The Violet Flame: the Alchemist's Dream

The alchemy of self-transformationFOR CENTURIES, alchemists have sought to change base metals intogold. But the transmutation of metals like lead into gold is symbolicof a higher and more noble alchemy -- the alchemy of self-transformation.SELF-TRANSFORMATION was the goal of the most spiritual of alchemists.They sought a way to change the lead of negative human energy intothe gold of divine energy, and some of them achieved this by usingthe violet flame. But first, let's explore what the violet flame is,what it does and how it works.The violet flame (also called the violet fire) is a unique spiritualenergy that can help you in all areas of your life. It can healemotional and physical problems, improve your relationships, help youto grow spiritually, or just make life easier. The flame is theessence of a unique spiritual light. Mystics of all ages haveglimpsed a "spiritual spectrum" behind the physical spectrum. Radiantcolors, more pure and rare than those found on earth, emanate from abrilliant, "inner" divine light. Just as a ray of sunlight passingthrough a prism refracts into seven colors, spiritual light splitsinto seven colors, or "rays" - each of which has specific divinequalities. The violet flame comes forth from the violet ray, whichhas the qualities of mercy, forgiveness, freedom and transmutation.The color violet has long been associated with spirituality. Havingthe highest frequency in the visible spectrum, violet is at the pointof transition to the next octave of light. To the ancients, thistranscendental color was a spiritual rather than a physicalphenomenon. Saints and adepts throughout the ages have known how touse the violet flame, but it was only released to the public earlierthis century by an Ascended Master called Saint Germain.Ascended Masters are enlightened spiritual beings who once walked theearth like you and me. They balanced their karma (paid their debts tolife) and fulfilled their reason for being. They then ascended, orreunited with God. You probably already know the names of a fewAscended Masters - Jesus Christ, Gautama Buddha and Krishna.What the Violet Flame DoesEver wish there was a way you could wipe out your past mistakes?While you can't go back in time, the violet flame has the power toerase, or transmute the cause, the effect, and even the memory of ourpast mistakes. Transmutation means to change - to alter in form,appearance or nature.The violet flame changes negative energy into positive energy,darkness into light, "fate" into opportunity. The flame also erasesthe resultant "bad karma" of our mistakes. Our past actions - bothgood and bad - do come back to us. This is the law of karma. Thisimpersonal cosmic law decrees that whatever we do comes full circleto our doorstep for resolution; simply, what goes around comesaround. In general, most people must pay their debt to life,or "balance" their karma, by selflessly reaching out and helpingothers, by working through misfortunes that come their way, or bypassing through diseases or other forms of personal suffering. But itneed not be so with the violet flame!The violet flame is able to transmute or mitigate our negative karmabefore it comes back to us. On the physical level, the violet flamecan help heal our bodies by removing the karma that makes usvulnerable to illness and disease. But the real cause of disease isoften rooted in our mental, emotional and spiritual states.Today, we are discovering more and more about how our thoughts andemotions can affect our health. Research has shown that hatred andother negative thoughts and feelings actually create excess amountsof acid in the body that it cannot assimilate. These negativethoughts and feelings often originate in emotional and psychologicalproblems, which the violet flame can help to resolve. The scars ofold hurts and painful memories may be healed and dissolved when thehealing balm of the violet flame is applied.How the Violet Flame WorksThe violet flame works by changing "vibrations". In physics,vibration is the speed of oscillation - the speed at which somethingmoves back and forth. On the atomic level, vibration can beunderstood to be the speed at which electrons orbit around thenucleus of the atom.The violet flame works by changing vibrations on this level. Atomsare mostly empty space. The empty space between the nucleus and theelectrons is where negative energy and karma can become stuck. Whenthe atoms in our bodies and auras become clogged with thisnegativity, the electrons whirl slower and slower, and we begin toresonate more with negativity, and less with light - we have a lowervibration, and become less spiritual.The violet flame transmutes this negative energy. It does not simplysurround and remove the energy, but transforms it into light. Becausethere