The Winged Lions of Eremor


Dear All,

In Canopus: Return of the Navigator, we spoke about the star Canopus and the current ascension of its planet Erra’mu from a denser-drifting 4D to  5-6D as its new (or regained) ‘anchoring platform of frequencies’. We also watched a beautiful flow of Sirian Whale and Leonine Beings envelop Erra’mu and then Canopus itself in a protecting 6D light-field, while the 5D crystalline light physical template and structures are reformed. Since then, so much more has been unfolding and shifting in our galactic region, which is culminating in a string of stellar and planetary ascensions as the ‘butterfly effect’ of the Light Wave sent from Source breezes through the galaxy….a wind of transmutation and transformation unfurling in a sequence that leaves no soul untouched, including us and our beautiful Gaia.

Many threads are drawing together, and another level of inner personal/interpersonal opening and clear-seeing became available for souls on Earth following an Ashtar Command mission on and around the planet in early January, 2017. On its completion, Ashtar gave these words:

As of this moment, the Wave of White is free to flow. As of this minute, the wings of the Lions of Eremor can be seen again. Together we have glazed the world’s windows clear to Light again. Windows are cleansed, blue of Truth flows, Star of the Eye shines its Seven. All points lit, firing crystal illumination. The blind shall see in One Accord (A-chord).

For some weeks prior to this, I dreamed and had meditation visions of Ashura&I in another form than our angelic higher self emanations – as upright white lion beings with golden eyes, white wings, soft feathery-feeling manes (different to the full round manes of Earth lions), and very long thick furry and feathery tails that remind me of the tails of Snow Leopards on Earth. 


In that form, we are ‘identical twins’…without visible difference of gendering, the feminine and masculine energies merged and expressing through identical representations, the One Flame of us in a twinned Shimura energy (Shimura come in countless variations, but signify beings in which leonine and carian (birdlike) aspects – which can include feline, dragon, angelic and humanoid energies and their sub-groups of all kinds – are fully merged, a complete whole, in the state of original unity before those soul energies divided and then polarized in(to) conflict in the lower dimensions). The winged lions of Eremor are one of these ancient unity expressions, who spread aeons ago from another universe (as did golden lion beings from a universe we call the Anjurian Universe, who came through the Lyran Portal), where they flowed in many directions, into many constellations. In remembering this and revisiting our journey through the Portal of the Eremor Universe into this one, I felt both Erra’mu and Sirius as closely connected to these beings. The timing of the great healing of the star Canopus now underway (‘bringing the Navigator back online’, as we hear and feel it) had a catalyst that Ashtar’s words about Eremor and the flow of the Wave of White brought into focus.

This focus converged fully on the night of the last New Moon, January 27. If you enjoy feeling into the vibrations of numeric sequences (an expression of inherent divine order in action) this date was an 11 gateway: 27-1-2017, where 2+7+1 =10 and 2017= 2+1+7 =10. 10+10=20, the Twinned 2 energy amplified, composed of 10+10, or 1+1, the 11 gate, with a repetition of 1,2 and 7, the number of Grace (the Seventh Dimension is filled literally with Divine Grace and the flow of its true magic). On that New Moon, a flowing of new Light was initiated for this new year, and with this new Light, the Portal from Eremor re-opened (the Eremor Universe exists in 7-12D), and the winged white Lions streamed through with many souls and star groups gathering to greet them. Here is the build-up of the gathering, as I photographed it that night, before the opening of the Portal…which began with a few streams of orbs in front of (from my point of view) Orion, toward Sirius and Canopus….which gradually amassed overhead.








Hopefully, you can feel through these few photos the in-flow of star groups and light souls represented by orbs of so many colours. Within them are many beings and collectives, here are a few where faces can be seen:




A lightship of glowing crystalline morphing colours flashed for a moment in the middle between Sirius and Canopus, the two brightest stars in the nightsky.


The Eremor Portal then opened as a brilliant white ellipse ringed with purple, straight above where the ship flashed (I’ve marked in the positions of Canopus and Sirius – you can see the Portal is about halfway between them, slightly above, forming a wide triangle with the two stars).



