The Teaching of Maha Kranti - Beloved BABAJI

Beloved Babaji, July 3, 2009I AM Babaji have come to you this day.Today I have come so you could get the idea of the stage at which the humanity is and of what is in store for you in the short run.When I was incarnated, I was giving the Teaching of the great revolution, the great change that was coming, - Maha Kranti.Not all the people who listened to that Teaching understood it. But everyone was afraid of the coming bloody events. I frightened them. However, the event that the humanity is going to go through is not connected to the revolution that is going to happen according to the will of people, a group of people, a political party or a country.That revolution or change will happen according to the will of Higher Powers. And the extent and the number of human casualties that are inevitable in the coming change are determined by the level of consciousness that the humanity is able to achieve now. Your level of consciousness is the only and crucial factor. You either go through the coming changes or not. And those of you, who can understand our Teaching and follow it in your lives, you will be able to go through all coming changes and nothing threatens you.You should only understand the Teaching, pass it through you, apply it in your lives, and your consciousness will change.You cannot come into the future having the level of consciousness that the most of the humanity has now. And it is not my whim; it is the law that exists.When cosmic terms come, the great transition, the great change inevitably happens. The humanity that is not ready for the transition in the mass won’t be able to go through it. However, later the conditions will be created when the new races of people will be able to inhabit the planet and continue the earth evolution.These changes always happen during the change of races. And these changes will inevitably happen on the planet. However, you won’t be told about the terms of these changes. The concrete terms are never told about. It is always told about what is inevitably coming. Each of you knows that the change is inevitable. And you all have the chance to change. You all have the opportunity to change your consciousness and follow the evolution path.The previous great changes are described in the sacred books of the past. You have read about the Flood in the Bible, you have read about the great battle at Kurukshetra in the Vedas.Many historical documents of the past contain records of the changes that happened on planet Earth.A very big number of souls is living on the planet now. And these souls, many of them, have the last chance to follow the evolutionary path of the development. The Teaching given by us won’t be comprehensible for many of them. However, the problem is not even in the understanding the Divine Wisdom with the outer consciousness, the problem is in following the inner law of purity and righteousness.The dirt may cover your soul and you seem unusable for the evolution from the outside. However, The Karmic Board looks into the bottom of your soul and can discern that golden glow under any layer of mud which is impossible to hide from the experienced look of The Wise.It seems to you that the man is unusable for further evolution because he is dirty, untidy and cannot settle in your life. But his soul is ready for further evolution. Another man has all the human merits and distinctions, he is surrounded by respect, glory, admirers, but he is not ready for further evolution. Because his soul is sunk in vice. The glorious of the world and the poor of the world. There are those who will continue the evolution and those who will not continue among either of them.There is no determinative feature that will tell the outer consciousness who is ready and who is not ready. Neither nationality, nor race, denomination, social status, age, nothing can serve as a sign of ability to evolve or inability to evolve.There is no such criterion that would meet the human level of consciousness. However, for God the immortal spirit of ones and the decay and stench of others is revealed under all human imperfections and faults.That is why it is a very hard time at which you are living. Everything is mixed up and it is a hard job to discern and determine who is a valuable seed and who is a weed.That is why there are so many temptations and so many things around at your time that do not conform to the Divine models.If the soul is capable of further evolution, no temptations of the outer world can lead that soul away from the Path. And those souls that are not ready, there is a chance for them to reject the surrounding temptations and follow the righteousness.It is wrong to say that God is unjust. Everyone makes his choice on his own. And everyone is aware about the choice he has made at the subconscious level.You judge yourself and make a choice on your own. God does not impede you. And with all the Ascended Masters I have an opportunity only to give these instructions, but these instructions are for those who are ready to hear them.I AM Babaji. Om.¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨© Messenger Tatyana MickushinaTranslator Ekaterina Reznichenko
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  • "...these instructions are for those who are ready to hear them."
    That is all.
  • "That is why it is a very hard time at which you are living. Everything is mixed up and it is a hard job to discern and determine who is a valuable seed and who is a weed".

    I was under the impression that we're all one big family of "glorious light beings" somehow inter-connected on some phantom cosmic level somewhere out there amongst the stars...yeah right!! I suppose u already have your little "seedlings" all picked out and protected in your "greenhouse" while the rest of the weeds are left out to face all matter of whatever nature and life throws at them!!

    "That is why there are so many temptations and so many things around at your time that do not conform to the Divine models".
    That's probably why it was easier in your time of incarnation to follow righteousness! you never had half the distractions that we have today, you never had chemicals added to your food stuffs or water, u never had interfering radio waves that bombarded every cell your body, u make it sound sooo simple, yet u forget that in todays world and life it's dog eat dog out there, nothing and i mean nothing in this miserable existence is easy, it's difficult enough to support yourself in todays world let alone a family!

    "A very big number of souls is living on the planet now. And these souls, many of them, have the last chance to follow the evolutionary path of the development".
    Once was said in a different "channelling" all souls eventually find their way back to source, they have all eternity to do so!!

    So what gives?? I suppose we "humanity" gives and keeps on giving till every last ounce of what we are is depleted by whomever wants it! the way I see it is if it's that easy to do then why did the ascended masters not incarnate on earth at this time to lead the way and oversee the birthing of the new earth, instead of giving all these instructions that none of the weeds are heeding??

    I welcome your response....if you will!!
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