Source: in5d Forum

I will write my understanding from the highest self . Touching a bit on messages of numerology that is quite useful to understand the psychological meaning of numbers .Number 1 stands for new beginnings, and number 2 represents duality. 3 is the number of action and power. It is the catalyst. A catalyst is an energy that provides the push for transformation of one energy to another, yet never changes itself. 4 is the foundation number and 5 the number of change. 6 means to communication with the highest self , balance and harmony. 7 is the sacred number, representing the divinity of God, and 8 is the number of balance and responsibility. 9 is the number of completion and 10 reduces numerologically 1 to (1+0), meaning ‘new beginnings.’ Certain combinations like 9/11 have obtained a specific meaning is 11, which means appropriate illumination. The 9 is the number of completion and when you put them together, such as in 9:11, you get appropriate illuminated completion. We have spoken of these things before. there are levels of consciousness related to the twelve strands or layers of DNA. My understanding takes me to that they are metaphorically of layers. These are not layers one above another. In our DNA the various ingredients cannot be distinguished from each other. All the layers are interdimensional, they speak to each other and cannot be thought of as separated from each other. This introduces primarily a numerical energetic code in which each layer or number has a spiritual meaning.
The first three layers constitute together the grounding layers.

Number one is the biochemical layer that we can study within the confines of our three-dimensional existence. It is the human genome, named in hebrew Keter Etz Chayim meaning ‘The Tree of Life.’

Layer two is the emotional layer that is certainly activated in us, since we all know that emotions affect our biology. Since the emotional layer is number two we may expect that there is an attribute of duality hiding in it. The emotional layer contains a specific life lesson. Layer two is a key layer for balance named Torah E’ser Sphirot, meaning ‘Divine Blueprint’ or ‘The Blueprint of Law.’ It is a blueprint with a specific life lesson
Such a lesson would be impossible without duality, without the alternatives of what we personally perceive as positive or negetive .

1. Keter Etz Chayim The Tree of Life
2. Torah E’ser Sphirot Divine Blueprint – Blueprint of the Law
3. Netzach Merkava Eliyahu Ascension and Activation
4. Urim Ve Tumim Angelic Name
5. Aleph Etz Adonai Angelic Name
6. Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh I Am that I Am
7. Kadumah Elohim Revealed Divinity
8. Rochev Ba’a’ra’vot Riders of the Light
9. Shechinah-Esh The Flame of Expansion
10. Va’yik’ra The Call to Divinity
11. Chochmah Micha Halelu Wisdom of the Divine Feminine
12. El Shadai The God Within
The third layer is named Netzach Merkava Eliyahu, meaning ‘Ascension and Activation.’ Elijah is the prophet who ascended to heaven in a chariot (Merkava) of fire. Ascension seems to be the next step that we as humanity should take. It corresponds with the transition to the fifth dimension. But if we go beyond the four dimensions of space and time, we enter multidimensionality:
There is actually no "fifth dimension." When you get beyond 4D, you eliminate linearity, and counting is a linearity. Therefore, say "going into multidimensionality." This is a far better term. It’s not just a "next step," either. It’s the step that differentiates you from one who is in duality, and one who is not. Thus, moving into multidimensionality is "ascension .It’s not "disappearing" off the earth. Instead, it’s staying on the planet at a higher vibration, claiming masterhood in stages, and helping the planet create peace. Many have attained this status, and they walk among you balanced and in joy.
Linear thinking is closely related to linear time. If we add linear time to the three dimensions of space, as we do in relativity theory, we are still in the realm of linear thinking and counting. If the step from four to five would involve the transition beyond counting and linear thinking, we step into something far bigger than the fifth dimension. But we do not leave the Earth. Ascension is staying on the planet at a higher vibration.
The third layer seems to act as catalyst for this process. It is associated with a part of our body, the pineal gland which represents communication with the ascension layer. our twelve layers DNA all active the pineal gland was much bigger than it is now: ‘What happens with layer three, through the pineal communicator, modifies layer one, the biological layer and layer two, the emotional layer .When you begin connecting with the pineal and the communication attributes of it to the third layer, that part which was dormant will become active again,distinguishing grounding, human divine, Lemurian and God layers .

