100% genuine. He also seems to be a mentally sound person. Here are some alleged photographs of Val Thor:
Thor is furthest on the right in the above photo. In the centre is Donn and furthest to the left is Jill.
The photo above also contains Jill, Donn and Valiant. Once again, Jill is furthest on the left, Donn is in the centre and Valiant is furthest on the right.
The photo above is supposedly of Valiant Thor at the Pentagon.
An earlier Video about Supreme Commander Valiant Thor
Supreme Commander Valiant Thor - The Stranger at the Pentagon by Rev. Frank E. Stranges
Commander Valiant Thor visited Earth in 1957. This Venusian Ambassador in a Brooks Brothers suit made it all the way to the Pentagon. He reportedly met with Eisenhower and Nixon to discuss the world's problems. He indicated that the earth was in a precarious situation and that if humans continued to proceed on a war footing - it would cause an economic imbalance throughout the world.