The time for your actions has come! Lord Shiva


June 21, 2014

I AM Shiva! 

Today, on this day of the summer solstice I have come to you! 

As always, I am adamant and full of determination. 

My requirements to those who follow Us, are getting higher every day. 

And this is quite obvious. If just a few years ago we tried to teach and guide you, now the time of your training is over; it is time for decisive actions. 

There is no opportunity to learn the missing things any longer. 

I am telling you that the situation becomes tense every day and even every hour. 

Right now the moment has come, for which many of you have come into embodiment. 

The balance of the planet is on the verge of collapse. 

Peace on the Earth is literally hanging by a hair. 

Instead of firmly standing up for the Divine world and against the world of illusion, many of our followers decided to have a rest, as though nothing is happening in the world. 

I am telling you that the opposing forces do everything so that further evolutionary development on planet Earth becomes impossible. 

I am telling you that exactly now the time has come when you must apply all your efforts, all your abilities, talents and skills, first of all, to restore the inner balance of powers and to get to the all-out attack in the external world. 

You must return the Divine order into your world! 

If you still pretend that nothing is happening, if you ignore your duty of sustaining the Divine patterns on the planet, you will lose your planet, that platform on which the development of billions of souls is taking place. 

You are responsible for planet Earth! 

You must stop doing nothing! 

We have run out of the time planned for peaceful teaching! 

The time has come for decisive actions! 

Show what you have learned for these 10 years that you have been trained under the guidance of the Ascended Hosts! 

The balance on the planet could be maintained with the help of praying Vigils. I personally asked you through our messenger to give this energy to the Masters during the praying Vigil on the 23 of March this year. 

And if only ten thousand people supported my appeal, we could turn the situation on the planet back into a peaceful course already in the days of the spring equinox. 

However, we could not find even two thousand praying people. 

First, any negative manifestation forming in the subtle plane can be neutralized with the help of prayers. But then comes the moment when negative energies start their precipitation in the physical plane. And at this moment not only praying work is needed from you, but also your work in the physical plane. 

The repulse of negative energies must be created in every plane of being! 

I will remind you of this Law. When Great Masters of mankind come to give the Teaching to the incarnated humankind, they always do this before global negative processes are about to happen on the Earth. 

We always give humankind a chance to go along the easiest path, the path of changing their own consciousness. 

We give the Teaching, which makes it possible to change the consciousness of a sufficient number of incarnated individuals in a few years. 

We spend a great deal of Divine energy, transmitting our Messages into your world. 

However, the moment comes when humanity refuses to go along the royal road. 

More and more individuals we had hoped for are tempted by the magic of the illusion and leave the Path. 

And this moment has come. 

When humanity makes a collective choice not to advance in an easier direction of consciousness changing, the law of Karma comes into effect. 

Any karma can be softened at the level of thought and emotions. For this you should show the acknowledgement of mistakes and repentance. 

When the easier path is rejected, the release of karma begins in the physical plane. And periodically, it happens in a more intensive way than it usually does. 

Every time before another world war we obtain the consent of the Supreme Council of this Universe and get a dispensation for the transmission of our Teaching. We do that hoping that humanity will agree to follow the path of changing its consciousness. 

However, our attempts fail every time, and we cannot reach and persuade the necessary number of incarnated individuals to follow the Path shown by us. 

The realization of the karma always follows the rejection. 

I must tell you that it is possible to get back to the easier path at any moment. I must also tell you that wars, catastrophes and natural disasters are not God's punishment. 

All these incidents were born of the consciousness of the people who are incarnated now. So the retribution, as the consequence, unavoidably follows the cause that has created it. 

The change in people's consciousness will occur in any case. It is inevitable as the sunrise. However, the question is how much suffering it takes humanity to learn their lessons. 

I am giving you this Message hoping that at least a small number of our disciples will manage to unite and start acting. 

You have to stop any manifestation of the opposing forces in all planes of being and in all spheres of human activity.

