Crystalai @2011
The days are soon approaching (September - November) when a magnetic field caused by a Comet passing into the Earth's atmosphere will cause Mother Earth to shift into Zero Point. What is Zero Point? It is the point in time when the Breath of Source ignites a new idea into Cosmic Consciousness. It is the time when the Primary Consciousness and Secondary Consciousness of each Individual Consciousness flashes a new idea onto its movie screen. It is a time when the brain has a new fractal awakened within it. It is a time when the Pituitary Gland blossoms and the Pineal Gland is ignited. It is a time when the magnetic field within Mother Earth goes to Zero and the Frequencies raise into a higher dimension. It is the time of the Evolution of a new Civilization on Earth. It is a time when the diamond door of the third eye becomes the movie projector through which Man can "MAKE GOD's MOVIE." It is the time when the brain of mortal man who has only used the visual light spectrum to view social consciousness shifts into the brain of immortal man who uses the entire light spectrum of infra red, invisible light, the frequency of light and sound to shift into any and all dimensions. It is the time of multdimensionality.
All creation is made of light bands. The light bands are frequency specific. Each band of light has a frequency or a pitch. That frequency or pitch can vibrate faster or slower, which creates a new frequency signature. The bands of light with a slower wave length can be changed by bringing into them the band of light with the highest frequency.
The highest frequency of zero point from  Source Consciousness is brought into the lower light bands through the breath of Consciousness. We have been trained how to connect our Consciousness into these higher and lower light bands and to shift their energy level by connecting our breath into the light band of Source Consciousness, where zero point energy is obtained.
We began creating a series of meditations that teach you how to use your merkaba to collect the frequencies from the light bands of universal, cosmic and source consciousness over five years ago. We created these meditations and formulas as a complete series of training to become prepared for this present time. It is the MP3 titled Steps to Ascension. This is a very shortened and condensed groups of formulas taken from the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse Courses.
There are formulas and directions within the meditations for collecting these frequencies. The 12th dimensional consciousness can be thought of as coming from the 2nd universal level or from 12 inches above the head. The 13th dimensional consciousness can be thought of as coming from the inner etheric core of Mother Earth. The 14th dimensional consciousness or band of light holds the heliotalic or helium element of light. The parallel 8th-or 16th holds the spiritual gamma ray. And the 15th holds the co-creative aspect of zero point light.These light bands can also be thought of in scientific terms. Those forumlas and meditations are in the Ascension Meditation Kit, Ascension Portal Kit, and Pure in Heart Kit which each contains several CD's  with several meditations, journies and formulas on each one.
The purpose of our music and our meditations has always been to help prepare the body and brain for the shift that is about to take place. We can tune in to the zero point frequency of multidimensionality easier when we can hear it and feel it and understand the process that we are about to go through. 
When we use the term crystal heart, we are talking about entering into the crystalline, etheric center of the heart of each cell in the body. In scientific language this would mean breathing the zero point frequencies of Source Consciousness into the microtubule of the cell, or the omni helic centrical tube. This microtubule is reaching the center of the neutral Source. In the meditations we talk about spinning our merkabas down into the core of Mother Earth to pick up the frequencies of Cosmic Consciousness and we ride up to the Fourteenth Dimension to pick up the heliotalic frequencies or ultra violet blue frequencies and then we arch over into the sixteenth dimension to pick up the parallel spiritual self gamma rays and spin these together into our merkaba crystal ship to create the zero point frequency which we pull into our brain and our soul and our heart to activate the evolutionary process that brings us to the place that we will soon be entering into.
The Stargate Meditation kit is even more in tune with the process that we are going through at this time. This meditation guides the listener into the journey our consciousness will take as it transforms through the waterfall of ultra violet blue liquid light energy that we will ride through in consciousness as we go through this zero point transformation.
The entire scientific reason why we can turn our bodies into a lighter frequency than the gravity field, or the dense matter of the physical body is because we can shift our consciousness into dimensional realities of much less dense particles. We can shift into particles that are so etheric they no longer need the negative charge to bond the positive charge. We shift into a realm where the outerbands of light energy, which is the Frequency of Source holds together all inner light bands, regardless of their density. We are held within this Consciousness of Source, which is the Mind of God, which is who we are. This is why we don't actually leave, or move. We just stay right where we are, but in a less dense form. However, we can choose to travel if we want to because once we have moved out of the energy levels of negative positive into neutral, we can travel beyond the speed of light.
