I hear things and see things that others can not. I have been practicing seeing light spectrums that are not seen with third dimensional vision and sounds that are not heard with third dimensional hearing. Elaika thought it was fun doing an experiment with fourth dimensional sound through a third dimensional medium. I wanted to do this to show that this barrier of the five senses can be over come by anyone who chooses to over come it. It is possible for those in the third dimension to see things that are in the fourth dimension. Elaika will be giving us the opportunity to see him if we are willing to turn on our fourth dimensional eyes, as Joe and I did when we saw him in 2015.

This is a multi dimensional communication topic that will be included in my lecture on February 11 at ten a.m. at the LAX HILTON HOTEL in Century C Room on the Mezzanine Floor, where you will also find our Booth containing all of our Music. I talked to Elaika about this fabulous event when he will come from the Cosmic Realm to be with us and he will project himself in a form that will be seen by a few. The others who are coming are representatiives from forty thousand galactic and planetary systems including many who are familiar to you- the Pleiades, Arcturians, Essasanes who are now the Chikani, the Yayel, Mantis people, Friendly reptilians, Sirians, Orions, Lyrans, Andromeda-including Cetaceans, and many Angels including all five of my team and JESUS will be there.

I am writing this text to all four million who will be coming to my talk and the few on Earth who will show up because I wanted to share my plan with all of you. This will be such a GRAND OPPORTUNITY to have those who can not be seen together in a room with those who can be seen, and we will be learning from each other about how the Violet Flame of Transformation will turn everyone who can be seen in the room into the Invisible Essence of those who can not be seen in the room. This offers the opportunity for my first truly Multi Dimensional Class of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse. This is a Cosmic Mystery School because I came directly from the God Realm of the Cosmos, and those of you from all over the Universe know me well. What is special about this occasion is your opportunity to know me in a different way. You will get to experience Mary as she exists among other third dimensional beings in her third dimensional form for a few more years or less in this form. This reality is only taking place because Mother Earth is transforming into her Higher Self Gaia in the same way that those of us on Earth are translating into a form created into a new reality as a result of the light and sound spectrum of higher frequencies, higher dimensions which actually transform the body into a new structure through the Violet Flame itself.

The Violet Flame is a common phenomena among all multi dimensional cultures because each of us has experienced it in some type of understanding. On Earth it has become more of a symbol than a reality because it has not been experienced before.

I would like to share with all of you in the Universe, and maybe some of you in the Cosmos who have never heard my VERSION of learning what it feels like to become transformed by the absolute ALLNESS and ONENESS of all of God's Frequencies who can be demonstrated in this space and time spectrum as light and sound.

My first experience of returning to my Oneness into this Light Spectrum was performed on me by Jesus when he was Yeshuwa ben Joseph and I was Mary Magdalene, and we were both living in a location near by that small village of Magdale, where my father Job resided.

Jesus came to Earth completely HOOKED UP to the Full spectrum of light and sound off all that exists within the Sound of the Sun, however, he needed to Hook me up to this COMPLETENESS of all that I am because I did not return with a complete memory.

This is a very exciting time for me, because I will become Hooked up again in a few years to be as I was when Mary Magdalene walked on Earth as her Complete Self at that time. My most vivid memory of that moment when Jesus hooked me up into the Oneness of God or the Oneness of a New Reality for me was processed through this Violet String or Violet Wave of Transfmutation.

I prefer to think of this as a musical event. If there was a HARP that was as big as the Cosmos, and the highest string on the harp was the Violet String, and we play that string, it would send a vibration through all of the other strings and make them all disappear because the frequencies are so much higher than the others that it actually melts them or transforms them into a BRAND NEW SOUND.

I have actually been practicing this transformation in my experimental lab of my music studio for about twenty years. I got the message from an Angel in 1992 that said to me when you can transform your speaking voice to become as etheric and angel like as your singing voice, that is when you will ascend. I practiced singing like an angel and talking like an angel for many years until a new message came in 2008 telling me to bring the highest frequency to Earth through music.

I began recording these breaths that connected my Consciousness into this Violet String where the Highest Frequencies exist and can be brought to Earth through my consciousness and then I would record these Frequencies in layers and layers and I would watch the lower frequencies actually disappear from the sound spectrum and the higher frequencies would be the only ones left.

This transformation excercise through music has presented a difficult obstacle for me because the sounds that I am recording are not HERTZIAN. Hertzian means the audible sounds of the sound spectrum. Those would be the lower frequencies on the HARP. We must transmute and dissolve the lower frequencies with the Violet String so as have created more and more music that has become less and less audible even to me, there are things like pops and crackles left of the transmutation process itself of the electromagnetic feed back of the exchange in form of one light spectrum and sound spectrum to another. So, these clicks and pops and even places with no sound at all must be UNDERSTOOD DIFFERENTLY and most people are going to respond to these things as the problem rather than the solution to the problem of removing the density of all that is lower on the harpstring than the Violet String of Transformation itself.