Layer four is called Urim Ve Tumim. It describes ‘great power and great light.’ It is never to be taken alone without the fifth layer.
The fifth layer is called Aleph Etz Adonai. ‘It describes God. It describes a tree of life.’ Urim and Tumim refer to objects of an unknown nature, worn in or on the breastplate of the Jewish high priest. Urim is the plural of the Hebrew word or for ‘light’, Ve means ‘and’, and Tumim is the plural of tom, ‘completeness’. ‘A tree of life’ seems to mean that we are part of the family of angels that disguise themselves on Earth as humans. Layers four and five together form our angelic name. They contain the essence of our expression, our specific life on Earth, and our divinity on the planet. They represent the Akashic Record for the being. Part of our biology is divine. That means that if we sit next to somebody in a theater, we have a field that speaks interdimensionally to the field of our neighbor: ‘What kind of energy transference is there from Human to Human when you get close enough to interact in this way? Let me tell you: This is not an invasive transference. This divine grouping portion of your DNA is the one that shouts divinity wherever you walk.
That group of DNA we spoke of, is the spiritual group, literally hooking up every single Human Being interdimensionally to every other Human Being on the planet! It’s not just DNA that can’t be seen in your reality! It is a divine force. You’re connected to every other Human in existence. That creates co-creative purpose and synchronicity.

The intelligence of the design, Let me tell you what happens when you’re in touch with this layer: Be ready to shift and change. You see, once you’re convinced that this is possible, the pieces and parts of your DNA that are interdimensional will hear your message. They will have awakened, past what’s there in 4D.
All the layers of our DNA seem to be like a piano waiting for someone to play a new tune on it. But we are unaware of our own possibilities. As a consequence, the layer-one chemical attributes of our DNA will continue to ‘play the same tune’ until we finally get the confidence to change the song: ‘What’s so difficult for humanity to understand is that the bridge you’re building, which you call meditation in kundalini and shiva , and prayer, is a communication bridge with DNA layer one, and when the bridge is built, it will inform the rest of the DNA layers that you’re ready to shift