We breathe the frequencies from the Source Consciousness into the omni particles (the smallest form of energy) that create atoms. We can even disolve the hold of the omni particles by over riding them with the higher frequency of zero point.  When we are rising into zero point, we are still wrapped inside of the outer band of light and sound of Source Consciousness. That outer band holds the music of the spheres together through the highest frequency at all times. When we wrap oursevles within the light bands of the universal, cosmic and source frequencies, we are riding within the Golden Sphere. This frequency that we now wrapping our selves in is the Frequency of zero point and Source Consciousness through the Frequency of Transmutation- which is the Ultra Violet Blue Frequency. I have just described how an Individual Immortality CD is created. The Individualized Immortality CD's are created for the purpose of preparing you for this Zero Point ride we will be taking in September and October.
Zero point energy places us in a field of energy where the fabric of space reaches beyond the negative and positive energy fields created by the electron and proton, and reaches into the reality of no time and no space of neutrality. Once the inertia that has been holding us into the speed of three dimensional time and space is broken by the electromagnetic fields that will be created when the Pole Shift occurs in Mother Earth, we neutralize that inertia or that field of reality. Once it is neutralized, we are FREE to CREATE as co-creators through the frequency specific Mind of God. The fabric of space becomes a canvas for our new creation to be painted on through the visionsary frequencies of our consciousness.
Making God's Movie doesn't mean continuing the movie of the old civilization. This is the time when a New Civilization of the Golden Age will appear. This new man will desire to create the new and the marvelous, the genius, the infinite, the marvelous freedom, the instant manifestation of the heart's desire. It is the time when man will know that the Lord God of his Being will manifest his desires even before he has asked. 
 The higher frequency light bands of gamma and ultra violet can disolve the hertzian light bands of gravity which would  allow the body to walk on the water or float in the air, or to orb in a lotus position to sit on top of a tree. This allows the body to rise out of the world of materiality. This is how we can Slide into other Dimensions at this time. As we shift dimensions we feel the shift in frequencies and radiation. We are preparing to slide into any dimension at will. We can be in several dimensions at the same time in our new state. We can remain with family and children while visiting Aquarius or Pleides. We can be in our seventh level tall colorful self and in our fifth dimensional blue crystal aquafarian reality at the same time.
 The breath is our connection to the frequencies of Source as we transmute all frequencies of hertzian, infra red, visible, ultra violet and gamma into oneness.
The lower cerebellum part of the brain is where the  Source Consciousness in placed into action. Consciousness and Energy produced by the energy one places into connecting their consciousness into the highest and strongest fields of consciousness reality such as Cosmic Consciousness, Universal Consciousness or Source Consciousness utilizes the primary consciousness and the mid brain. The breath connects to the Primary or Source Consciousness into the Mid Brain which is frequency specific.
The part of the brain containing the world belief system does not contain pathways into the frequency specific mid brain. Only the frequency specific aspect of the brain is able to shift into multidimensionality. When we get a feeling of being directed to do something, that is the visible light spectrum of the brain re-acting to the frequency specific aspect of the brain which provides pictures of the future. Whe we become so intune with the mid brain or frequency specific aspect of our brain, we become guided by Divine Mind rather than mortal mind. 
The upper cerebellum is only responsive to the visible three dimensional things that are painted in front of it. It is only chemically responsive. It is not frequency responsive. It works in agreement with the old movie reels that want it to remain with the familiar things that can be seen and felt. The lower cerebellum part of the brain is not chemically responsive- it is frequency responsive. The upper cerebellum part of the brain works from the negative-positive electron proton realm, while the lower cerebellum works from the positive- positive realm --which is the zero point realm where there is no electron.
