The Trump Time Travel Miracle Explained (1 of 7)
This was not in our science text books, but for a dash of probability... People need to seriously consider this sort of thing, because nothing is what it seems and reality has been kept from us. Thanks, B.
Is Donald Trump a Templar Knight? A vi-king? A wizard with a magic wand? A time traveller? I don't know, but he's a fearless super hero in my book.
Who Trump is at the soul level doesn't really matter at this point, but what he does is everything. We might not like the doctor that gives us the bitter pill that will heal us, but we love the result. It's okay. We can thank him later.BP
The Trump Time Travel Miracle Explained (1 of 7)
Gina has an amazing capture here.
Spectacular Starship!
I wasn't intending to write a book so we're closing. Remember to remember, honor, and celebrate the freedom that is returning to all of us, world wide, thanks to the patriots, Donald Trump, and the Earth Alliance. ~ BP