The tree of Life in a universal symbol found in many cultures around the world, and is also known as the cosmic tree, the world tree and the holy tree. The tree of life symbolizes wisdom, strength, protection and much more.
the tree of life is said to connect the underworld, middle world and above world , a shaman can learn to travel to these realms for healing,
This symbol has many meanings to so many people . It also reminds me that we are all connected , I hope that those who may read this has a postive day thank you for your time
This is the bottom of a lotus leaf...
“Nature is not our enemy, to be raped and conquered. Nature is ourselves, to be cherished and explored.”.... “You are a Divine Being. You matter, you count. You come from realms of unimaginable Power and Light, and you will return to those realms.” ~Terence McKenna
these two are the ones I've done
we all have our beautiful interpretation of it
Thank you acute observer, an image like the one above is got me attracted to the meaning of the tree of the life. I have seen diffrent versions of this, I havent seen the one you picked for your top pick . Its really beautiful. Thank you for sharing :-)
Your picture is only half full. There's more to that tree than what's shown in your pic. :)
As above, so below.