The more you will act in unity, the more avoidable will be the death, violence and troubles. 

The time for your actions has come! Now!

I AM Shiva!

© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina
Translators: Julia Zaytseva 
and Ekaterina Reznichenko
Proofreader Linda Ploch

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  • rudrakshamala_1376834119.jpg

    This is a rudraksha mala

    there are 108 beads.

    Rudraksha is shivas holy seed

    it is good for meditation

    The prescription is for 500,000 chants of the mantra..

    That tests the devotees loyal and dedicated suplication.

    It takes months and months of work and hours of chanting.

    If you wanna kiss the sky better learn how to kneel

  • I have studied the teachings of lord Shiva through authorized sources from India and other lands.

    Shiva has no need to contact people through a medium


    Hes not interested in that

    You can supplicate him in prayers and                   if your sincere he will listen.

    Dont go through mediums to the gods.

    The devas.

    They exist in the devachanic plane and thats a higher dimension

    Higher?--- because one moment on the higher plane is one year on earth.

    Reference Lord Brahma steals the cows and calves and tries to test Krishna

    Find a yantra and a mantra

    get it from a source you trust.

    And contat Shiva yourslf

    and be patient

    everyone is asking Shiva for blessings

    He is absorbed in cosmic affairs and has inconceivable responsibilites.

    Read about him .

    Read about his glories from the  scriptures

    they dont need telephone or mediumistic mouth pieces.

    Here is Shivas yantra and mantra.

    I willl give a very simple and easy to learn Matra

    you stare at the bindu the centralpoint of the yantra and regest sincerly for Shiva to appear.

    Be patient

    it takes dedication and thousands of chants of the yantra.

    I have tried this not with shiva

    but ganesha

    I got into trouble when my bad Karma overwhelmed me

    Ganesha was removing my attachments in his way to teach.

    The devas are always teaching.

    You might not even like their lesson but you'll gain real wisdom.

    Here is a good Yantra and mantra that you can try.


    This is a chant by Harish Johari.. he is a Tantric master and highly revered by his pupils

    I like his chanting and have studied all his books

    I think he is full of Shakti

    tonal energy

  • Helios and Vesta plus Alpha and Omega plus the trinity




    TOPICS: Alpha and Omega supreme hierarchs - El Shaddai - Vedas - Brahman - trinity -


    Question: What is the relation between Helios and Vesta /Alpha and Omega, El Shaddai, Brahman, and the Trinity?


    Answer from ascended master Jesus through Kim Michaels:

    As explained elsewhere, Alpha and Omega are the supreme spiritual hierarchs of this unascended sphere. Helios and Vesta are the spiritual hierarchs who serve under Alpha and Omega. El Shaddai is an ancient name for God, which is what I call the Creator. This is what the Vedas call Brahman, as the supreme power that created the universe.

    The Trinity is the first level of manifestation that leads to the creation of the world of form. The Father can be likened to the Creator or Brahman. The Son is the universal Christ consciousness out of which everything is created, called Vishnu in the Hindu trinity. The Holy Spirit is the creative force that is like a stream of energy which is constantly flowing from the center of the Creator through all levels of creation into the farthest levels of the world of form. It is constantly seeking to realign all energy with the purity and perfection of God. Hindus call it Shiva, or the destroyer of all that is unreal.

    In reality, the Trinity should be expanded to encompass the Divine Mother, the feminine aspect of God. The Creator is the masculine aspect of God, and it forms a polarity with the feminine aspect of God. Out of their union, the Son, the universal Christ consciousness, is created. The Holy Spirit is the creative impulse that causes the Christ consciousness to flow into the various manifestations in the world of form.

    Copyright © 2012 by Kim Michaels

  • Shiva was always one of my favourite beings. Though his Hindu identity is definitely one of his weaker ones. 

    What is said is true, you can help by praying for things. This works because the more you focus on something, the more energy you send it. So the more you pray for something to happen, especially with the help of others, the higher a chance you have of being able to make it happen. Even if you are no controlling your donated energy, the ones you pray for assistance to will. 

