
We are the energies that wish to be known as TRIANGULUM and we come to guide and to support ALL...The shift has begun, the emotions have been released and mother gaia is now ascending...The ascension of the human race is now fully underway...We guide this in order that you may understand the vibrational picture that is now forming within your WAKING REALITY....Many of you are now leaving jobs, leaving homes and leaving parts of the world that you have previously called "home". The call to your new reality now beckons....


Oct.19th, 2012

We are the energies that wish to be known as TRIANGULUM and we come to guide and to support ALL on planet earth at this time. The shift has begun, the emotions have been released and mother gaia is now ascending. We guide this in order that you may understand the vibrational picture that is now forming within your WAKING REALITY and so that you may respond with the LOVE that IS to ALL who are now leaving your WAKING REALITY.


We guide in order to clarify your inner vision, we do not guide to place you in fear or anxiety and we wish to elaborate the phrase "leaving your waking reality" in order that you FULLY understand the roles and the support that you are offering those you share this planet with. The decisions have been made at SOUL level and we are here to confirm the decisions and to help you come into balance and harmony so that you may dissolve fully the 3D "sludge" that is now pouring out across the planet vibrationally.




We talk of vibration for ALL IS vibration and frequency, when we talk of leaving your waking reality we talk in relation to frequency and vibration. For aeons many of you have existed in timelines where you share your waking reality with those of a lower frequency, the constant push and pull on your energy signature has created the karmic loops that you are now negating and dissolving. The dissolving of the karmic loops are allowing freedom of movement at SOUL level of energy and this is being reflected now in your waking life.


Many of you are now leaving jobs, leaving homes and leaving parts of the world that you have previously called "home". The call to your new reality now beckons and many are now feeling the dissolving of the 3D earth. This has resulted in many of you plunging into grief mode and we are here to help you move through this. You leave behind a reality that was created out of containment and suppression, a reality that you created at SOUL level from which you were learning and working through the karmic lessons. These lessons are now over for you and we are here to guide you into the next level of human consciousness, the next level has NO KARMIC wheel and has NO KARMIC RESIDUE, this is residue is what many of you are now feeling and that many of you are now in anxiety around.


There is no need for anxiety for as much as a death of a way of life is a birth of a new one you are going through a rebirth. You do not abandon your fellow human beings for they exist in a frequency that is ongoing, they will physically inhabit the planet earth with you but they will not appear in your waking life if they do not match or resonate within your frequency. We wish for you to anchor this TRUTH and to allow ALL to BE.




ALL IS NOW, ALL dimensions exist NOW and therefore your friends and family will still appear in physical form but will have little interaction if any if they do not resonate. We ask that you allow them to BE for in trying to awaken you lower your frequency. Many who appear to be "asleep" will now show signs of stirring as all are ascending and all are resonating at this time. Many who have thus far played the role of "asleep" in order that you can fully integrate the vastness of BEing that YOU ARE in TRUTH will now step forward and reveal themselves to you.




We guide for you to try to stay out of the logical mind and to allow the heart to open fully for logic plays no part in this process. Where you have created exit routes out of jobs, homes, relationships then please honour them and have FAITH and TRUST in SELF that this is the start of the process that YOU HAVE DREAMED and are now creating within the waking human life experience. ALL just IS and we guide for YOU to BE.


The outpouring of grief and lower emotions is part of the cleansing and renewal process for mother gaia, she has released her lower frequencies and she now sheds the tears of relief, this will be shown to the human race as the water/hurricanes/floods that are now appearing in your waking realities. KNOW that she is cleansing and as she cleanses she comes back into balance. We ask that you help mother gaia as she helps you. Ground/ connect into mother gaia and send her your LOVE for she will then hear her children and send that LOVE back to you. FOR ALL ARE LOVE.


The ascension of the human race is now fully underway, that which has been guided through the galactic families that support the human race will now come into creation through the dreams of those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. ALL ARE ONE.




We are the energies that wish to be known as TRIANGULUM. We send out the LOVE that IS to each and every one of you, so that you remember who YOU ARE IN TRUTH and so YOU SHINE as the of VAST BEings of LIGHT that YOU ARE IN TRUTH.




copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved, article may be reproduced if author and authors websites are clearly stated.



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  • It all sounds as it should be. I hope it unfolds as thus. I am ready.

  • Thank you very much for this wonderful posts, it reminds me to accept and trust the process of life itself.  To just BE is like to be the water... Don't resist anything but be like water that goes through and around anything as I keep going on path of my life... Following my heart of desires...  I am sharing two of my favorite quotes here:

    "Your mind is always resistant of your desire, while your heart isn't. Go with the flow of your life from within your heart, you will explore the desires that define the purpose of your life." - David Salazar (Davok)


    "Your desires are not the missions of your life. They are the dreams realized by you that you must reach so the world will be right... your world, everyone's world, the whole world." - (B.J.)

  • Thank you for great information, it reminds me to be like a water that flows through anything...  To just be is to be like a water that flows around and through anything. 

  •  Thank you so so much KH and much love to you and your family. Thanks be to Karen the Sacred Wren of Druidism. Thank you both for Being You. There is the Constellation TRIANGULUM which I now have to check out.

     Blessings Light Love Balance Grace Harmony Kingjeff

  • Tank you!

  • Thank you.


  • Beautiful ty  , I see it unfolding perfectly  xxxooooxxxx

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