The Tides Have Turned ~ The Manuscript of Survival Part 336 ~ via Aisha North
The tides have turned, and once again so much flotsam and jetsam is being churned up in its wake. This will not be news to any of you, and this will not come as a surprise either. For the energy pushes and pulls on everything now, and it will continue to do so. But at the same time, it is also starting to light up corners that previously seemed lost in the shadows, and this will entail some rather interesting discoveries for you all. For what the light enhances, is not the dark places, rather, it is those places of truth and learning that has not been available before. And this, the increased light, will make many an interesting discovery start to seep out into the open. Some of it will be on a personal level, while other things will become apparent to the general public.
So as this summer progresses, much will have to be taken into consideration yet again, and many of you will start to quarry for hidden talents that you will start to feel the presence of within. For remember, you have all come here laden with so much knowledge, but for reasons you have all become rather familiar with, that knowledge has been safely tucked away until the time is right for it to be revealed again. Mankind have a long story of mismanaging the resources they have been given, both of the material but also of the more immaterial kind, and the outcome from all of this is easy to see around you. Therefore, there will be those amongst you who will hesitate to start to reopen these halls of wisdom, for you fear that once again, this knowledge will be misused.
That is easy to understand, for you have all in some way been a part of previous episodes where the outcome was a far, far less beneficial one. But this time, you need not fear the powers of knowledge any more. For this time, we can guarantee you that the knowledge will stay as pure as it is, and it cannot be corrupted in any way. For this time, everyone involved in this have learned their lessons. These lesson have come at a high price for many of you, hence you reluctance to travel down that same road once more. But believe us when we say that this time, here is no danger in opening up that hidden door within that leads to the halls of everlasting knowledge, for this time, you all come armed with something that will help this knowledge stay pure and unpolluted by greed, fear and manipulation.
So step forth boldly in the knowledge that whatever you find, can only be used for the common good of all. It is there, meant to to be used to lift all of mankind out from the grip of the threatening abyss, and as such, the more you are willing to step into your role as a wayshower, the more power this knowledge will have on you all.
So again we say, be bold and inquisitive, and start to turn over every stone you encounter, lest there should lie some hidden answers there. For this is indeed a quest for information, and this information will be served up in so many shapes and forms, so please feel free to help yourself to it in the most generous of portions.