Are you having trouble with Trolls.......?
We can easily understand the trolls-- their lives are empty and useless
and they have nothing better to do than make happy people angry....
caste doubt and make accusations based on negative emotions...
their pleasure is to see people who are trying to help others and spread love to taste their hatred and
When I went to the circus and carnivals--- they had this booth where you could throw a ball at a target for $ 5
and if you could hit it just right--- the "bloke"
who was sitting on a platform on a big tub of water would be deposited right into the tub and get soaked
then he would get back up and reset the platform and start again..
what they do is spout out insults and make up stories and tell you thing to make you angry and then you would be willing to even pay to see them suffer...
This is the material consciousness....
when others are happy -- the materialist is miserable because they want to lord it over and be the master...
This is part of the fear mongering mentality that pervaded the pl;anet during the piscean age...
now we're transitioning to Aquarius an age of cooperation.....
the hatred mentality will gradually subside when people realize what the trolls--- also known as Archons are doing..
Dont you just feel so angry when you're trying to deal with a troll?
They are so thick in the capezzi-- and the lies the endless accusations of lies...
there is no way to respond to them Trolls
Who are you gonna call?
feather-- what's a good way for these emotionally unbalanced and ignorant people to receive treatment for their
Thanks Dawn for your comment....
There are so many different types of beings....and some are a challenge and difficult to feel compassion for...
they have so many names--- Trolls Archons demons asuras....negatives....
but they represent a certain type of negative energy and negative emotion....
and can be quite strong in their negativity...
best bet is to protect yourself in whatever way --- For you--- is the highest embodiement of truth...
Hi Luke thanks for the film
Im not sure about the diagnosis of Android--- But there is something going on...
Especially in these political speeches
There is a very subtle manipulative pattern to those people and backgrounds
I noticed the manipulation expecially in Obamas campaign.
Eddie trolly trolls always love hanging out in nice places...
Eddie .. thanks for your kind reply .. yes it is Archon energy .. mind parasites .. I think the conduits themselves, the physical human beings that are being used probably are not even aware of what they are doing .. its these dammed Archons who operate outside our spectrum or outside of our light perception .. the Archons originate from another Universe apparently ..
I find it a fascinating subject yet we all know they are manipulating human beings and its very frustrating but they will be extinguished or to put it another way, they will be transformed, so to speak .. eventually .. that is how I understand it at the moment ..
Apparently, there are also many synthetic beings or androids operating around us and in fact, there is a short low budget film entitled Androids Among Us ... I enjoyed watching it so I will leave it here for anyone who is interested.
Thanks star-- that troll is all head and NO MEAT---
he's obviously never tried Samosas with tamarind Chutney
and now for the fun fun fun part---
Thanks captain
Eddie... here's the troll song and dance lol .... lets make this fun♥
Thanks for the Hugs Jana
At the carnival I like the kissing booth the best---