  • AsWithin


  • Wonderful Message...thanks for sharing Meindert Arends...

  • Dear Arends,

    You are so active on this site, and I don't know why, or who pays you for that, because, you see, almost nobody add any comment. I don't know what actions we can take to eliminate the dark cabal, but I feel that 90% of this site is very subtly controlled by dark cabal. And this is one action to really be of service to others, and to purge this site of all negative content and aberrations.

    I heard thousands of times that the fate of earth it is in the hands of the people; and this is a blunt lie. The 99% of people have very little power to change anything else, except themselves. But even if all 99% are already good and loving people, that will not stop not even a bit the criminal actions of dark cabal. They had, and still have all power and capabilities to keep doing their crimes. Even if all people will meditate and pray, this will not stop at all them. This site, media, and all other means of dark cabal, promoting deceiving information and lies, it help a lot dark cabal to keep "baby at sleep", and meditation and prayers only, will serve them very well. When we pray, we ask many times for help, because is beyond our power. Maybe the prayers will please the masters, but very often they will not intervene. The dark cabal elite, together with their minions are very few, but they are the root cause for all crimes against people of earth. Can we 99% eliminate them? Not until all their crimes are brought to light. Can we 99% do that? Very, very little and very, very dangerous action. 

    They do a very big propaganda about democracy and the power of vote. Stalin, the big criminal, yet he dared to say a truth:" It doesn't matter who vote, but who are counting the votes." Do we 99% have any means to control the vote counting? NO.

    I came from Romania 34 years ago, when the communist dictatorship was in full  power. The lies and corruption was so evident, yet they didn't care too much about it, because of a very high oppression. It was almost mandatory to vote, because you had to prove it, otherwise very bad consequences would follow. We the people had no voice about the selection of the candidates; they were selected by the communist party. One candidate for each position. Yet in the vote ballot you could reject the "official" candidate and add another one. I did this all the time, yet the results were always the same; some times the "official" candidate was elected even with 100% of the votes. So the proposed candidate was always elected in majority and even in unanimity(100%). Do you think that here in US is very much different? NO! So, the present "democracy" can't help to remove the dark cabal elite.

       There are so many "militias", with some military power, but very little compared with the military power of the dark cabal. They feel that something is wrong here but they don't know exactly who is responsible, and what to do. Can they eliminate the dark cabal? NO!

      The positive and negative, with a physical(3d) body or other bodies aliens are present on earth from millenniums. They are responsible for all good and bad things on earth, and they have a very high technology and immense powers. The positive ones, as inhabitants of earth, they don't have the duty to help the 99% of the population? In fact ONLY THEY CAN DO IT.

      Knowing this, dear Arends, can you ask your transmitter (who ever claim to be), what practically we 99% can do to eliminate the dark cabal?

      I know something that nobody dare to discuss on this site; one way to speed-up the elimination of dark cabal, is to offer to people free energy; and I am doing just that. That free energy will increase immensely the freedom and prosperity of 99% of people, and dark cabal doesn't like it at all.

     That is one indicator that the dark cabal control even this site. Many of my comments were eliminated, but this doesn't discourage me, because many people read this site, and soon or later this site might present the truth and a real help to all people.       


    Dear Arends,

    You are so active on this site, and I don't know why, or who pays you for that, because, you see, almost nobody add any comment. I don't know what actions we can take to eliminate the dark cabal, but I feel that 90% of this site is very subtly controlled by dark cabal. And this is one action to really be of service to others, and to purge this site of all negative content and aberrations.