This Violet Harpstring can be seen as a harpstring within the atomic structure itself. If we think of the tiny little harpstrings within the atom or within the omnion of the atom, it is like the entire orchestra of God. And all of these strings are playing some of the instruments of this multi dimensional orchestra. However, when God wants to change the Reality or the Symphony that is being played, he arranges for the Violet String to Play this magical Note of Transmutation. That Note is so High and Etheric and Perfectly at ONE with all that God is, that it actually makes the old memory, the old cells, the old bodily structure DISAPPEAR and the reappear with a different structure and different REALITY than it existed in before.

And that is how I understand the Violet String on the Cosmic Harp.

I know each of you in the Universe has their own way of understanding and using this Violet Flame or Violet Sphere idea in their own transformation process. My favorite is the Music of the Spheres. I heard Bashar say that this was also his favorite kind of music, and I am sure that many of you share this fundamental understanding that the Music of the Spheres is the favorite music of the Universe.

Eventhough I came to Earth with complete Amnesia, the one thing that I could remember was that the music was my way back home, and that is what I have used to bring me this far in my understanding, and I will continue to use this music that I saturate over and over again with this Violet String that I bring down through my Consciousness as the Zero point of transmutation of every dimensional frequency into the Oneness of the Sound of OM or the Sound of all that exists within this Violet STring Spectrum, which I call THE SYMPHONY OF LOVE.

I wrote this song when I remembered the day when Jesus hooked me up.

We stood in Heaven for just one moment
Pure as gold and angel bright
Like a knight on his white stallion
He carried me up to the site.

The day was light the night was love
precious stones making walls of love
Hard as diamonds and crystal lite
A pure river crystal clear was pouring down
Brighter than the Sun's Fiery Blast

Of course, it is Jesus who is my knight on his white stallion.
That is an image that we sometimes use on Earth that represents our HERO FIGURE
So, Jesus was my HERO in this story
There is another part of this story that those of you in the universe may have never heard.
It is a story that is most precious to me, and I know that many of you have read many of my books, but I don't know if you have listened to my audio books. This story is in the Audio Book Mary Magdalene's Greatest Love Story. I know that there have not been very many people on Earth who are interested in this story at all. However, in my opinion, it is the greatest story ever told in the Universe. It is the story of how God actually sent Jesus and Mary as the Male and Female representatives of God, Himself, in the complete form of All that is God, to Earth for the single most important purpose of experiencing the Love between a man and a woman. This was the only way that God could experience this actual act of making love for himself.

I remember this glorious love making between Jesus and Mary as the creation of the Music of the Spheres, as the creation of pulling all that is known to God together through the light and sound, the male and female, the electromagnetic energy fields, the phonon and the photon, the Intelligence and Substance of all Creation into the SYMPHONY OF LOVE that pulls everything back into this Oneness where a new form of reality is created through the CLIMAX of the Spheres within the spheres within the spheres Collapsing into Oneness as a Climax of Oneness with God is Achieved.

So, that is my Version of the Story of the Violet Flame, the Violet String, the Violet Sphere that I am holding in the palms of my hands in the picture took place the day Mary Magdalene Opened the First Ascension Portal, which is Mary Magdalene's Portal in 2008.

That was my memory of being Cecil, when I did this exact same thing with St. Germaine. I had also done this before 400 million years ago as a Mermaid, when Joe was my Dolphin Lover. Each time we have wove together the male and female Christ Consciousness or the All that is within the Violet String of the Harp into a New Symphony of Love for God to Experience.

And here we are just about to do it again.

We become one with source or all that God is by becoming one with all frequencies within the Cosmic Sun. That frequency signature of the Sun is OM. That is the name, just like my name is Of the Breath of Light. This meaning of OM includes moving every cell in your body into the plasma, the pre plasma, the gamma, the x ray, ultra violet blue, the white light, the heliotalic pink pastel and the Zero Point of the Infinite Unknown to allow all possibilities to present themselves.

The final stage of the alignment awaits the pure of heart. When the heart and mind are full of the ENTIRE SPECTRUM OF THE SUN, a TRANSFORMANCE WILL HAPPEN.

It will be the pure of heart whom join the fourth dimensional reality as the crystal heart absorbs more and more frequencies of all spheres and aligns into all crystal hearts as one crystal heart, the heart grows in purity.

This is what will cause the body to first become a ghost like plasma body and then a few seconds later a light body and then the body will disappear because it will move into the place that is now invisible to those in this realm.

The more we practice hearing and seeing that which can not be heard or seen, the easier this transformation takes place. This is why I have been practicing creating music that has such high frequencies that they cannot be heard on CD's and they shreek with frequencies that cannot be held on the wave player. However,most of them still sound wonderful on the mp3 player.

Well, that was until the last Plasma Brain album that I made. The music was audible on the CD player,but I'm sure I'm the only one who could hear it.

This is a problem at this time. I hear things and see things that others can not. So, I don't know how to translate my reality without listening to my audience complain about not hearing my music or not liking it. That is o.k. as long as you realize that it is not my fault that the third dimension will not create fourth dimensional technology. I will conform as long as I must.

When complete resonance of oneness is established, the crystal heart rings in purity.

This causes the new language, the frequency of oneness. multidimensional communication.

This purity of heart creates the cells of the heart, the head the entire crystal cell structure of the body to sing in resonance with the spirit body.

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