Chapter 12 : No Opportunity Necessary, No Experience Needed
The twelfth chapter of « 2206 : Window Onto A New World » features Aaren Mayr, the Treasurer of the Alliance of Sovereign Nations.
Flying back to Milagenia, the secessionist reflects on how his official functions have increased the frequency of his travellings.
« The observation obliquely reminded the economist of one of the manners in which he could pass the hours more efficiently. He had developed the peculiar habit of systematically archiving all of his electronic conversations, that he could save automatically thanks to the native communication application of his uDev. In view of his professional activities, he had deemed it an additional safety, and it had proved invaluable in quite a few instances. His transits afforded him the time to manage his collection and rewatch some of the chats, and in this fashion he had fished many pearls among the dregs, bits of information that, in hindsight, suddenly gained significance. Now was the perfect moment to peruse the ever increasing heap, and recapitulate the recent evolutions of his attempt at establishing a collaboration between the Community and the Alliance. »
As the episode unfolds, the quadragenarian reminisces one particular weekend in Triton Aeolus, providing us with an alternative perspective on some of the events of those determining few days.
This week's edition of the Threshold Bookcast, « No Opportunity Necessary, No Experience Needed, » follows below. Wishing you an enjoyable reading !
On a background of environmental and financial crises, and religious influences intertwining with political manoeuvres to determine the fate of an overpopulated planet, The Threshold Series chronicles the saga of the Ovelian civilization, a society very similar to our own, as it heads towards one of the most dramatic chain of events of its history.
The first book, « 2206 : Window Onto A New World, » focuses on the end of the year 2206, which culminates on an important federal election that will be impacted by the discovery of an anomaly in the nearby outer space.
Each episode of The Threshold Bookcast consists in a complete chapter of the series, made available for free online reading.
For more details about the series and the bookcast, please see the introduction.
The previous chapters are available here :
- Chapter 1 : Homeworld
- Chapter 2 : Going For The One
- Chapter 3 : Togetherness
- Chapter 4 : Machine Messiah
- Chapter 5 : Space Oddity
- Chapter 6 : It Can Happen
- Chapter 7 : Giants Under The Sun
- Chapter 8 : Nous Sommes Du Soleil
- Chapter 9 : Careful With That Axe, Eugene
- Chapter 10 : South Side Of The Sky
- Chapter 11 : The Preacher The Teacher