    I heard thousands of times that the fate of earth it is in the hands of the people; and this is a blunt lie. The 99% of people have very little power to change anything else, except themselves. But even if all 99% are already good and loving people, that will not stop not even a bit the criminal actions of dark cabal. They had, and still have all power and capabilities to keep doing their crimes. Even if all people will meditate and pray, this will not stop at all them. This site, media, and all other means of dark cabal, promoting deceiving information and lies, it help a lot dark cabal to keep "baby at sleep", and meditation and prayers only, will serve them very well. When we pray, we ask many times for help, because is beyond our power. Maybe the prayers will please the masters, but very often they will not intervene. The dark cabal elite, together with their minions are very few, but they are the root cause for all crimes against people of earth. Can we 99% eliminate them? Not until all their crimes are brought to light. Can we 99% do that? Very, very little and very, very dangerous action. 

    They do a very big propaganda about democracy and the power of vote. Stalin, the big criminal, yet he dared to say a truth:" It doesn't matter who vote, but who are counting the votes." Do we 99% have any means to control the vote counting? NO.

    I came from Romania 34 years ago, when the communist dictatorship was in full  power. The lies and corruption was so evident, yet they didn't care too much about it, because of a very high oppression. It was almost mandatory to vote, because you had to prove it, otherwise very bad consequences would follow. We the people had no voice about the selection of the candidates; they were selected by the communist party. One candidate for each position. Yet in the vote ballot you could reject the "official" candidate and add another one. I did this all the time, yet the results were always the same; some times the "official" candidate was elected even with 100% of the votes. So the proposed candidate was always elected in majority and even in unanimity(100%). Do you think that here in US is very much different? NO! So, the present "democracy" can't help to remove the dark cabal elite.

       There are so many "militias", with some military power, but very little compared with the military power of the dark cabal. They feel that something is wrong here but they don't know exactly who is responsible, and what to do. Can they eliminate the dark cabal? NO!

      The positive and negative, with a physical(3d) body or other bodies aliens are present on earth from millenniums. They are responsible for all good and bad things on earth, and they have a very high technology and immense powers. The positive ones, as inhabitants of earth, they don't have the duty to help the 99% of the population? In fact ONLY THEY CAN DO IT.

      Knowing this, dear Arends, can you ask your transmitter (who ever claim to be), what practically we 99% can do to eliminate the dark cabal?

      I know something that nobody dare to discuss on this site; one way to speed-up the elimination of dark cabal, is to offer to people free energy; and I am doing just that. That free energy will increase immensely the freedom and prosperity of 99% of people, and dark cabal doesn't like it at all.

     That is one indicator that the dark cabal control even this site. Many of my comments were eliminated, but this doesn't discourage me, because many people read this site, and soon or later this site might present the truth and a real help to all people.       


    Dear Arends,

    You are so active on this site, and I don't know why, or who pays you for that, because, you see, almost nobody add any comment. I don't know what actions we can take to eliminate the dark cabal, but I feel that 90% of this site is very subtly controlled by dark cabal. And this is one action to really be of service to others, and to purge this site of all negative content and aberrations.

    I heard thousands of times that the fate of earth it is in the hands of the people; and this is a blunt lie. The 99% of people have very little power to change anything else, except themselves. But even if all 99% are already good and loving people, that will not stop not even a bit the criminal actions of dark cabal. They had, and still have all power and capabilities to keep doing their crimes. Even if all people will meditate and pray, this will not stop at all them. This site, media, and all other means of dark cabal, promoting deceiving information and lies, it help a lot dark cabal to keep "baby at sleep", and meditation and prayers only, will serve them very well. When we pray, we ask many times for help, because is beyond our power. Maybe the prayers will please the masters, but very often they will not intervene. The dark cabal elite, together with their minions are very few, but they are the root cause for all crimes against people of earth. Can we 99% eliminate them? Not until all their crimes are brought to light. Can we 99% do that? Very, very little and very, very dangerous action. 

    They do a very big propaganda about democracy and the power of vote. Stalin, the big criminal, yet he dared to say a truth:" It doesn't matter who vote, but who are counting the votes." Do we 99% have any means to control the vote counting? NO.