The sky steadily filled with a ‘snow’ of orbs, as if the whole Milky Way was flowing with the ‘milk of Nu(t)’ (the ancient Egyptian universal mother goddess who was depicted arched over the cosmos).


To orient yourself with this Portal, it is located within a long ‘diamond’ shape formed by Sirius, Canopus, Wazn (Beta Columbae) and Pi Puppis, second brightest star in the Puppis constellation – formerly part of the large Argo Navis constellation with Carina and Vela. The Eremor Portal is close to Pi Puppis, and to continue with numeric vibrations, in Chinese astronomy was seen as a member of an asterism of 9 stars called Hu Shi, the Bow and Arrow…of which Pi Puppis is the 9th star. 9 of 9 is a vibration of completion, the point of completion or fulfillment of a cycle, and known as the Angelic number, forever spiralling into the Infinite ‘O’, from which a new ‘1’ is born. (see my twin soul Bareld’s post about 3,6,9 for a deeper insight).


Wazn (Beta Columbae), the second brightest star of the Dove constellation, represents the ‘heart of the dove’. Columba has been associated symbolically with the Dove of Noah, which brought sign of land after the flood by carrying an olive twig in its beak back to the ark. The dove connection was also made from Greek myth with another ‘great ship’, the Argo Navis (of which Canopus was seen as the rudder) and Jason and the Argonauts’ search for the ‘Golden Fleece’. Jason sent a dove ahead of the ship to navigate safe passage between ‘clashing rocks’. Once the dove had passed between the rocks, the Argo Navis could pass safely through, without being broken into pieces.


Wazn from Arabic means measure, weigh or gauge, and the ‘heart star’ of the Dove of safe passage and safe landings has also a resonance here with the Ancient Egyptian ‘weighing of the heart’: where at death, a person’s heart was depicted as being weighed in scales against the feather of Ma’at, goddess of truth. If the heart weighed ‘as light as a a feather’, the person’s soul could go into the afterlife. If the heart weighed heavier than the feather, they fell into the jaws of the ‘soul-devourer’, Ammit. Beyond the polarity death/judgement/punishment interpretation of this concept, feel into it from an ongoing vibrational perspective: when your heart is light and joyful, your whole vibration rises, when it’s burdened with ‘heavy’ emotions, you sink into dense feelings of separation, divisiveness or isolation…hence expressions like ‘my heart sank like a stone’ or ‘I feel so light-hearted and happy’. Feel the difference? Where does it take you, vibrationally?

The heart of the Dove symbolizes Peace, Unity and Universal Love, the inflow of sacred light. Pi Puppis represents the point of completion of a cycle, the spiral of Life’s inbreath leading into a new outbreath of rebirth. The opening of the Eremor Portal and return of the winged Lions is catalyzing a broad-sweeping ripple of pure Love that is part of Source’s divine breath, part of its momentum for realigning all energies, souls and consciousness that have drifted or broken out of alignment, harmony, and connectedness with the Whole.  Like the broken ship of the Argonauts, humanity became fragmented and dis-aligned from divinity…but the true Golden Fleece – the golden light of resurrection, restoration and renewal – is re-igniting now throughout the galaxy, and every shift of every star and planet, especially those closest (in a higher dimensional soul-connected sense) ripples to the Earth, just as each ‘shift within the Shift’ here ripples to our wider galactic families and beyond. This is the work of Harmony and Grace, so feel and see the golden threads of light glowing and flowing within and throughout your own being, as they are between stars, for we are One, creating together in the universal creation.

A cluster within the constellation of Carina has been a hub of distortion (dis-alignment), pushing extremes for power and control, throughout the ‘polarity play’, and it is an immense joy to witness and feel its alpha star healing now. I’ve stood outside and through inner seeing, watched beams of white light radiating out from Canopus, its ‘star ship’ regaining its ability to steer with the Light. The ripple through that constellation and those adjoining is unravelling knots, opening closed doors, allowing through high light beings and energies, and gently but pervasively beginning to dissolve ‘the ties that bind yet inflict separation’. Deep transformations have occurred in Orion simultaneously with Erra’mu. In our star system, behind the scenes of the 3D drama, Earth is quietly unifying and ascending in frequency, closely aligned with our nearest neighbour Venus, which already has a well-established peaceful 5D civilization…that is now moving toward 6D. And this is vibrating to Earth, just as Erra’mu’s kindred planetary soul to Gaia is reconnecting and sending a resonance of the higher aligning shift there to Earth.

