Beloved Lanto, 30 June 2009I AM Lanto, who has come to you today. And the purpose of my coming is to give you instructions, which I hope will be helpful in your daily life.Now that the cosmic cycles have changed, you are required to have qualities, skills and abilities that are different from those that mankind had at its disposal in the past centuries. And in the future the reasonable development of mankind will be impossible without mastering these new qualities and skills.You ought to feel it on yourself already. We warned you that the vibrations of planet Earth are moving to a new level*. And to ensure that you adjust to these vibrations, you have to completely reform your worldview. This is a very complex and laborious process. You should change your attitude to everything, and you should rebuild the entire system of relationships that exists in your society.This is not my initiative, and it is even less initiative of our messenger, it is something that has to happen inevitably because the future existence of mankind will not be possible without it.Humanity as a whole must master a new type of relationship. And these relations must become closer to the type of the relationships that exist among us, the Ascended Masters. Why don’t you follow our example and put aside your old off-grade type of relationships? Change your individualism to cooperation, grabbing the biggest piece of the pie to sharing your experience with the entire human family.Understand that the time has come to transition to a relationship based on friendship, love, mutual assistance and mutual support. And no matter how hard you try to cling to the usual stereotypes of behavior, they will invariably become things of the past; they will dissolve together with those imperfections that are inherent in your society today: wars, terrorism, epidemics, and economic crises. Your society is sick and has to move to a new level of consciousness and mindset to continue the evolution.We have warned you about the increase of the overall level of vibrations on the planet. And you have to follow this new level of vibrations. Anything that cannot adapt and change will be subject to gradual purification. You should carefully observe yourself and people around you. The same thing is happening right now that happened to an individual who was going through initiations at schools of mysteries in the past.To be exact, that individual was placed in a situation where the vibrations were above the usual level, normal for him. And all of his bodies: the physical and more subtle bodies were forced to adapt to a new level of vibrations. The increase of vibrations pushes all the negative energy blocks out of the person, those blocks that interpenetrated with the individual and peacefully coexisted with him for many of his embodiments. Therefore, the person becomes susceptible to various negative states of consciousness, various pains in his physical body, which can not be qualified as any ordinary diseases. His psyche goes through some changes, and he becomes nervous, unstable, irritable and gloomy. Does not it seem like a familiar picture to you?But what happened earlier in the schools of mysteries, applied to one person or a group of people. Your planet and the whole human community have entered the period of collective initiation.Thus, we make it clear to you that the passage of cosmic opportunity is growing narrow. It’s time for you to make a final choice: either you follow the path of evolution, or you become the chaff, waste.You might tell me that the Cosmic Law is treating you inhumanely. However, don’t you do the same in your own garden? You pull up the weeds, if they threaten your harvest. You cut the dead branches from trees and burn them.In the past millennia we have continually come to you through great number of prophets and messengers. And we always warned you that it is necessary to align the course of development of your civilization. You can not say that at least once in your lives you have not heard about our warnings.The fact that we are implementing our changes very gradually, gives you the opportunity to weigh everything one more time and let develop the best part of you.As long as there is time, think over my words. Weigh everything up. Do not try to solve everything at one blow. Small but continual efforts which you put in the right direction lead to better results.Karma, that you have created, has intertwined your destiny with the destinies of so many other people. Therefore, you can not abandon everything and rush to the woods or desert to save your own soul. You should put daily efforts to transform your relationship with your relatives and colleagues. You have to coordinate all the changes in your life with those people whom you have the most severe karma with.You can turn the most difficult karmic situation in a positive direction, but to achieve that you have to dedicate your whole life to untying your karma knots, and possibly – more than one life.Therefore, get ready for the hard work on yourself, on your shortcomings and always remember that when you help someone to solve their problems, then, by doing that you solve your own karmic problems. If you sincerely rejoice at somebody else’s achievements, then, by doing that, you acquire the whole momentum of achievements of this individual.There are many ways of how you can work out a very big amount of your karma for a short number of years, only making the right choices and showing the right attitude to the situations that life presents you with.I have given you an important Teaching, which will be indispensable to you in these years and days.I AM Lanto¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨* “An Important Message” The Presence of the One, December 28, 2007© Messenger Tatyana MickushinaTranslator Olga McBride
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  • Thank you Master Lanto
  • "The fact that we are implementing our changes very gradually, gives you the opportunity to weigh everything one more time and let develop the best part of you". uh hum who's changes are these exactly??? I wonder! and by whose choice are they coming about??
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