 The Earth will enter this state where there is a moment when there is only positive-positive. This means there will be no electricity and no weather. There will be no motion. There will be stillness. There will be a point of turning, transmutting to a higher state of consciousness. The neutrality of zero point energy brings us beyond magnetism into infinite frequencies of freedom. It is the neutrality that frees us from the mortal mind and allows us to float in the plasma of the gamma frequencies and swim in the ultra violet blue rays of transmutation. It is the river into immortality where the Cosmic Consciousness re-unites with the Breath of Source Consciousness and we begin to create God's Movie through our individual consciousness.
This process of ascension was given to us in the Ascension Formula which is on the Ascension Portal Meditation Kit. In this state of consciousness the body rides in the merkaba vehicle down into the Zero Point where the spiritual and physical sides of Earth connect The body lies in this pond of light and sees the mirror image of the physical in the spiritual. The Spiritual Light Body soaks up the fields of Cosmic Light Energy of the Gamma Golden Light, the Ultra Violet Light of Rainbow and Silver Pastel and the White Light of the x-ray. The light energy is absorbed into the body which causes the body to shift and glow from the inside. This is what will be happening to the Earth's body and to our body at the time of Zero Point.
When we work enough with the breath connecting us into the frequency of Source Concsciousness and breathe that frequency into all of our cells, the higher our frequencies will have risen. 
When we see people as frequencies, we only see their light bands and we can feel their frequencies or frequency signatures. This is what all of our starry brothers see. This is who we really are. We can also be seen as our Orb bodies by our higher selves. We are always creating electromagnetic fields of new realities and broadening our spectrum to know and see more of who we really are.
We are made of bands of light. The outer band is the  point where Cosmic and Source unite into Zero point. It is the band that holds all of our light bands together. We always remain held together regardless of what band we choose to be in. Each band is a different dimension of reality, but all bands are held together by Source. So we are always held together by the Mind of God and we co-create reality with the Mind of God. This can only happen when we move out of the third light band and into the infinity of light bands.
When we breathe energy of consciousness into the light bands they spin faster and faster until the vibration is increased. Then trillions of  micro tubules start to form. The microtubules are the new 12-96 etheric strands of DNA connecting into Cosmic Consciousness. The spinning of the bands caused by the Consciousness connecting to Source through the breath causes this frequency spin into a higher dimension. The more the breathing and spinning is repeated, the higher the frequency is achieved until finally the DNA broadens and a new strand appears. This is how DNA is expanded. The Individual Immortality CD's are created to focus on this spinning of the most etheric God Omni particle from the most etheric center within each cell of the body to ignite the spark of Oneness that causes the MUSIC OF THE SPHERES to create this dynamic shift in the body.
This is the point of igniting the spark of Source within the crystal heart of every cell in the body. This causes the entire body to light up like a Christmas Tree. This allows the flow of energy to shift from the mortal mind into the immortal mind.
The transformation happens as a result of dissolving and transmuting the lower frequency bands into the Source field. We can raise consciousness through the spinning of the light bands. We do this by using the breath and connecting into the Consciousness of Source and breathing that frequency onto the light bands within every cell of our body. This breathing is like transmuting into the more etheric realm of reality. This breathing will create a portal out of the physical and into the etheric or spiritual.The breath causes the light bands to spin into oneness and create a shimmering light sound that creates a color never seen before and we are then transformed  into the symphony of Love. The frequencies become finer and finer until a new harmonic is created and new creation appears that is based on light and sound where the entity creates a rainbow of his own and flashes into a new dimensional reality.
 This state of becoming a mirror of zero point where the breath of God is in the creation state with ultra violet blue reminds me of the phrase "Man was made in the image and likeness of God." The original IDEA of man was first Cosmic, then a combination of the gamma wave, ultra violet wave in original form, but then able to maintain the same template of the idea at all densities of visible light, infra red and hertzian frequencies. The real man however, is the full spectrum of light of all of these densities which allows man to be multidimensional.
Remember that the omnipotent God is omnipotent because He is the omni particles and omni ons that are the etheric or spiritual essence of what we are made of. Omni particles are only invisible to us at this time because we are living in a much denser dimensional reality. The deeper we look within our cells into the crystal heart of our cells and our neurons, the closer we get to the Omnipotent God--the very essence of our being.


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  • ZeroPointEnergy.jpg

    Great Post....





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