The twelve Hebrew names of God that describe our interdimensional DNA We should view the twelve divine names as referring specifically to our DNA. It is esoteric information and it is given in such a way that it relates to numerology and the energies of integers. In this way our investigation has already brought us the rehabilitation of the number six. Within a context 6 often has a negetive meaning . But according to brahman the triple six is the magnetic balance of our cellular biological code. The ‘beast’ is the unenlightened self in each of us. If we are balanced, there is nothing to fear. Only the unbalanced have the mark of the potential beast. But remember that a beast can be seen as your greatest love and devotion. The sum of 1, 2, and 3 reduces numerologically to 6. The same holds true for the sum of 4, 5 and 6, and for the sum of 7, 8 and 9. In this way 666 points to the first three groups of our DNA. In general, the triple six is a nine in disguise:
The number 9 is hiding in this triple six at every junction and represents the energy of your time now. It deals with a vibration of balance, power and love. It also signals completion. If you add the three 6 numbers, they equal 18, which adds to 9. This 9 vibration is of those who will be balanced and remain.
We encounter the number nine again by considering the meaning of the layers 7, 8 and 9. They are called the Lemurian layers, since 7 and 8 are given to humanity as a divine complement to the Earth’s normal DNA progression:
The Pleiadians, a group from the Seven Sisters star system, were needed to alter your DNA, which was done fairly recently 100,000 years ago. You were at that point where you were beginning to develop many kinds of Humans, just as most of the mammals of Earth have done. The first thing they did was to stop the development of all the branches of Humans but one… the kind you have now. The second thing they did was to alter the genetic code of the Humans who would be the core race. This alteration would create a genetic "imprint of God" in each of you
The Pleiadians were not the only stellar beings involved. Our DNA seems to constitute an eclectic collection of intergalactic, interdimensional chemistry: ‘You’re a product (in part) of this evolutionary process of the planet, the primordial elements of water , air, earth , fire and ether or essence of things. But with an alteration that we’ve told you were given to you over a hundred thousand years ago. When it took place, the time was ripe for it, and as we’ve previously told you, you carry with you pieces and parts of Pleiadian biology. On Lemuria, a continent in the Pacific Ocean. The Lemurians were the race that received the seed biology from the stars. The Pleiadians contributed to the Lemurian experience, even to the culture, to their race, and the way they looked.
Layer 7 has a Lemurian name in Solara, the ancient language from Lemuria. It then reads: Hoa Yawee Maru. Hoa is the homeland, Yawee means DNA or master, and Maru means language. Layer 7 is the Lemurian master-layer, the core seed layer, has lain dormant all of your life,. The higher this layer vibrates, the faster it goes. The more oscillations that are present, the more time will stretch and the more the ones in the mountain can greet you.Yawee maru, the description of the intuitive interdimensional sense that the Lemurians had. The name in Hebrew is Kadumah Elohim or Revealed Divinity. Layer 7 gave an added dimension of normal perception. They had one more dimension than we have. The Lemurians didn’t need telescopes or microscopes. They knew how to bring themselves to a certain level of frequency in which they were in an entangled quantum state with the cosmos and knew everything that existed on a macrocosmic and microcosmic level. We simply have lost that capacity, but activation of layer 7 can bring it back.
Layer 8 is the Master Record, in Solara Akee Yawee Fractua and in Hebrew Rochev Ba’a’ra’vot, meaning ‘Riders of the Light. one of the psychological meanings of 8 is responsibility. And layer 8 is about wisdom and responsibility. It was in Lemurian times also known as Record of the Masters and masters are wise and responsible:
This layer is the individual Akashic record of your divine entity. There are many of you who are aware that there’s a divine Hall of Records on the planet that we’ve talked about for many years. This place keeps track of the comings and goings of all entities called Human Beings on planet . It is our individual blueprint of every action , word, event . memory since the beginning of creation. It is everything has happened , will happen and now. Our divine record and can be accessed .
Since 8 is also the number of eternity. In other words a timeless journal If our individual Akashic Record contains the full record of every single lifetime that we’ve ever had on this planet, it also contains all potential lives that we may still have on Earth. If layer 8 is being awakened, not only everything that we have ever been is starting to vibrate, all the potential lives that we, from our point of view, project into the future awaken too. If linear time beyond 4D does not exist, all these lives must be considered not as past or future lives, but as simultaneous lives. If we would only consider the so-called past on the Master Record, we already encounter hundreds of lives that are going to awaken in our NOW-time.
When you become interdimensional, there’s no more linear time, or human time, only eternal which is divine time , no time at all,only your time ,and time and distance are irrelevant. In this Earth energy, all of the your past lives are together in the now, representing one energy in this lifetime. This is the now lifetime. Therefore, you cannot even say the words past life. Your current life is one that has attributes of everything that ever was, and the potentials of everything that can ever be.
We next come to the third layer of the third group, to layer nine. 9 is the number of completion and that means that the ninth layer, to a great extent stands alone. The layer is called Shechinah-Esh. This Hebrew name is translated as ‘the Flame of Expansion’:
Layer nine even has its own patron saint, St. Germaine. The Flame in the description is The Violet Flame of St. Germaine. It represents healing, power, change, and activation. It’s the bridge to what you call Mastery. Layer 9 is responsible for tying our biological building block layers to the instruction sets of the Universe. Layer nine is the bridge to the hidden energy source of the universe, But in order to work with our DNA we don’t need to understand the chemistry. We can start using the numerology god has given us. Layer nine is what makes layer one work. The two layers are married. Layer one and layer nine create a ten in numerology and that represents ‘new beginnings.’ Layer four and layer five cannot be treated independently, since four and five also make nine. They have to work together. For the same reason layer three and layer six have to communicate with each other. Layer nine is furthermore the bridge to ascension, to healing, to self-worth and mastery. The color violet is the highest frequency in the rainbow spectrum. The Violet Flame of Expansion has been known to be the transforming aspect of God’s sacred fire.
The flame is a tool to help us release karma, raise frequency and consciousness awareness, accelerate spiritual growth and activate our DNA.
DNA layer ten is called Va’yik’ra. It is ‘the Call to Divinity.’ With pure intent we can activate layer 10. by doing so we give permission to the cosmos to rearrange things around us. when we decide to find God inside of us. In some sense Jungian psychology has a close connection with layer 10. We no longer project God outside of us, but instead we go inside and we normally first descend into the darkness that covers the light. Our life changes and often it feels as if we have lost control. We have activated the God layers. Layer 10 must be considered as a package with 11 and 12. These last three are all called ‘action layers’ and are different from any of the attributes of the former nine.
DNA layers ten, eleven, and twelve don’t have labels like the rest of them do. Because ten, eleven, and twelve are key process layers of action. DNA interfaces with all the layers seemingly in a circle
The Hebrew name of layer eleven is Chochmah Micha Halelu. as ‘Wisdom of the Divine Feminine.’ The Hebrew name has no feminine connotation in that language. But it is the energy of the Mother. Layer eleven is the energy of pure compassion. It is the true secret of peace on Earth. Human beings with this layer enhanced are balanced with the masculine and feminine duality energy.
Layer twelve is called in Hebrew El Shadai, which normally would mean ‘the Mighty One. layer twelve is very simple. It’s the God layer, the most divine, and truly the layer which is ‘The God Within’, the last and highest in vibration of all of them. What does it do? Brahman speaks , It provides you with peace, shelter, and a feeling of being home. Let the God layer be home for all of you.’
Numerologically the fourth group of DNA layers is not related to the number 6, since 10 + 11 + 12 = 33, a master number. This number is usually associated with the highest consciousness. The triple six of the other three layers is thus crowned by the number of the highest consciousness. This is the hidden DNA code. We are truly both man and God, as it is always said two are one in the same, I am the universe and the universe is I . Understand that out of the darkness always comes the light. Go through this awakening with the light that you carry, but be quiet and listen to the song. It is sweet understanding and love. Shift to the frequency of the universe . We are ready to have the shift to occur
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