    I came from Romania 34 years ago, when the communist dictatorship was in full  power. The lies and corruption was so evident, yet they didn't care too much about it, because of a very high oppression. It was almost mandatory to vote, because you had to prove it, otherwise very bad consequences would follow. We the people had no voice about the selection of the candidates; they were selected by the communist party. One candidate for each position. Yet in the vote ballot you could reject the "official" candidate and add another one. I did this all the time, yet the results were always the same; some times the "official" candidate was elected even with 100% of the votes. So the proposed candidate was always elected in majority and even in unanimity(100%). Do you think that here in US is very much different? NO! So, the present "democracy" can't help to remove the dark cabal elite.

       There are so many "militias", with some military power, but very little compared with the military power of the dark cabal. They feel that something is wrong here but they don't know exactly who is responsible, and what to do. Can they eliminate the dark cabal? NO!

      The positive and negative, with a physical(3d) body or other bodies aliens are present on earth from millenniums. They are responsible for all good and bad things on earth, and they have a very high technology and immense powers. The positive ones, as inhabitants of earth, they don't have the duty to help the 99% of the population? In fact ONLY THEY CAN DO IT.

      Knowing this, dear Arends, can you ask your transmitter (who ever claim to be), what practically we 99% can do to eliminate the dark cabal?

      I know something that nobody dare to discuss on this site; one way to speed-up the elimination of dark cabal, is to offer to people free energy; and I am doing just that. That free energy will increase immensely the freedom and prosperity of 99% of people, and dark cabal doesn't like it at all.

     That is one indicator that the dark cabal control even this site. Many of my comments were eliminated, but this doesn't discourage me, because many people read this site, and soon or later this site might present the truth and a real help to all people.       


    Dear Arends,

    You are so active on this site, and I don't know why, or who pays you for that, because, you see, almost nobody add any comment. I don't know what actions we can take to eliminate the dark cabal, but I feel that 90% of this site is very subtly controlled by dark cabal. And this is one action to really be of service to others, and to purge this site of all negative content and aberrations.

    I heard thousands of times that the fate of earth it is in the hands of the people; and this is a blunt lie. The 99% of people have very little power to change anything else, except themselves. But even if all 99% are already good and loving people, that will not stop not even a bit the criminal actions of dark cabal. They had, and still have all power and capabilities to keep doing their crimes. Even if all people will meditate and pray, this will not stop at all them. This site, media, and all other means of dark cabal, promoting deceiving information and lies, it help a lot dark cabal to keep "baby at sleep", and meditation and prayers only, will serve them very well. When we pray, we ask many times for help, because is beyond our power. Maybe the prayers will please the masters, but very often they will not intervene. The dark cabal elite, together with their minions are very few, but they are the root cause for all crimes against people of earth. Can we 99% eliminate them? Not until all their crimes are brought to light. Can we 99% do that? Very, very little and very, very dangerous action. 

    They do a very big propaganda about democracy and the power of vote. Stalin, the big criminal, yet he dared to say a truth:" It doesn't matter who vote, but who are counting the votes." Do we 99% have any means to control the vote counting? NO.

    I came from Romania 34 years ago, when the communist dictatorship was in full  power. The lies and corruption was so evident, yet they didn't care too much about it, because of a very high oppression. It was almost mandatory to vote, because you had to prove it, otherwise very bad consequences would follow. We the people had no voice about the selection of the candidates; they were selected by the communist party. One candidate for each position. Yet in the vote ballot you could reject the "official" candidate and add another one. I did this all the time, yet the results were always the same; some times the "official" candidate was elected even with 100% of the votes. So the proposed candidate was always elected in majority and even in unanimity(100%). Do you think that here in US is very much different? NO! So, the present "democracy" can't help to remove the dark cabal elite.

       There are so many "militias", with some military power, but very little compared with the military power of the dark cabal. They feel that something is wrong here but they don't know exactly who is responsible, and what to do. Can they eliminate the dark cabal? NO!

      The positive and negative, with a physical(3d) body or other bodies aliens are present on earth from millenniums. They are responsible for all good and bad things on earth, and they have a very high technology and immense powers. The positive ones, as inhabitants of earth, they don't have the duty to help the 99% of the population? In fact ONLY THEY CAN DO IT.

