From Spirit of the Scriptures-Mike Doss
Why are Christians getting so sick?
During my life I have been around many people whom I would classify hardcore Christians. I began to notice something in common with all of them – namely, that the more intense their Christian convictions, the more they suffered from disease, illness and psychological problems. I didn’t really put the connection together – until now. I don’t profess to know everything or be completely right about everything. This is simply what I’ve found through my research.
The Bible will impart truth but only if interpreted correctly – esoterically, celestially and personally. It is almost all symbolism, metaphor, myth and allegory. I say celestially due to the Hermetic axiom of “As Above, So Below” That’s why the Bible states there will be lights in the heavens and THOSE LIGHTS WILL BE FOR SIGNS, but that is a discussion for another time.
The Bible must also be interpreted personally because, for the most part, what takes place in the Bible TAKES PLACE IN EACH OF US.
Now, after much comparative religion study going back to remote antiquity along with certain experiences I came to the realization that Christianity and Judaism follow diametrically opposite directions from the Bible and, for that matter, all of ancient scripture that I know of.
Remember, the Bible is just a copy of more ancient text/scripture, mostly from ancient Egypt (Khem), the name “Egypt” was a metaphor for the world and the human body and is a place where a soul can be “captured” – temporarily ), Greece and Persia with only the names and places changed. During the closing of the 2nd century A.D. and into the 3rd century the situation was very desperate for many, if not most people in the Mediterranean region being under the heel of Rome’s’ oppression. These people were quite understandably looking for some relief, the quicker the better so the members at the Council of Nicaea ( 325 A.D. ) who put the Bible together gave them what they wanted – a quick fix. What followed? The bloody ignorance of the Dark/Middle Ages that we have yet to climb out of.
This was the time frame when the deeper meaning of scripture was tossed aside for what we have today. A simple act of believing and “accepting Jesus into our hearts” would save the day. But one of the many problems with this scenario is that, who is going to hear us believing?
The First Cause is the Absolute Father/Mother in unity, the Ineffable as One-ness, The Source. From that sprang the Celestial/Christ/Soul Plane, the 2nd Cause (The Son), the seed ground of souls, souls being the oldest of forms.
Then came the physical universe in descending orders of what I call “Action Planes”. These planes are – Spirit Action Plane (Fire), Mental Action Plane (Air), Astral Action Plane (Water) and then actual physical embodiment, Physical Action Plane (Earth). So what is a soul? It is Mind, a unit of Divine Mind from the 2nd Cause/Celestial Plane but only in potential to begin with.
Each “Action Plane” corresponds to 1 of the 3 Causes/Planes above and is where the “action” for that specific Cause/Plane takes place for us. So the Spirit Action Plane will affect who we actually are – a Light Electrical Being which is a part of the 1st Cause. Next, the Mental Action Plane will affect souls descending from the 2nd Cause/ Celestial Plane. Finally, the Astral Action Plane will affect the physical lower/conscious mind which was brought forth along with the primordial creation out of the nothingness of empty space. When we (Spirit) as a fragment of the Absolute descend into the 2nd Cause/Celestial Plane we are encapsulated within the soul potential, so now we have Spirit inside of soul potential. Next, when the soul enters the physical universe it first passes through the Spirit Action Plane where the Spirits’ consciousness is locked. Then, the soul potential/Spirit descends through the Mental Action Plane. The soul potential/Spirit is itself encapsulated within Physical/Conscious Mind. This mind is also only in potential to begin with. This primordial matter (Polyhedrons, the 5 Platonic solids) is the invisible, sub-atomic, inorganic, unsubstantial matter which the elements are formed from. This matter is the real Virgin Mother because it remains un-wed to spirit. This is Isis for the Egyptians and Anna for the Judeo-Christians. Next the mind/soul/Spirit trinity pass through the Astral Action Plane where the 7 powers of the outer conscious mind are locked with the negative poles of their potentials. Our first step is to turn these 7 “Deadly Sins” or negative potentials into the positive potencies of the 7 “Cardinal Virtues”.
These 2 forms of Mind, both virgin at the beginning, untested and untried encapsulate “Us”. So we now have Divine Mind in potential wrapped and completely cloaked within lower physical mind potential. This lower mind is the builder of worlds and bodies, yes, our bodies. These Builders are known as the Demiurge, Rishi, Cosmocrators, Elohim, Archangels, Archons, Artificers, Logos and on and on…, the 7 powers of the physical mind dealing with generation and physical creation.