On the night of February 11th, following another large star family mission the preceding day, the star Sirius also showed breathtaking signs of new dimensional alignments in that system (Sirius B and planets from 5 to 6D, and Sirius A and C – the latter not visible in 3D – from 6 to 7D). While all the surrounding stars appeared to be their normal colours, Sirius began pulsing and flaring bring purple light in a way I’ve never seen before (and seem to be saying a lot lately, yay!) which showed through multiple photos, of which this was the first.


Purple light vibrates the energy of compassion. From compassion arises mercy, opening the way for Divine Grace, through the harmony, gratitude and bliss of the sixth dimensional frequencies. The Purple Star on/in Ashura&my lightship, the Meri’Ashar, contains and transmits this same quality, the Grace flow. The winged Lions of Eremor, as they step their soul energy through the opened Portal again, are radiating this 7D frequency….and the shifts keep flowing. Here’s Sirius again, that same night, with orbs of high healing Light….firstly, green energies of the Heart, then a shimmering (Shimura) rainbow orb of rebirthing energies, phoenix-like.




The star Procyon became extra bright while this was happening, also igniting, next in the sequence of upward shifts (Procyon is rising from 5 to 6D now, other star systems are going from 7 to 8, and 8 to 9). As I attuned with a member of the Procyon fleet, Commander Kudai, a soft cream-gold orb of his presence appeared between Sirius (upper left) and Procyon (lower right).



Following this, a very clear blue-violet orb appeared in the centre between the two stars, of the energies of Sirian &  Procyon souls lovingly merging…through the middle is the flow…


So, dear friends, be assured that the planetary ascension of Earth from 3 through 4 to 5D is part of a much wider movement, in divine sequence yet constantly adjustable and adaptable to each particular circumstance and energy – a movement of graceful expansion, through peace and harmony. A movement that is innately inside us all, around us all, and unstoppable….as we continue to open our hearts deeper, clear all ego resistances and deflections to unveil the true core of our being with total compassion and self-trust, and align unconditionally with this immense ‘restoration-in-progress’ flowing from the infinite Love that is Source.

Deepest thanks to all Light-bearers, our Love anchors incarnate on Earth, and to all beings of Light guiding, strenthening, and gifting their energy throughout this process multidimensionally….as we navigate this passage together. With Love to All,

Joanna&Ashura&Tanabor  <3


PS: To connect with 6D, see this previous post: Purify, Rise and Expand. The Whale & Dolphin star mentioned, Sirius C, has just transitioned from 6 to 7D, but these beautiful beings are masters of the 6D harmony and will continue flowing this frequency to the Earth.


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  • Another beautiful orb/soul group, sitting halfway between Canopus and Sirius, near Pi Puppis, in the Hu Shi asterism:


  • Pet Rock, there are indeed...:)) 

    Goldenmind, the 'winged horse' constellation is shifting up a dimension too...just feel it through you Golden heart...;))

    Canopus and Sirius last night (they're straight overhead at the moment, from this latitude - Perth, Australia)....with 'mirror orbs' holding identical positions to the two stars...

    8115711654?profile=originalAnd with the stars marked in (The Eremor Portal is near Pi Puppis):


    Many alignments of higher energies in progress between the's a whole network, the way it interweaves is showing more and more clearly. If you go into your Inner Heart, and tune in from there, you'll feel and see it...

    Exciting times for our galactic region...:)))

    Inner Heart
    The Earth is in the midst of a rise in its vibrational field – as are the beings, all life, travelling with it – from a three dimensional frequency b…
  • kittens in the orbs!!!

  • For those interested, this is a related post from 2015: Leonines and Carians: from the sky with Love

    Namaste <3

    Leonines & Carians: from the sky with Love
    Dear friends, Following the major ‘light beam’ that was sent through a planetary alignment on May 28, to loosen what we could term the ‘Set/Hades ene…
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