is less density within the atom, the electrons whirl faster andfaster, thereby raising your vibration. When you have a highervibration, there is more spiritual energy in your body.Acupuncturists and yogis know that optimum health comes when thisspiritual energy flows freely throughout the body. The violet flamefrees up this energy and re-establishes harmony and equilibrium,propelling you into a more spiritual state of being.The Alchemist's DreamThe violet flame is a tool of self-transformation. Physicalexperiments in alchemy whereby base metals are transformed into goldare symbolic of what the violet flame does. In medieval times,alchemists attempted to transmute base metals into gold, using heatto separate the "subtle" from the "gross".While there have always been alchemists who sought to create wealthby transmuting base metals, this process of transmutation is symbolicof a higher and more noble alchemy - the alchemy of self-transformation. Alchemists of the Spirit did not seek physicalwealth, but spiritual wealth. They sought to transform themselvesinto more spiritual beings, by becoming more loving, wise andcompassionate.The violet flame has the capacity to bring about this transformationby transmuting negative elements within ourselves. It has the uniqueability to transform fear into courage, anxiety into peace and hatredinto love.Alchemists of all ages have sought the mystical philosophers' stone.Early alchemists pored over minutely ciphered texts in search of thisstone. For them, it was worth a lifetime to decode the mystery ofthis "stone" which symbolized the transmutation of the lower animalnature into the highest and divine. The coveted philosophers' stone -"the stone which is no stone" - was not physical, but spiritual, andcreated out of fire.Some alchemists did discover the secret of the violet flame.According to Neoplatonist alchemists, the philosophers' stone was aself-transforming fire that would lead their souls upward, by drawingup to the Spirit all qualities which dragged downward and opposed thespiritual essences. In the process, the "hard and refractorymaterials" in their bodies would be transmuted into a rare and moreluminous material. In this sacred experiment, they said the alchemistwould become "like the gods", pursuing "the gold of the wise and notthe vulgar metal".Transmutation, then, was not just a process which turned base metalsinto gold, but a spiritual process which raised the soul into a stateof unity with the Divine.How to Use the Violet FlameThe violet flame is practical and easy to use. Find a place where youwon't be disturbed, and sit comfortably in a straight chair with yourspine and head erect, legs and arms uncrossed and feet flat on thefloor. Rest your hands on your upper legs, with palms facing upwards.The violet flame is invoked through "decreeing" - a unique form ofspoken prayer utilizing visualization and meditation.One of the simplest decrees to the violet flame is:"I AM a being of violet fire! I AM the purity God desires!"Take a few, slow deep breaths and center in your heart. Start outslowly, giving the decree with love, devotion and feeling. Repeat thedecree three or nine times to begin with; you can gradually increasethis to 36, 72 or even 144 repetitions. Repeating the decreestrengthens its power and draws down more light. Once you arefamiliar with the decree, you can close your eyes while giving it andconcentrate on visualizing the violet flame. See yourself before alarge bonfire, about nine feet high and six feet wide. Color itviolet in your imagination, and see the flames pulsating andundulating in endless shades of violet with gradations of purple andpink. Then see yourself stepping into the flame, so the violet flameis where you physically are. See your body as transparent, with theflames curling up from beneath your feet, passing through and aroundyour body, clear up over your head.Often the words of a violet flame decree invoke ideas for otherviolet flame visualizations - decreeing is meant to be fun so becreative and use your imagination! To those who have developed theirspiritual sight, the violet flame appears as a physical violet fire.You may also be able to "see" the violet flame at work with yourinner eye, by concentrating on the spiritual center between youreyebrows. You can also use the violet flame to help family andfriends. Just visualize the violet flame around them while you givethe decree, and add a prayer before you start.The violet flame can also help others that you might not be aware of.After you have finished decreeing, you can ask:"In the name of the Christ within me, I ask that this violet flame bemultiplied and used to assist all souls on this planet who are inneed. I thank you and accept it done according to the will of God."Even a few minutes of violet