      Knowing this, dear Arends, can you ask your transmitter (who ever claim to be), what practically we 99% can do to eliminate the dark cabal?

      I know something that nobody dare to discuss on this site; one way to speed-up the elimination of dark cabal, is to offer to people free energy; and I am doing just that. That free energy will increase immensely the freedom and prosperity of 99% of people, and dark cabal doesn't like it at all.

     That is one indicator that the dark cabal control even this site. Many of my comments were eliminated, but this doesn't discourage me, because many people read this site, and soon or later this site might present the truth and a real help to all people.       


    Dear Arends,
    You are so active on this site, and I don't know why, or who pays you for that, because, you see, almost nobody add any comment. I don't know what actions we can take to eliminate the dark cabal, but I feel that 90% of this site is very subtly controlled by dark cabal. And this is one action to really be of service to others, and to purge this site of all negative content and aberrations.
    I heard thousands of times that the fate of earth it is in the hands of the people; and this is a blunt lie. The 99% of people have very little power to change anything else, except themselves. But even if all 99% are already good and loving people, that will not stop not even a bit the criminal actions of dark cabal. They had, and still have all power and capabilities to keep doing their crimes. Even if all people will meditate and pray, this will not stop at all them. This site, media, and all other means of dark cabal, promoting deceiving information and lies, it help a lot dark cabal to keep "baby at sleep", and meditation and prayers only, will serve them very well. When we pray, we ask many times for help, because is beyond our power. Maybe the prayers will please the masters, but very often they will not intervene. The dark cabal elite, together with their minions are very few, but they are the root cause for all crimes against people of earth. Can we 99% eliminate them? Not until all their crimes are brought to light. Can we 99% do that? Very, very little and very, very dangerous action.
    They do a very big propaganda about democracy and the power of vote. Stalin, the big criminal, yet he dared to say a truth:" It doesn't matter who vote, but who are counting the votes." Do we 99% have any means to control the vote counting? NO.
    I came from Romania 34 years ago, when the communist dictatorship was in full power. The lies and corruption was so evident, yet they didn't care too much about it, because of a very high oppression. It was almost mandatory to vote, because you had to prove it, otherwise very bad consequences would follow. We the people had no voice about the selection of the candidates; they were selected by the communist party. One candidate for each position. Yet in the vote ballot you could reject the "official" candidate and add another one. I did this all the time, yet the results were always the same; some times the "official" candidate was elected even with 100% of the votes. So the proposed candidate was always elected in majority and even in unanimity(100%). Do you think that here in US is very much different? NO! So, the present "democracy" can't help to remove the dark cabal elite.
    There are so many "militias", with some military power, but very little compared with the military power of the dark cabal. They feel that something is wrong here but they don't know exactly who is responsible, and what to do. Can they eliminate the dark cabal? NO!
    The positive and negative, with a physical(3d) body or other bodies aliens are present on earth from millenniums. They are responsible for all good and bad things on earth, and they have a very high technology and immense powers. The positive ones, as inhabitants of earth, they don't have the duty to help the 99% of the population? In fact ONLY THEY CAN DO IT.
    Knowing this, dear Arends, can you ask your transmitter (who ever claim to be), what practically we 99% can do to eliminate the dark cabal?
    I know something that nobody dare to discuss on this site; one way to speed-up the elimination of dark cabal, is to offer to people free energy; and I am doing just that. That free energy will increase immensely the freedom and prosperity of 99% of people, and dark cabal doesn't like it at all.
    That is one indicator that the dark cabal control even this site. Many of my comments were eliminated, but this doesn't discourage me, because many people read this site, and soon or later this site might present the truth and a real help to all people.

  • Dear Arends,

    You are so active on this site, and I don't know why, or who pays you for that, because, you see, almost nobody add any comment. I don't know what actions we can take to eliminate the dark cabal, but I feel that 90% of this site is very subtely contro

This reply was deleted.

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