Matter is like a lump of clay, mindless. Mind is needed to create form from matter and when mind operates on matter it creates the forms with the mind and matter disappearing into the form and then a new life, species, etc., is created. For man this operation is carried out using the archetypal patterns of the constellations of the Zodiac as a guide. Thus we have on the front of the Almanac the Zodiacal Man with Aries in the head and Pisces at the feet, etc. Sorry Anunnaki crowd, just more badly misinterpreted ancient texts/scripture from Sumer and, I believe, Assyria.
These individual units of physical mind are known as the Suras and Asuras, Kumaras and the Five Wise/Foolish Virgins (Five senses in the lower conscious mind) because there were 2 groups, the willing/ obedient and the unwilling/disobedient. This also refers to the story of the Prodigal Son. So, when we operate in the physical realm our conscious minds are these physical mind units, independent of one another at the five senses level. So when a person believes something it stays within that mind unit and the beliefs stay right here in the physical realm (you can’t read minds, can you?). So what good is believing going to do for someone? Same holds true for prayer.
Now to the thorny problem of accepting, according to Christians, a real living person into their hearts. How does that work? How can the Christ/ Light/Consciousness of the entire Celestial Plane be compressed into one human being? How does another human being transfer that Light from one human to another? By simply stating it with mere words through the physical conscious mind? What is the actual mechanism?
It should be painfully clear by now that there are no literal characters/ events in the Bible – or for that matter ANY scripture/text. The character of Paul clearly states to “not be a minister of the letter”. What does that mean? DON’T TAKE THIS LITERALLY! Jesus is simply a symbol of the Light/Christ/Consciousness that our souls are made up of, or should I say, will be made up of. The exact same symbol as Horus, Mithra, Dionysus, Atis, Tamuz, Krishna, Adonis, Balder etc. All of our souls (Divine Mind units in potential) make up the Christ. So yes, in case you are wondering, your own soul is your savior/messiah. Why? Because the soul is the witness, the one who comes forth as witness for the Spirit. Nobody can learn for us. Nobody can accept truth for us or reject materialism (which is just a worshipping of matter) and nobody can turn our negatives into positives for us, we must do the work ourselves. That is the whole point of physical existence. Being must dissolve its’ unity and split into spirit/matter, soul/body, Adam/Eve or, more specifically, electricity/magnetism to have the polarity/resistance to bring forth the souls’ latent powers. This soul growth cannot happen without this resistance of opposites. Make the 2 into 1 and the 1 into the All. That’s it. The 2 of course are both minds blending together harmoniously with the Divine Mind leading. When this is accomplished the soul earns its’ immortality and is filled with Light and becomes a part of the ALL along with the returning Spirit. Again, WE must do this ourselves.
Ok, I’m leading up to something here so bear with me. The Christian churches ( all of them ) send out the literal/historical message that if we just do what they say and wait until after death, well, who knows, a roll of the dice or some such nonsense. You must “get to Heaven” WHILE YOU ARE ALIVE. You must turn the 2 into 1 and the 1 into the All while alive. There is nothing to guess about. When you do this, you will KNOW without any doubts. This is the Gnostic Gnosis, Hindu Enlightenment, Spiritual transformation. There is ONLY 1 judgment to occur with us – have we earned our souls’ immortality or not? That’s it. If so, we graduate from this very difficult school and move on, if not then we (our own trinity as described above) recycle into a new body and continue learning. Value is what we need to learn. There is no standing before “God” and accounting for every word, action and thought. In that scenario a person will drive themselves insane with worry and make themselves very ill/diseased trying to keep all thoughts, actions etc. as “good” as they can. This will lead to horrible results for anyone attempting it. We must acknowledge and accept our negatives so we can find the cause and eliminate that cause which will then eliminate the effect. But these churches say just don’t have them, or else – sinner!, fraudulent guilt trips then “HELL”… There is certainly no Hell or some such place. How can physical materials such as fire, brimstone, pitchforks, sulphur, etc. trap/injure an invisible, non-physical entity like the soul? They cannot.
We are on a mission here. Think of yourselves as one Elwood Blues – “We’re on a mission from God”. That’s all it is. No original sin, no fraudulent guilt trips, no spiritual beggary and groveling. We are all fully equipped to take care of this ourselves. Scripture states emphatically to turn inside yourself – “Know yourself and when you know yourself you will be known”. So, of course since the Bible tells us to look INWARD what do the churches tell us to do? Look OUTWARD for a mythical personal savior, look OUTWARD to the church.