flame will produce results, butpersistence is needed to penetrate age-old habits you would like tochange. You can start out with just a few minutes of violet flame inthe morning to help you through the day, and you can add the violetflame to whatever prayers or meditations you currently practice.You can use the violet flame and experience the healing,transformation and spiritual upliftment that alchemists of the Spirithave sought for centuries. But if you want the violet flame to helpyou, you have to work with it. Try it for yourself!Decrees to the violet flameI AM the violet flameI AM the violet flame In action in me nowI AM the violet flame To Light alone I bowI AM the violet flame In mighty cosmic powerI AM the light of God Shining every hourI AM the violet flame Blazing like a sunI AM God's sacred power Freeing every oneRadiant spiral violet flameRadiant spiral violet flame, Descend, now blaze through meRadiant spiral violet flame, Set free, set free, set freeRadiant violet flame, O come, Expand and blaze thy light through meRadiant violet flame, O come, Reveal God's power for all to seeRadiant violet flame, O come, Awake the earth and set it freeRadiance of the violet flame, Expand and blaze through meRadiance of the violet flame, Expand for all to seeRadiance of the violet flame, Establish Mercy's outpost hereRadiance of the violet flame, Come, transmute now all fearViolet Flame IsBreath of God inside each cell I AM the violet flamePulsing out the cosmic time I AM the violet flameEnergizing mind and heart I AM the violet flameSustaining God's creation now I AM the violet flameWith all love, With all love, With all love Shimmering in a crystalcave I AM the violet flameSearching out all hidden pain I AM the violet flameConsuming cause and core of fear I AM the violet flameRevealing now the inner name I AM the violet flameWith all peace, With all peace, With all peace Flashing like alightning bolt I AM the violet flameStretching through the galaxies I AM the violet flameConnecting soul and Spirit now I AM the violet flameRaising you to cosmic heights I AM the violet flameWith all power, With all power, With all powerViolet flame decree for healing the EarthO violet flame, come, violet flameNow blaze and blaze and blazeO violet flame, come, violet flameTo raise and raise and raiseThe earth and all thereonThe earth and all thereonThe earth and all thereonO violet flame, come, violet flameNow blaze and blaze and blazeO violet flame, come, violet flameTo raise and raise and raiseThe plants and all God's creaturesThe plants and all God's creaturesThe plants and all God's creaturesO violet flame, come, violet flameNow blaze and blaze and blazeO violet flame, come, violet flameTo raise and raise and raiseThe air, the sea, the landThe air, the sea, the landThe air, the sea, the land
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Edward posted a status
Have a nice weekend...
Always..thank you for the good informations and datas..
Take care..
See you later...^^
- Edward Paul Lee
1 hour ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Totally agree with your sentiments anent Vivek Ramaswamy, fellas....He'll be a good insert into the Trump admin, at some stage..

Now, I'll place this useful X22 interview, held a few days ago, which does give a good summary by a Bob Kudla, on some…"
4 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Article from a year ago. Vivek Ramaswamy who will be working with Trump during his next term is on board for UFO and ET disclosure."
6 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Good article about Vivek and ET disclosure. I'm gonna put that in my UFO and ET page."
6 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"I've been saying that if it does not happen during the end of Trumps term it will be set up so that the next administration which will be somebody who is a patriot like Trump will get everything going in the beginning of their term. I say by…"
6 hours ago
RandyFirstContact left a comment on Comment Wall
"Yes Justin, I do think the next four years will be the best chance we have had at formal disclosure, especially with patriots like Vivek Ramaswamy on Trump's team pushing for this issue.…"
6 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"I get the feeling we will get disclosure in the next few years probably near the end of Trumps term since we still got to clean up and get rid of the Deep State Cabal and the mess they have created, but we are almost there."
6 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"Darth, We live in a technological era in which it is easier to fake UAPs, using drones, or CGI and laser hologram projections, etc..I would say that most UAP sightings are fakes.
HOWEVER, in previous eras, say for example, the 1950s, UAPs/UFOs were…"
6 hours ago