This “savior” was supposed to have “died for our sins” yet all Christians seem to think of themselves as “filthy rag” sinners so what good did this non-existent blood sacrifice on a cross do? The same can be said for this ridiculous non-existent guilt nonsense. “He” took our guilt? Then why do I hear Christian after Christian saying how guilty they feel and tearing up their own health in the process? Or is this blood sacrifice for something in the future? If so, then why do Christians worry about Hell? Their “sins/guilt” have already been erased before they were ever born, so what’s all this Hell talk? Why are they so down on themselves with this if it’s all been taken care of previously? Don’t burden yourself with any of this, it’s not real and when you have the courage to lift it off of you, you will not believe the relief. Let this nonsense go, if whatever “they” say is fear based then it is not from the Ineffable, but from man.
Absolute Truth is the key. When we go inward we discover the truth about ourselves, our relationships and the world. We begin to see through illusion and lies which, by the way, is most of what makes up this world. This truth, through meditation, contemplation, reflection, self-analysis/inquiry and self-improvement will eventually lead to the opening of the Hindu Seventh Chakra or the Christian 7th Seal – the Spiritual Third Eye or Pineal Gland. Uh-oh, that sounds like the devils work! Except for 2 things, first there is no devil and second, the Bible tells us to open that eye. How do we know this? Right in the Bible. Where did Jacob meet the Ineffable face to face? Right where we’re talking about – Piniel. Sure it’s spelled a little differently but we have many language translations going on here, Greek, Hebrew, English, Egyptian, etc.
It’s all about truth, nothing else. You don’t need scripture, a church or synagogue, a minister/pastor/rabbi or a religion. The quest for truth always leads to Light 100% of the time but the quest for Light/Spirituality leads to neither. Truth comes first, not spirituality. When you have paved the way with truth the real spirituality will follow and IT will find YOU, not the other way around. THEN it is time for scripture because you will have the consciousness to understand the deep, hidden meanings behind the scripture. But because people are heavily burdened with these issues earlier described AND because they are denying truth (both secular and non-secular), there’s a price to be paid. When our conscious/physical mind blocks the progress of our soul/Divine Mind the soul has no choice but to get the attention of the conscious mind ANY WAY IT CAN. It will do this by manifesting disease, illness and psychic/paranormal disturbances. This is not just Christians. Any human denying truth, behaving very negatively and/or inflicting this fraudulent guilt/sin/worry on themselves will generate these problems. If you’re having hauntings it is NOT just some freak occurrence, it is YOUR negative behavior/denial of truth.
So how do we truly accept “Jesus” into our “heart”? When we (soul potential/Spirit) first descended we first came into contact with the Spirit Action Plane. On the downward path we encounter negatives and on the upward path we encounter positives. When we first hit the Spirit Action Plane that’s when the Tibetan Eye of Dangma (Pineal Gland) closed (or, rather will be closed upon initial physical embodiment) and we fell into the deep sleep of the first Adam, asleep in matter, objectivity, ignorance and forgetfulness. Next is the Mental Action Plane. Here is where the lower physical mind unit encapsulates our soul potential/Spirit. This, again, is the mind of the Builders. Next, we encounter the Astral Action Plane where lower emotions (the rest of the 7 Deadly Sins) are added onto our increasingly heavy burden. Then, final descent into our dense, physical bodies. This descent is the “Fall of Man”. Just a “fall” into these bodies and a “fall” of consciousness, that’s all.
The 7 Chakras/Seals of Revelation are energy centers. They are actually mental in nature but reflect out to various parts of the body. They are like spinning wheels, all spinning downward for our descent. In the body the journey of the soul potential/Spirit begins in the brain at the Corpus Claustrom, also known as the Holy Claustrom, then the Holy Claus, then the Saint Claus. I’m sure you have already guessed what name follows. Santa Claus, bringing gifts down from above. These gifts are the 4 spinal fluids emanating from the Claustrom. It’s the Manna from Heaven and the 4 rivers of the Garden of Eden. These fluids coming down the spine end up at the base of the spine, the root Chakra/Seal symbolically ruled over by the moon. At first we waste these energies through “riotous living” as in the allegory of the Prodigal Son. Over- eating and eating junk/fast food, too much sex, alcohol, drugs, etc. But then we start to wise up a bit. Sooner or later we all feel the need for truth, each at our own pace. Truth is almost like an entity by itself and from what I understand is the Spirit of the Ineffable. This is why truth is paramount. Once the journey for truth is started truth is always with you and the quest for it never leaves us. That root Chakra/Seal represents, symbolically, illusion.